

单词 study investigates
study investigates
This study investigated the performance of a compression ignition engine operating with sunflower ethyl ester.
Emin Açıkkalp, Hasan Yamık, Yakup İçingür 2017, 'Performance of a compression ignition engine operated with sunflower ethyl ester under different engine loads', Journal of Energy in Southern Africa
This study investigated the degradation and enzymatic saccharification of cornstalk by white-rot and brown rot fungi.
Xuejun Wu, Qi An, Yucheng Dai, Jing Si 2016, 'Investigating Lignocellulose in Cornstalk Pretreated with Trametes pubescens Cui 7571 to Improve Enzymatic Saccharification', BioResources
This study investigated the adsorption potential of carbaryl onto alluvial soil.
Naba Kumar Mondal, Soumya Chattoraj, Bikash Sadhukhan, Biswajit Das 2013, 'Evaluation of carbaryl sorption in alluvial soil', Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)
This study investigated the effect of vigor level in the performance of six oleraceous species seeds.
Denis Santiago da Costa, Rafael Marani Barbosa, Marco Eustaquio de Sá 2011, 'ACCELERATED AGING OF OLERACEOUS SPECIES SEEDS ENVELHECIMENTO ACELERADO DE SEMENTES DE ESPÉCIES OLERÁCEAS', Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical
This study investigated the effect of a proso millet extract on the inhibition of tyrosinase, a key enzyme in melanogenesis.
Wen-Ying Huang, Hui-Ju Chen, Chia-Ching Lin, Chin-Shuh Chen, Yung-Sheng Lin 2018, 'Kinetics Investigation on Mushroom Tyrosinase Inhibition of Proso Millet', Journal of Chemistry




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