

单词 spinner
释义 I. spinner|ˈspɪnə(r)|
Forms: 3–4 spinnere, 4–6 spynner, 5 -ere, spynnare, 6 -ar, 5– spinner.
[f. spin v. + -er1. Cf. MDu. spinnere (Du. spinner), MHG. spinre (G. spinner).]
1. a. A spider, esp. one which spins a web.
Freq. c 1530–1615; now dial. or rhet.
c1220Bestiary 462 Natura aranee... Ðe spinnere on hire swid ȝe [? read spindle] weveð.c1440Promp. Parv. 469 Spynnare, or erany, aranea.1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. xviii. ix. (W. de W.) 763 A serpent..sucketh gladly the moysture therof as the spynner suckyth flies.1527Andrew Brunswyke's Distyll. Waters B j b, Whan a persone is stynged of a spynner.1574T. Hill Bees 10 The spinner through her web hanging downe before the hiue..doth much molest and trouble them.1601Holland Pliny II. 360 These be our common spiders or spinners which against wals vse to stretch out their large webs.1682H. More Annot. Glanvill's Lux O. 220 A Spinner hanging by its weak thread from the brim of ones Hat.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Spinner,..a small sort of harmless Spider.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 654 The spinner's web hangs in the yielding air incapable of molesting it.1838Murray's Handbk. N. Germ. 19 The forlorn attempt of a solitary spinner to establish himself in the corner of a window.1842Dumfries Herald Oct., Earwigs, beetles, and long-legged spinners, the living..residuum of the last cart⁓load of peas.1876Robinson Whitby Gloss., Spinner, a spider.
attrib.c1475Promp. Parv. 469 (K.), Spinnar webbe, tela aranee.1855[Robinson] Whitby Gloss., Spinner-web or Spinner-mesh, the spider's web.
b. A caterpillar which spins a web or cocoon; a silkworm. rare.
1598Florio, Cauagliere,..a silke worme or spinner.1841Harris Insects Massachusetts 239 Their caterpillars..are generally spinners, and, with few exceptions, make cocoons in which they are transformed.
c. dial. A daddy-longlegs, = jenny-spinner 1. Also spinner-fly.
1848Proc. Berw. Nat. Club II. 330 The larva of the long-legged spinner fly (Tipula oleracea, &c.).
2. a. One who spins cotton, wool, yarn, etc.; esp. one whose occupation it is to do this; a workman or workwoman engaged in spinning; one who attends to or works a spinning-machine.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. vii. 222 Hue spak to þe spynnesters [v.r. spinnere] to spynnen hit oute.c1400Destr. Troy 1595 Sporiors, Spicers, Spynners of clothe.1450Rolls of Parlt. V. 201/2 Many Cloth makers, that is to wite, men, Wevers, Fullers, Diers; and women, Kempers, Carders and Spynners.1536Act 28 Hen. VIII, c. 4 ⁋1 Weauers, tuckers, spinners, diers, and wulpikers.1573–80Tusser Husb. (1878) 122 Drie flax get in, for spinners to spin.1610–11Shuttleworths' Acc. (Chetham Soc.) 193 To a spinner, for spinning xvj days flaxe,..xvjd.1679T. Jordan Lond. in Luster 17 Carders, Spinners, Dyers, Wool-combers, Sheerers, Dressers, Fullers.1744H. Brooke Love & Vanity 211 Trust me from titled dames to spinners, 'Tis I make saints, whoe'er makes sinners.1776Adam Smith W.N. i. i. (1904) I. 8 The spinner is almost always a distinct person from the weaver.1833H. Martineau Manch. Strike 9 All present were spinners and power-loom weavers.1875Knight Dict. Mech. 1494/2 Previous to the invention of the mule few spinners could make yarn of 200 hanks to the pound.
fig.1881M. E. Braddon Asph. III. 175 My mother..was one of the lilies of the field,..my father..belonged to the toilers and spinners.
b. A manufacturer or merchant engaged in spinning, esp. cotton-spinning; a master-spinner.
