

单词 spud
释义 I. spud, n.|spʌd|
Also 5–6 spudde, 7 spudd.
[Of obscure origin.]
1. A short and poor knife or dagger. Obs.
c1440Promp. Parv. 471/1 Spudde, cultellus vilis.c1450Cast. Persev. 1402 With my spud of sorwe swote, I reche to þyne herte rote.1530Palsgr. 274/2 Spudde.1589Fleming Virg. Georg. ii. 24 The Volces also bearing darts (or spuds in shape like spits).1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xxix. i. 352 The one..with a spud or dagger was wounded almost to death.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Spud, a short scurvy knife.1823–4in Poole Wexford Gloss. (1867) 69 Spud, a knife.
2. An iron head or blade socketed on or fixed to a plough-staff. Obs.—1
1613Markham Eng. Husbandman C, The Husbandman which liueth in durty and stiffe clayes, can neuer goe to plough without..the Aker-staffe,..a pretty bigge cudgell, of about a yarde in length, with an Iron spud at the end.
3. a. A digging or weeding implement of the spade-type, having a narrow chisel-shaped blade.
1667Pepys Diary 10 Oct., We..begun with a spudd to lift up the ground.1728Swift Past. Dial. Wks. 1755 III. ii. 203 My spud these nettles from the stones can part; No knife so keen to weed thee from my heart.1773Mrs. Delany Life & Corr. (1861) I. 570, I sally'd out in a rage, arm'd with a spud.1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. II. 748 In making the pits or holes, the earth is taken out by a spade or spud.1856A. Andrews Eighteenth Cent. 24 It was of the length and size of the ‘spud’, an agricultural weapon which old farmers persist in carrying about with them in their war upon weeds.1877Blackmore Cripps xxxi, The Squire still looking very pale and feeble, but with the help of his favourite spud, managing to get along.
fig.a1876M. Collins Pen Sketches (1879) II. 51 They reappear inevitably, though the heavy harrow of argument, and the light spud of wit have both been used upon them.
Comb.1891M. M. Dowie Girl in Karp. 226 She shook a bannock carefully from the spud-shaped spade to bake.
b. A digging fork with three broad prongs.
1805R. W. Dickson Pract. Agric. II. 757 The labourer makes use of a three-pronged fork, which in some places is termed a spud{ddd}each prong being about an inch and a half in breadth.1848Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. IX. 551 Digging is done with a strong three-forked tool called a hop-spud.1883J. Y. Stratton Hops & Hop-pickers 22 Kentish labourers dig with a spud or fork with three blade-like prongs.
attrib.1848Jrnl. R. Agric. Soc. IX. ii. 560 Letting the earth fall loosely between the spud-spens.
c. techn. (See quot.)
1864Holtzapffel Turning II. 813 As the veneer is sawn off, the attendant leads the veneer on to the guide, by means of a spud, or a thin blunt chisel.
d. A small instrument with enlarged end used in ocular and other surgery. Also attrib.
1869G. Lawson Dis. Eye 57 The foreign body..may be easily removed by a spud..or by a broad needle.1895Arnold & Sons' Catal. Surg. Instrum. 144 Spud and Gouge (combined), in screw ivory case.Ibid., Spud Knife.
e. U.S. (See quots.)
1871Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin. I. 378 If the [surveying] station was intended to be a permanent one, a spud, as it is called, that is, a nail resembling a horseshoe nail with a hole in the head, is driven into the timbers over the station.1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2292/2 Spud,..a spade-shaped implement, used in fishing for broken tools in a well.
f. Forestry. A chisel-like implement used to remove the bark from timber.
1914Moon & Brown Elem. Forestry 383 Spud, a tool for removing bark.1919N. C. Brown Forest Products iii. 68 The spudder..proceeds to peel off the bark by inserting the spud between the bark and the wood, and gradually pries it off.1966A. E. Wackerman et al. Harvesting Timber Crops (ed. 2) viii. 198 Some [Redwood bark] is still removed by hand with spuds, but hydraulic methods are also in use. Mechanical power spuds are also used, as are tractors with spud attachments similar to dozer blades.
g. = spade lug s.v. spade n.1 5.
1917Proc. Inst. Automobile Engineers XII. 80 A machine with a 30 cwt. axle loading and short spuds pulls partly by adhesion and partly by grip.1933Watson & More Agriculture (ed. 3) i. v. 157 A disadvantage of wheeled tractors is that the spuds or bars that are needed on the wheels for soft land are damaging to roads.1950C. Davies Mechanized Agric. vi. 39 There are many designs of this [skeleton wheel]—as, in fact, there are of wheel lugs, spuds and cleats.
h. Thatching. (See quots.)
