

单词 way
(w )
Word forms: ways
1. countable noun [NOUN to-infinitive] A2
If you refer to a way of doing something, you are referring to how you can do it, for example the action you can take or the method you can use to achieve it.
Freezing isn't a bad way of preserving food.
Another way of making new friends is to go to an evening class. [+ of]
I worked myself into a frenzy plotting ways to make him jealous.
I can't think of a worse way to spend my time.
There just might be a way.
'All right, Mrs Bates,' she said. 'We'll do it your way.'
2. countable noun [usually singular, usually adjective NOUN] A2
If you talk about the way someone does something, you are talking about the qualities their action has.
She smiled in a friendly way.
He had a strange way of talking. [+ of]
I also used to love the smooth way in which the foreigner operated.
Synonyms: manner, style, fashion, mode  
3. countable noun [oft in NOUN] B2
If a general statement or description is true in a particular way, this is the form of it that is true in a particular case.
Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways.
She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her.
4. countable noun B2
You use way in expressions such as in some ways, in many ways, and in every way to indicate the degree or extent to which a statement is true.
In some ways, the official opening is a formality.
She described her lover as 'perfect in every way'.
5. plural noun
The ways of a particular person or group of people are their customs or their usual behaviour.
He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways.
I think you've been too long in Cornwall. You've forgotten the ways of the city.
He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.
6. singular noun [with poss]
If you refer to someone's way, you are referring to their usual or preferred type of behaviour.
In her usual resourceful way, she has started her own business.
Direct confrontation was not his way.
7. countable noun
You use way to refer to one particular opinion or interpretation of something, when others are possible.
I suppose that's one way of looking at it.
With most of Dylan's lyrics, however, there are other ways of interpreting the words. [+ of]
Sometimes, the bank manager just doesn't see it your way.
8. countable noun
You use way when mentioning one of a number of possible, alternative results or decisions.
There is no indication which way the vote could go.
The judge could have decided either way.
9. singular noun
The way you feel about something is your attitude to it or your opinion about it.
I'm terribly sorry–I had no idea you felt that way.
10. singular noun
If you mention the way that something happens, you are mentioning the fact that it happens.
I hate the way he manipulates people.
You may remember the way each scene ended with someone looking pensive or significant.
11. singular noun B2
You use way in expressions such as push your way, work your way, or eat your way, followed by a prepositional phrase or adverb, in order to indicate movement, progress, or force as well as the action described by the verb.
She thrust her way into the crowd. [+ into]
He thought we were trying to buy our way into his company. [+ into]
Start at the bottom and try to work your way up.
12. countable noun A2
The way somewhere consists of the different places that you go through or the route that you take in order to get there.
Does anybody know the way to the bathroom? [+ to]
I'm afraid I can't remember the way.
We're not even a third of the way there.
We'll go out the back way.
13. singular noun B1
If you go or look a particular way, you go or look in that direction.
As he strode into the kitchen, he passed Pop coming the other way.
They paused at the top of the stairs, doubtful as to which way to go next.
Could you look this way?
14. singular noun
You can refer to the direction you are travelling in as your way. [spoken]
It's not very far out of his way.
She would say she was going my way and offer me a lift.
15. singular noun A2
If you lose your way, you take a wrong or unfamiliar route, so that you do not know how to get to the place that you want to go to. If you find your way, you manage to get to the place that you want to go to.
The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.
They've changed a lot of the old street names, and people can't find their way anymore.
16. countable noun
You talk about people going their different ways in order to say that their lives develop differently and they have less contact with each other.
When we each went our separate ways I began to learn how to do things for myself.
You go your way and I'll go mine.
17. singular noun
If something comes your way, you get it or receive it.
Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way in a couple of months.
If I run into anything that might interest you, I'll send it your way.
18. singular noun [in/out of N] B1
If someone or something is in the way, they prevent you from moving forward or seeing clearly.
'You're standing in the way,' she said. 'Would you mind moving aside?'
Get out of my way!
19. noun, in names [noun NOUN]
Way is used in the names of some roads, and also in the names of some long paths for walkers in the countryside.
Silvertown Way, was that the road?
...the well-trodden 250-mile Pennine Way.
20. uncountable noun [supplement NOUN]
You can use way to refer to the area near where someone lives or near a specified place. [informal]
If you speak standard English anywhere round our way, people tend to view you with suspicion.
