

单词 put
(pʊt )
Word forms: puts , putting language note:   The form put is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle.Put is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in this dictionary. For example, the expression to put someone in the picture is explained at picture.
1. verb A1
When you put something in a particular place or position, you move it into that place or position.
Leaphorn put the photograph on the desk. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
She hesitated, then put her hand on Grace's arm. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Mishka put down a heavy shopping bag. [VERB noun with adverb]
2. verb A2
If you put someone somewhere, you cause them to go there and to stay there for a period of time.
Rather than put him in the hospital, she had been caring for him at home. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
I'd put the children to bed. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
3. verb
To put someone or something in a particular state or situation means to cause them to be in that state or situation.
This is going to put them out of business. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
He was putting himself at risk. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
My doctor put me in touch with a psychiatrist. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
The British people put us back in power. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
4. verb B2
To put something on people or things means to cause them to have it, or to cause them to be affected by it.
The ruling will put extra pressure on health authorities. [VERB noun + on]
Be aware of the terrible strain it can put on a child when you expect the best reports. [VERB noun on noun]
They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects. [VERB noun + on]
5. verb
If you put your trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something, you trust them or have faith or confidence in them.
He had decided long ago that he would put his trust in socialism when the time came. [V n in n]
How much faith should we put in anti-ageing products? [VERB noun + in]
6. verb
If you put time, strength, or energy into an activity, you use it in doing that activity.
We're not saying that activists should put all their effort and time into party politics. [V n into n/-ing]
Eleanor did not put much energy into the discussion. [VERB noun + into]
7. verb B2
If you put money into a business or project, you invest money in it.
Investors should consider putting some money into an annuity. [VERB noun + into]
Put $10,000 into this investment and in 10 years, you'll have almost $18,000. [VERB noun into noun]
8. verb
When you put an idea or remark in a particular way, you express it in that way. You can use expressions like to put it simply and to put it bluntly before saying something when you want to explain how you are going to express it.
I had already met him a couple of times through–how should I put it–friends in low places. [VERB noun]
He doesn't, to put it very bluntly, give a damn about the woman or the baby. [VERB noun adverb/preposition]
If I was auditioning for a vocalist, let me put it this way, he wouldn't get to sing in my band. [V it adv/prep]
He admitted the security forces might have made some mistakes, as he put it. [VERB it]
You can't put that sort of fear into words. [VERB noun + into]
Synonyms: express, say, state, word  
9. verb B2
When you put a question to someone, you ask them the question.
Is this fair? Well, I put that question today to the deputy counsel. [VERB noun + to]
He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly. [VERB noun adverb]
10. verb B2
If you put a case, opinion, or proposal, you explain it and list the reasons why you support or believe it.
He always put his point of view with clarity and with courage. [VERB noun]
He put the case to the Saudi Foreign Minister. [VERB noun + to]
He sat there listening as we put suggestions to him. [VERB noun to noun]
Synonyms: present, suggest, advance, propose  
11. verb
If you put something at a particular value or in a particular category, you consider that it has that value or that it belongs in that category.
I would put her age at about 50 or so. [VERB noun + at]
All the more technically advanced countries put a high value on science. [VERB noun + on]
It is not easy to put the guilty and innocent into clear-cut categories. [VERB noun + into]
[Also V n adj-compar]
12. verb B1+
If you put written information somewhere, you write, type, or print it there.
Mary's family were so pleased that they put an announcement in the local paper to thank them. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
I think what I put in that book is now pretty much the agenda for this country. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
He crossed out 'Screenplay' and put 'Written by' instead. [VERB noun]
13. to put one over on sb phrase [VERB inflects]
If someone puts one over on you, they make you do or believe something by telling you things that are not true. [informal]
He considered himself a crafty man–a man would have to get up very early in the morning to put one over on Alf Tandy.
14. to put it to sb that phrase
If you put it to someone that something is true, you suggest that it is true, especially when you think that they will be unwilling to admit this.
But I put it to you that they're useless.
I put this to Kenyon. 'Absolutely untrue,' he said.
