

单词 drop
(drɒp )
Word forms: drops , dropping , dropped
1. verb B2
If a level or amount drops or if someone or something drops it, it quickly becomes less.
Temperatures can drop to freezing at night. [VERB preposition/adverb]
Once the rate rises it never drops back to its previous level. [VERB preposition/adverb]
His blood pressure had dropped severely. [VERB]
He had dropped the price of his London home by £1.25m. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: fall, lower, sink, decline  
Drop is also a noun.
He was prepared to take a drop in wages. [+ in]
The poll indicates a drop in support for the Conservatives.
2. verb B1
If you drop something, you accidentally let it fall.
I dropped my glasses and broke them. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: let go of, release, let fall, lose your grip on  
3. verb B2
If something drops onto something else, it falls onto that thing. If something drops from somewhere, it falls from that place.
He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers. [VERB preposition/adverb]
Burning embers started dropping from the ceiling. [VERB preposition/adverb]
His toupee dropped off, revealing his bald head. [VERB preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: drip, run, flow, leak  
4. verb B1
If you drop something somewhere or if it drops there, you deliberately let it fall there.
Drop the noodles into the water. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
He dropped his plate into the sink. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
...shaped pots that simply drop into their own container. [VERB preposition/adverb]
Bombs drop round us and the floor shudders. [VERB]
dropping uncountable noun
...the dropping of the first atomic bomb. [+ of]
5. verb
If a person or a part of their body drops to a lower position, or if they drop a part of their body to a lower position, they move to that position, often in a tired and lifeless way.
Nancy dropped into a nearby chair. [VERB preposition/adverb]
She let her head drop. [VERB]
He dropped his hands on to his knees. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: sink, fall, go down, descend  
6. verb [no cont]
To drop is used in expressions such as to be about to drop and to dance until you drop to emphasize that you are exhausted and can no longer continue doing something. [emphasis]
She looked about to drop. [VERB]
You have to run until you drop. [VERB]
Synonyms: collapse, fall, faint, fall down  
7. verb
If someone drops their trousers, they pull them down, usually as a joke or to be rude.
A couple of boozy revellers dropped their trousers. [VERB noun]
8. verb
If your voice drops or if you drop your voice, you speak more quietly.
Her voice will drop to a dismissive whisper. [VERB + to]
He dropped his voice and glanced round at the door. [VERB noun]
[Also V, V n to n]
9. verb
If you drop someone or something somewhere, you take them somewhere and leave them there, usually in a car or other vehicle.
He dropped me outside the hotel. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Many children had been dropped at the stadium by their parents. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Tim had dropped the letter in earlier. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: set down, leave, deposit, unload  
Drop off means the same as drop.
Just drop me off at the airport. [V n P prep/adv]
He was dropping off a late birthday present. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
10. verb B2
If you drop an idea, course of action, or habit, you do not continue with it.
He was told to drop the idea. [VERB noun]
The prosecution was forced to drop the case. [VERB noun]
The charges were dropped. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: quit, give up, abandon, cease  
dropping uncountable noun
This was one of the factors that led to the President 's dropping of his previous objections. [+ of]
11. verb [usually passive]
If someone is dropped by a sports team or organization, they are no longer included in that team or employed by that organization.
The country's captain was dropped from the tour party to England. [be VERB-ed]
Synonyms: eject, dismiss, throw out, exclude  
12. verb
If you drop a game or part of a game in a sports competition, you lose it.
Oremans has yet to drop a set. [VERB noun]
13. verb
If you drop to a lower position in a sports competition, you move to that position.
Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league. [VERB preposition/adverb]
14. verb
If a recording artist drops a new song, album, or video, they release it to the public. You can also say that a new song, album, or video drops.
They've just dropped their first album since 2015. [VERB noun]
Their new star-studded video dropped this week. [V ]
15. verb
If someone drops money, they spend it in large amounts, or in a careless way. [informal]
She thought nothing of dropping $100,000 in a single day in her favourite stores. [VERB noun]
16. countable noun B1
A drop of a liquid is a very small amount of it shaped like a little ball. In informal English, you can also use drop when you are referring to a very small amount of something such as a drink.
...a drop of blue ink. [+ of]
Add the cream a few drops at a time.
I'll have another drop of that Italian milk.
