

单词 absolete
释义 absolent, absolete
erroneous forms due to a confusion between absolute and obsolete, which latter frequently appears as absolute even in good writers of 6–7, while absolute was similarly transformed into obsolute. The confusion was partly due to form, partly to sense 4 of absolute, completed, finished; hence, by easy transition, done with.
a1550Sq. of Lowe Degre 630 in Hazl. E.P.P. II. 47 They called hym knyght absolent.1621Burton Anat. Mel. ii. iv. i. i Their medicines absolete, and now most part rejected.1640Wilkins Disc. concg. New Planet (1684) ii. 3 To think everything that is antient to be absolute.1642Howell For. Trav. 44 Or they are some absolet peeces reflecting happily upon the times of Cosmo de Medici.1660Stillingfleet Irenicum (1662) i. vi. §6. 121 Either in reviving absolete customes, or imposing new.1679Oates Myst. Iniq. 10 These..labour to reduce their Society to an obsolute Monarchy.1687Settle Reflect. on Dryden's Plays 7 How many times he uses that damn'd canting absolete word [Host] for Army in one Play.




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