15. put together phrasal verb B2
If you put something together, you join its different parts to each other so that it can be used.
He took it apart brick by brick, and put it back together again. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
The factories no longer relied upon a mechanic to put together looms within the plant. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
16. put it there phrase
You say 'Put it there!' to someone when you are asking them to shake hands with you, because you agree with them or want to congratulate them. [informal, formulae]
Put it there, Pal, put it there!
Phrasal verbs:
put about
language note:   The forms put around and put round are also used in British English.
phrasal verb
If you put something about, you tell it to people that you meet and cause it to become well-known. [mainly British]
Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously. [V n P that]
The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
put across
phrasal verb B2
When you put something across or put it over, you succeed in describing or explaining it to someone.
He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
This is actually a very entertaining book putting over serious health messages. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He really enjoys putting across a technical argument. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
put around put about
put aside
1. phrasal verb B2
If you put something aside, you keep it to be dealt with or used at a later time.
She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Encourage children to put aside some of their pocket-money to buy birthday presents. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb
If you put a feeling or disagreement aside, you forget about it or ignore it in order to solve a problem or argument.
We should put aside our differences and discuss the things we have in common. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
We admitted that the attraction was there, but decided that we would put the feelings aside. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
put away
1. phrasal verb B2
If you put something away, you put it into the place where it is normally kept when it is not being used, for example in a drawer.
She finished putting the milk away and turned around. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
'Yes, Mum,' replied Cheryl as she slowly put away her doll. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away. [VERB-ed PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If someone is put away, they are sent to prison or to a psychiatric hospital for a long time. [informal]
He's an animal! He should be put away. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
His testimony could put Drago away for life. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
put back
phrasal verb B2
To put something back means to delay it or arrange for it to happen later than you previously planned. [mainly British]
There are always new projects which seem to put the reunion back further. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
put by
phrasal verb
If you put money by, you save it so that you can use it later. [British]
Dermot's putting his money by, in a Deposit Account. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
There was enough put by for her fare. [VERB-ed PARTICLE]
Well we need to put by £400 for the pump valves to be renewed. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
put down
1. phrasal verb B1+
If you put something down somewhere, you write or type it there.
Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence against you at a later date. [V n P + in/on]
We've put down that we would like some technology courses. [VERB PARTICLE that]
I had prepared for the meeting by putting down what I wanted from them. [VERB PARTICLE wh]
2. phrasal verb
If you put down some money, you pay part of the price of something, and will pay the rest later.
He bought an investment property for $100,000 and put down $20,000. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He's got to put cash down. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb
When soldiers, police, or the government put down a riot or rebellion, they stop it by using force.
Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
4. phrasal verb B2
If someone puts you down, they treat you in an unpleasant way by criticizing you in front of other people or making you appear foolish.
I know that I do put people down occasionally. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
She learned to stop putting herself down and comparing herself to others. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Racist jokes come from wanting to put down other kinds of people we feel threatened by. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
5.  See also put-down
6. phrasal verb
When an animal is put down, it is killed because it is dangerous or very ill. [mainly British]
Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
put down as
phrasal verb
If you put someone or something down as a particular type of person or thing, you consider that they are that thing.
I think they'll put him down as being one of our best prime ministers. [V n P P n/-ing]
put down for
phrasal verb B2
If you put someone down for something, you write down their name and the fact that they are going to do, give, or buy that thing.
Put her down for a 'yes' vote. [VERB noun PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
put down to
phrasal verb
If you put something down to a particular thing, you believe that it is caused by that thing.
You may be a sceptic and put it down to life's inequalities. [VERB noun PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
put forth
phrasal verb
If someone puts forth a plan or proposal, they suggest it. [formal]
The rebels put forth a five-point plan. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
put forward
phrasal verb
If you put forward a plan, proposal, or name, you suggest that it should be considered for a particular purpose or job.
He has put forward new peace proposals. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
I rang the colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy. [V n P + for]
put in
1. phrasal verb
If you put in an amount of time or effort doing something, you spend that time or effort doing it.
