

单词 age
( )
Word forms: ages , ageing , aged language note:   The spelling aging is also used, mainly in American English.
1. variable noun A1
Your age is the number of years that you have lived.
She has a nephew who is just ten years of age.
At the age of sixteen he qualified for a place at the University of Hamburg. [+ of]
I admired him for being so confident at his age.
2. variable noun A1
The age of a thing is the number of years since it was made.
Everything in the room looks in keeping with the age of the building. [+ of]
3. uncountable noun
Age is the state of being old or the process of becoming older.
Perhaps he has grown wiser with age.
The fabric was showing signs of age.
The worst sign of age was in the fabric which looked decidedly ancient.
Synonyms: old age, experience, maturity, completion  
4. verb
When someone ages, or when something ages them, they seem much older and less strong or less alert.
He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have aged in the last few months. [VERB]
He was only in his mid-thirties, but already worry had aged him. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: grow old, decline, weather, fade  
5. ergative verb
When food or alcohol is aged or when it ages, it is left to get older before being eaten or drunk, so that it develops a better flavour.
Balsamic vinegar is aged in wood for at least 10 years and the flavour is wonderful. [V-ed in]
Whisky loses strength as it ages. [VERB]
[Also VERB noun]
Synonyms: mature, season, condition, soften  
6. countable noun B1+
An age is a period in history.
...the age of steam and steel. [+ of]
...items of Bronze Age pottery.
Synonyms: time, day(s), period, generation  
7. countable noun B1+
You can say an age or ages to mean a very long time. [informal]
He waited what seemed an age.
The bus took absolutely ages to arrive.
Synonyms: a long time, years, forever, a lifetime  
8.  See also aged, ageing, coming of age, dark age, golden age, Ice Age, Iron Age, middle age, Stone Age
9. to act one's age phrase B2
If someone tells you to act your age, they are telling you to behave in a way that is suitable for someone your age, because they think you are behaving in a childish way. [disapproval]
10. come of age phrase
If something comes of age, it reaches an important stage of development and is accepted by a large number of people.
The New York Yankees' stadium is where baseball came of age.
11. come of age phrase
When someone comes of age, they become legally an adult.
The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age.
Synonyms: reach adulthood, mature, develop, grow up  
12. under age phrase
Someone who is under age is not legally old enough to do something, for example to buy an alcoholic drink.
Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her.
...under age smoking.
Every man desires to live long, but no man would be oldJonathan SwiftThoughts on Various Subjects
The days of our age are threescore years and ten Bible: Psalm 90
Youth, which is forgiven everything, forgives itself nothing; age, which forgives itself anything, is forgiven nothingGeorge Bernard ShawMaxims for Revolutionists
With age, the mind grows slower and more wilyMason CooleyCity Aphorisms
Age appears to be best in four things - old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to readFrancis BaconApophthegms, no. 97
If I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'd have taken better care of myselfEubie Blake (on reaching the age of 100)
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be
Robert BrowningRabbi Ben Ezra
There is still no cure for the common birthdayJohn Glenn
age category
The 25-29 age category had most pregnancies, with 221,400, and rates also increased 7,500 for those in their 30s.
The Sun
But she will not go against any official advice designed to protect people in her age category.
The Sun
He also won silver in the 400m relay and bronze in the decathlon as he competed in the 80-to-84 age category.
The Sun
For younger readers in this age category.
Times, Sunday Times
More often, however, it comes down to the culture of competitiveness that pervades every age category of grassroots sport.
Times, Sunday Times
age cohort
Also, notice the percentage of people within the 18-29 year age cohort who believe in witchcraft-37 percent.
Christianity Today
To work out what happens to an age cohort, one has to wait decades to see how things pan out.
Times, Sunday Times
It's all so simple and one-click that her entire age cohort seems to know about it.
Times, Sunday Times
As well, levels of knowledge have been shown to change dramatically within the same age cohort over time.
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Among older age cohorts, 15.9% are 45 to 64 years old, and 8.7% were 65 years of age or older.
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age distribution
The corresponding eigenvector provides the stable age distribution, the proportion of individuals of each age within the population.
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Both the age distribution and median age are typical of college towns.
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The age distribution shows 68,936 residents are age 18 and older and 23,953 residents are under 18 years of age.
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Assume the rectangular stationary age distribution and let also the ages of infection have the same distribution for each birth year.
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The age distribution consisted of 23.3% persons under the age of 18 and 16.6% aged 65 or over.
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age of dinosaurs
The series was set in the age of dinosaurs who were farmed for their meat by cowboys from the future.
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When he discovers a stone tablet that transports him to the age of dinosaurs, it's a dream come true.... until it becomes a nightmare.