...somebody from Newcastle way.
21. singular noun
You use way in expressions such as the right way up and the other way around to refer to one of two or more possible positions or arrangements that something can have.
The flag was held the wrong way up by some spectators.
It's important to fit it the right way round.
22. adverb [ADV adv/prep]
You can use way to emphasize, for example, that something is a great distance away or is very much below or above a particular level or amount. [emphasis]
Way down in the valley to the west is the town of Freiburg.
These exam results are way above average.
I have to decide my plan way in advance.
23. plural noun [num NOUN]
If you split something a number of ways, you divide it into a number of different parts or quantities, usually fairly equal in size.
When she retires her job is to be split three ways.
Splitting the price six ways had still cost them each a bundle.
Way is also a combining form.
...a simple three-way division.
24. singular noun B1
Way is used in expressions such as a long way, a little way, and quite a way, to say how far away something is or how far you have travelled.
Some of them live in places quite a long way from here.
A little way further down the lane we passed the driveway to a house.
We've a fair way to go yet.
Synonyms: distance, length, stretch, journey  
25. singular noun B1+
Way is used in expressions such as a long way, a little way, and quite a way, to say how far away in time something is.
Success is still a long way off.
August is still an awfully long way away.
26. singular noun B2
You use way in expressions such as all the way, most of the way, and half the way to refer to the extent to which an action has been completed.
He had unscrewed the caps most of the way.
When was the last time you listened to an album all the way through?
Synonyms: will, demand, wish, desire  
27. across the way phrase
If something is across the way, it is nearby on the opposite side of a road or area. [informal]
...the big gabled house across the way.
28. all the way phrase B2
You use all the way to emphasize how long a distance is. [emphasis]
He had to walk all the way home.
That dress came all the way from New York.
29. all the way phrase
You can use all the way to emphasize that your remark applies to every part of a situation, activity, or period of time. [emphasis]
Having started a revolution, we must go all the way.
I'll support him all the way.
30. as is the way phrase [usu PHR with/of n]
You can use as is the way to say that a particular situation or example of behaviour is typical and you would not expect it to be different.
As is the way in the media age, McLean was soon being interviewed.
31. in a bad way phrase [verb-link PHRASE]
If someone or something is in a bad way, they are in a bad condition or situation.
The economy is in a bad way.
'You look in a bad way,' chuckled Brad.
32. in a big way phrase
If something is happening in a big way, it is happening on a large scale. [informal]
I think boxing will take off in a big way here.
33. you can't have it both ways phrase
If someone says that you can't have it both ways, they are telling you that you have to choose between two things and cannot do or have them both.
Countries cannot have it both ways: the cost of a cleaner environment may be fewer jobs.
Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.
34. by the way phrase B1
You say by the way when you add something to what you are saying, especially something that you have just thought of. [spoken]
The name Latifah, by the way, means 'delicate'.
By the way, how did your seminar go?
Synonyms: incidentally, in passing, in parenthesis, en passant  
35. by way of phrase
You use by way of when you are explaining the purpose of something that you have said or are about to say. For example, if you say something by way of an introduction, you say it as an introduction.
By way of contrast, Manchester United will travel slightly more than 1,200 miles.
'I get very superstitious about things like that,' she said by way of explanation.
36. by way of prepositional phrase [PREP n]
If you do something by way of a particular method, you use that method to do it. [mainly British, written]
I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures, practicals and tutorials.
37. by way of prepositional phrase [PREP n]
If you go somewhere by way of a particular place, you go through that place in order to get to where you want.
The path goes under the river by way of the tunnel.
38. change one's ways/mend one's ways phrase
If someone changes their ways or mends their ways, they permanently improve their behaviour or their way of doing something.
What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?
39. clear the way/open the way/prepare the way phrase
If you clear the way, open the way, or prepare the way for something, you create an opportunity for it to happen.
The talks are meant to clear the way for formal negotiations on a new constitution.
The decision could open the way for other children to sue their parents.
40. the easy way out phrase
If you say that someone takes the easy way out, you disapprove of them because they do what is easiest for them in a difficult situation, rather than dealing with it properly. [disapproval]
As soon as things got difficult he took the easy way out.
It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.
41. either way phrase B2
You use either way in order to introduce a statement which is true in each of the two possible or alternative cases that you have just mentioned.
