

单词 custom
释义 I. custom, n.|ˈkʌstəm|
Forms: 2–7 custume, custome, (3 kustume), 3–7 costome, (4 -toum, -tum, kostome), 4–7 custum, costom, (5 customme, costeme, 5–6 costume, 6 coustome, 4– custom.
[a. OF. custume, costume 11–12th c. (later coustume, now coutume) from Romanic *costumne:—L. *costūmen, substituted for *costudne:—L. consuētūdinem. In other Romanic forms, Pr. costum, It. and Pg. costume, Sp. costumbre, masc., there is change of gender after ns. in -ūmen; while Pr. costuma, cosdumna, It. costuma, f. med.L. coustuma, show retention of gender with assimilation of the ending to -a nouns. costume is another form of the same word, of recent adoption from It., through Fr.]
1. a. A habitual or usual practice; common way of acting; usage, fashion, habit (either of an individual or of a community).
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 75 Bereȝe us wið alle iuele customes.Ibid. 89 It is custume þat ech chirchsocne goð þis dai a procession.c1340Hampole Psalter xxi. 16 As hundes folus ther custom in berkyng & bitynge.c1350Will. Palerne 2010 On þat knew þe kostome of þe cuntre of grece.c1450tr. T. à Kempis' Imit. i. xiv, Olde custom is harde to breke.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 162 b, Let vs not come to y⊇ chirche by vse & custome, as the oxe to his stalle.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. B iij, Other fourmes of salutations are also in custome.1602Shakes. Ham. i. iv. 15 It is a Custome More honour'd in the breach, then the obseruance.1683Evelyn Diary 12 Feb., Much offended at the novel costome of burying every one within the body of the Church.1713Berkeley Hylas & Phil. ii. Wks. I. 309 Common custom is the standard of propriety in language.1732Alciphr. v. §12 The general manners and customs of those people.1719Young Revenge iv. i, I went into the garden, As is my custom.1833H. Martineau Briery Creek iii. 46 The settlers..followed the old custom..of holding their market on a Saturday.1859Mill Liberty 126 The despotism of custom is everywhere the standing hindrance to human advancement.
b. The practising of anything habitually; the being or becoming accustomed.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 78 Whan a synner commeth to the custome of synne, than he falleth to contempte.1534Whitinton Tullyes Offices i. (1540) 27 Custome and practyse must be vsed, that we may be as good accompters of our offyces.1608Bp. Hall Char. Virtues & V. ii. 94 Custome of sinne hath wrought this senslesnesse.1867J. Ingelow Dreams that came true vii, Custom makes all things easy.
c. of custom: according to custom, usually, as usual; also adjectivally, usual, customary. Obs.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 124 A man þat usiþ of custum sich a maner dietynge.1556Chron. Gr. Friars (Camden) 74 It hathe bene of ane olde costome that sent Gorge shulde be kepte holy day.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 111 For some things there be which of custome I shake off.1688Evelyn Mem. (1857) II. 296, 29th Nov. I went to the Royal Society. We..dined together as of custom.
d. custom of women (med.L. consuetudo): menstruation. Obs.
1611Bible Gen. xxxi. 35 The custome of women is vpon mee.1705W. Bosman Guinea 210 When the Custom of Women is upon the Female Sex, they are..esteemed unclean.
e. Applied to specific usages of particular peoples; e.g. the periodical massacres in Dahome.
1820Q. Rev. XXII. 296 Dahomeans do not make war to make slaves, but to make prisoners to kill at the Customs.1881Standard 12 Nov. 5/1 The Ashantis, like the Dahomeyans, have their ‘customs’ or periodical executions.
2. Law. An established usage which by long continuance has acquired the force of a law or right, esp. the established usage of a particular locality, trade, society, or the like.
In French history applied to the special usages of different provinces and districts which had grown into a local body of law, as the custom of Normandy, custom of Paris, etc.
c1400Test. Love iii. (1560) 293 b/1 Custome is of commen usage by length of time used, and custome nat write is usage.1523Fitzherb. Surv. 4 Oxganges, rentes, or suche other customes as the tenauntes vse.a1626Bacon Max. & Uses Com. Law (1635) 37 Having..gained a custome by use of occupying their lands, they now are called coppy holders.1680Morden Geog. Rect. (1685) 22 The Common Law of England is a Collection of the General Common Custom, and Usages of the Kingdom.1726Ayliffe Parergon 195 A Statute has the express Consent of the People, whereas a Custom has only their tacit agreement to it.1767Blackstone Comm. II. 98 Declaring, that the will of the lord was to be interpreted by the custom of the manor.1769De Foe's Tour Gt. Brit. II. 409 Stafford..This Town retains the antient Custom of Borough English.1818Cruise Digest. (ed. 2) I. 360 Every species of waste..not warranted by the custom of the manor.1864Kirk Chas. Bold I. ii. ii. 500 The ‘customs’ of Liége—that is to say its constitution and its laws—were..forever abrogated.
