

单词 sprinkling
释义 I. ˈsprinkling, vbl. n.1
[f. sprinkle v.1]
1. The action of the verb in various senses.
c1440Alph. Tales 83 With þe sprenclyng of his wengis, þe peper & þe sauce light vppon bathe thies gosseps.c1440Promp. Parv. 470/2 Sprenkelynge, or strenkelynge, aspercio, conspercio.1535Coverdale Heb. xii. 24 The sprenklynge off bloude, that speaketh better then the bloude of Abel.1608Bp. Hall Epist. 4 Your clericall shauings,..your crossings, creepings, censings, sprinklings, your cozening miracles.1611Cotgr., Espardement, a scattering, sprinkling, dispersing, dissipation.1726Ayliffe Parergon 103 Immersion is not strictly necessary unto Baptism; but it may be perform'd even by Effusion or Sprinkling.1846Baxter Libr. Pract. Agric. II. 59 The frequent sprinkling of the gypsum upon stable floors.1874H. H. Cole Catal. Ind. Art S. Kens. Mus. App. 288 Rosewater Stand, surmounted by eight squirts for sprinkling.
2. A small quantity sprinkled or to be sprinkled.
1657Davenant Gondibert ii. i. 35 Bring Sprinklings, Lamp, and th' Altar's precious breath.a1700B. E. Dict. Cant. Crew s.v. Dash, A soft Shower, or a sprinkling of Rain.1727Swift City Shower Wks. 1755 III. ii. 38 Such is that sprinkling, which some careless quean Flirts on you from her mop.1760R. Brown Compl. Farmer ii. 72 A little sprinkling of dung or mud upon rye-land will mightily advance a crop.1835W. Irving Tour Prairies 125 As could be seen by sprinklings of blood here and there on the shrubs.1842Loudon Suburban Hort. 667 A sprinkling of salt, or of wood ashes,..may be scattered on the surface of the beds.1872Black Adv. Phaeton iv. 36 A sprinkling of rain about his big brown beard.
3. fig.
a. A small or slight quantity or amount.
1594Nashe Terrors of Night Wks. (Grosart) III. 247 Men which haue had some little sprinkling of Grammer learning in their youth.1600Holland Livy xliv. xxvi. 1186 Himselfe brought with him..some litle sprinkling of gold to deale among a few of them.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Epid. 32 It containeth strange and singular relations, not without some spice or sprinckling of all learning.1693Dryden Disc. Satire Ess. (Ker) II. 108 Some sprinklings of this kind I had also formerly in my plays; but they were casual, and not designed.1706A. Bedford Temple Mus. iii. 62 The Noise may seem to pretend to a dash and sprinkling of Art.1798Hull Advertiser 23 June 4/4 Corn Exchange. We had a pretty sprinkling of wheat fresh in this morning.1840Florist's Jrnl. (1846) I. 152 We require a little sprinkling of philosophy.1844Mem. Babylonian Princess II. 190 Few of these people are without some sprinkling of knowledge.
b. A small number scattered or distributed here and there.
1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. iii. xv. 182 We haue a sprinkling of our Gentry, heere and there one, excellently well learned.1706E. Gibson Assize Serm. Popery 3 A sprinkling of gray hairs foretels the approaches of old age.1721Mortimer Husb. (ed. 2) II. 125 You may sow..a sprinkling of Carrots or Lettice between them the first Year.1809European Mag. LV. 20 There was a pretty good ‘sprinkling’ of genteel company..in the promenades.1854H. Miller Sch. & Schlm. (1858) 51 My native town had possessed..its sprinkling of intelligent, book-consulting mechanics and tradesfolk.1876Freeman Norm. Conq. V. xxv. 545 Every man..to whom a sprinkling of foreign words seemed an ornament of speech.
4. attrib. and Comb., as sprinkling-brush, sprinkling-cart, sprinkling glass, sprinkling-machine, sprinkling-pitcher, sprinkling water; sprinkling irrigation = spray irrigation s.v. spray n.2 3 c.
1596Nashe Saffron Walden Wks. (Grosart) III. 142 Following him, with his sprinkling glasse,..from place to place.1648Hexham ii, Een Bespruyt-kruycke, a Sprinkling, or a Spout-picher for gardens.a1653Gouge Comm. Heb. ix. 9 There was also a sprinkling water to sprinkle on such as should be unclean.1859Holmes Aut. Breakf.-t. ii. 24 A man driving a sprinkling-machine.1876L. Stephen Eng. Th. 18th C. I. iv. vi. 256 Even the same form of sprinkling-brush was retained.1896Harper's Mag. XCII. 812/2 He..got a job at driving a sprinkling-cart.1927Bull. New Jersey Agric. Exper. Station No. 453. 3 Three general methods of irrigation, known as surface, sub-, and sprinkling irrigation have been developed.Ibid., Sprinkling irrigation, also known as overhead or Skinner irrigation, from the name of the inventor, is the method of watering crops by means of spray from small nozzles.
II. ˈsprinkling, vbl. n.2 Obs.
[f. sprinkle v.2]
The fact of sparkling.
1548Elyot, Scintillatio,..a sprynclyng vp as newe wyne dooeth in the cuppe.1582Batman Barth. De P.R. viii. xxxiii. 135 b/2 By chaunging of coulour, and sprincklyng of beames.
III. ˈsprinkling, ppl. a.
[f. sprinkle v.1]
1. Scattering small drops or particles.
In quot. 1567 perh. ‘sparkling’, f. sprinkle v.2
1567Turberv. Epit., Upon Death of R. Edwards 78 b, Welles..Whose sprinckling springs and golden streames ere this thou well didst knowe.1621W. Sandys Ovid's Met. (1626) 110 Back to the shore she casts a heauy eye;..And from the sprinkling waues..shrinks her trembling feete.1716Gay Trivia ii. 421 When..dex'trous damsels twirl the sprinkling mop.1757Dyer Fleece i. 464 Lo! in the sprinkling clouds your bleating hills Rejoice with herbage.1859Tennyson in Ld. H. Tennyson Mem. (1897) I. 456 A few sprinkling springlets by the wayside.
2. Falling in scattered drops.
1632Lithgow Trav. iv. 137 [Her] pittifull lookes, and sprinkling teares.1666W. Boghurst Loimographia (1894) 29 There being no raine at all, but a little sprinkling Showre.
Hence ˈsprinklingly adv.
1615H. Crooke Body of Man 898 They offer also small shootes sprinklingly vnto the skin of the chest.1657J. Sergeant Schism Dispach't 286 He speaks his non-sence, sleightly, sprinklingly.




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