The sea may rise or the land may fall; either way the sand dunes will be gone in a short time.
42. the way forward phrase
If you say that a particular type of action or development is the way forward, you approve of it because it is likely to lead to success. [approval]
...people who genuinely believe that anarchy is the way forward.
Young players have got to be the way forward for every club.
43. get one's way/have one's way/get one's own way/have one's own way phrase
If someone gets their way or has their way, nobody stops them doing what they want to do. You can also say that someone gets their own way or has their own way.
She is very good at using her charm to get her way.
44. give way to phrase
If one thing gives way to another, the first thing is replaced by the second.
First he had been numb. Then the numbness gave way to anger.
The last houses give way to soybean fields.
Synonyms: be replaced by, be succeeded by, be supplanted by  
45. to give way phrase
If an object that is supporting something gives way, it breaks or collapses, so that it can no longer support that thing.
The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.
Synonyms: collapse, give, fall, crack  
46. to give way phrase
If you give way to someone or something that you have been resisting, you stop resisting and allow yourself to be persuaded or controlled by them. [written]
It seems the President has given way to pressure from the hardliners.
He finally gave way to an impulse and pulled her toward him.
47. to give way phrase
If a moving person, a vehicle, or its driver gives way, they slow down or stop in order to allow other people or vehicles to pass in front of them. [British]
Give way to traffic coming from the left.
regional note:   in AM, use yield
48. have a way of doing sth phrase
If you say that someone or something has a way of doing a particular thing, you mean that they often do it.
Bosses have a way of always finding out about such things.
49. have a way with sth/sb phrase
If you say that a person has a way with something or someone, you mean that that person seems to have a natural skill or instinct for dealing with them. [mainly spoken, approval]
Constance doesn't have a way with words like you do.
He seems to have had a way with foreigners.
50. have it your way/have it your own way phrase
If you say have it your way or have it your own way, you are telling someone in an annoyed way that you will agree with or accept their suggestion even though you do not think they are right. [feelings]
All right then, have it your way. Be like that.
51. in no way phrase
You use in no way or not in any way to emphasize that a statement is not at all true. [emphasis]
In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.
A spokesman insisted the two events were 'in no way related'.
'He hasn't become more boring has he?' she laughs. 'No. Not in any way.'
52. in a way phrase B2
If you say that something is true in a way, you mean that although it is not completely true, it is true to a limited extent or in certain respects. You use in a way to reduce the force of a statement. [vagueness]
In a way, I suppose I'm frightened of failing.
It made things very unpleasant in a way.
53. in a small way phrase [PHRASE after verb, PHRASE with cl]
If you say that someone does something in a small way, you mean that although they do not do very much, their actions are useful or important.
...demonstrations against corruption, which began in a small way last week.
By doing this you will, in a small way, help win the victory.
54. in the way phrase B2
If you say that someone gets in the way or is in the way, you are annoyed because their presence or their actions stop you doing something properly.
'We wouldn't get in the way,' Suzanne promised. 'We'd just stand quietly in a corner.'
55. get in the way phrase B2
To get in the way of something means to make it difficult for it to happen, continue, or be appreciated properly.
She had a job which never got in the way of her leisure interests. [+ of]
56. know one's way around sth/know one's way about sth phrase
If you know your way around a particular subject, system, or job, or if you know your way about it, you know all the procedures and facts about it.
He knows his way around the intricate maze of European law.
He knows his way about the system better than do most ministers.
57. to laugh all the way to the bank phrase [VERB inflects]
If you say that someone is laughing all the way to the bank, you mean that they are making a lot of money very easily. [informal]
The lucrative contract with television means that England's wealthy football clubs will now be laughing all the way to the bank.
58. to lead the way phrase B2
If you lead the way along a particular route, you go along it in front of someone in order to show them where to go.
She grabbed his suitcase and led the way.
59. to lead the way phrase
If a person or group leads the way in a particular activity, they are the first person or group to do it or they make the most new developments in it.
Samsung has led the way in research and development in this area.
60. have come a long way phrase
If you say that someone or something has come a long way, you mean that they have developed, progressed, or become very successful.
He has come a long way since the days he could only afford one meal a day.
61. by a long way phrase
You can use by a long way to emphasize that something is, for example, much better, worse, or bigger than any other thing of that kind. [emphasis]
It was, by a long way, the worst meeting I have ever attended.