1939H. J. Massingham Country Relics i. 13 The equipment is the same when a roof is rethatched, except for the addition of a thatching spud still used by the older thatchers... It is a light, squarish slab of wood..with one end chamfered on both sides to an edge and an oblong slit cut out at the other end through which the fingers pass when the tool is grasped. It is thrust up into the old thatch at the eaves in order to make an opening for the new yealm to be made fast at its thin end.1968J. Arnold Shell Book of Country Crafts 185, I watched one man..driving home his pegs with a flat oblong board: this had a spade-like handle and was called a ‘spud’.1972[see legget].
4. A short or stumpy person or thing.
1687Miége Gt. Fr. Dict. 11, A Spud, or little Fellow.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Spud,..a Short-arse, or little despicable Fellow.a1825–in dialect glossaries (E. Angl., Essex, Devon, Cornw.).1847Halliw., Spud, a baby's hand. Somerset.1900Daily News 26 Apr. 3/1 That baby..everlastingly holds out its spuds of arms.
5. a. A potato. slang and dial.
Cf. spuddy as a nickname for ‘a seller of bad potatoes’ in Mayhew Lond. Lab. (1851) I. 24/2.
1845E. J. Wakefield Adventure in N.Z. I. xi. 319 Pigs and potatoes were respectively represented by ‘grunters’ and ‘spuds’.1860Slang Dict. 225 In Scotland, a spud is a raw potato; and roasted spuds are those cooked in the cinders with their jackets on.1868Good Wds. Xmas No. 6/1 My..neighbour stretched out his hand to help himself to ‘spuds’.1898Westm. Gaz. 6 Oct. 7/2 Three-quarters of a pound of meat and a pound of bread are the rations, spuds and pudding being thrown in.
b. = potato n. 5 d. slang.
1960I. MacCormick Small Victory 86 Are you any good at darning socks, Sister? I got a spud in my spare pair.1978M. de Larrabeiti Rose beyond Thames 34 There were huge spuds in the heels of their socks.
6. Each of a number of poles that can be put out from a dredger and stuck into the bed or bank of the river so as to keep the vessel stationary.
1891F. Wyatt Phosphates of America iv. 51 The boats are held in position at the four corners by ‘spuds’ or strong square poles with iron points, which are dropped into the water before dredging is begun.1912C. Prelini Dredges & Dredging xx. 166 The bow spuds are of great size, 43 in. square and 52 ft. long.1925G. W. Pickels Drainage & Flood-Control Engin. xiv. 397 Spuds are devices for holding the hull still while the dredge is working. There are three of them, one at the center of the stern and one at each side near the front end. The rear spud is always vertical and consists of a heavy timber with a pointed iron shoe at its lower end which moves in a box or guide frame attached to the hull. When lowered, the pointed end is forced into the bottom of the ditch or river and prevents the rear end of the hull from moving. The spud is raised by a cable operated by the spud engine. The side spuds may be either vertical or inclined.Ibid. 398 Inclined spuds are fastened to the A-frame and their lower ends rest on the banks, hence they are called bank spuds.1969R. Hammond Mod. Dredging Pract. iv. 136 The spuds are provided with sliding collars in order to allow for the wide range of dredging depths.
7. Plumbing. A short length of pipe used as a connecting piece between two components or taking the form of a projection from a fitting to which a pipe may be screwed.
1905Internat. Libr. of Technol. LXXI. §15. 68 The end..of the spud is threaded iron-pipe size for screwing into the tapping of an ordinary iron kitchen boiler.1907R. M. Starbuck Mod. Plumbing Illustr. 123 Ventilation..consists in connecting a pipe from the local vent spud on the water-closet bowl to a heated flue.1908A. G. King Practical Steam & Hot Water Heating & Ventilation xi. 105 The branches should be one size larger than the vertical pipe or ‘spud’ supplying the radiator valve, or one size larger than the riser which they feed.1939[see spud wrench in sense 8 below].1972J. Hastings Plumber's Compan. 184 The ‘spud connection’ is a brass fitting comprising a socket on one end for receiving the nozzle and on the other end a male thread for connecting a pipe.