Synonyms: droplet, bead, globule, bubble  
17. plural noun [oft noun NOUN]
Drops are a kind of medicine which you put drop by drop into your ears, eyes, or nose.
...eye drops.
18. countable noun [usually plural, noun NOUN]
Fruit or chocolate drops are small round sweets with a fruit or chocolate flavour.
19. countable noun
You use drop to talk about vertical distances. For example, a thirty-foot drop is a distance of thirty feet between the top of a cliff or wall and the bottom of it.
There was a sheer drop just outside my window.
It's only a four-foot drop.
Synonyms: fall, plunge, descent, abyss  
20. drop a hint phrase
If you drop a hint, you give a hint or say something in a casual way.
If I drop a few hints he might give me a cutting.
21. drop the subject/drop it/let it drop phrase
If you want someone to drop the subject, drop it, or let it drop, you want them to stop talking about something, often because you are annoyed that they keep talking about it.
Mary Ann wished he would just drop it.
Does that mean you're going to drop the subject?
22.  See also air drop
23. drop (down) dead phrase B2
If you say that a person or animal dropped dead or dropped down dead, you mean that they died very suddenly and unexpectedly.
He dropped dead on the quayside.
24. at the drop of a hat phrase
If you say that you are ready to do something at the drop of a hat, you mean that you are willing to do it immediately, without hesitating.
India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a hat.
25. to drop someone a line phrase [VERB inflects]
If you drop someone a line, you write to them or email them. [informal]
My phone doesn't work, so drop me a line.
26. a drop in the ocean phrase
If you say that something is a drop in the ocean, you mean that it is a very small amount which is unimportant compared to the cost of other things or is so small that it has very little effect on something. [emphasis]
His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.
Phrasal verbs:
drop away
phrasal verb
If land or ground drops away, it slopes down so that it is at a lower level to where you are or from a particular point that has been mentioned.
To the south the hills dropped away to farmland. [VERB PARTICLE preposition]
From the house, the garden drops away, surrounded by a rural scene of woodland. [VERB PARTICLE]
drop by
phrasal verb
If you drop by, you visit someone informally.
She and Danny will drop by later. [VERB PARTICLE]
He dropped by my office this morning. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
drop in
phrasal verb
If you drop in on someone, you visit them informally, usually without having arranged it.
Whenever I'm up there I always drop in. [VERB PARTICLE]
Why not drop in for a chat? [VERB PARTICLE]
She spent most of the day dropping in on friends in Edinburgh. [VERB PARTICLE + on]
drop off
1.  drop [sense 9]
2. phrasal verb B2
If you drop off to sleep, you go to sleep. [informal]
I must have dropped off to sleep. [V P + to sleep]
Just as I was dropping off, a strange thought crossed my mind. [VERB PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb
If the level of something drops off, it becomes less.
Sales to the British forces are expected to drop off. [VERB PARTICLE]
The daily toll of casualties has dropped off sharply. [VERB PARTICLE]
drop out
1. phrasal verb
If someone drops out of college or a race, for example, they leave it without finishing what they started.
He'd dropped out of high school at the age of 16. [VERB PARTICLE + of]
She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble. [VERB PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If someone drops out, they reject the accepted ways of society and live outside the usual system. [disapproval]
She encourages people to keep their jobs rather than dropping out to live in a commune. [VERB PARTICLE]
3.  See also drop-out
drop something or someone like a hot potato or drop something or someone like a hot brick
to get rid of something or someone as quickly as possible because they are difficult to deal with, or because you do not want them any more
It is a rule of the tourism business that clients must feel happy on holiday. If a place gains a reputation for being unwelcoming, the trade drops it like a hot potato.
a drop in the ocean [British] or a drop in the bucket
something, especially an amount of money, that is very small in comparison with the amount which is needed or expected, so that its effect is insignificant
Unfortunately, this tax won't raise a lot of money. It's a drop in the ocean, really.
at the drop of a hat
willingly and without hesitation. This expression is often used to suggest that someone does not think carefully enough about their actions.
