

单词 clinical
(klɪnɪkəl )
1. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Clinical means involving or relating to the direct medical treatment or testing of patients. [medicine]
The first clinical trials were expected to begin next year.
...a clinical psychologist.
clinically (klɪnɪkli ) adverb [usually ADVERB adjective/-ed]
She was diagnosed as being clinically depressed.
It has been clinically proved that it is better to stretch the tight muscles first.
2. adjective
You use clinical to describe thought or behaviour which is very logical and does not involve any emotion. [disapproval]
All this questioning is so analytical and clinical–it kills romance.
clinical course
3 variants of the clinical course of calculous cholecystitis were revealed: acute, chronic and asymptomatic.
A. G. Zaporozhchenko, Y. P. Gerasimenko, O. V. Spakhi 2013, 'Peculiarities of clinical course and diagnostics of calculous cholecystitis in children', Patologìâ
The clinical course of the poisoning was peracute.
Flávia F. Jabour, Josilene N. Seixas, Carlos H. Tokarnia, Marilene F. Brito 2006, 'Variação da toxidez de Arrabidaea bilabiata (Bignoniaceae) em coelhos Variation of the toxicity of Arrabidaea bilabiata (Bignoniaceae) in rabbits', Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
We assessed the clinical course of prepubertal patients to propose appropriate management.
Jang Hee Han, Yong Seung Lee, Young Jae Im, Sang Woon Kim, Mi-Jung Lee, Sang Won Han 2016, 'Clinical Implications of Obstructed Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (OHVIRA) Syndrome in the Prepubertal Age Group.', PLoS ONE
Awareness of a primary infection may help prevent re-exposure, avoiding a reinfection with a potentially severe clinical course.
Arianna Dondi, Francesca Gottardi, Marianna Fabi, Luciano Attard, Giada Rossini, Maria Carla Re, Marcello Lanari 2019, 'An Italian pediatric case series of Maldive-imported dengue fever', Emergency Care Journal
After stabilization and reconfirmation of intracranial perfusion during the clinical course weaning was started.
Krettek Christian, Ringe Kristina, Haasper Carl, Frink Michael, Hildebrand Frank 2011, 'Blunt cerebrovascular trauma causing vertebral arteryd issection in combination with a laryngeal fracture: a case report', Journal of Medical Case Reports
clinical data
The studies available present only descriptive clinical data on leucoderma that accompanies lupus erythematosus in its diverse clinical forms.
Luiz Gonzaga C. Souza Filho, Evandro A. Rivitti, Lucy M. Miyauchi, Mirian N. Sotto, Durvanei A. Maria, Shigueko S. T. Puejo, Venâncio A. F. Alves 2005, 'Estudo comparativo entre vitiligo, nevo halo e lúpus eritematoso vitiligóide por meio de métodos imunológicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos Comparative study of vitiligo, halo nevus, and vitiligoid variant of lupus erythematosus by immunological, histological, and immunohistochemical methods', Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
Infections were initially diagnosed based on clinical data and observation of morulae within platelets and then confirmed by biomolecular techniques.
Maria Teresa Antognoni, Fabrizia Veronesi, Giulia Morganti, Vittorio Mangili, Gabriele Fruganti, Arianna Miglio 2014, 'Natural infection of Anaplasma platys in dogs from Umbria region (Central Italy)', Veterinaria Italiana
In both groups, we analyzed demographic and clinical data as well as nondependent factors.
Stevic M, Simic D, Ristic N, Budic I, Marjanovic V, Jovanovski-Srceva M, Repac N, Rankovic-Janevski M, Tasic G 2018, 'Evaluation of factors for poor outcome in preterm newborns with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus associated with late-onset neonatal sepsis', Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
A review of clinical data also suggested that the worse preoperational dyskinesia causes worsened graft-induced dyskinesia.
Daniella eRylander Ottosson, Emma eLane 2016, 'Striatal plasticity in L-DOPA- and graft-induced dyskinesia; the common link?', Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
clinical diagnosis
The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by echocardiography and cineangiography.
Gustavo Roberto Hoppen, Iselso Paulo Sartori, Luís Sérgio Fragomeni 1995, 'Tratamento cirúrgico da endocardite infecciosa Surgical treatment of infective endocarditis', Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
The clinical diagnosis was chronic cervicitis.
