

单词 squally
释义 I. ˈsqually, a.1 Obs.
[Of obscure origin.]
1. Of cloth: Defective (in some specific manner).
1552Act 5–6 Edw. VI, c. 6 §19 Any Clothe whiche shalbe cockley, pursey, bandy, squally, rewy,..evill burled [etc.].1601Act 43 Eliz. c. 10 §1 The same Clothes being put in Water, are found to shrink, be rewey, pursey, squally, cockling, bandy, light, and notably faulty.
2. (See quot.)
1787W. H. Marshall Norfolk Gloss. s.v. Squally, A crop of turneps, or of corn, which is broken by vacant unproductive patches, is said to be squally.
II. squally, a.2|ˈskwɔːlɪ|
Also 8 squalley.
[f. squall n.3]
1. Characterized by the prevalence of squalls.
a. Of places, seasons, etc.
1719Boyer's Dict. Royal i. s.v. Rafale, Cote sujette aux rafales, a squally Coast.1830Hodgson in Raine Mem. (1858) II. 175 The hills..in a squally evening look very black and dismal.1848Clough Amours de Voy. iii. 48 In the squally seas as we lay by Capraja and Elba.1876Black Madcap Violet xlv. 388 The day was squally enough, and might turn to showers.
b. Of weather.
1727Bailey, Squalley, inclinable to sudden Storms of Wind and Rain.1745P. Thomas Jrnl. Anson's Voy. 25 Squally Weather, with Hail and Snow.1782Nelson 22 July in Nicolas Disp. (1846) VII. p. iv, I imagine we are just getting into the Gulf stream by its being so very squally.1866R. M. Ballantyne Shifting Winds xiv, The weather became thick and squally, and continued so for several days.1890Science-Gossip XXVI. 283 It was very squally at the time, with occasional showers of hail.
2. Of the wind: Blowing in sudden and violent gusts or blasts.
1748Anson's Voy. iii. i. 303 The wind proved squally, and blew so strong off shore [etc.].1797Nelson 12 Apr. in Nicolas Disp. (1845) II. 379 The wind is either in from the sea, or squally with calms from the mountains.1810Shelley Zastrozzi xii, The towering pine-trees waved in the squally wind.1883Stevenson Silverado Sq. 168 The wind veered..and began to blow squally from the mountain summit.
3. fig. Stormy, troublous, threatening. Chiefly U.S., esp. in the phr. to look squally.
1814W. Irving in Life & Lett. (1864) I. 315 Affairs, I am afraid, are about to look squally on our Canada frontier.1833‘Major J. Downing’ (Seba Smith) Lett. (1835) xiv. 87 The times are now gittin pretty squally, and if we don't look out sharp, things will go all to smash.1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xlv. (1856) 418 But for some hours things looked squally enough.1876Mrs. H. Wood Parkwater (1879) 284 In the midst of her squally bargaining with the fish-vendor.
III. squally, a.3|ˈskwɔːlɪ|
[f. squall n.2 + -y1.]
Of a child, etc.: that screams discordantly or shrilly; squalling, noisy.
1861[see mother's blessing s.v. mother n.1 16 a].1947D. Riesman in University Observer Winter 24/2, I prefer sensitive and cultivated people to squally brats on trains.1958Listener 25 Dec. 1093/3 Maria Callas seemed right out of the picture, squally and weak at climaxes.




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