3. Customary service due by feudal tenants to their lord; customary rent paid in kind or in money; any customary tax or tribute paid to a lord or ruler. Obs. in actual use.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 111 Ne costom no seruise of þing þat he forgaf.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 7984 The monkes possessiouns made he Fra all seruice and customes fre.1523Fitzherb. Surv. Prol., What rentes, customes, and seruice he ought to haue of them [the tenants].1535Coverdale Ezra iv. 13 Then shal not they geue tribute, toll, and yearly custome.1632Lithgow Trav. iv. (1682) 152 He disannulled all the exactions..upon his tributary Christian subjects; and cancelled the custom or tythe of their male children.1641Termes de la Ley 97 Custome is also used..for such services as Tenants of a Manor owe unto their Lord.c1730Burt Lett. N. Scotl. (1818) II. 52 Their rent is chiefly paid in kind..such as barley, oatmeal, and what they call customs, as sheep, lambs, poultry, butter, &c.
4. a. Tribute, toll, impost, or duty, levied by the lord or local authority upon commodities on their way to market; esp. that levied in the name of the king or sovereign authority upon merchandise exported from or imported into his dominions; now levied only upon imports from foreign countries. the Customs: the duties levied upon imports as a branch of the public revenue; the department of the Civil Service employed in levying these duties. (Now rarely in singular, and never with a.)
In this sense the OE. name was toll (Ger. zoll); consuetudo occurs in Magna Carta, custuma in med.L. passim. In early times the customs were distinguished as magna custuma, ‘the great custom’, levied upon exports and imports, and parva custuma, ‘the little custom’, levied upon goods taken to market within the realm.
[c1325Iter Camerarii i. (Sc. Statutes), Braxiatores, carnifices, custumarios magne et parue custume. 15th c. Sc. transl. Breustaris, fleschewaris, custumaris alswel of greit custom as of small custum.]c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xvi. 75 Þe emperour takez mare of þat citee [Tabreez] to customez of marchandise þan þe ricchest Cristen king..may dispend.c1440Promp. Parv. 111 Custum, kyngys dute, custuma.1483Act 1 Rich. III, c. 8 Pream., Paying less Custume for the Lokkys then for the hole wollyn Flese.1534Tindale Matt. ix. 9 He sawe a man syt a receyuinge of custome, named Mathew.1581Marbeck Bk. of Notes 271 Customes are these which are paide of Merchaundises, and of those things which are either carried out or brought in.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 152 Custumers of the litill custum (that is, of gudes cumand to the market).1669–70Marvell Corr. cxl. Wks. II. 311 Setting a high custom upon all forain Corn.1710Swift Jrnl. Stella Oct. 10 §19 The handkerchiefs will be put in some friend's pocket, not to pay custom.1766C. Leadbetter Royal Gauger (ed. 6) ii. ix. 333 The Commissioners of the Customs are to pay into the Exchequer the remaining Part of the Produce of such Seizure made by the Officers of the Customs.1838–42Arnold Hist. Rome (1846) III. xliii. 114 Collectors of customs and port duties.1863H. Cox Instit. i. ix. 196 Among the permanent taxes, the most considerable are the customs..and the excise duty.
b. customs (freq. without article), the area at a seaport, airport, etc., where goods, luggage, and other items are examined and customs duties levied.
1921C. Crow Travelers' Handbk. China (ed. 3) 8 Travelers should note that..if goods other than personal effects are taken out of the country it is necessary to pass them through the customs before they can be accepted by the shipping companies.1932G. Greene Stamboul Train i. i. 7 He was the first through customs.1966T. Frisby There's Girl in my Soup iii. 48 How on earth did you have the nerve to bring all those [cigarettes] through the customs.1971V. Eliot in T. S. Eliot Waste Land Draft p. x, He asked Quinn to send a clerk to meet Eliot at the dock and see him through customs.1984M. Hanssen E for Additives 8 Although it is not very obvious when you go through Customs, a stated objective of the European Economic Community..is to harmonize laws.
5. The practice of customarily resorting to a particular shop, place of entertainment, etc. to make purchases or give orders; business patronage or support.