Gaur Dushyant, Kishore Sanjeev, Kusum Anuradha, Chauhan Neena, Bansal Savita, Boparai Avneet 2008, 'Tubal metaplasia of the endocervix', Journal of Cytology
A clinical diagnosis of cauda-conus lesion was made.
Deepak Kumar Singh, Neha Singh, Manu Rastogi, Mazhar Husain 2011, 'The transparaspinal approach: A novel technique for one-step removal of dumb-bell-shaped spinal tumors', Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine
The clinical diagnosis of calcific uremic arteriolopathy relies on high index of suspicion.
Abdulrahman Ahmad, Ali Albaghli, Adel Michael, Khaled Refaat, Mohammad Omar, Ahmad Ibrahim, Bahaa Elmenshawy, Ashraf Maher, Rasha Alramah, Sami Mikhail, Mustafa Almahmid, Husain Alenezi, Yahya Elshebiney 2018, 'A Rare Case of Multiorgan Calciphylaxis in a Patient with Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease', Case Reports in Urology
The clinical diagnosis was an infected dentigerous cyst.
Chih-Yu Peng, Yu-Feng Huang, Ming-Yi Lu, Yu-Hsien Lee, Chuan-Hang Yu 2015, 'Intraosseous verrucous carcinoma arising from an infected dentigerous cyst—A case report', Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
clinical director
This short-sighted decision will harm the interests of patients and undermine the improvement initiatives that the national clinical director has led and coordinated.
Times, Sunday Times
I have also seen the problem as a clinical director.
Times, Sunday Times
At a recent dinner, one clinical director told colleagues that he had chosen to undergo an operation at his own hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1977, he became clinical director.
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The majority of the other clinical directors said that they wouldn't dream of choosing their own hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
clinical effectiveness
Leadership in healthcare requires judgment and an understanding of the balances between clinical effectiveness, the benefit to the population, public opinion, private choices and costs.
Times, Sunday Times
In 2000 the society set up a special annual award on clinical effectiveness and audit for the trainees.
Times, Sunday Times
They included 24 core standards, looking at areas such as safety, clinical effectiveness and patient focus.
Times, Sunday Times
The score for the quality-of-services rating will be based on how well trusts meet the commission's 24 core standards in areas such as safety and clinical effectiveness.
Times, Sunday Times
The limited number of patients indicates that more trials are needed to determine the overall clinical effectiveness.
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clinical evaluation
The industry is still in its infancy and evidence from clinical evaluation trials is scarce.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Metastatic nidi in rare locations were confirmed according to the results of clinical evaluation, imageological methods and follow-up.
Lan MA, Dan GUAN, Qi-yong DING, Yong-qian SHU, Lian-ke LIU 2015, 'Application of 18F-FDG PET/CT in Rare Metastatic Locations of Esophageal Carcinoma', Journal of International Translational Medicine
Nosologic diagnosis was done through clinical evaluation.
Marcial Francis Galera, Francy Reis da S. Patrício, Mirlene Cecília S. Pinho Cernach, Henrique Manoel Lederman, Decio Brunoni 1998, 'Clinical, genetical, radiological, and anatomopathological survey of 17 patients with lethal osteochondrodysplasias', Genetics and Molecular Biology
These findings provide a rationale for a clinical evaluation of combined cediranib/quinacrine therapy for malignant glioma.
Merryl R Lobo, Xiaoyan Wang, G Yancey Gillespie, Randall L Woltjer, Martin M Pike 2014, 'Combined efficacy of cediranib and quinacrine in glioma is enhanced by hypoxia and causally linked to autophagic vacuole accumulation.', PLoS ONE
clinical evidence
However, there is no clinical evidence that eating manuka honey aids health.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
There is no clinical evidence to support these assertions, the researchers said.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The clinical evidence suggests that the performance of the two drugs is virtually indistinguishable and both are equally safe.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Yet clinical evidence of an allergy or biochemical intolerance to food is only found in about five per cent of people tested.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
However, clinical evidence of improvement was confirmed after 5 days of antimycotic intravenous therapy.
Zapata LF, Paulo JD, Restrepo CA, Velásquez LF, Toro Montoya AE, Zapata MA 2013, 'Infectious endotheliitis: a rare case of presumed mycotic origin', Clinical Ophthalmology
clinical examination
This should involve detailed blood tests and a clinical examination.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The dancers are dressed as both doctors and patients and what unfolds feels like a clinical examination.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Each of the former players will be given the tests and a neurological clinical examination either at home or at a clinic.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Diagnosis of premature canities was made based on clinical examination.