People should sort out their own minor problems and not just call the police at the drop of a hat.
drop dead
said to someone when you are telling them to go away and leave you alone because you are very angry or annoyed with them
Richard told me to drop dead.
drop a clanger [British]
to make a very embarrassing mistake
`You wouldn't have thought that Jimmy of all people would drop such a clanger.'
drop your bundle [mainly Australian]
to give up and stop trying to win or succeed when you are failing at something
At 25-6 University were losing badly, but to their credit they did not drop their bundle.
drop a brick [British]
to say something that upsets or offends other people
After his comments on the live TV programme, he was immediately aware that he had dropped a political brick of the worst kind.
drop a bombshell
to suddenly tell someone a piece of bad news which they were not expecting
My ex-wife is on the phone and she drops a bombshell. Sue, our beloved daughter, is leaving the country to live in Australia.
drop the ball [mainly US]
to do something stupid or something that shows you have no skill
There are people who'd like to see me fail, I know that. But I'm not afraid. I won't drop the ball.
drop off the radar
to be forgotten or ignored because people's attention has moved to something more important
Stories in the news drop off the radar with people after a couple of weeks.
drop the other shoe [US]
to complete a task by doing the second and final part of it
I got the feeling that I was waiting for him to drop the other foot.
drop a lawsuit
He said he hoped the investors would drop the lawsuit in favor of the litigation effort in the reorganization plan.
Christianity Today
Both sides agreed to drop the lawsuit two years later.
Times, Sunday Times
Jeff re-unites with the study group and convinces them to drop their lawsuit.
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He said she promised him a 20 per cent cut and didn't deliver but dropped the lawsuit later that year.
The Sun
The villagers also drop their lawsuit plans.
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drop a net
It attempted to drop a net on the opponent.
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But they dropped their nets, and they left their boats.
Christianity Today
Then he realized that all he needed was a few followers who would drop their nets and pick up their crosses and follow him.
Christianity Today
drop a pound
I admitted, too, eventually, that swimming hasn't exactly got me dropping the pounds.
Times, Sunday Times
Eat around 1,350 cals a day to drop the pounds.
The Sun
Wanting to find love again was another reason for dropping the pounds.
The Sun
They try the latest fad diet, stick to it for a few weeks or months and drop some pounds, but sooner or later they return to their old eating habits.
Times, Sunday Times
drop of rain
The weather was sublime - not a drop of rain.
The Sun
Like not taking the players off for every drop of rain and every dark cloud.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps you should wait until there has been a drop of rain?
Times, Sunday Times
It will also be a lot cloudier — but still hardly a drop of rain will fall.
Times, Sunday Times
They'd be stranded in a festival field after the first drop of rain.
The Sun
drop of sweat
A drop of sweat was found on a latex glove next to one of the rope ladders.
Times, Sunday Times
Then there was the frequent changes of gloves - approximately every quarter of an hour - as if even a drop of sweat might put him off his game.
The Sun
The real shame was that all the post-fight controversy took the gloss of what was a truly sensational world-title fight with both boxers giving every last drop of sweat.
The Sun
Again, the views make it all worthwhile and every drop of sweat was rewarded with sights of the untouched scenery.
The Sun
This young storyteller exercises the confidence, honesty and sensibility of a master without spilling a drop of sweat.
Times, Sunday Times
drop of water
Towards the end, he mopped his brow and gulped the last drop of water.
Times, Sunday Times
You'll know it's hot enough when a drop of water skitters on the surface.
Times, Sunday Times
Heat the wok over a high heat until a drop of water flicked on to its surface evaporates on contact.
The Sun
I achieved all this without getting a drop of water on the little table.
Times, Sunday Times
Stir in a drop of water before serving if it becomes too thick to drizzle.
Times, Sunday Times
drop precipitously
Gas rationing during the war caused the number of automobiles on roads to drop precipitously, helping to make the freeway unnecessary.
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During the first hour after a nuclear explosion, radioactivity levels drop precipitously.
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This can result in widespread foreclosure or bankruptcy for those investors and entrepreneurs who came in late to the market, as the prices of previously inflated assets generally drop precipitously.
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The price of copper dropped precipitously in the 1930s, and operations at the mine ceased in 1938.
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In the 1960s and 1970s, government policy began to emphasize crop diversification, in an effort to avoid being affected if the world price of rubber were to drop precipitously.
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drop rapidly
In your freezer the bulbs drop rapidly from room temperature to well below freezing in a matter of hours.
Globe and Mail
With the rains the temperatures which were currently hot during the day and pleasant at night would drop rapidly to become piercingly cold.
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Seed can be stored in sealed containers under refrigeration for four to six weeks, but germination begins to drop rapidly after 10 days.