1834Penny Cycl. II. 346/1 For several years, the market prices of cotton twist were fixed by Arkwright, all other spinners conforming to his scale.1863Bright Sp., Amer. 16 June (1876) 131 The wants of the spinners and the manufacturers of the world.1881H. Smart Race for Wife ii, The old county families are swept away by these spinners, brewers, solicitors, and such-like.
c. transf. The nightjar, Caprimulgus europæus.
1885Swainson Bird Names 97.
3. fig. One who spins, tells, or relates (a story, yarn, etc.).[1621Bp. R. Montagu Diatribæ 134 You were ἀµάχιτος, not to be dealt withall by any Postillating Breuiarist, or Polyanthean spinner up of Sermon webs.] 1770Monthly Rev. 72 Those mushroom romances, which our expert Novel spinners will manufacture in a Week.1851Hawthorne Twice-told T. II. vi. 97, I am a spinner of long yarns.1874Geo. Eliot Coll. Breakf. P. 31 Osric, spinner of fine sentences.1898L. Stephen Stud. Biogr. II. i. 5 Already an accomplished spinner of boyish stories.
4. a. = spinneret.
1815Kirby & Sp. Entomol. (1818) I. 406 If you examine a spider, you will perceive in this part [of the abdomen] four little teat-like protuberances or spinners.1839Darwin Voy. Nat. ix. 188 A spider..darted forth four or five threads from its spinners.1875Encycl. Brit. II. 292/1 The spinners consist of from one to three joints..; in Tetrablemma (Cambr.) they are enclosed in a kind of corneous sheath.
b. techn. A spinning-machine.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2269/2 Spinner, a general term for a spinning-machine... Specifically applied to a form of drawing and twisting device.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. II. 107/1 This gigantic spinner and weaver needs very little assistance from man.
5. One of the principal supporting threads of the spider's web.
1861Sat. Rev. 25 May 525 Long dark cables..looking like the first radial ‘spinners’ constructed by the spider to carry the finer and continuous tissue of his web.
6. Angling. a. One or other of several flies, or artificial imitations of these, used esp. in trout-fishing.
1787Best Angling (ed. 2) 104 June. The Palmers 5. The Great Red Spinner 5.1799–[see red spinner s.v. red a. 19].1867F. Francis Angling vi. 172 The spinners are only second in the estimation of the trout to the duns.Ibid. 181 The Brown Spinner..is another capital fly.1898Westm. Gaz. 5 May 4/2 He was using a small gilt spinner on fine tackle.
b. An angler who uses spinning-tackle.
1836F. Sykes Scraps fr. Jrnl. 70 A great advantage for the spinner, as a quantity of baits are always to be had.1867F. Francis Angling viii. 246 The very best spinners for large trout in the world are Thames fishermen.
c. (See quots.) Also attrib.
1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl. 840 Spinner, a trawling spoon-bait which revolves as it tows abaft the boat.Ibid., Spinner, a flanged attachment in connection with a fish⁓hook to cause a lively motion of the hook and bait.1895Outing XXVI. 358 A 6–0 hook with a lively smelt wired to it spinner fashion.
7. a. A device which spins round or revolves; a teetotum, a top.
1794G. Adams Nat. & Exp. Philos. IV. l. 383 Here is a small spinner with an iron axis: I spin the spinner, and then take it up by a magnet.1895Westm. Gaz. 25 July 3/3 His favourite game was the Erratic Spinner... These [i.e. ninepins] had to be knocked over with a top or spinner of polished steel.
b. A cricket-ball bowled with a spin.
1895Westm. Gaz. 2 Mar. 5/2 [He] got an undeniable spinner past the stubborn bat of the Lancashire man.
c. The person who tosses the coins in the game of two-up; come in spinner: the cry commonly used to start the game. Chiefly Austral.
1911L. Stone Jonah ii. vi. 215 The spinner placed the two pennies face down on the kip, and then, with a turn of the wrist, the coins flew twenty feet into the air.1945T. Ronan Strangers on Ophir 119 Cries of ‘Another quid to see him go. Get set on the side. All set, come in Spinner.’1948V. Palmer Golconda iv. 25 Step in, spinner... I'm backing heads... They're up. Fair go.1958‘N. Culotta’ They're a Weird Mob viii. 117 He began to play... ‘Come in, spinner’..I sang softly.1964[see kip n.6].1975L. Ryan Shearers 97 ‘All set?’ Lofty asked. ‘Set!’ Sandy said. ‘Come in, spinner!’
d. Agric. A rotating device for lifting potatoes out of the ground.