Putri Ashraf, Nelva K Jusuf, Rointan Simanungkalit 2018, 'Association between premature canities and quality of life at Medan, Indonesia 2017', Bali Medical Journal
The patients were submitted to pre- and postoperative clinical examination, preoperative duplex scan and pre- and postoperative air plethysmography.
Nei Rodrigues Alves Dezotti, Edwaldo Edner Joviliano, Mariana Key Toma, Takachi Moriya, Carlos Eli Piccinato 2009, 'Estudo da hemodinâmica venosa por meio da pletismografia a ar no pré e pós-operatório de varizes dos membros inferiores Venous hemodynamic study by air plethysmography in the pre- and postoperative period of lower limb varicose veins', Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
clinical experience
The group should invite the most informed virologists with clinical experience to join their team and formulate sensible policies to contain this disease.
Times, Sunday Times
From our own clinical experience and knowledge, we share the concerns we are hearing from vulnerable patients, friends and relatives.
Times,Sunday Times
As a consequence people are over-fearful of the significance of minor symptoms, while their physicians lack the clinical experience to reassure them.
Times, Sunday Times
Surgeons have warned for a long time about the detrimental effect of less clinical experience on training.
Times, Sunday Times
We are there to support, empower, and align their spirituality within the context of their healthcare clinical experience.
Christianity Today
clinical guidelines
To suggest otherwise contradicts the evidence and clinical guidelines provided by national health bodies.
Times, Sunday Times
Lawyers said that arrangements would be made for treatment to be withdrawn in line with national clinical guidelines.
Times, Sunday Times
New clinical guidelines will also order staff to wear a face mask, apron and gloves when coming within 3ft of a patient.
The Sun
The society found that couples face a postcode lottery to obtain free fertility treatment despite clinical guidelines.
Times, Sunday Times
That was contrary to all legal and clinical guidelines, but management at the trust had failed to take action.
Times, Sunday Times
clinical improvement
Despite clinical improvement after fluid therapy, mild azotaemia persisted.
Rodolfo Oliveira Leal, Hugo Pereira, Clara Cartaxeiro, Esmeralda Delgado, Maria da Conceição Peleteiro, Isabel Pereira da Fonseca 2018, 'Granulomatous rhinitis secondary to feline leishmaniosis: report of an unusual presentation and therapeutic complications', Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports
No obstruction was found at the cineangiography and the patient was discharged after clinical improvement.
Fernanda Martins Gazoni, Adriano A. M. Truffa, Carolina Kawamura, Hélio Penna Guimarães, Renato Delascio Lopes, Letícia Vendrame Sandre, Antonio Carlos Lopes 2006, 'Complicações cardiovasculares em usuário de cocaína: relato de caso Cardiovascular complications related to cocaine use: case report', Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva
He underwent multiple surgeries including mitral valve replacement and embolectomy with clinical improvement.
Mohan Rudrappa, Laxmi Kokatnur 2017, 'Infective endocarditis due to Abiotrophia defectiva and its feared complications in an immunocompetent person: Rare, but real', Journal of Global Infectious Diseases
Histopathology result after excisional biopsy revealed angiofibrolipoma and post-operative clinical improvement was significant.
Samuel Uwale Eyesan, Shola Christopher Ayeni, Stephen Adesope Adesina, Gideon Tolulope Kehinde, Ayokunle Olawepo, Olatunde Kazeem Ibrahim 2013, 'Angiofibrolipoma of the calf', Rare Tumors
Hemi-nephrectomy of the involved side was followed by clinical improvement.
Mongha Ritesh, Dutta Arindam, Vijay Mukesh, Chatterjee Uttara, Chakraborty Sudip 2010, 'Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in a Horse-Shoe kidney', Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation
clinical laboratory
He gave as examples the clinical laboratory sciences and anaesthetics.
Times, Sunday Times
The purser-corpsman was trained in anatomy, physiology, pharmacy, clinical laboratory, hygiene and sanitation, emergency treatment, first aid, and nursing.
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There are audio conference transcripts and recordings, as well as streaming video of experts in clinical laboratory management and pathology operations.
