

单词 Crown office
释义 Crown office
a. The office in which was transacted, at certain stages, the business of the Crown side of the King's Bench, i.e. criminal business and business relating to the prerogative writs of mandamus, quo warranto, and prohibition. It is now a department of the Central Office of the High Court of Justice.
1631Weever Anc. Fun. Mon. 700 A Clarke or Officer in the Kings Bench, whose function is to frame..Indictments against..offenders..called Clarke of the Crowne office.1736C. Ford in Swift's Lett. (1768) IV. 161, I indicted him in the crown-office, the terror of the low people.1842Chitty Practice III. 30 The Master of the Crown Office transacts a considerable portion of business on the Crown or criminal side of the Court.
b. In Chancery: The office in which the Great Seal is, for most purposes, affixed. It has absorbed other Chancery offices which supervised the sealing of certain documents, e.g. the Petty Bag office, from which issued writs for parliamentary elections. The Crown office now transacts all that remains of the common law business of the Chancery.
1863H. Cox Instit. i. viii. 111 All elections..take place by virtue of writs issued out of the Crown-office in Chancery.1892Anson Law & Cust. Const. II. 149 It is in the Crown Office in Chancery that the Great Seal is, for most purposes, affixed.




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