

单词 cyclamate
释义 cyclamate|ˈsɪkləmeɪt, ˈsaɪkləmeɪt|
[f. cyclohexylsulphamate, f. cyclo- + hexyl + sulphamate, f. sulpham(ic (f. sulph- + amide + -ic) + -ate4.]
A salt of cyclohexylsulphamic acid, C6H11·NH·SO3H, esp. the sodium and calcium salts, which have been used as artificial sweetening agents. So ˈcyclamated a., containing a cyclamate, having had a cyclamate added.
1951Jrnl. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. (Sci. ed.) XL. 1 (heading) Studies on cyclamate sodium (Sucaryl sodium), a new noncaloric sweetening agent.1965Observer 17 Oct. 33/1 The use of cyclamate as an ‘artificial sweetener’.Ibid., Cyclamates fed to rats at levels of 5 per cent or 10 per cent of the diet reduced their rate of growth.1969Daily Tel. 21 Nov. 8/2 The decision to withdraw the ban was the result of the recommendation by a special scientific panel convened to determine the best way of making cyclamated products readily available to diabetics.1970New Scientist 1 Jan. 21/1 The cyclamate issue..is certainly stimulating research into ways of satisfying Man's sweet tooth.Ibid., Cyclamates are only 30 times sweeter than sucrose and saccharin 300 times sweeter.




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