

单词 qualitative approach
qualitative approach
The theoretical and documental research had a qualitative approach.
Leila Bernardo Donato Göttems, Maria Raquel Gomes Maia Pires 2009, 'Para além da atenção básica: reorganização do SUS por meio da interseção do setor político com o econômico Beyond primary care: reorganization of SUS through the intersection of the political and economic sectors', Saúde e Sociedade
A qualitative approach was used, relying on oral history techniques and documental analysis.
Maria de Fatima de Oliveira Andrade, Maria Cezira Fantini Nogueira Martins, Cláudia Maria Bógus 2007, 'Casa Siloé: a história de uma ONG para crianças portadoras de HIV/AIDS Casa Siloé: the history of an NGO for children with HIV/AIDS', História, Ciências, Saúde: Manguinhos
This paper has employed qualitative approach through ethnomethodology as method.
Eka Siskawati, Ferdawati, Firman Surya 2016, 'PEMAKNAAN AKUNTABILITAS MASJID: BAGAIMANA MASJID DAN MASYARAKAT SALING MEMAKMURKAN?', Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma
This study used a qualitative approach and a cross-sectional, nonrandom survey design.
Anna T. van 't Noordende, Wim H. van Brakel, Nandlal Banstola, Krishna P. Dhakal 2016, 'The Impact of Leprosy on Marital Relationships and Sexual Health among Married Women in Eastern Nepal', Journal of Tropical Medicine




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