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They overshoot the present and end up in the distant past, in the age of dinosaurs.
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They were a different breed, living right at the end of the age of dinosaurs.
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age of exploration
The age of exploration was one big buffet.
Times, Sunday Times
That we do may hark back to an earlier age of exploration and discovery, an endless cultural search for undiscovered islands of the mind.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, they retained a clear presence in the three regions which received their particular attention during the original age of exploration.
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age of maturity
The couple are required to be of the age of maturity and have a sense of responsibility.
The Sun
It was like a whole new age of maturity had dawned.
Times, Sunday Times
Each yellow-footed tortoise in the wild reaches the age of maturity at about 810 years.
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It establishes the qualifications to be selected as a juror and establishes an age of maturity for the inheritance of title or land.
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Only the male members of the family are controllable, once they reach the age of maturity, 16 years old.
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age of onset
Increases in stressors have speeded loss and decreased the age of onset of both types.
Times, Sunday Times
The age of onset varies between 4 months and 12 months, with a peak incidence at about 7 months.
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A longer repeat results in an earlier age of onset and a faster progression of symptoms.
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In one study it was found that the mean age of onset was around 8 years.
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The pattern of osteoarthritis combined with the early age of onset provides evidence of labor that resulted in mechanical strain to the neck.
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age prematurely
Their work has shown that seeds age prematurely in zero gravity but not catastrophically so, taking an average of only two hours longer to germinate.
Times,Sunday Times
He suggests that products based on certain harsh ingredients (as found in many of these new cosmeceutical ranges) could oversensitise the skin, causing it to age prematurely.
Times, Sunday Times
This was the kind of occasion that makes members of his profession age prematurely.
Times, Sunday Times
As his health began to give way, he began to age prematurely and fell into fits of despondency.
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Such findings might be dismissed as being due to illnesses making people feel they have aged prematurely.
Times,Sunday Times
age rapidly
Without an increase, the population of 1.4 billion threatens to age rapidly, causing labour shortages and pensions pressure.
Times, Sunday Times
This caused him to age rapidly.
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He began to age rapidly.
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She could not maintain her rosarium any longer and both she and her rosarium were aging rapidly.
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He was aging rapidly, and was increasingly a figurehead.
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average age
The marriage rate in 2006 was the lowest in 144 years, while the average age at marriage has risen by fi ve years since 1991.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
A generation ago the average age to settle a home loan was just 51.
The Sun (2013)
The average age of the festivalgoer is 23.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The average age of the operas being performed is 164 - even older than the average operagoer.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
The average age for men at first marriage was the mid-twenties.
Divine, Robert A. (editor) & Breen, T. H & Frederickson, George M & Williams, R. Hal America Past and Present (1995)
bygone age
It was like being in a bygone age.
The Sun (2011)
Like the railway itself, this peaceful film is a throwback to a bygone age.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The nation's road network, for the most part running north-south, reflects a bygone age: goods were made in the North, distributed in the Midlands and consumed in the South East.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
childbearing age
Most of the immigrants were between the ages of 18 and 35 years, childbearing age.
An Introduction to Community Health (1995)
This relatively common hormonal issue affects between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 women of childbearing age.
Christianity Today (2000)
This is because women of childbearing age are advised to have no more than one or two servings a week.
The Sun (2011)
demographic age
In recent years, the tour has chosen bands that have fans more of the demographic age group.
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The plan evolved into making a viewer-generated channel aimed at an audience demographic age 1834.
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While advertisers are primarily interested in the 18 to 49-year-old demographic age group, classic country usually attracts an older audience.
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digital age
The whole apparatus of paper licences and detector vans seems positively archaic in the digital age.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The electronics industry is understood to feel that the tax, introduced in the 1960s on blank recording tapes, is outdated in a digital age.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
How do you hype up a big album in the digital age?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Indeed, the broadcaster would step squarely into the digital age, becoming part of a ' triple play' offering: television, broadband internet and telephony.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
It is, in theory, easy to channel-hop in our digital age.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
drinking age
Would she consider drastic measures such as raising the legal drinking age?
Times, Sunday Times
Raise the drinking age to 21, bring back old licensing laws and shut down problem clubs.
The Sun
As the youngest member, you were under the legal drinking age for a lot of your time in the band anyway, weren't you?
The Sun
I think it has something to do with the drinking age.
The Sun
Raising the drinking age would have immense practical difficulties.
Times, Sunday Times
early age
She was hothoused in classical music from an early age, reaching grade eight in piano and violin.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Though she showed an aptitude for science, from an early age her inclinations were artistic.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
In both cases, this was partly attributed to playing so much football at an early age.
The Sun (2013)
That sounds clichéd and corny, but she was the one who got me into vintage from such an early age.
