

单词 springald
释义 I. springal
see springle n.1 and n.2
II. ˈspringal(d1 Obs. exc. Hist.
Forms: α. 4, 6 spryngalle (5 -al), 4 spryngelle, -ele, 5 -ell; 4 springal (-ol), 4, 6 -all. β. 4–5 spryngald(e (5 -olde), 4–6 (9) springald (5 -alt, -olt).
[ad. OF. espringale, -alle cf. espringal), or a. AF. springalde (Anglo-Lat. springaldum), app. f. OF. espringuer spring v.1 Hence also MDu. and MHG. springale, MLG. springal.]
An engine of the nature of a bow or catapult, used in mediæval warfare for throwing heavy missiles; also, a missile thrown by an engine of this kind.
α13..Coer de L. 4346 The Sarezynes..schotte with arweblaste and spryngalles.c1380Sir Ferumb. 3310 Summe springols stiþe bente, & schute gleyues scherpe.c1410Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) ii, He smyteth as a stroke of a spryngell, for he hath gret strength in þe hed and in the Body.1523Ld. Berners Froissart I. cxliv. 172 This castell..was well fortyfied with springalles, bombardes, bowes, and other artillary.
β1305–6in Cat. Doc. rel. Scotl. (1888) 392 Unum springald cum balistis et quarellis.1375Barbour Bruce xvii. 247 Spryngaldis and schotis..That till defend castell afferis, He purvait.c1400Rom. Rose 4191 And eke withynne the castelle were Spryngoldes, gunnes, bows, archers.1422in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. I. 95 Being at the Siege of Harflewe, there smyten with a Springolt through the hede.1568Grafton Chron. II. 281 This Castell..was well fortefied with Springaldes, Bombardes, Bowes, and other Artillery.1909W. Deeping Red Saint xl. 340 The King's men who still held the castle, had thrown springalds of fire down upon the houses, setting the thatch ablaze.
III. ˈspringal(d2 Now arch.
Forms: α. 5 sprynhold, 6 spryngolde, 6–7 springold(e, 6 -hold, -olte, -ol (springehole). β. 6 spryng-, springalde, -hald, 6–7, 9 springald (9 -alt). γ. 6 spryngall, 6–9 springal, -all; 8 springle.
[Of doubtful origin; perh. a formation from spring v.1 suggested by prec. In very common use from c 1500 to 1650; in 19th cent. revived by Scott.]
1. A young man, a youth, a stripling.
αc1440Alph. Tales 221 When he was a grete yong sprynhold, sho wold kys hym & halsse hym.1518Whitinton De Heteroclitis Nom. A iv, Pubes, spryngolde.1534Tullyes Offices i. (1540) 48 Marcus Drusus, a yong springolte of synguler granyte.1535Goodly Primer, Passion iii, A certain young springhold that followed Christ.a1575tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden No. 36) 186 He banished this springehole as relagate in Fraunce.1664Cotton Scarron. i. Wks. (1725) 46 Queen Dido ravish'd to behold The Carriage sweet of this Springold.
β1501Douglas Pal. Hon. i. xlv, Lustie Springaldis and mony gudlie lord.1535Coverdale Dan. i. 17 God gaue now these foure spryngaldes connynge and lernynge.1611Beaum. & Fl. Knt. Burning Pestle ii. ii, Sure the Devil, God bless us, is in this Springald.1816Scott Old Mort. xiii, ‘A pretty springald this, upon my honour!’ said Claverhouse.1824Byron Juan xv. lxx, Also the younger men too: for a springald Can't, like ripe age, in gourmandise excel.1892Gunter Miss Dividends (1893) 197 This will bring your young springald down here very suddenly, I imagine.
γ1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 123 Beholdyng a certain young spryngall.1589? Lyly Pappe w. Hatchet D iij b, Springalls and vnripened youthes, whose wisedomes are yet in the blade.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 374 This was their education till 17. yeares of age: at which time they were of the second ranke of Springals and youths.1693Dryden, etc. Juvenal (1697) 269 Go, boast your Springal, by his Beauty curst To Ills.1720Mrs. Manley Power of Love (1741) 242 The young Springle..promised her all she could ask.1748–58M. Mendez Sqr. Dames i. xv. in Dodsley Coll. Poems (1755) IV. 130 The springal was in wholesom lustihed.1819Scott Ivanhoe xii, This same springal, who conceals his name,..hath already gained one prize.1890F. W. Robinson Strange Family 68, I loved this..warm-hearted, hot-headed springall.
2. attrib. as adj. Youthful, adolescent.
Cf. Cheshire dial. springow, nimble, active.
a1614J. Melvill Diary (Wodrow Soc.) 119 To be sa miserablie corrupted in the entress of his springall age.1633Ford Broken Heart iii. ii, Your fiery metal, or your springal blaze Of huge renown.




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