

单词 sprankle
释义 I. sprankle, n. Obs. rare.
[Cf. next and WFris. sprankel.]
A spark or sparkle.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xv. cxviii. (Bodl. MS.), Fuyre come downe fro heuen and brend þe countrey to asschen,..and som liknes þerof is ȝitte iseen, in sprankles & iselen on treen.c1475Partenay 4016 With teres makyng sprancles manyon.
II. sprankle, v. Obs.
[= Du. sprankelen, WFris. sprankelje: cf. prec. and sprank2.]
1. intr. To throw out sparks; to sparkle.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 237 For the workes of mankynde defouled þe ayer so hiȝe,..by worschippynge of fuyre þat smokede and spranclede vp so hiȝe.1398Barth. De P.R. viii. xxix. (Tollem. MS.), In nyȝte rowynge, yf þe mone lyȝte sprankeleþ on þe oris, þan tempeste schal come in schorte tyme.Ibid. xvi. xxix, Crisolitus is a litel stone of Ethiopia schynynge as golde, and sprankelynge as fire.
2. To crackle.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 319 Salt Agrigentinus..melteþ in fuyre, and lepeþ and sprankeleþ [v.r. sprancleth] in water.1398Barth. De P.R. xvii. xxxi. (Bodl. MS.), Þe gode [reed] sprankeleþ in þe mouþe and [is] ful swete.
Hence sprankling vbl. n. Obs.—1
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. viii. xxxiii. (Tollem. MS.) By chaungynge of coloure and sprankelynge of bemis.




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