The Sun (2016)
At an early age she enjoyed knitting and crochet, and at eight was making clothes for her dolls.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
gestational age
The median gestational age at the cordocentesis was 29 weeks and the average number of procedures was 2.1.
Mônica Deolindo Santiago, Cezar Alencar de Lima Rezende, Antônio Carlos Vieira Cabral, Henrique Vitor Leite, Zilma Nogueira dos Reis Vitral, Isabela Melo Apocalypse 2008, 'Cálculo do volume de sangue necessário para a correção da anemia fetal em gestantes isoimunizadas Blood volume calculation required for the correction of fetal anemia in pregnant women with alloimmunization', Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
The ascendance of the conus correlated moderately with gestational age.
Yen-Ling Huang, Alex M Wong, Ho-Ling Liu, Yung-Liang Wan, Yu-Chun Lin, An-Shine Chao, Yao-Lung Chang 2014, 'Fetal magnetic resonance imaging of normal spinal cord: Evaluating cord visualization and conus medullaris position by T2-weighted sequences', Biomedical Journal
If they presented after 13 weeks of gestation, biparietal diameter and femur length were measured to confirm gestational age.
Ruby Angeline Pricilla, Kirubah Vasandhi David, Sajitha Parveen M.F. Rahman, Venkatesan Sankarapandian, Yeshwanth Kumar, Nancy Angeline 2014, 'Introduction of Routine Obstetric Ultrasound in an Urban Health Center: Results and Benefits', Journal of Medical Ultrasound
Results: curves and tables of biparietal diameter and head circumference in relation to gestational age were obtained.
Mariza Marie Fujita, Maria Okumura, Julio da Motta Singer, Dalton Francisco de Andrade, Marcelo Zugaib 1999, 'Curva de crescimento do diâmetro biparietal e da circunferência cefálica na gestação gemelar Growth curve of the biparietal diameter and head circumference in twin gestation', Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Further studies are warranted including reconfirmation of the present findings in infants with lower gestational age.
Bernhard Schwaberger, Gerhard Pichler, Alexander Avian, Corinna Binder-Heschl, Nariae Baik, Berndt Urlesberger 2015, 'Do Sustained Lung Inflations during Neonatal Resuscitation Affect Cerebral Blood Volume in Preterm Infants? A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.', PLoS ONE
industrial age
In the industrial age change happened in a year or a decade - in the internet age it happens in a heartbeat.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, the 6:1 approach was all the rage in the industrial age.
Times, Sunday Times
Before the industrial age, people made their own music, pictures, ballads, plates; and some of the most gifted artisans became famous.
Times, Sunday Times
Our thinking on defence has become mired in 'industrial age' arguments.
Times, Sunday Times
In today's increasingly automated economy, the relative egalitarianism of our industrial age will be replaced by a social order more akin to feudalism.
Times, Sunday Times
marriageable age
The daughters are not mentioned by name during their youth, only appearing when they reach marriageable age and play an important part in building alliances.
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As most adults who reached marriageable age often lived into their sixties, two-thirds of a person's life was spent married.
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This should not be confused with the age of majority, age of criminal responsibility, or the marriageable age.
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Both are of marriageable age.
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These age specifications include voting age, drinking age, age of consent, age of majority, age of criminal responsibility, marriageable age, age of candidacy, and mandatory retirement age.
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mean age
Their mean age was 41.9  years, and endometria were evaluated in 25 of these patients.
Shuang-zheng Jia, Jun-ji Zhang, Jun-jun Yang, Yang Xiang, Zhiyong Liang, Jin-hua Leng 2018, 'Risk of synchronous endometrial disorders in women with endometrioid borderline tumors of the ovary', Journal of Ovarian Research
The mean age of recurrent patients was significantly higher than nonrecurrent patients (34.8 versus 28.5 years; p<0.05).
Volkan Sen, Ozan Bozkurt, Omer Demir, Ahmet Adil Esen, Ugur Mungan, Guven Aslan, Aykut Kefi, Ilhan Celebi 2016, 'Clinical Behavior of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma in Young Patients: A Single Center Experience', Scientifica
The mean age was 264.6 ± 21.8 days postconception.
Jitendra Jethani, Kalpit Shah, Monika Jethani 2015, 'Evaluating the change in central corneal thickness in neonates (term and preterm) in Indian population and the factors affecting it', Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
The mean age at eruption of the first primary tooth for all the infants was 6.82 ± 1.90 months.
Huaying Wu, Ting Chen, Qian Ma, Xiangqin Xu, Kaipeng Xie, Yaming Chen 2019, 'Associations of maternal, perinatal and postnatal factors with the eruption timing of the first primary tooth', Scientific Reports
median age
The median age will be in the middle twenties.
