

单词 sprittle
释义 I. ˈsprittle, n. Obs.—1
In 4 spritell.
[f. the stem of sprit v.1 Cf. OE. sprytele chip, OHG. spruzil bar, MHG. sprüzzel stave, G. dial. sprüssel young shoot, stave (of a ladder).]
A shoot or young twig.
a1400Stockh. Med. MS. i. 445 in Anglia XVIII. 306 Take to handfull of ȝonge elerne-spritell And schrape of þe ouerest bark with a qwetyll.
II. ˈsprittle, v. Obs. exc. dial.
[Of obscure origin.]
trans. To scrape or pick with some instrument; to dig up in this way.
1575Banister Chyrurg. i. (1585) 254 Then with a brasse or yron pipe..thrust into the bottome of it, [they] do sprittle it up by the roots.1904in Eng. Dial. Dict. (Notts., Linc.).




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