Our favourite by a long way was the supermarkets' own brand.
62. a long way from/some way from phrase
If you say that something is a long way from being true, you are emphasizing that it is definitely not true. [emphasis]
She is a long way from being the richest person in Britain.
That's a long way from the truth.
63. to go a long way phrase
If you say that something goes a long way towards doing a particular thing, you mean that it is an important factor in achieving that thing.
Although not a cure, it goes a long way towards making the patient's life tolerable. [+ towards/to]
64. lose one's way phrase
If you lose your way, you become lost when you are trying to go somewhere.
The men lost their way in a sandstorm.
65. make one's way phrase B2
When you make your way somewhere, you walk or travel there.
He made his way to the marketplace, as he had been instructed to do.
He made his way home at last.
66. make way phrase
If one person or thing makes way for another, the first is replaced by the second.
He said he was prepared to make way for younger people in the party.
A number of houses would have to be demolished to make way for the new building.
67. there's no way phrase B2
If you say there's no way that something will happen, you are emphasizing that you think it will definitely not happen. [emphasis]
There was absolutely no way that we were going to be able to retrieve it.
68. no way phrase B1
You can say no way as an emphatic way of saying no. [informal, emphasis]
Mike, no way am I playing cards with you for money.
That was not the life Jack Hewitt planned to live. No way!
69. in the way of phrase
You use in the way of or by way of in order to specify the kind of thing you are talking about.
Latvia is a country without much in the way of natural resources.
Meetings held today produced little in the way of an agreement.
The man with whom she maintains a relationship provides nothing by way of support.
70. be on one's way phrase B1+
If you are on your way, you have started your journey somewhere.
He has been allowed to leave the country and is on his way to Britain.
By sunrise tomorrow we'll be on our way.
71. go on one's way phrase [VERB inflects]
If you go on your way, you continue with your journey.
She picked up her bag, and went on her way.
72. along the way phrase B1+
If something happens on the way or along the way, it happens during the course of a particular event or process.
You may have to learn a few new skills along the way.
73. on one's way/well on one's way phrase
If you are on your way or well on your way to something, you have made so much progress that you are almost certain to achieve that thing.
I am now out of hospital and well on the way to recovery.
74. on the way/on its way phrase B2
If something is on the way, it will arrive soon.
The forecasters say more snow is on the way.
She is married with twin sons and a third child on the way.
75. one way or another/one way or the other phrase B2
You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens. [vagueness]
...those who had entered Germany one way or another during the war.
You know pretty well everyone here, one way or the other.
76. one way or another/one way or the other phrase B2
You use one way or the other or one way or another to refer to two possible decisions or conclusions that have previously been mentioned, without stating which one is reached or preferred.
We've got to make our decision one way or the other.
I didn't really care one way or another.
77. in more ways than one phrase [PHRASE with cl]
You say in more ways than one to indicate that what you have said is intended to have more than one meaning.
These local elections may prove a turning point in more ways than one.
78. the other way around phrase B2
You use the other way around or the other way round to refer to the opposite of what you have just said.
You'd think you were the one who did me the favor, and not the other way around.
79. on the way out phrase
If something or someone is on the way out or on their way out, they are likely to disappear or to be replaced very soon.
The British seaside holiday is apparently on the way out.
He is rumoured to be on the way out of professional cycling following a disastrous season.
80. go out of one's way phrase
If you go out of your way to do something, for example to help someone, you make a special effort to do it.
He was very kind to me and seemed to go out of his way to help me.
81. keep out of sb's way/stay out of sb's way phrase
If you keep out of someone's way or stay out of their way, you avoid them or do not get involved with them.
I'd kept out of his way as much as I could.
He warned the army to stay out of the way of the relief effort.
82. be out of the way phrase B2
When something is out of the way, it has finished or you have dealt with it, so that it is no longer a problem or needs no more time spent on it.
The plan has to remain confidential at least until the local elections are out of the way.
It would have been better to have got it out of the way earlier.
83. go one's own way phrase
If you go your own way, you do what you want rather than what everyone else does or expects.
In school I was a loner. I went my own way.
84. in the same way phrase B2
You use in the same way to introduce a situation that you are comparing with one that you have just mentioned, because there is a strong similarity between them.
My parents are together and, if anything, closer than ever. In the same way, I also feel closer to both of them.
