

单词 comparative study
comparative study
Is there a polymath out there who might tackle a comparative study of all three?
Christianity Today (2000)
Of course the Canadian case may be highly exceptional, but only further international comparative study will confirm or deny that it is representative.
Collins, Richard Television - policy and culture (1990)
The comparative study of karyotypes shows chromosomal homologies among the four species.
Venu Govindappa, G Venkatachalaiah 2013, 'Chromosomal homology of Uraeotyphlus oxyurus group of species (Amphibia, Gymnophiona, Ichthyophiidae)', Comparative Cytogenetics
The results of a comparative study of the sense of humor of the preadult and mature age representatives are analysed.
R V Ershova, R Z Kiyamova 2016, 'SENCE OF HUMOR AND THEMATIC PREFERNCES IN JOKES AT PREADULT AND MATURE AGE', RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics
The effectiveness of several borates, i. e., colemanite, ulexite, hydroboracite, as well as sodium carbonate, was tested in a comparative study.
Boschi, A. O., Nastri, S., dos Santos, L. R., Melchiades, F. G. 2012, 'Gres porcelánico esmaltado producido por vía seca: materias primas fundentes', Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio




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