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Many voice vocoder systems use lower data rates, but below 5 kbit/s voice quality begins to drop rapidly.
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Population sizes began to drop rapidly, with whole villages being abandoned because of outbreaks.
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drop sharply
The number of transactions will also drop sharply.
Times, Sunday Times
The weather's hot during the day, but the temperature can drop sharply out in the open at night (so take warm clothes).
Times, Sunday Times
The business and professional services sector had been slowly growing this year but saw volumes drop sharply and unexpectedly in the past three months.
Times, Sunday Times
It also criticised bonus rates that drop sharply after a set period.
Times, Sunday Times
Consumers are reluctant to spend, especially on big-ticket items such as cars, because they worry that their incomes will drop sharply.
Times, Sunday Times
drop significantly
The price will drop significantly if the club are relegated.
Times, Sunday Times
This turbulence will affect the enthusiasm of both buyers and sellers and turnover will drop significantly.
Times, Sunday Times
But manufacturers could extend the lifespan of the traditional vehicles they offer - particularly if the price of a new electric car fails to drop significantly.
Times,Sunday Times
If viewers make a habit of ignoring advertising, its revenue could drop significantly.
Times, Sunday Times
However, estate agents point out that prices drop significantly if you buy farther west.
Times, Sunday Times
drop steadily
However, a long run of poor form subsequently saw the club drop steadily towards the relegation zone.
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The fraction drops steadily with age, levelling out by the time people reach their sixties.
Times, Sunday Times
For the next four hours they dropped steadily down through the ocean depths.
Times, Sunday Times
Sales have dropped steadily over the past three decades apart from a brief respite in the early 1990s.
Times, Sunday Times
The wholesale connection rate has dropped steadily in recent years from a 23p-a-minute call rate in 1995 to 4.3p this year.
Times, Sunday Times
drop steeply
Unspoilt coastlines and mountains that drop steeply into the sea make the north a favourite with divers - with perfect conditions for exploring underwater.
The Sun
The water elevation continues to drop steeply as it passes through the gorge carved by the waterfall.
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These terraces drop steeply on the west end of the ridge, and almost vertically on the south end.
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Cliffs drop steeply to the sea provide a panoramic outlook of the surrounding areas, at the western side of the fortress.
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I peered out on a horizon that dropped steeply away.
The Sun
drop substantially
In most situations the average weight of a population will drop substantially.
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Eventually, dopamine production of the neurons will drop substantially and dopamine will be removed from the synaptic cleft.
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While renewable energy remains the most favoured form of electricity production, support for it has dropped substantially since 2005.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, rental prices on the square have dropped substantially as a result of the glut.
Times, Sunday Times
The fees have dropped substantially in recent years and still vary widely.
Times,Sunday Times
drop suddenly
Yesterday electricity grid experts warned power supplies could drop suddenly - causing possible blackouts.
The Sun
Most accidents occur in dunes, where a drop suddenly appears out of the seamless sand.
Times, Sunday Times
Seconds after climbing through, the aircraft turned through 90 degrees, causing the nose to drop suddenly, before it impacted with the ground.
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Without warning a veiled curtain drops suddenly on our stage, obscuring the glowing exits, shadowing the players.
Christianity Today
How would we possibly save enough money to pay for their education if our income dropped suddenly to zero?
Christianity Today
drop the price
Orders were so great that over the next few years, he was able to drop the price to a single dollar.
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Some vendors are having to drop the price of their homes below 2 million to achieve a sale.
Times, Sunday Times
Well, maybe not, but surely that might encourage public servants to drop the price by cutting corners?
Times, Sunday Times
We ignored the people who told us to drop the price.
Times, Sunday Times
However, they have had only seven viewings and have been forced to drop the price twice.
Times, Sunday Times
experience a drop
It was devised to ensure that no practice experienced a drop in income when the new needsbased allocation formula was introduced.
Times, Sunday Times
The resort, which operates conventional ski lifts, has experienced a drop from 320,000 skiers a year in its heyday in the 1970s to 70,000 today.
Times, Sunday Times
The average person experiences a drop in body mass of about 2-3lbs.
The Sun
This means you still experienced a drop, but nothing like as large.
Times, Sunday Times
About 1.1m experienced a drop in rates.
Times, Sunday Times
huge drop
The huge drop will lead to tens of thousands of extra job losses as well as cuts in frontline services.