85. be set in one's ways phrase
If you say that someone is set in their ways, you are being critical of the fact that they have fixed habits and ideas which they will not easily change, even though they may be old-fashioned. [disapproval]
86. that way/this way phrase B2
You can use that way and this way to refer to a statement or comment that you have just made.
Some of us have habits few people know about and we keep it this way.
We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way.
I've never found it hard to make friends so I suppose I was lucky that way.
87. that way/this way phrase
You can use that way or this way to refer to an action or situation that you have just mentioned, when you go on to mention the likely consequence or effect of it.
Keep the soil moist. That way, the seedling will flourish.
I am left holding the baby; but at least this way I know that she's being well looked after.
88. the way things are going phrase [be inflects, PHRASE with cl]
You can use the way things are going to indicate that you expect something to happen because of the way the present situation is developing.
The way things are going, perhaps he won't come at all.
89. to my way of thinking phrase [PHRASE with cl]
You add to my way of thinking to a statement in order to indicate that you are giving your opinion.
To my way of thinking, it didn't seem as if it ought to be so terribly complicated.
90. no two ways about it phrase [usually verb-link PHRASE]
If you say that there are no two ways about it, you are emphasizing that there is no doubt at all about a particular situation or about how it should be interpreted. [spoken, emphasis]
You stay here, you die. No two ways about it.
91. under way adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If an activity is under way, it has already started. If an activity gets under way, it starts.
An investigation is underway to find out how the disaster happened.
It was a cold evening, winter well underway.
The conference gets under way later today with a debate on the family.
Synonyms: in progress, going on, started, begun  
92. every which way phrase
Every which way and any which way are used to emphasize that something happens, or might happen, in a lot of different ways, or using a lot of different methods. [US, also British, informal, emphasis]
He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.
They are just happy to sell their inventory any which way they can.
93. every which way phrase
Every which way is used to emphasize that things move in a lot of different directions or are arranged in a lot of different positions. [US, also British, informal, emphasis]
...cars parked every which way.
94. way to go phrase
You can say 'Way to go' to show that you are pleased or impressed by something someone has done.
As he left, the fans broke into applause and someone called out 'Way to go, Mike!'
95. to see the error of your ways phrase
If someone sees the error of their ways, they realize or admit that they have made a mistake or behaved badly.
I wanted to talk some sense into him and make him see the error of his ways.
96. to look the other way phrase [VERB inflects]
If you say that someone looks the other way, you are critical of them because they pay no attention to something unpleasant that is happening, when they should be dealing with it properly. [disapproval]
(-weɪ )
1. combining form
-way combines with numbers to form adjectives that describe a means of communication that functions or takes place between the stated number of people.
...a two-way radio.
...a system of three-way communication.
2.  See also one-way, two-way
The longest way round is the shortest way home
that's the way the cookie crumbles
said to mean that you should accept the way that things happen, even if it is bad
Even after he failed, he didn't give up. 'That's the way the cookie crumbles,' he said.
there's more than one way to skin a cat
there are several ways to achieve something
There is more than one way to skin a cat; keep positive and try another method of reaching your goal.
see which way the cat jumps [mainly British]
to delay making a decision or taking action on something until more is known about how the situation will develop
I'm going to sit tight and see which way the cat jumps.
be way off beam [British]
to be completely wrong or mistaken
The writer was hilariously way off beam in his criticism of soccer.
laugh all the way to the bank
to make a lot of money very easily or very quickly
Investors who followed our New Year share tips are laughing all the way to the bank.
someone can't fight their way out of a paper bag
said to mean that someone is very bad at fighting
We've already shown you that they are no use to you as allies. They couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
smooth the way
to make it easier for something to happen or more likely for something to happen
For several weeks now, the president has been trying to smooth the way for this package of spending cuts and tax increases.
all the way down the line
at every stage of a situation or activity, or including all the people or things involved in a situation or activity
It is the British government that has fought for reform all the way down the line.
the easy way out
doing what is easiest for yourself in a difficult situation, rather than dealing with the problem properly
It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure, and this is bad practice.
go back a long way [mainly British] or go way back
to have been friends or associates for a very long time
We go back a long way, and she's always kept in touch, always been there for me.
look the other way
to deliberately ignore something unpleasant, immoral, or illegal that is happening when you should be trying to deal with it or stop it from happening
Stolen goods are sold unashamedly in broad daylight but you tend to look the other way and mind your own business.
pave the way for something
to make it easier for another thing to happen
A peace agreement last year paved the way for this week's elections.
rub someone up the wrong way [British] or rub someone the wrong way
to annoy someone a great deal
Ella had an uncommon knack of rubbing everyone up the wrong way.
see which way the wind is blowing or see how the wind is blowing
to understand or realize how a situation is developing and use this in deciding what to do
He wasn't one to make pronouncements before he had seen which way the wind was blowing.
admire the way
Why didn't he admire the way it had been born out of a review of a review that was itself reviewed by, well, almost everyone?