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The principles of specificity and cross-reactivity of the antigen-antibody interaction are useful in clinical laboratory for diagnositic purposes.
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Even so, the current shortage of qualified clinical laboratory professionals has spurred manufacturers to develop automated systems for even these rarely performed tests.
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clinical manifestation
The most frequent clinical manifestation was arthritis (70.5%) followed by carditis (50.8%) and chorea (35.2%).
Maria Teresa Ramos Ascensão Terreri, Álvaro Manuel Caldas, Cláudio Arnaldo Len, Fabio Ultchak, Maria Odete Esteves Hilário 2006, 'Características clínicas e demográficas de 193 pacientes com febre reumática Clinical and demographic features of 193 patients with rheumatic fever', Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia
Turbidity of the peritoneal dialysate was the sole clinical manifestation.
Mauricio A. Arias, John Clark 2019, 'Paracoccus yeei as a cause of peritoneal dialysis peritonitis in the United Kingdom', IDCases
Major scientific studies and reviews on clinical manifestation and physiopathology of mercury poisoning were evaluated.
Marcília de Araújo Medrado Faria 2003, 'Mercuralismo metálico crônico ocupacional Chronic occupational metallic mercurialism', Revista de Saúde Pública
clinical medicine
They accept that its importance in clinical medicine may be underestimated.
Times, Sunday Times
Nonetheless, we have definitively entered a new era of clinical medicine with an accelerated progress in oncology treatments.
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He fully appreciated the contributions that science, instrumentation and the laboratory could make to the advancement of clinical medicine, and made full use of them.
Times, Sunday Times
Although one accepts the professionalism of pharmacists, they are not trained in clinical medicine over the prolonged period that it takes to train a doctor.
Times, Sunday Times
They are worthy winners, but for all the importance of their work, it was published just eight years ago, and has yet to have an impact on clinical medicine.
Times, Sunday Times
clinical observation
Countless breakthroughs have been due to clinical observation of human patients and epidemiology.
Times, Sunday Times
His widely separated remarks on the technique of writing, and how he moved from clinical observation to producing a coherent narrative of broad general interest, are extraordinarily illuminating.
The Times Literary Supplement
These are evaluated by interview and clinical observation.
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Thirty of these patients (16%) had their diagnosis completely changed, during the clinical observation development period.
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He published a paper on this radiographic phenomenon (pneumoperitoneum) in 1919 based on a clinical observation he had made in 1917.
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clinical pharmacology
He had specialization in anesthesiology and clinical pharmacology.
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Clinical pharmacology connects the gap between medical practice and laboratory science.
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Amongst his many contributions are the discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases, and the introduction of clinical pharmacology.
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Many society members are researchers in basic and clinical pharmacology who help develop disease-fighting medications and therapeutics.
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His experiences during the war in clinical pharmacology would inspire him to investigate placebo-like phenomena.
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clinical presentation
In this case series, three cases are presented, with special emphasis on the atypicality of their clinical presentation.
Jalpa Prajesh Bhuta 2018, 'Unusual manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder', Annals of Indian Psychiatry
Furthermore, viral infections such as those caused by coxsackievirus are rarely associated with such a severe clinical presentation.
Silvia Odolini, Federico Gobbi, Lorenzo Zammarchi, Simona Migliore, Paola Mencarini, Marco Vecchia, Nicoletta di Lauria, Simona Schivazappa, Tony Sabatini, Leonardo Chianura, Elisa Vanino, Daniela Piacentini, Paola Zanotti, Anna Bussi, Alessandro Bartoloni, Zeno Bisoffi, Francesco Castelli 2017, 'Febrile rhabdomyolysis of unknown origin in refugees coming from West Africa through the Mediterranean', International Journal of Infectious Diseases
This review focuses on the clinical presentation of the obstructive sleep apnoea/ hypopnoea syndrome in adults.
Renata L. Riha 2010, 'Clinical assessment of the obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome', Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease
This case raises the possibility of such a clinical presentation being caused by haematogenous dissemination of distant site visceral tumours.
H.R. Aguiar, D.R. Calderoni, R.F. Stelini, N.A. Andreollo, P. Kharmandayan 2016, 'Multiple cutaneous metastases of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma that mimic keratoacanthoma', JPRAS Open
The typical clinical presentation includes multiple lentigines and cardiac defects.
