

单词 crossbite
释义 ˈcrossˌbite, v. Obs.
Also 6–7 crosbite.
[cross- 6.]
1. trans. To bite the biter; to cheat in return; to cheat by outwitting; to ‘take in’, gull, deceive.
1532Dice-Play (Percy Soc.) 30 If ye lack contraries, to crosbite him withall, I shall lend you a pair of the same size that his cheats be.1591Greene Disc. Coosnage To Reader, When a broaking knaue cros-biteth a Gentleman with a bad commoditie.1672Wycherley Love in Wood v. vi, Fortune our foe..By none but thee our projects are cross-bit.1717Prior Alma iii. 365 As Nature slily had thought fit, For some by-ends to cross-bite wit.1823Scott Peveril xxviii, If your Grace can..throw out a hint to crossbite Saville, it will be well.
2. To attack or censure bitingly or bitterly.
1571Golding Calvin on Ps. xii. 5 He crossbyteth the courtly clawebackes [sed aulicos caluminiatores perstringit].1581Rich Farewell (1846) 154 She..would crossbite hym with tauntes and spitefull quippes.1685F. Spence House of Medici 416 The Pope..unwilling to incense him by fruitlesly cross-biting his election.1697Collier Ess. Mor. Subj. ii. (1709) 74 Cross biting a Country Evidence, and frighting him out of Truth, and his Senses.
Hence ˈcrossbite n., a cheat, trick, swindle, deception; ˈcrossbiter, one who ‘crossbites’, a swindler; ˈcrossbiting vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1591Greene Disc. Coosnage To Rdr., When the nip, which the common people call a cutpurse, hath a cros-bite by some bribing officer.1692Wagstaffe Vind. Carol. xxvi. 120 Unless he could give them the Cross-bite.1711Puckle Club (1817) 98 Besides the danger of a cross-bite.1592Greene Groat's W. Wit D iv b, The legerdemaines of nips, foysts, conicatchers, crosbyters.1656Earl of Monmouth Advt. fr. Parnass. 185 Dame Nature, who greatly hates cheaters, and crosbiters.1576Whetstone Rocke of Regard 50 (N.) Crosbiting, a kind of cousoning under the couler of friendship.1615Chapman Odyss. xv. 551 The cross-biting Phoenicians.1674Cotton Compl. Gamester, They effect their purpose by cross-biting, or some other dexterity.a1734North Exam. i. ii. §l. (1740) 55 Affronts, Tergiversations, Crossbitings, personal Reflections, and such like.




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