Times, Sunday Times
I admire her way of facing life without fears.
Times, Sunday Times
They admire the way he has turned the election setback into something like a triumph.
The Sun
I admire the way they blur the line between biped and quadruped.
Times, Sunday Times
You cannot but admire the way they are able to cast the sadness to the back of their minds and push on.
The Sun
affect the way
It would have affected the way we dealt with each other as human beings.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Small electrical pulses are delivered to the body via electrodes placed on the skin, and these are thought to affect the way pain signals reach the brain.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Your emotions are affecting the way you frame the observations.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
They can affect the way we react to any medicines that we swallow.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
None of us can help the way we look and it is regrettable that facial tics and lopsided lips affect the way we see our political leaders.
The Sun (2014)
alter the way
Many actors and people in public life have speech training to alter the way they sound or to help their voices carry better.
The Sun (2009)
A deed of variation allows beneficiaries to alter the way assets are distributed in a will.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
They are altering the way we live our lives with their disruptive technologies.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
alternative way
We compare the economics of downsizing with equity release, an alternative way of turning your home into a piggy bank.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The firm is keen to promote alternative ways to settling disputes, of which mediation is only one.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
An alternative way to invest in residential property is through a fund.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
better way
What better way to start than by baking traditional soda bread?
The Sun (2013)
Perhaps a better way would be to have graduated fees for different levels of parking offence.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
There are some fuzzy heads the next morning, but what better way to blow away the cobwebs than an off-road jeep ride?
The Sun (2015)
What better way to get over an old flame than going on holiday?
The Sun (2011)
So here they are, and what better way to wile away a few hours of your life?
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
brilliant way
Both recipes are brilliant ways to turn your leftovers into something very, very special.
The Sun (2015)
Humour is a brilliant way of bringing people together.
The Sun (2007)
Taking in a lodger is a brilliant way to earn a bit of extra cash.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
certain way
Fixing prices regardless of the companies' costs is a certain way of deterring investment.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The research suggests people keep behaving a certain way when they are rewarded for it.
The Sun (2010)
It warned there was no other certain way to avoid the virus's birth defects.
The Sun (2016)
You have to be a certain way.
The Sun (2013)
I work with dialect coaches to get his accent right and physically I want him to look a certain way too.
The Sun (2016)
cheap way
Nobody cares, it was the cheap way it came out.
The Sun
Look at cost and circulation, and online has rapidly become a cheap way for classified advertisers to reach large numbers of consumers.
Times, Sunday Times
Got any ideas for a painless, cheap way of shaping them into sleek little things?
Times, Sunday Times
A pity, because it gave private shareholders a cheap way to reinvest in the company.
Times, Sunday Times
I started doing stripes in the early days because it was a distinctive, cheap way of using fabric.
Times, Sunday Times
convey a way
They are supplied by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves that convey the way we feel about what happens to us into the body.
Times, Sunday Times
Do they not convey the way in which sport transcends cultural boundaries and epochs, reaching into the intrinsic fascination we find in raw competition and unscripted drama?
Times, Sunday Times
This was done to better convey the way the music came across to the audience, at the time.
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describe the way
That doesn't begin to describe the way the rest of the country feels about them.
The Sun
These chapters describe the way the plot began to develop and eventually unravel.
Christianity Today
Log-rolling used to describe the way that pioneers helped their neighbours to build their cabins.
Times, Sunday Times
He prefers a less highfalutin term to describe the way he addresses artifice.
Times, Sunday Times
I wrote this song to describe the way it felt to want to bring her back to life.
The Sun
different way
In different ways, music and projected images have been mixed and blended for a century now.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
She's striving for a different way of being a musician.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Different people react to disappointment in different ways.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
effective way
If we can find a cheaper way to do something and still get it done in an effective, acceptable way, we do it.