1923J. R. Bond Farm Implements & Machinery xi. 164 The old high-speed spinner did considerable damage to the tubers.1943J. W. Day Farming Adventure xvii. 197 Another machine with a great future is the potato digger or spinner.1960Times 5 July (Agric. Suppl.) p. viii/2 Spinners are still by far the most universal lifting appliances.1973M. Partridge Farm Tools through Ages v. 154/2 An iron share..preceded the spinner as the machine was hauled forward, serving to break down the soil.
e. Cricket. A spin bowler.
1951People 3 June 7/5 Jim Sims, Middlesex spinner, tells me that he's never felt fitter than he does this season.1963A. Ross Australia 63 13 Since the departure of Laker and Wardle no class spinner of any kind had emerged.1976Dexter & Makins Testkill 78 The spinner, Flinders,..hit Ackroyd for two staggering sixes into the Mound Stand.
f. Surfing. (See quot. 1970.)
1962Surfer (1962–3) Dec.–Jan. 52/2 (Advt.), One beautiful turn can't make a good movie, but{ddd}1286 beautiful turns, nose rides, spinners..can.1968Surfer Mag. Jan. 73/2 He showed them skeg-first takeoffs, spinners.1970Studies in English (Univ. of Cape Town) I. 31 Another popular hot dogging stunt is the spinner, in which the surfer turns himself in a full circle on the board, preferably while he is on the nose.
8. Something which moves rapidly.
1881Daily Tel. 5 July 2/1 These crank and nimble spinners [i.e. racing yachts] give you no chance of looking about.
9. A workman who ‘spins’ metal plate.
1884[see spin v. 11 d].
10. Aeronaut. A metal fairing that is attached to and revolves with the propeller boss of an aircraft in order to streamline it.
1918Flight 11 July 767/2 The airscrew..had its boss enclosed in the usual ‘spinner’.1944R.A.F. Jrnl. Aug. 287 Peter looked at..the starboard engine cowling, and the spinner revolving at high speed, yet so perfectly made that it seemed to be a motionless dome.1969K. Munson Pioneer Aircraft 1903–14 159/1 The 2-blade propeller had a shallow, bowl-shaped spinner similar to that fitted to the Bristol M.1C.
11. Comb.: spinner magnetometer, a magnetometer used to measure the remanent magnetism of rocks, baked clay, etc., in which a sample is spun between coils and induces in them a current dependent on the strength and direction of the magnetic field; see also spinning magnetometer s.v. spinning vbl. n. 8 d.
1955Jrnl. Geophysical Res. LX. 332 Spinner magnetometer. This magnetometer is a further development of the type first pioneered by Johnson.1963Jrnl. Sci. Instruments XL. 162/1 The sensitivity of the spinner magnetometer is proportional to the speed at which the specimen is rotated.1973Nature 4 May 28/2 The remanent magnetizations were measured with a spinner magnetometer.

Add:[II.] [7.] g. A device or machine consisting of a rotating drum which acts as a centrifuge, esp. to remove excess liquid from its contents; spec. = spin-drier n.
1961Guardian 22 Mar. 8/3 A built-in spin-rinse percolating downwards through the clothes to give an effective rinse, hitherto lacking in the conventional spinner.1963A. J. Hall Textile Sci. vi. 282 Detergent liquor..has to be removed in successive stages of mangling (or by hydro-extraction using a ‘spinner’ or centrifuge).1971Which? Mar. 81/1 We also bought the Hoover Twosome—a single tub washer with a spinner which can be bought separately and clipped on.1981Clark & Swaine Home Managem. x. 242 Some physical action is still required..in lifting the washing from the wash tub into the spinner.1985Chicago Tribune 19 Sept. vii. 6/2 Bloomstrand suggests using a salad spinner for washing and drying lettuce.
II. spinner
(a ship): see spinace.




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