1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. iv. iii. 99 Go hop me ouer euery kennell home, For you shall hop without my custome sir.1664Pepys Diary 31 Mar., A tailor, whom I have presented my custom.1669Bunyan Holy Citie 17 What wonderful custom the Church of God at this day shall have among all sorts of People, for her Heavenly Treasures.1729Swift Modest Proposal, This food would likewise bring great Custom to taverns.1833H. Martineau Brooke Farm vii. 88 They ran in debt to the grocer till he refused their custom.1893Law Times XCV. 5/2 Other persons who had been customers discontinued their custom.
6. a. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 1) custom-generated, custom-governed adjs.; (sense 2–3) custom law, custom-service; (sense 4) custom-collector, custom-gatherer; customs duties, customs laws, customs officer, customs official, customs union, etc.; custom-house; (sense 5) custom-shrunk adj., custom-work; custom-built, -made adjs., built or made to order or to measure; so custom-build v. trans.; custom-day, ? a day on which a customary service is rendered by a tenant; custom-free a., free from custom, toll, or tribute; free from custom duty; custom-mill, (a) a mill belonging to a feudal proprietor at which his tenants are obliged to grind their corn, paying ‘custom’ for the accommodation; (b) a mill that grinds for customers; custom-office = custom-house; custom-sick a., morbidly subject to custom or habit; custom smelter U.S., a smelter who treats rock or ore for customers.
1960Design 29 Feb., A willingness to accept a new situation and to *custom build the standards for it.
1925Art & Publicity 36 (Advt.), *Custom-built exclusiveness without excessive cost.1955T. Sterling Evil of Day vii. 77 A custom built Rolls Royce cloud.1957M. Sharp Eye of Love iii. 33 His good custom-built suit.
c1688–9in Maidment Sc. Pasquils (1868) 263 Our new kings vicegerent..More fit to be a factor or *custome collector.
1518Rental Bk. in Trans. Kilkenny Archæol. Soc. Ser. ii. IV. 123 A *custom day on every howse to ripp bind & drawe.
1845McCulloch Taxation ii. v. (1852) 234 *Customs duties existed in England previously to the Conquest.1878Jevons Prim. Pol. Econ. 128 The customs duties levied upon wine, spirits, tobacco..when they are imported.
a1680Butler Rem. (1759) I. 80 To take up a Degree, With all the Learning to it, *Custom-free.1810in Risdon's Surv. Devon App. 17 Towns..free from Tax and Toll, such as we..call Custom-free.
1656Trapp Comm. Luke iii. 12 These [publicans] were toll-takers, *custom-gatherers for the Romans.
1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 71 The..*Custome law, that (by the particular custome of Manors and Towns) lands should be divided by the custome of Gavel kinde.
1855Chicago Weekly Times 16 Jan. 1/2 [There] may be found a large and splendid assortment of *custom made boots and shoes.1959Observer 8 Mar. 15/5 Because of the peculiar idiosyncrasies of faces they [sc. spectacle frames] often need to be custom-made.
1703Lond. Gaz. No. 3898/4 The Manor and Royalty of Bovey-Tracy, with the Fairs, Markets, and *Custom Mills.1888Eissler Metal. Gold 33 At custom-mills the quartz is delivered in wagons.
1844H. H. Wilson Brit. India I. 25 The Company's *custom-offices on the opposite bank.
1676Phillips Purch. Pattern 2 What *Custom-service hath been done of old By those who formerly the same did hold.
1603Shakes. Meas. for M. i. ii. 85 What with the gallowes, and what with pouerty, I am *Custom-shrunke.
1634W. Wood New Eng. Prosp. ii. iv, They are not a little phantasticall or *custom-sick in this particular.
1880G. T. Ingham Digging Gold 268 There is at Galena a small *custom smelter.1963Times 22 Apr. (Zinc Suppl.) p. ii/1 The custom smelters (smelters without their own mines).
1705in 15th Rep. Hist. MSS. Commission (1897) App. vi. 11 The Justices of the Peace are to assist the *customs-officers.
1923D. H. Lawrence Birds, Beasts & Flowers 29 But here, even a *customs-official is still vulnerable.
1903‘Vigilans sed æquus’ German Ambitions iv. 55 The Hague Courant, which advocated a *Customs Union with Germany.1956Planning XXII. 224 Three small nations—Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg—have formed Benelux, a customs union for nearly everything except agricultural products.
1884N.Y. Herald 27 Oct. 746 Wanted—tailoress on first class *custom work.
b. attrib. passing into adj. Designating articles made to measure or to order, or places where such articles are made, or people producing work of this kind; = bespoke ppl. a. Also fig. Hence as advb., in combs., as custom-fitted, custom-mixed, custom-tailored adjs. Cf. custom-built, -made above. Chiefly U.S.
