

单词 spitously
释义 spitously, adv. Obs.
Forms: α. 4 spitusli (5 -ly), spytously, 4–5 spitously (4 -liche, 5 -lich); 5 spetously, -owsle. β. 5 spiteousely, -iously. γ. 5 spet-, spytuously, spytt-, spituosly, spiteuoseli, spytwysly.
[f. prec.]
= despitously adv.
α13..Cursor M. 5082 (Gott.), Þe coupe into ȝour seck put i, And presuned ȝou ful spitusli.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1285 Alle he spoyled spitously in a sped whyle.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 321 Þe childe anon þrewe doun þe crowne, and tradde þeron spitousliche wiþ his feet.c1440Cast. Persev. 27 Spylt is man spetously, whanne he to synne asent.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 43 The houndes..chaced and bote hem spitously bi the eeres and thies.
βc1400Destr. Troy 3698 Hit spirit vp spitiously fyue speire lenght.c1460Pol., Rel., & L. Poems (1903) 204 Whan I smote so spiteousely.
γc1440Partonope 2003 A stroke smote he Vpon Sornogour[s] helme so gay, So spetuously that he gan affray.c1450in Aungier Hist. Syon Monast. (1840) 261 If any ley vyolente hande upon her souereyne or spituosly smyte or wownde her.1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. xviii. vii. 753 A boore resyth full spytuously ayenste the poynt of a spere of the hunter.




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