

单词 well
1. discourse uses2. adverb uses3. phrases4. adjective use5. noun uses6. verb uses
(wel )
discourse uses
language note:   Well is used mainly in spoken English.
1. adverb A1
You say well to indicate that you are about to say something.
Sylvia shook hands. 'Well, you go get yourselves some breakfast.'.
Well, I don't like the look of that.
2. adverb A1
You say well to indicate that you intend or want to carry on speaking.
You can, you know, get paranoid? Well, that's something I really try and avoid.
The trouble with City is that they do not have enough quality players. Well, that can easily be rectified.
3. adverb A1
You say well to indicate that you are changing the topic, and are either going back to something that was being discussed earlier or are going on to something new.
Thank you Lionel, for singing that for us. Well, we'd better tell you what's on the show between nine and midnight.
Well, let's press on.
4. adverb A1
You say well to indicate that you have reached the end of a conversation.
'I'm sure you will be an asset,' she added. 'Well, I see it's time for lunch.'
Well, thank you for speaking with us.
5. adverb A1
You say well to make a suggestion, criticism, or correction seem less definite or rude.
Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem.
Well, let's wait and see.
Well, I thought she was a bit unfair about me.
6. adverb
You say well just before or after you pause, especially to give yourself time to think about what you are going to say.
Look, I'm really sorry I woke you, and, well, I just wanted to tell you I was all right.
7. adverb
You say well when you are correcting something that you have just said.
The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it. Well, our offspring are, anyway.
There was a note. Well, not really a note.
Synonyms: possibly, probably, certainly, reasonably  
8. adverb
You say well to express your doubt about something that someone has said. [feelings]
'But finance is far more serious.'—'Well, I don't know really.'
'Go on, Dennis.'—'Well, if you're sure.'
9. exclamation
You say well to express your surprise or anger at something that someone has just said or done. [feelings]
'Imelda,' said Mrs Kennerly. 'That's my name, Tom.'—'Well,' said Tom. 'Imelda. I never knew.'.
Well, honestly! They're like an old married couple at times.
10. convention
You say well to indicate that you are waiting for someone to say something and often to express your irritation with them. [feelings]
'Well?' asked Barry, 'what does it tell us?'
'Well, why don't you ask me?' he said finally.
11. convention
You use well to indicate that you are amused by something you have heard or seen, and often to introduce a comment on it. [feelings]
Well, well, well, look at you.
Bob peered at it. 'Well, well!' he said, 'I haven't seen Spam since the war!' and laughed.
12. oh well convention B1+
You say oh well to indicate that you accept a situation or that someone else should accept it, even though you or they are not very happy about it, because it is not too bad and cannot be changed. [feelings]
Oh well, it could be worse.
'I called her and she said no.'—'Oh well.'
13. very well convention
Very well is used to say that you agree to do something or you accept someone's answer, even though you might not be completely satisfied with it. [formulae]
'We need proof, sir.' Another pause. Then, 'Very well.'
Very well, please yourself.
(wel )
adverb uses
Word forms: better , best
1. adverb [ADVERB after verb] A1
If you do something well, you do it to a high standard or to a great extent.
All the Indian batsmen played well.
He speaks English better than I do.
It is a formula that worked very well indeed.
I don't really know her very well.
2. adverb [ADVERB after verb] A1
If you do something well, you do it thoroughly and completely.
Mix all the ingredients well.
Wash your hands well with soap.
Synonyms: thoroughly, completely, fully, carefully  
3. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you speak or think well of someone, you say or think favourable things about them.
'He speaks well of you.'—'I'm glad to hear that.' [+ of]
It might help people think better of him. [+ of]
Synonyms: favourably, highly, kindly, warmly  
4. combining form
Well is used in front of past participles to indicate that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent.
Helen is a very well-known novelist in Australia.
People live longer nowadays, and they are better educated.
British nurses were among the best trained in Europe.
5. adverb A2
You use well to ask or talk about the extent or standard of something.
How well do you remember your mother, Franzi?
This new career doesn't pay nearly as well as the old one.
Their captain said his team had played as well as it possibly could.
He wasn't dressed any better than me.
6. adverb B2
You use well in front of a prepositional phrase to emphasize it. For example, if you say that one thing happened well before another, you mean that it happened a long time before it. [emphasis]
Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight. [+ after]
We often plan our meals well in advance.
They had remained silent until they were well away from the house.
He stands well over six feet tall. [+ over]
Synonyms: considerably, easily, very much, significantly  
7. adverb [ADVERB adjective] B2
You use well before certain adjectives to emphasize them. [emphasis]
She has a close group of friends who are very well aware of what she has suffered.
Men are generally better able to express anger.
The show is well worth a visit.
Synonyms: fully, highly, greatly, completely  
8. adverb [ADVERB adjective]
Some people use well before adjectives referring to feelings to emphasize that the feeling is very strong. [informal, emphasis]
I was well happy with my goal.
9. adverb [adv ADV, ADVERB with verb]
You use well after adverbs such as ' perfectly', ' jolly', or 'damn' in order to emphasize an opinion or the truth of what you are saying. [emphasis]
You know perfectly well I can't be blamed for the failure of that mission.
I'd got myself into this situation and I jolly well had to get myself out of it.
10. adverb B2
You use well after verbs such as 'may' and 'could' when you are saying what you think is likely to happen. [emphasis]
The murderer may well come from the estate.
Ours could well be the last generation for which moviegoing has a sense of magic.
(wel )
1. as well phrase B1+
You use as well when mentioning something which happens in the same way as something else already mentioned, or which should be considered at the same time as that thing.
If the university invites one candidate to speak, all others will be invited as well.