Times, Sunday Times
The cash call came as the bank reported a huge drop in annual profits and cut its dividend.
Times, Sunday Times
A cap would mean a huge drop in business for suppliers.
Times, Sunday Times
All the big investment banks are reporting a huge drop in trading volumes.
Times, Sunday Times
Unable to work, she had to claim employment and support allowance, and struggled to cope with her huge drop in income.
Times, Sunday Times
income drop
Struggling families who have seen their income drop are also at risk.
The Sun
An individual aged 65 at present will see their total retirement income drop by 4 or 5 per cent compared with their expectations.
Times,Sunday Times
On average, one in three working-age households in red wall areas would see their income drop, compared to one in five in the southeast.
Times,Sunday Times
Anyone who has been furloughed, made redundant or had an income drop in the recent crisis, as well as the selfemployed who have lost income, can all apply.
The Sun
Further, property values would have to fall by a further 25 per cent, or its rental income drop by 10 million, for its banking covenants to be breached.
Times, Sunday Times
index drops
However, if the benchmark index drops more than 50%, you begin to lose your investment.
Times, Sunday Times
He said in a market comment yesterday that he would move his rating to overweight if the index drops back to the 900-925 range.
Globe and Mail
If the current index drops below the bull-bear line, some investors believe the market turn bearish from bullish.
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jaw drops
Then, without warning, the ground drops away and your jaw drops with it.
Times, Sunday Times
My jaw drops to the floor as he breaks into the interview a private rendition.
The Sun
The jaw drops at the folly of this position.
Times, Sunday Times
In absolute dread, the cat covers his eyes and slowly peeks at his new mess, and then lifts his hand; his eyes exaggeratedly pop out and his jaw drops.
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leaflet drop
Security sources said that the latest leaflet drop indicated that a major push to retake the city centre would begin within days.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a leaflet drop, there are lots of flags.
Times, Sunday Times
For instance, she could leaflet drop around her area.
Times, Sunday Times
Leaflets dropped by air warned that the 15-day-old offensive would be escalated.
Times, Sunday Times
Infantry was still needed, however, to hunt down any insurgents not persuaded to surrender by leaflets dropped from the air.
Times, Sunday Times
market drop
It was the biggest market drop in modern history.
Times, Sunday Times
The inventory of unsold homes on the market dropped 3.4 percent to 3.9 million.
Houston Chronicle
It said that companies that have issued one notification to clients will not have to do so again if the market drops further.
Times,Sunday Times
There have been at least 20 periods in the past 45 years when the equity market dropped by more than 10 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
Studies have found that after a nation loses in a major rugby tournament, their financial markets drop by around 0.15 per cent.
The Sun
mouth drops
His mouth drops open slightly, but he recovers quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
The barman's mouth drops open in shock.
The Sun
Crisp’s mouth drops open.
His mouth drops open and his face pales.
Times, Sunday Times
plane drops
The plane drops through the cloud, vaccine stores inside its metal belly, and dives towards a grassy airstrip.
Times, Sunday Times
But if they do this too early, the plane drops out of the sky!
The Sun
The plane drops the squad and the two jeeps.
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precipitous drop
This pleasing effect softens the hard steel lines and shields the precipitous drop to the road below.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The arrival of the parlours coincided with the precipitous drop in Japanese fortunes.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The statistics don't say why, but this is a precipitous drop.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
pressure drop
But his blood pressure dropped on the way and doctors advised him to cancel.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The blood pressure drop also might have helped those who were wounded avoid bleeding to death.
Christianity Today (2000)
Addition of sodium sulfate in fly ash slurry suspension tends to improve the pressure drop characteristics.
S. Kumar 2018, 'Determination of Pressure Drop Characteristics of Fly Ash Suspension with Additive for Hydraulic Transportation', Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
rate drops
You must make monthly deposits of 25-500 and no withdrawals are allowed, otherwise the rate drops to 4.36%.
Times, Sunday Times
For those with some college, the rate drops to 51 percent.
Christianity Today
But after three months the rate drops to 4.5 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
The interest rate drops to 0.25 per cent after a year.
Times,Sunday Times
Book the hotel through this clever new site and, if the rate drops, it will automatically cancel the reservation, then rebook at the lower price.
