

单词 damper
释义 damper|ˈdæmpə(r)|
[f. damp v. + -er.]
That which damps, in various senses of the vb.
1. a. Something that damps or depresses the spirits, etc.; also, a person who does the same.
1748Richardson Clarissa Wks. 1883 VII. 282, I very early discharged shame, that cold water damper to an enterprising spirit.1749H. Walpole in Hissey Holiday on Road (1887) 140 Sussex is a great damper of curiosity.1818Blackw. Mag. II. 528 Out of sixteen people, five dampers were present.1822Hazlitt Table-t. Ser. ii. xii. (1869) 248 This is a damper to sanguine and florid temperaments.1855Thackeray Newcomes xxvi, I feel myself very often an old damper in your company.
b. Something that takes off the edge of appetite.
1804M. Edgeworth Pop. Tales, Limerick Gloves, In the kitchen, taking his snack by way of a damper.1811Lamb Edax on Appetite, I endeavour to make up by a damper, as I call it, at home before I go out.
2. a. A piece of mechanism in a pianoforte for ‘damping’ or stopping the vibrations of the strings, consisting of a small piece of wood or wire covered with cloth or felt, which rests against the strings corresponding to each key, and is raised or withdrawn from them when the key is pressed down.
1783Specif. J. Broadwood's Patent No. 1379, b, b, are the dampers, which also is fixt under the strings.1856Mrs. C. Clarke tr. Berlioz' Instrument. 72 The sign {earth} indicates that the dampers must be replaced by quitting the pedal.
b. ‘The mute of a horn and other brass wind instruments’ (Stainer & Barrett Dict. Mus. Terms).
c. In an organ: a thumping-board (see thumping vbl. n. b).
1879,1881[see thumping vbl. n. b].
3. A metal plate made to turn or slide in a flue or chimney, so as to control the combustion by regulating or stopping the draught.
1788Specif. Gardner's Patent No. 1642 These registers or dampers are enclosed in the chimney.1791Beddoes in Phil. Trans. LXXXI. 174 He first turned the flame from off the metal, which is done by letting down a damper upon the chimney.1823Moore Fables, Holy Alliance 86 Those trusty, blind machines..by a change as odd as cruel, Instead of dampers, served for fuel!1829R. Stuart Anecd. Steam Engines I. 269 The heat of the furnace under the boiler was rudely regulated in both machines by a damper.
4. a. Magnetism. (See quot., and cf. damp v. 1 d.)
1881Maxwell Electr. & Magn. II. 344–5 A metallic surface, called a Damper, is sometimes placed near a magnet for the express purpose of damping or deadening its vibrations. We shall therefore speak of this kind of resistance as Damping.
b. Electr. Engin. One of a set of short-circuited conductors in the pole faces of a synchronous electric motor or generator which resist any tendency of the machine to ‘hunt’, i.e. oscillate by running alternately faster and slower than the synchronous speed. Also damper bar, damper winding.
1906A. Russell Altern. Curr. II. 191 In order to prevent phase swinging, Hutin and Leblanc provided the field magnets with ‘amortisseurs’, or ‘dampers’, which tend to prevent any relative change between the positions of the magnetic field due to the armature and the field due to the field magnets.1920Whittaker's Electr. Engineer's Pocket-Bk. (ed. 4) 223 Care must be taken that the damper bars have not the same pitch as the armature slots as this might cause ripples in the c.c. pressure.1934Webster, Damper winding.1964N. N. Hancock Matrix Analysis of Electr. Machinery xi. 198 The damper windings of synchronous machines are mechanically simple but electrically complicated devices.Ibid. 201 For synchronous motors it may be a wholly false assumption, since high resistance dampers may be used to obtain adequate starting torque.
c. Any device designed to damp mechanical vibrations; spec. a shock-absorber on a motor-car.
1929Newton & Steeds Motor Vehicle xxix. 332 Designers..try to reduce the friction [in a laminated spring] to the minimum, and they introduce additional friction when it is required by external devices which are called ‘dampers’.1935W. K. Wilson Pract. Soln. Torsional Vibration Probl. vii. 365 There is a definite setting for every damper at which the maximum reduction of vibration amplitude is obtained.1952A. W. Judge Mod. Motor Engineer (ed. 5) III. iii. 59 In most cases this damping action is improved by the use of dampers or shock absorbers fitted between the axles and the chassis frame.1958Engineering 7 Mar. 295/1 The car was tried without any suspension dampers at all.1958Chambers's Techn. Dict. Add. 971/1 Yaw damper suppresses directional oscillations in high-speed aeroplanes, while a roll damper does likewise laterally.1961Bickley & Talbot Introd. Theory Vibrating Systems x. 122 In many mechanical systems friction is unwanted, and minimized, but in some cases vibration dampers are a feature of the design.
5. Any contrivance for damping or moistening.
e.g. An appliance for moistening the gummed back of postage stamps; one for damping paper for a copying-press, for cleaning slates, etc.
1845Mech. Mag. XLII. 285 Postage stamp, wafer, and label damper.1854Ibid. LXI. 86 The damper may be left in any position when not in use, as the water will not of itself run out.
6. Chiefly Austral. and N.Z. A simple kind of unleavened cake or bread made, for the occasion, of flour and water and baked in hot ashes.
1827P. Cunningham Two Years in N.S.W. II. xxviii. 190 The farm-men usually bake their flour into flat cakes, which they call dampers, and cook these in the ashes.1833C. Sturt Two Exped. S. Australia II. 203 While drinking their tea and eating their damper.1843S. Stephens Let. 4 Sept. 169 (MS.), Flour, from which I make what we call ‘dampers’ in a frying pan.1852Mundy Antipodes vi. (1855) 149 The Australian bush-bread, a baked unleavened dough, called damper—a damper, sure enough, to the stoutest appetite.1891Melbourne Argus 7 Nov. 13/5 When you've boiled your billy and cooked your damper you put out the fire and move..on to camp.1918Kipling Land & Sea Tales (1923) 96 Wonderful hot cakes called ‘dampers’.1939J. Mulgan Man Alone (1949) xiv. 138 He..then cooked a damper of flour and oatmeal.1944W. E. Harney Taboo (ed. 3) 37 You eat up, old men. I will wait for mine to cool off—hot dampers make me sick.1964F. Chichester Lonely Sea & Sky 49 In order to bake ‘damper’, which is unleavened bread, we used to hang the oven high above the log fire and pile hot ashes on the lid.
7. A till, a cash register; a drawer in which cash is kept. slang.
1846R. L. Snowden Magistrate's Assistant 344 To rob a till, to pinch a lob: or draw a damper.Ibid., A till, a lob or damper.1944D. Runyon Runyon à la Carte (1946) 104 Go over to his hotel..and get the night clerk to open his damper.
8. Comb.
a. in sense 2 a, as damper-crank, damper-rail, damper-stick, damper-stop; damper-pedal, that pedal in a pianoforte which raises all the dampers, the ‘loud pedal’.
b. in sense 3, as damper-regulator, a contrivance by which the heat of the furnace or the pressure of steam is made to control the damper; damper weight (see quot.).
1840Penny Cycl. XVIII. 140 Fig. 2, e, Damper stick.Ibid. 141 The damper-stop raised the dampers from the strings.Ibid., Fig. 10, k, Damper Crank.Ibid. 142 Fig. 11, g, Damper rail.1874Knight Dict. Mech. 676 The damper-regulators which act by the pressure of steam are of three or more kinds.1888Lockwood's Dict. Mech. Engin. 102 Damper weight, a weight used to counterbalance that of the damper of a steam boiler in order to render it easy of adjustment.




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