I prefer to paint landscapes. I like to paint butterflies and gardens as well.
Andy's face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.
Synonyms: also, too, in addition, moreover  
2. as well as phrase B1
You use as well as when you want to mention another item connected with the subject you are discussing.
She published historical novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire.
It is in his best interests as well as yours.
Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference.
As well as running my organics company, I am Ronnie's PA.
Synonyms: including, along with, in addition to, not to mention  
3. as well it/he/she might/may phrase
If you say, after stating that something has happened or is the case, as well it might or as well it may, you mean that this is not at all surprising or is quite appropriate.
This caused a few gasps, as well it might.
You can see he's terrified, as well he might be after what we've been through.
4. be just as well phrase
If you say that something that has happened is just as well, you mean that it is fortunate that it happened in the way it did.
Blue asbestos is far less common than white, which is just as well because it's more dangerous.
Judging from everything you've said, it was just as well she wasn't there.
5. it is as well to phrase
You say it is as well to think or do something when you are advising someone to think in a particular way or to take a particular action.
It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.
6. would do well to phrase
If you say that someone would do well to do something, you mean that you advise or recommend that they do it.
He would do well to remember that, sooner or later, everyone's luck runs out.
Investors would do well to take a look at the Swiss economy.
7. may as well phrase
If you say that something, usually something bad, might as well be true or may as well be true, you mean that the situation is the same or almost the same as if it were true.
The couple might as well have been strangers.
We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present.
8. may/might as well phrase
If you say that you might as well do something, or that you may as well do it, you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to do it and may even feel slightly unwilling to do it.
If I've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham.
Anyway, you're here; you might as well stay.
I'll come with you if you like. I might as well.
9. all well and good phrase
If you say that something is all well and good, you are suggesting that it has faults or disadvantages, although it may appear to be correct or reasonable.
It's all well and good for him to say he's sorry, but has he told you why he did it? [+ for]
10. well and good phrase
You say well and good or all well and good to indicate that you would be pleased if something happens but you are aware that it has some disadvantages.
If they arrive before I leave, well and good. If not, the responsibility will be mine.
This is all well and good, but we have to look at the situation in the long term.
11. be well out of it phrase [VERB inflects]
If you say to someone who is no longer involved in a situation that they are well out of it, you mean that it is a good thing they are no longer involved and they should be pleased about this. [mainly British]
I hated the Cold War. I think we're very well out of it.
12. well and truly phrase
If you say that something is well and truly finished, gone, or done, you are emphasizing that it is completely finished or gone, or thoroughly done. [mainly British, emphasis]
The war is well and truly over.
...the relief of knowing that a problem was well and truly solved.
The greenhouse effect is well and truly with us.
13. well enough phrase [PHRASE after verb]
If you say that you like something or someone well enough, you mean that you quite like them or find them reasonably acceptable.
Nancy liked it well enough, but complained about the color.
Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.
14. all very well phrase
You use all very well to suggest that you do not really approve of something or you think that it is unreasonable. [disapproval]
It is all very well adding garlic, but if it has been overcooked, its benefits are largely destroyed.
15. to know full well phrase
If you say that a person knows full well that something is true, especially something unpleasant, you are emphasizing that they are definitely aware of it, although they may behave as if they are not. [emphasis]
He knew full well he'd be ashamed of himself later.
16. to leave well alone phrase [VERB inflects]
If someone tells you to leave well alone, they are telling you not to interfere in something, because it is all right as it is and you might only make it worse.
He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere.
17. to mean well phrase
If you say that someone means well, you mean they are trying to be kind and helpful, even though they might be causing someone problems or upsetting them.
I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself.
18. pretty well phrase B2
Pretty much or pretty well means ' almost'. [informal]
His new government looks pretty much like the old one.
I travel pretty well every week.
(wel )
adjective use
Word forms: better
adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] A1
If you are well, you are healthy and not ill.
I'm not very well today, I can't come in.
I hope you're well.
Synonyms: healthy, strong, sound, fit  
(wel )
noun uses
Word forms: wells
1. countable noun
A well is a hole in the ground from which a supply of water is extracted.
I had to fetch water from the well.
Synonyms: waterhole, source, spring, pool  
2. countable noun
A well is an oil well.
About 650 wells are on fire.
(wel )
Word forms: wells , welling , welled
1. verb
If liquids, for example tears, well, they come to the surface and form a pool.
Tears welled in her eyes. [VERB]
He fell back, blood welling from a gash in his thigh. [VERB + from]
Synonyms: flow, trickle, seep, run  
Well up means the same as well6.
Tears welled up in Anni's eyes. [VERB PARTICLE]
2. verb
If an emotion wells in you, it suddenly becomes stronger, to the point where you have to express it.
Gratitude welled in Chryssa. [V + in/inside]
Her love for him welled stronger than ever. [VERB]
Well up means the same as well6.
He could feel the anger welling up inside him. [V P + in/inside]
Hope welled up. [VERB PARTICLE]
Synonyms: rise, increase, grow, mount  
(wɪl , STRONG wiːl )
verb uses
We'll is the usual spoken form of 'we shall' or 'we will'.
Whatever you want to chat about, we'll do it tonight.
Will there be anything else?—If there is, we'll let you know.
someone might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
said to mean that someone will suffer or be punished whatever they do, so they might as well do something really bad if they can get some enjoyment or profit from it
This seductive thought process – I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb – is a trap which awaits all dieters. After succumbing to one biscuit you feel such a failure you consume the whole packet.
Chinese: 健康的, 唔,这个,噢,
Japanese: 申し分ない, 申し分なく, 井戸




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