

单词 curd
释义 I. curd, n.|kɜːd|
Forms: α. 4–5 crodde, (5 crod(e), 4–6 crudd(e, (5 cruyde, 5–6 crude), 5– north. dial. crud; β. 5–6 curde, curdd(e, 6 courd, 5– curd.
[ME. crud (also crod) is found first in 14th c.; the form curd is known from 15th c. The metathesis ru = ur implies that the word is older, and may possibly go back to OE.; but its earlier history and derivation are unknown.
No similar word is known in Teutonic or Romanic; hence the source has been sought in Celtic: Irish has cruth, gruth, groth, Gaelic gruth curds, but it is not certain what relation (if any) the Celtic words hold to the English.]
1. a. The coagulated substance formed from milk by the action of acids, either naturally as when milk is left to itself, or artificially by the addition of rennet, etc.; made into cheese or eaten as food. (Often in pl.)
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. vii. 269 Twey grene cheeses, and a fewe cruddes and crayme.c1420Liber Cocorum 13 Styr hit wele..Tyl hit be gedered on crud harde.14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 590/45 Juncata..Juncade, sive a crudde ymade yn ryshes.Ibid. 661/14 Hoc coagulum, crodde.1549Compl. Scot. vi. 42 Thai maid grit cheir of..curdis and quhaye.1578Lyte Dodoens vi. xlvi. 719 It melteth the clustered crudde, or milke that is come to a crudde.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 161 Good sooth she is The Queene of Curds and Creame.1626Bacon Sylva §385 Milk..is..a Compound Body of Cream, Cruds, and Whey.1788[see ream n.2 1 a].1846J. Baxter Libr. Pract. Agric. (ed. 4) I. 197 This acid..transforms the milk into a curd.1856Mrs. Carlyle Lett. II. 294 Betty, who will have curds and cream waiting for me.1887J. Service Life & Recoll. Dr. Duguid i. ix. 54 There were nae mair deidly engagements noo than the attack on..cruds and cream.
fig.1735Pope Prol. Sat. 306 Sporus, that mere white curd of Ass's milk?1883Harper's Mag. Mar. 574/1 That caused Mrs. Claxton's cloudy suspicion..to settle into an absolute curd of sourness.
b. ? The curdled milk in the stomach of a young sucking animal, or the gastric juice of the same, used for rennet. Obs.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. vi. 141 The mylk is crodded now to chese With crudde of kidde, or lambe, other of calf.1551Turner Herbal i. (1568) B ij a, The cruddes found in a kyddes maw, or an hyndecalfes maw.1601Holland Pliny II. 331 The cruds or rennet of an horse fole maw, called by some Hippace.1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 24 The curd [of the calf] hath the same vertue as that of a Hare, Kid, or Lamb.
2. a. transf. Any substance of similar consistency or appearance.
1811A. T. Thomson Lond. Disp. (1818) 605 Sulphuric ether and compound spirit of ether precipitate a thick, white, tenacious curd.
b. The fatty substance found between the flakes of flesh in boiled salmon, cf. curdy 3.
1828Sir H. Davy Salmonia 98 To find a reason for the effect of crimping and cold in preserving the curd of fish.1863Wood Illust. Nat. Hist. III. 327 If it [the salmon] be cooked within an hour or two after being taken from the water, a fatty substance, termed the ‘curd’, is found between the flakes of flesh.
c. The edible ‘head’ of such brassicas as cauliflower and broccoli.
1916W. F. Rowles Food Garden xi. 201 We may expect to cut the curds at the end of April.1950N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. Feb. 154/1 Most cauliflower crops..benefit from a side dressing applied shortly before the curd begins to form.1951Good Housek. Home Encycl. 393/2 It [sc. the cauliflower] has a compact white head (i.e. flowers, often called the curd).1969D. Bartrum From Garden to Kitchen 29 Broccoli, with their white, solid flower-heads (curds) are like a small cauliflower but a much hardier vegetable.
3. attrib. and Comb., as curd-cake, curd puff (confections made with curds); curd-like adj.; curd-breaker, -crusher, -cutter, -mill, apparatus for crushing or cutting up cheese-curd in order to facilitate the separation of the whey; curd soap, a white soap made with tallow and soda.
1706Closet of Rarities (N.), To make *curd-cakes.—Take a pint of curds [etc.].
1805Southey Madoc in W. xiv, Cheese Of *curd-like whiteness.1846J. Baxter Libr. Pract. Agric. (ed. 4) I. 158 Cauliflowers..of a delicate white curd⁓like appearance.
1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 247/2 Break the curd into pieces..by means of a *curd-mill.
1769Mrs. Raffald Eng. Housekpr. (1778) 261 To make *Curd Puffs.
1794Hull Advertiser 20 Sept. 4/1 Yellow Soap 60s.—*Curd 70s.1875Ure Dict. Arts III. 850 The white..tallow soap of the London manufacturers, called curd soap.