1830Williams's N.-Y. Ann. Reg. 163 There are no manufactories of cotton or woollen but such as are used for custom work.1851C. Cist Sk. Cincinnati 175 Fine and coarse work for foreign markets, and custom work for home consumption.Ibid. 176 Two-thirds of these [shoes] at least, are made here, wholesale, or at custom shops.1895Montgomery Ward Catal. 269/3 For higher priced clothing, we refer you to our custom tailoring department, where we make clothing to order in any size and style desired.1903N.Y. Times 26 Sept. 6 (Advt.), Custom tailors charge for suits like these $35.1905Washington Star 24 Nov. 5 (Advt.), Double or Single-Breasted Sacks, as perfect-fitting as the finest custom garments.1943J. P. Marquand So Little Time (1944) iv. 31 He made Jeffrey conscious of his own custom-tailored suit, of the shine on his brown low shoes and the crease in his trousers.1955T. Sterling Evil of Day xxi. 207 He had designed the murder for one woman and no other. It was a perfect custom fit.1957W. H. Whyte Organization Man xxiii. 299 A small area with ‘custom’ houses.1959Sunday Express 1 Feb. 19/4 His custom-tailored suit.1961M. Beadle These Ruins are Inhabited (1963) iv. 51 An awesome superstructure of custom-fitted plugs and adaptors.1964Punch 23 Sept. 456/3 Custom-mixed after-shave lotion.1968Listener 12 Sept. 331/1 The custom cars, whose flamboyant shapes are public property while their mechanical niceties are reserved for the initiated.
II. custom, v. Obs. or arch.|ˈkʌstəm|
[a. OF. costumer, coustumer, f. costume, coustume custom.]
1. trans. To render (a thing) customary or usual, to practise habitually; usually pass. to be customary or usual; = accustom 1.
1394Proclam. in York Myst. Introd. 34 Yat yai come furth in array and in ye manere as it has been vsed and customed before yis time.1483Cath. Angl. 87 To Custome or to make Custome, guadiare, ritare, jnguadiare.c1500Melusine xxi. 114 The patrons made theire recommendacions to god as customed it is.1626W. Sclater Expos. 2 Thess. (1629) 175 Let him iterate it, of intolerable it becomes graue onely..custome it, it proues..insensible.
2. To accustom, habituate (oneself or another).
c1510Barclay Mirr. Gd. Manners (1570) G ij, Nor custome not thy selfe to boste.1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Accoustumer, to custome, to enure. s'Accoustumer, to vse, to custome himselfe.1633J. Done Hist. Septuagint 92 Those that custome and acost themselves with men Wise and Prudent.1855Singleton Virgil I. 73 Custom thyself to be invoked by vows.
b. pass. To be accustomed, wont, or used (to do something).
1483Caxton G. de la Tour cxxxviii. 195 Yf he be custommed to doo euylle.a1533Ld. Berners Huon cxxv. 456 The trybute that is coustomyd to be payed in this citye.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 29 a, He is costumed to eat unnaturall and unkinde meates.1674Govt. Tongue ix. §15 (1684) 154 As a horse [turns]..into that inn to which he is customed.
c. intr. (in same sense as b). rare.
c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. cxxix. (1869) 68, I hadde not customed to be armed.1596Spenser F.Q. v. ii. 7 On a Bridge he custometh to fight.
3. trans. To pay duty or toll on; to pass through the custom-house.
1494Act 11 Hen. VII, c. 13 Every Mare so shipped ere they be customed.c1592Marlowe Jew of Malta i. 1, Thy ships are safe..the merchants..have sent me to know whether yourself will come and custom them.1599Hakluyt Voy. II. 238 When they have customed their goods.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 152 They search not the shippes, for wooll, or gudes not custumed.1720Lond. Gaz. No. 5851/3 If any Person shall Custom any Goods of any Stranger..whereby the King loseth his Custom.
b. To levy duty or toll upon. rare.
1611Heywood Golden Age iv. i, We custom them, And they enrich our coffers.
4. To bestow one's custom on; to deal with (a person) or at (a shop); to frequent as a customer.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xiii. §7. 52 If a shooemaker should haue no shooes in his shoppe, but onely worke, as hee is bespoken, hee should bee weakely customed.1639Mayne City Match ii. v, We..custom'd your house And help'd away your victuals.1681P. Rycaut Critick 121 When they perceived the Shop so well customed by the famous Themistocles.




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