Wade was going to be paid a salary, whether he put in forty hours or not. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
They've put in time and effort to keep the strike going. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
If we don't put money in we will lose our investment. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If you put in a request or put in for something, you formally request or apply for that thing.
The ministry ordered 113 of these and later put in a request for 21 more. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary. [VERB PARTICLE + for]
3. phrasal verb
If you put in a remark, you interrupt someone or add to what they have said with the remark.
'He was a lawyer before that,' Mary Ann put in. [VERB PARTICLE with quote]
'Helen had something to eat before she left,' put in Cecil anxiously. [VERB PARTICLE with quote]
4. phrasal verb
When a ship puts in or puts into a port, it goes into the port for a short stop.
It's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra. [VERB PARTICLE adverb/preposition]
They had asked Hong Kong for permission to put into port there. [VERB PARTICLE adverb/preposition]
put off
1. phrasal verb B1+
If you put something off, you delay doing it.
Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers. [V P v-ing/n]
The Association has put the event off until October. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb B2
If you put someone off, you make them wait for something that they want.
The old priest tried to put them off, saying that the hour was late. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb B2
If something puts you off something, it makes you dislike it, or decide not to do or have it.
The thought of caring for young plants can put people off growing their own veg. [V n P n/v-ing]
His personal habits put them off. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
The country's worsening reputation does not seem to be putting off the tourists. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
We tried to visit the Abbey but were put off by the queues. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
4. phrasal verb
If someone or something puts you off, they take your attention from what you are trying to do and make it more difficult for you to do it.
She asked me to be serious–said it put her off if I laughed. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
It put her off revising for her exams. [V n P n/v-ing]
[Also VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
put on
1. phrasal verb A1
When you put on clothing or make-up, you place it on your body in order to wear it.
She put on her coat and went out. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Maximo put on a pair of glasses. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
I haven't even put any lipstick on. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb B1
When people put on a show, exhibition, or service, they perform it or organize it.
The band are hoping to put on a U.K. show before the end of the year. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
British Airways is putting on an extra flight to London tomorrow. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
We put it on and everybody said 'Oh it's a brilliant production.' [VERB noun PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb B1+
If someone puts on weight, they become heavier.
I can eat what I want but I never put on weight. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Luther's put on three stone. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
4. phrasal verb A2
If you put on a piece of equipment or a device, you make it start working, for example by pressing a switch or turning a knob.
I put the radio on. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
I put on the light by the bed. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
5. phrasal verb A2
If you put a record or CD on, you place it in a record or CD player and listen to it.
She poured them drinks, and put a record on loud. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Let's go into the study and put on some music. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
6. phrasal verb A2
If you put something on, you begin to cook or heat it.
She immediately put the kettle on. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Put some rice on now. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Put on a pan of water to simmer and gently poach the eggs. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
7. phrasal verb B2
If you put a sum of money on something, you make a bet about it. For example, if you put £10 on a racehorse, you bet £10 that it will win.
They each put £20 on Matthew scoring the first goal. [V n P n/v-ing]
He'll be back in an hour. I'd put money on it. [V n P n/-ing]
I'll put a bet on for you. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
8. phrasal verb B2
To put a particular amount on the cost or value of something means to add that amount to it.
The proposal could put 3p on a loaf of bread. [VERB noun PARTICLE noun]
9. phrasal verb B2
If you put on a way of behaving, you behave in a way that is not natural to you or that does not express your real feelings.
Stop putting on an act and be yourself. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
It was hard to believe she was ill, she was putting it on. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
put onto
phrasal verb
If you put someone onto something useful, you tell them about it.
This elastic is a powerful variety which a friend in the clothing trade put me onto. [VERB noun PARTICLE noun]
put out
1. phrasal verb B2
If you put out an announcement or story, you make it known to a lot of people.
The French news agency put out a statement from the Trade Minister. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb B1
If you put out a fire, candle, or cigarette, you make it stop burning.