Christianity Today (2000)
A simple and effective way to improve joints and whole birds is to soak them in brine before cooking.
The Sun (2014)
Food is such an effective way of showing that you care.
The Sun (2012)
explore a way
Students explore the way they do their job through modules and online tutorials with other administrators.
Times, Sunday Times
As they study the freakish hybrid forms of modern sculpture, they explore the way in which the idea of fantastical transfiguration has fed the imagination of modern artists.
Times, Sunday Times
Nobody knows what the future holds but it's these guys who will find out and explore the way forward.
Times, Sunday Times
They are encouraged to explore the way the media and their peers perceive and act towards issues of health.
Retrieved from Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0
Her research areas explore the way interaction, via computer media, supports and affects work, learning, and social interaction, primarily from a social-network-analysis perspective.
Retrieved from Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0
fantastic way
Taking the tram through the city is a fantastic way to take in the architecture, both old and new.
The Sun (2014)
Using sticks of rosemary as skewers is also a fantastic way to infuse beef.
The Sun (2013)
To me climbing has always been a fantastic way of doing something crazy and dangerous.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
funny way
In a funny way, I felt as though Mum had just given her blessing to the whole relationship.
Kate Cann READY? (2001)
He's got a funny way of showing it,' I mumbled through a mouthful of beef koon po.
Val McDermid DEAD BEAT (2002)
She had a funny way of baring her front teeth like a hamster when she was being slightly sarky, which was often.
Richard Francis PROSPECT HILL (2003)
hard way
We're going to have to do it the hard way.
The Sun (2013)
He had to learn his diplomatic skills the hard way.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
We are learning the hard way.
The Sun (2006)
ideal way
In many ways, cycling is an ideal way to transport a toddler.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
There is no single ideal way of combining colours.
Photographers Handbook (1993)
Using your savings is the ideal way to fund a venture.
Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur (1986)
improve the way
The tricky task now is to use a food contamination scandal to improve the way the company deals with its suppliers.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
JPs are willing to embrace new technology to improve the way that they work and deliver justice.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It said it has improved the way it assesses front-line staff.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All that exchange of knowledge and know-how and skills has improved the way we do it.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
If you just put money into slightly improving the way silicon chips work you miss the point.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
new way
Sometimes innovation is about making old ideas work in new ways - not coming up with endless new initiatives.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
We were asked to adopt a new way of expressing our grievances.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
You could discover your vocation in life when you try a new way of working.
The Sun (2009)
old-fashioned way
Remember times have changed, and old-fashioned ways are not always best.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Sending money the old-fashioned way means it can get lost in the post.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
He talks a lot about mentoring the old-fashioned way.
Christianity Today (2000)
only way
The only way I can do that is by getting my head down, working hard for my club and going again.
The Sun (2012)
The only way is over time, by repetition.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The only other way left to him will be to try and win attention by being good.
Educational Psychology in a Changing World (1988)
particular way
There is no specific guidance for schools on how to teach handwriting and at what age pupils should be able to write in any particular way.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
What I have attempted is to take existing information and apply it in a particular way.
The Making of Neoclassical Economics (1990)
I like things done in a particular way.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
perfect way
The baking heat, scenery straight off a postcard and patient guidance made it the perfect way to try something new.
The Sun (2014)
This is the perfect way for me to have my cake and eat it, literally.
The Sun (2014)
Exploring the Mediterranean by ship is a perfect way to drink in its beauty.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
positive way
That's the most positive way to put it.
Christianity Today (2000)
Use this to its best advantage by talking of your exercise only in a positive way.
BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident (2002)
You have a positive way of thinking and a dynamic approach to life.
The Sun (2009)
possible way
Competing with the best one minute, getting turned over in the worst possible way the next.
The Sun (2010)
Here is a figure who can point a possible way forward.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It looks like they know how to deal with it in the best possible way.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
practical way
There are more practical ways to help, too.
The Sun (2015)
Her concern for their wellbeing extended in practical ways to their futures.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
They aim to find a practical way ahead.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
proper way
The question now is whether he tries to learn the ropes the proper way, with a coaching job at club level.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
He even knew the proper way to say legumes.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
The proper way to use objectives is the way an airline uses schedules and flight plans.