Add:[3.] curd cheese (orig. U.S.), any soft cheese made from unfermented curds.
[1909Van Slyke & Publow Sci. & Pract. Cheese-making viii. 87 Stiff, corky or curdy cheese is hard, tough, overfirm; it does not crush down readily when pressed in the hand.]1941H. Kurath Ling. Atlas New Eng. II. i. Map 299 The map shows the terms cottage cheese, Dutch ch.,..*curd ch[eese] or curd (cheese curd).Ibid., Curd ch[eese], heard from one old woman.1946Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. v. 18 Curds, curd cheese.., cheese made of the drained curd of sour milk, especially that fed to turkeys or chickens; mostly in the Tidewater area.1973S. Skipworth Eat Russian i. 16 Cottage cheese and curd cheese are the nearest equivalent to the Russian Tvorog which is dry but not ‘cheesy’.1992Financial Times 11 Apr. ii. 9/7 As for containers, try the little plastic tubs with snap-on lids used by delis and supermarkets for weighing and potting such things as curd cheese.
II. curd, v.|kɜːd|
Forms: see the n.
[f. prec.]
1. a. trans. To make into curd; to coagulate, congeal; = curdle v. 1.
1382Wyclif Job x. 10 Whether not..as chese thou hast crudded me?c1420Pallad. on Husb. vi. 141 Alle fresshe the mylk is crodded now to chese.1563T. Gale Antidot. ii. 36 This oile..courdeth milke by and by.1602Shakes. Ham. i. v. 69 It doth posset And curd, like Aygre droppings into Milke, The thin and wholsome blood.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 601 The feat of crudding it [milk] to a pleasant tartnesse.1823New Monthly Mag. IX. 166/2 So acrid..that they curd milk.
b. To curdle (blood). Obs. rare.
1601Shakes. All's Well i. iii. 155 Dos it curd thy blood To say I am thy mother?
2. intr. To become or form curd; to coagulate, congeal; = curdle v. 3.
1398Trevisa Barth. de P.R. xvi. vii. (1495) 555 Quycke syluer cruddeth not by itself kyndly wythout brymstone.Ibid. xix. lxxvi. (1495) 906 Mylke rennyth and curdyth..and the wheye is departyd therfro.c1430Two Cookery-bks. 17 Styre it tylle it crodde.1578Lyte Dodoens vi. xlvi. 719 The iuyce of Figges turneth milke and causeth it to crudde.1598Epulario K iij, Heat it vntill the Cheese curd.
fig.1589Pappe w. Hatchet (1844) 29 A Lemman will make his conscience curd like a Posset.1887G. M. Hopkins Poems (1918) 65 His thew That onewhere curded, onewhere sucked or sank.
3. trans. To render curdy, cover as with curd.
1654Gayton Pleas. Notes ii. i. 33 Two chaf'd Boars, or blowne Mastiffs, whose rage had curded one anothers chops.
Hence ˈcurding vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. clxviii. (1495) 712 Whete sod wyth juys of rewe dissoluyth..rennyng and kurdyng of mylke.1727C. Threlkeld Stirpes Hibern. E ij, In crudding of Milk it may occupy the place of Ches⁓lope.1742Lond. & Country Brew. i. (ed. 4) 76 Those harsh, curding Well-waters that many drink of.




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