Peter F. Drucker MANAGING FOR RESULTS (1986)
The median age was 22; the average height was four inches shorter.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The median age stands at 30, outside the target group.
The Sun (2012)
The median age was 55 (interquartile range 45–67  years) and 51.7% were females.
Patrick J. Shao, Hendry R. Sawe, Brittany L. Murray, Juma A. Mfinanga, Victor Mwafongo, Michael S. Runyon 2018, 'Profile of patients with hypertensive urgency and emergency presenting to an urban emergency department of a tertiary referral hospital in Tanzania', BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
minimum age
The minimum age for budding ice-climbers is 13.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Now many are calling for a minimum age limit of 18 to be placed on salons across England.
The Sun (2009)
Maintaining 18 as the legal minimum age for voting not only goes against the mantra of 'no taxation without representation'.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
modern age
It was looking for a new generation of toys that would augment the traditional doll and tin soldier and reflect the modern age.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It charts the rise of the college dropout who became one of the modern age's most innovative entrepreneurs.
The Sun (2011)
They will thereby be paying homage to a great work by one of the great cultural figures of the modern age.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
population ages
As the population ages and the birthrate falls the dependency ratio (the ratio of non-workers to workers) rises.
Times, Sunday Times
A bad situation will only get worse as the population ages.
Times, Sunday Times
The number could double within 30 years as the population ages.
Times, Sunday Times
Care homes are already facing unprecedented financial pressures, with local authority support being cut and costs increasing as the population ages.
Times, Sunday Times
The needs of patients have changed dramatically as the population ages and technology advances.
Times, Sunday Times
postmodern age
But in this postmodern age, it seems to have been replaced by something more prosaic: falling out of love.
Times, Sunday Times
And it has never been more complicated than in our postmodern age of mash-ups and multiples and reworkings.
Times, Sunday Times
Solipsism, egocentrism, obscurity - still so common in poetry even in this postmodern age - are unlikely to deliver the goods.
Times, Sunday Times
In a postmodern age, plot, storyline, action and language have all become redundant.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet it fell to this late night geek sitcom- no, really - to adapt that concern for the postmodern age.
Times, Sunday Times
reach the age of
Just before she reached the age of 2 she received a gastrostomy (a surgical incision into the stomach).
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
` Well, he's reached the age of discretion, if only in some respects.
Mosco, Maisie OUT OF THE ASHES
Twenty percent of the men of the first generation reached the age of eighty.
Divine, Robert A. (editor) & Breen, T. H & Frederickson, George M & Williams, R. Hal America Past and Present (1995)
If you reached the age of 35 in those gruelling years you were reckoned to have an unusually robust constitution.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
skin ages
Scientists reckon genes play a big part in the way our skin ages.
The Sun
The theory goes that these chemical messengers stimulate the production of the feelgood hormone serotonin and reduce stress hormones that crank up the rate at which skin ages.
Times, Sunday Times
Antioxidants also help control the rate at which your skin ages by protecting cells from damage.
The Sun
As skin ages, the genes that produce such molecules appear to become less active and the ability to retain water diminishes, leading eventually to wrinkles.
Times, Sunday Times
Mature men look 'distinguished' rather than wrinkly simply because their skin ages more slowly.
Times, Sunday Times
tender age
In fact, has there been an artist in any medium who simply walked away from their genius at such a tender age?
Times, Sunday Times
Recorded at the tender age of 16 she demonstrates a sophistication beyond her years.
The Sun
Even at the tender age of 9, he may well be right.
Times, Sunday Times
To do nothing because we feel uneasy about the tender age could be unwise.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite her tender age, she already has years of business experience.
The Sun
voting age
In the survey of 557 people, less than a quarter thought dropping the voting age below 18 was a good idea.
Times, Sunday Times
What would be the point of lowering the voting age?
Times, Sunday Times
Some campaign groups are pushing for the voting age to be lowered to 16, to enfranchise millions of school-age young people.
Times, Sunday Times
The unexpectedly large scale of the defeat last night heaped pressure on the government to climb down from its opposition to reducing the voting age.
Times, Sunday Times
My key manifestos are lowering the voting age to 16, greater political education and engaging more young people in politics.
The Sun
young age
It may just be that you are developing male-pattern baldness at a young age.
The Sun (2008)
He spent 15 years with the company, during which he rose through the ranks to become operations director at the relatively young age of 31.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
He built model planes from a young age.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
I started singing gospel music at a very young age.
The Sun (2012)
He'd never known his father, and his mother had also died at a young age.
Jack Higgins THE KEYS OF HELL (2002)
Chinese: 年龄
Japanese: 年齢




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