I-Shou Lin, Jieh-Neng Wang, Sheau-Chiou Chao, Jing-Ming Wu, Shio-Jean Lin 2009, 'PTPN11 Mutations in LEOPARD Syndrome: Report of Four Cases in Taiwan', Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
clinical professional
Reports indicate that poor clinical professional performance in the prison may go unrecognised or not be properly addressed, raising issues of accountability in individual clinical care on a daily basis.
Times, Sunday Times
Workflow interruptions can be a result of fatigue and frustration among clinical professional when using barcoding systems.
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Looking at barcoding technology in healthcare from a clinical professional standpoint, barcoding technology may impact the workflow process and disrupt the delivery of care to patients.
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These unwieldy plans can only further undermine the efficiency of the health system, the role of doctors as clinical professionals - and most importantly, the autonomy of individuals.
Times, Sunday Times
Over 2,000,000 visits are provided by clinical professionals each year.
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clinical relevance
This paper discusses the main tools for detecting disseminated cancer cells currently available, their limitations, and clinical relevance.
Laurence Bockstaele, Sophie Tsepelidis, Julie Dechene, Yvon Englert, Isabelle Demeestere 2012, 'Safety of Ovarian Tissue Autotransplantation for Cancer Patients', Obstetrics and Gynecology International
In this review, we highlight the clinical relevance and importance of this diagnostic strategy in axillary osmidrosis therapy.
Yu Toyoda, Tsuneaki Gomi, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Makoto Nagakura, Toshihisa Ishikawa 2016, 'Diagnosis of Human Axillary Osmidrosis by Genotyping of the Human ABCC11 Gene: Clinical Practice and Basic Scientific Evidence', BioMed Research International
Despite its clinical relevance, the roles of rb1 during normal retinotectal development and function are not well understood.
Michael Gyda, Marc Wolman, Kristin Lorent, Michael Granato 2012, 'The tumor suppressor gene retinoblastoma-1 is required for retinotectal development and visual function in zebrafish.', PLoS Genetics
The majority of the stenoses are without clinical relevance.
Schuster Anja, Schumann Dietrich, Hellmich Gunter, Petersen Sven, Ludwig Klaus 2004, 'Early rectal stenosis following stapled rectal mucosectomy for hemorrhoids', BMC Surgery
clinical researcher
As a clinical researcher, he discovered the first immunodeficiency disease.
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Not only biologists and clinical researchers are required but also physicists, chemists, computer scientists and engineers.
Times, Sunday Times
The need for bioinformaticians, bioengineers, and clinical researchers outpaces the supply.
The Scientist
Clinical researchers have widely accepted this scale due to high levels of score consistency.
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The company provides comprehensive systems for clinical researchers in a multitude of therapeutic areas.
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clinical setting
Doctors have given the findings a cautious welcome, although they added that the program needed to be proven in a clinical setting.
Times, Sunday Times
They are being held in a safe clinical setting.
The Sun
The next step will be to secure a trial of the device in a clinical setting.
The Sun
The cardiac and blood-pressure responses were higher than when both managers were tested to exhaustion in a clinical setting a fortnight earlier.
Times, Sunday Times
K23 awards provide funding for three to five years of supervised clinical research in a clinical setting.
The Scientist
clinical signs
The results showed decreases both in clinical signs and in pain scores.
Times, Sunday Times
If horses display the clinical signs, especially if they are known to have been in contact with infected horses, veterinary advice should be sought.
Times, Sunday Times
The first clinical signs of rabies, involving fever and paralysis, were detected five days later.
Times, Sunday Times
If a pet shows clinical signs of illness, please do not take it to the vet; telephone your vet's practice for advice.
Times,Sunday Times
I had no clinical signs or symptoms.
Times, Sunday Times
clinical skills
This houses a learning resources centre, sports facilities and a clinical skills centre, where students can learn in simulated hospital environments.
Times, Sunday Times
Hundreds of thousands of healthcare assistants have taken over hands-on care as nursing becomes more focused on clinical skills.
Times, Sunday Times
New staff will tend to patient care, freeing nurses to focus on clinical skills.
The Sun
And that's before we get to clinical skills.
Times, Sunday Times
Trouble often breaks out and nurses need public order as well as clinical skills.
Times, Sunday Times
clinical staff
This has diverted clinical staff from patient care to the needs of bureaucracy.
Times, Sunday Times
There was short-termism and a gulf between managers and clinical staff.
