

单词 deche
释义 deche, v. Obs.
[OE. décan: app. not known in the other Teut. langs.]
To daub; to smear, to lute.
a1000ælfric Hom. (Thorpe) II. 260 Hi bewundon his lic mid linenre scytan ᵹedéced mid wyrtum.c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 150 Déc þonne anne clað þær of, leᵹe to ðam sare.Ibid. I. 182 lxxviii, Cnuca mid rysle, and ᵹedec anne clað þærmid [cf. lxxix, Smyre þonne anne clað þærmid, leᵹe to þære miltan].c1420Pallad. on Husb. i. 1124 Al thees comixt wol deche Every defaute, and all the woundes leche.Ibid. ix. 185 Oil-tempred lyme this joyntes shal scyment, Thenne ysels myxt with litel water renne Thorough, deching alle this holsom instrument.




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