

单词 debtful
释义 ˈdebtful, a. Obs. Chiefly Sc.
Also 5 dettefull, 5–7 detful(l.
[f. debt n. + -ful.]
1. Owed, bounden, due; dutiful.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. vii. viii. 13 The Kyng of Frawns Hys Lord be detful Alegeawns.a1440Found. St. Bartholomew's (E.E.T.S.) 54 Sum penyes, the whiche of a vowe were dettefull to the Chirche of seynt Barthylmewe.1556Lauder Tractate 176 And do ȝow homage and reuerence, With all detfull Obedience.1621Bk. Discipl. Ch. Scot. Pref., The obligation, whereby they are bound for debtfull obedience.
2. Indebted.
1649Ld. Foord in M. P. Brown Suppl. Dec. I. 434 That..Patrick Keir..was debtful to him in greater sums.
Hence ˈdebtfully adv. Sc., duly, dutifully.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. vii. viii. 704 Thare charge thai dyd nocht detfully.1478Sc. Acts Jas. III (1814) 123 (Jam.) That oure souuerain lord..sal..execut detfully the panys of proscripcioun & tresoun aganis the saidis personis.




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