Peter F. Drucker THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER (2001)
I do not feel that this is a proper way to conduct business with an elderly and vulnerable widower.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Winnie was arguing politics with one of the trauma surgeons, and Sam's daughter was instructing Betty Wheaton in the proper way to fly fish.
Dreyer, Eileen BAD MEDICINE (1995)
rational way
They looked for a logical, rational way of making art, a governing idea behind the forms.
The Times Literary Supplement
Had we had the time, no doubt he would have offered a perfectly rational way to solve the public sector pensions dispute.
Times, Sunday Times
They can take life's realities, provided they are explained to them in a calm, rational way.
The Sun
We could then be certain that the frenzy that surrounds these issues would be dealt with in a calm, rational way.
Times, Sunday Times
There must be a more rational way of making the housing market work.
Times, Sunday Times
realistic way
The realistic way of immediately cutting the bill will be to raise employees' contributions.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Going to boot camp and near starvation isn't a realistic way to lose and maintain.
The Sun (2012)
You can think about money in a realistic way and help others to accept the financial facts of life.
The Sun (2014)
The realistic way you handle a cash situation wins a lot of respect.
The Sun (2007)
Your imaginative ideas and realistic way of working out the costs wow bosses.
The Sun (2015)
roundabout way
Sometimes, though, saying something in a roundabout way can be more interesting.
Christianity Today (2000)
She has finally succeeded, although in a roundabout way.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Let me explain the roundabout way it confronted me.
Christianity Today (2000)
sensible way
We have to send a message out to all clubs that they have to be run in a prudent and sensible way.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Surely the sensible way around this is to use just one half of that cheaper return ticket?
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
There are far more sensible ways to consider cutting costs.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
shape the way
The experiences we live through shape the way we think of the world.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
This has shaped the way we view life.
Christianity Today (2000)
simple way
Maybe removing some of these field drains would be a simple way of ' spreading the load' on our rivers.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The simplest way to look for a share is to pin up an advert in your local tack shop or riding stables.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The simplest way to reduce the carbon hoofprint would be to cut global consumption of meat and milk.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
He was a 'name-dropper' - that would be the simple way of putting it.
The Sun (2014)
The simplest way of doing this is to hold the commodity in a tangible form, such as gold bullion.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
sort of way
But tricky in a delicious can't-choose-between-the-summer-pudding-and-the-crème-brûlée sort of way.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Of course, this hamminess might, in an ironic sort of way, have been part of the joke.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
`Shel and Larry were close for a long time in a buddy-buddy sort of way.
Pacter, Trudi YELLOW BIRD
They are both unconventional in a conventional sort of way.
The Sun (2013)
The latter gent was demonstrably interested in this and related topics in a mature, amused, and fundamentally gullible sort of way.
various & introduction by Deirdre Chapman A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990 (2002)
straightforward way
In my mind there were only two people, her and me; no room then for a shadowy third to complicate the straightforward way I hated her.
Conybeare, Stephanie A DEATH IN THE FAMILY (1992)
Speaking about your feelings in a straightforward way adds understanding and deepens love.
The Sun (2016)
So I determined to do all my financial transactions in the most doggedly literal and straightforward way possible.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Your mind works faster and smarter so there is no need to sidestep problems, as you can solve them in a very straightforward way.
The Sun (2016)
You have the confidence to talk about love in the straightforward way that gets a relationship moving.
The Sun (2011)
strange way
What a strange way of expressing democracy.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It was a strange way of going about telling the world.
The Sun (2016)
Yet in some strange way the rejection worked for my writing of the script, helping it to evolve into something deeper and more heartfelt.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Dressing up and burning incense seems a strange way to be in touch with the Almighty.
Secombe, Fred GOODBYE CURATE (2003)
unique way
I think it's just a very unique way of moving.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It would be a unique way to see who had leadership ability and might be interested in teaching someday.
Christianity Today (2000)
He always tries to do things the backhand way and has a unique way of presenting himself.
The Sun (2011)
useful way
Many people will find the new ID cards a rather useful way of proving their age or their identity.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Lively and spectacular, it influenced Hollywood in many useful ways.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Some profitability or efficiency ratios can be linked in useful ways.
Principles of Corporate Finance (1991)
usual way
To use, pour out the soap liquid and wash in the usual way.
The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home (1991)
The usual way of measuring labour productivity is output per hour.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Shampoo and rinse in the usual way.
The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home (1991)
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