Times, Sunday Times
They could start by making administrators accountable to clinical staff, rather than clinical staff being accountable to administrators.
Times, Sunday Times
The cameras, which monitor doctors, nurses and patients in the smart rooms, can identify individual clinical staff and patients within the room.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes relatives are so distressed that clinical staff simply do not broach the subject of organ donation.
Times, Sunday Times
clinical study
A clinical study showed it significantly increased skin elasticity compared with the placebo group after 24 weeks.
The Sun
Ministers awarded the 2 million grant, the first large-scale clinical study on eating disorders, last spring, saying that research was crucial to address a dearth of knowledge about eating disorders.
Times, Sunday Times
Almost 100 people signed up for what they were told was going to be a 'novel mind-body clinical study of chronic lower back pain'.
Times, Sunday Times
The company has embarked on a second clinical study to examine the longer-term effects of its prototypes and expects to publish the results early next year.
Times, Sunday Times
This clinical study was performed in two different medical departments at two separate academic medical centers.
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clinical symptoms
So far, we rely on visible clinical symptoms.
The test on this runner relates to a sample taken the following day, and the horse showed no clinical symptoms on raceday.
Times, Sunday Times
Mainly, he seems an over-researched assemblage of clinical symptoms and medicaments.
Times, Sunday Times
Psychiatry continues to rely not on biological markers of disease but on clusters of clinical symptoms.
The Times Literary Supplement
Ten patients received a 200ml dose of plasma, and researchers said all clinical symptoms, including fever and cough, subsided within three days.
Times,Sunday Times
clinical test
But there is no definitive clinical test that can tell you whether you are actually intolerant to wheat.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The lack of a clinical test to determine Lariam toxicity has left her in a constant battle with doctors.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
In the clinical test, the microneedle patch was well tolerated by the patient.
David C. Yeo, Elizabeth R. Balmayor, Jan-Thorsten Schantz, Chenjie Xu 2017, 'Microneedle physical contact as a therapeutic for abnormal scars', European Journal of Medical Research
clinical testing
Very few compounds make it through the laboratory, clinical testing and getting a licence to be prescribed (up to seven million molecules are screened, leading to one commercial launch).
Times, Sunday Times
That means that manufacturers should be required to conduct toxicological and clinical testing and to disclose the results.
The Scientist
Scanners may have an edge for very high-density arrays (if required for massive clinical testing).
The Scientist
He also claimed to be responsible for aspirin's initial surreptitious clinical testing.
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Even widely used remedies may not have undergone substantial clinical testing.
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clinical training
Student vets are facing such high levels of debt that ministers are being urged to exempt them from tuition fees in their clinical training years.
Times, Sunday Times
It developed into a clinical training and research unit with 200 multidisciplinary staff.
Times, Sunday Times
Has the pharmacist had appropriate clinical training to ensure the consultation will be safe?
Times, Sunday Times
Inadequate patient monitoring and poor clinical training were highlighted at inquests which found instances of ignorance among medical practitioners.
Times,Sunday Times
The new curriculum consists of 18 months of basic science and two and a half years of clinical training.
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clinical treatment
It was a slightly clinical treatment, though, involving being washed down on a wet bed.
Times, Sunday Times
Forty-two per cent were about 'all aspects of clinical treatment', covering a hospital stay, ward cleanliness and problems with doctors and surgeons.
The Sun
A hospital spokesman said that the patients had been isolated 'for ongoing clinical treatment and management of their condition while tests took place'.
Times, Sunday Times
Millions of people are unable to read and understand essential instructions concerning their clinical treatment and medication, a report claims today.
Times, Sunday Times
But a clinical treatment will take years to develop.
The Sun
clinical use
They proliferated endlessly, and seemed to be of little clinical use, not least because they were so hard to operationalize.
The Times Literary Supplement (2012)
Such fun isn't dependable enough for any serious clinical use.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The pharmaceutical industry had provided only limited investment because few applications were considered to be nearly ready for clinical use.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Sulphonamides have been known for decades as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and are in clinical use.
Taner Gokcen, Melike Al, Meryem Topal, Ilhami Gulcin, Turan Ozturk, Ahmet C. Goren 2017, 'Synthesis of some natural sulphonamide derivatives as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors', Organic Communications
Chinese: 临床的
Japanese: 臨床の




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