Firefighters tried to free the injured and put out the blaze. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
She tried to light a candle but the rain put it out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb A2
If you put out an electric light, you make it stop shining by pressing a switch.
He crossed to the bedside table and put out the light. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
4. phrasal verb A2
If you put out things that will be needed, you place them somewhere ready to be used.
Paula had put out her luggage for the coach. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
I slowly unpacked the teapot and put it out on the table. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
5. phrasal verb B1+
If you put out your hand, you move it forward, away from your body.
He put out his hand to Alfred. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
She put her hand out and tried to touch her mother's arm. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
6. phrasal verb
If you put someone out, you cause them trouble because they have to do something for you.
It is a very sociable diet to follow because you don't have to put anyone out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
I've always put myself out for others and I'm not doing it any more. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
7. phrasal verb
In a sporting competition, to put out a player or team means to defeat them so that they are no longer in the competition.
The Spaniard was put out in three sets. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
...the debatable goal that put them out of the UEFA Cup. [VERB noun PARTICLE + of]
8.  See also put out
put over put across
put round put about
put through
1. phrasal verb B1
When someone puts through someone who is making a phone call, they make the connection that allows the phone call to take place.
The operator will put you through. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
He asked to be put through to Charley Lunn. [be V-ed P + to]
2. phrasal verb B2
If someone puts you through an unpleasant experience, they make you experience it.
She wouldn't want to put them through the ordeal of a huge ceremony. [VERB noun PARTICLE noun]
He put me through a lot. [VERB noun PARTICLE noun]
=> put together
put up
1. phrasal verb B2
If people put up a wall, building, tent, or other structure, they construct it so that it is upright.
Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He was putting up a new fence at his home. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
2. phrasal verb B1
If you put up a poster or notice, you fix it to a wall or board.
They're putting new street signs up. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
3. phrasal verb
To put up resistance to something means to resist it.
In the end they surrendered without putting up any resistance. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He'd put up a real fight to keep you there. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
4. phrasal verb
If you put up money for something, you provide the money that is needed to pay for it.
The state agreed to put up $69,000 to start his company. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
The merchant banks raise capital for industry. They don't actually put it up themselves. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
5. phrasal verb B1+
To put up the price of something means to cause it to increase.
Their friends suggested they should put up their prices. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
They know he would put their taxes up. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
6. phrasal verb
If a person or hotel puts you up or if you put up somewhere, you stay there for one or more nights.
I wanted to know if she could put me up for a few days. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
Hundreds of junior civil servants have to be put up in hotel rooms and temporary hostels. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
He decided that he would drive back to town instead of putting up for the night at the hotel. [VERB PARTICLE preposition]
7. phrasal verb
If a political party puts up a candidate in an election or if the candidate puts up, the candidate takes part in the election.
The new party is putting up 15 candidates for 22 seats. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He put up as a candidate. [VERB PARTICLE + as]
put up for
phrasal verb
If you put something up for sale or auction, for example, you make it available to be sold or auctioned.
The company should put its claims up for review by an arbitrator. [VERB noun PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
The old flower and fruit market has been put up for sale. [VERB noun PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
She put up her daughter for adoption in 1967. [V P n P n]
put up to
phrasal verb
If you put someone up to something wrong or foolish or something which they would not normally do, you suggest that they do it and you encourage them to do it.
How do you know he asked me out? You put him up to it. [VERB noun PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
put up with
phrasal verb B2
If you put up with something, you tolerate or accept it, even though you find it unpleasant or unsatisfactory.
We'd been unhappy for years, but I put up with it for the sake of the kids. [VERB PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
put simply
Put simply, you get more speed for a given amount of pedal power.
Times, Sunday Times
Put simply, if they win, they go through.
The Sun
Shoppers 'dial out' inflation by opting for cheaper options: put simply, if the price of rice doubles, shoppers are more likely to choose pasta.
Times, Sunday Times
Put simply, the television companies did not want it or couldn't afford it.
Times, Sunday Times
Put simply, after so much hard work, we can't stop now.
Times, Sunday Times
Japanese: 置く




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