8. attrib. and Comb., as spud barber slang, one who peels potatoes; spud-bashing slang (orig. Mil.), the peeling of potatoes; spud can Oil Industry, a structure that can be sunk into a soft sea-bottom by temporary ballasting and then used as the base of a tower platform extending above the surface of the water; Spud Islander Canad. slang, a native or inhabitant of Prince Edward Island, which is noted for its fine potatoes; spud line: in slang phr. in the spud line, pregnant; spud wrench (see quots. 1939, 19601).
1935A. J. Pollock Underworld Speaks 112/2 Spud barber, a potato peeler (prison).1961G. Foulser Seaman's Voice 48 The galley-boy [was] just a spudbarber after all.
1940, etc. Spud-bashing [see bashing vbl. n. 3].1980Times 13 Nov. 10/1 Between dashing home from the office..and having a bath, there is not much time for spud bashing.
1975Offshore Sept. 49-04/3 Spud cans are designed for soft seabeds, giving minimum penetration.1976Offshore Platforms & Pipelining 53/3 The tower base consists of a truss-reinforced stiffened shell called a spud can... After the tower is uprighted, the spud can is artificially forced into the ocean bottom until the desired load-carrying capability is reached.
1957Globe Mag. (Toronto) 29 June 4/2 (caption) Spud Islanders are known throughout Canada for the quality of their potatoes.1962G. MacEwan Blazing Old Cattle Trail xxxiii. 222 In 1900, the twenty-four-year-old ‘Spud Islander’ journeyed to the far Northwest.
1937J. Curtis There ain't no Justice xxiv. 245 You mean she's in the spud line?1967H. W. Sutherland Magnie vi. 80 It couldn't have been himself that put Kathleen Ertall in the spud line.
1939W. T. Walters Steam & Hot Water Fitting x. 145 Spud Wrenches. This type of wrench is another handy tool. It is made to fit the spuds of the different sizes of the union radiator valves and traps.1960S. P. Oppenheimer Erecting Structural Steel vii. 93 The open-end spud wrench..is the most common... It is so called because the handle is formed into a long, heavy pin (or spud) that is thrust through and used by the erection men for matching up holes in connections to be fastened together.1960D. A. Halperin Building with Steel xii. 163/1 It is permissible to tighten the bolts with a long handled socket or spud wrench.
II. spud, v.|spʌd|
[f. prec. 3.]
1. trans. To dig up or out, to remove, by means of a spud.
1652W. Blithe Eng. Improver Impr. 121, I have found out a more certaine way which will destroy them at once, spudding up... I caused them to be spudded up by the root.1839E. FitzGerald Lett. (1889) I. 50 Then a ride over hill and dale: then spudding up some weeds from the grass.1842Penny Cycl. XXIV. 21 He waits till the dog indicates the presence of the mole, and then spears or spuds the animal out as it moves in its run.1884American IX. 183 If he had spent a whole day in ‘spudding’ the thistles out of a small field.
2. To dig with a spud. Also intr.
1828–32Webster, Spud, v.t., to dig or loosen the earth with a spud.1889C. Edwardes Sardinia & the Sardes 127 They spudded among the vines.
3. To begin to drill (a hole for an oil well) by imparting an up-and-down motion to the drilling bit. Now usu. more widely, to drill (a well) through the upper part of the overburden; also absol. Freq. const. in and occas. written spud-in. Also with out.
1886Sci. American 21 Aug. 116 A 12 inch hole is usually drilled or spudded down to the rock.1913V. B. Lewes Oil Fuel 64 If the hole is not deep enough, it has to be ‘spudded out’ to the necessary depth.1924Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists VIII. 643 The driller, with his hand on the brake and familiar with the action of his machinery and pump since the well was ‘spudded’ in, is by far the best judge of the formation in which he is drilling.1928Publ. Texas Folk-Lore Soc. vii. 59 He had a 100,000 barrel gusher and was spudding in on another location.1948Sun (Baltimore) 16 Apr. 12/1 Drillers spudded in the first well of the big Leduc field in November, 1946.1966Southern Reporter CLXXX. 746/2 Substantial surface preparations to drill are sufficient to be considered ‘commencement’ of drilling operations for lease-clause purposes,..provided that such preliminary operations are continued..until well is actually spudded in.1967Economist 18 Nov. 788/2 The company has a world-wide business instrumentation for well-drilling.., whenever ‘wildcats are spudded’.1975BP Shield Internat. May 1/2 BP's drilling contractors..will spud and drill to completion the first Forties well.1977Irish Times 8 June 10/3 The Deminex consortium yesterday disclosed that it spudded-in its exploratory well in block 34/15, off the west coast, on Friday last.




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