Times, Sunday Times
ratings drop
But he claimed he wasn't fussed about the ratings drop as the same thing happened in overseas versions of the show.
The Sun
If the player loses all their hearts during certain battles, or if the ratings drop too low, the player will have to restart the level.
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If a player's ratings drop below 0%, the game will end.
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The league also saw television ratings drop for three consecutive seasons after the lockout.
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The episode received positive reviews from critics despite a significant ratings drop from the previous episode, with 4.83 million viewers and an 18-49 rating of 2.2.
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sharp drop
The sharp drop in a country that many had hoped would be the engine of global growth has caused jitters around the world.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The result is higher output, better quality, and a sharp drop in employee turnover.
Peter F. Drucker MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices (1974)
The sharp drop will fuel calls for tough new laws to tackle the drug.
The Sun (2008)
sheer drop
To my right, the rugged landscape falls to a sheer drop and the sparkling sea below.
The Sun
While the sea wall offered some protection, it was a sheer drop behind them if the water washed them off the path.
The Sun
Photos emerged last night showing a sheer drop on the other side.
The Sun
It was a spectacular sheer drop, with no fence.
Times, Sunday Times
With a sheer drop of 450ft, he has everything to lose.
The Sun
significant drop
Since their establishment, there has been a significant drop in both the incidence of cervical cancer and deaths from the disease.
The Sun (2011)
It found a significant drop in the need for the morning-after pill.
The Sun (2012)
The lack of a fishing quota on sea bass, and increasingly extreme fishing methods, resulted in a significant drop in population.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
single drop
But remove not a single drop of moisture.
Times, Sunday Times
It was the biggest single drop in any three month period since 1990.
The Sun
For the most dedicated, not a single drop of alcohol will have passed through their lips in some four years, and not again before they taste either victory or defeat.
Times, Sunday Times
Two new reservoirs (filled by 2% of the winter runoff of two local rivers) ensure that the entire operation won't take a single drop of water from the local aquifer.
Times, Sunday Times
The detector or superconducting tunnel junction camera could be used to diagnose diseases from a single drop of blood and compare gene expression in different biological samples.
Times, Sunday Times
slight drop
The surge in the share price came despite the company announcing a slight drop in annual earnings.
Times, Sunday Times
This led to a slight drop in sales to 724m in 2012.
Times, Sunday Times
This slight drop in trip could help his chances.
The Sun
The slight drop in class this afternoon should see him home in front.
The Sun
The results are expected to show a slight drop in profits to $7.1bn (4.2bn), ending a decade-long run of increases.
Times, Sunday Times
spill a drop
There are three jars and two bottles, with a funnel so you won't spill a drop.
Times, Sunday Times
The government says that it did not spill a drop of civilian blood.
Globe and Mail
Thrilled though he was, he did not spill a drop.
Times, Sunday Times
Upstairs was shut; downstairs there was so much room to roam that you could have held two full pints at arms' length and still not spilt a drop.
Times, Sunday Times
steep drop
Despite the gloom over falling passenger numbers, airlines have benefited from a steep drop in the price of oil.
Times, Sunday Times
Lower gasoline prices reflect a steep drop in oil prices over the past month.
Houston Chronicle
Marriage, too, often meant a steep drop in their quality of life.
Times, Sunday Times
This was due to losses on foreign exchange and derivatives deals, as well as a steep drop in the coal price.
Times, Sunday Times
A steep drop in shipping rates in recent months has also made such speculative practices more compelling by reducing the cost of storage.
Times, Sunday Times
sudden drop
Experts found a sudden drop in glucose levels, known as hypoglycaemia, affects our mood.
The Sun (2018)
The sensation is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure, known as orthostatic hypertension.
The Sun (2018)
Last week came the sickening lurch, the sudden drop into uncharted territory.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Government vets were called in after workers reported a sudden drop in egg production.
The Sun (2009)
suffer a drop
Experts have warned, though, that savers could suffer a drop in income when their terms expire if annuity rates are lower than they are today.
Times, Sunday Times
The figures do not necessarily translate into a one-for-one increase in unemployment as people also can claim if they suffer a drop in income.
Times,Sunday Times
At some point, either asset prices could suffer a drop, or a correction could come about through a burst of inflation.
Times, Sunday Times
However, athletes who have become acclimatised to high altitude can suffer a drop in their performance after suddenly descending to sea level.
Times, Sunday Times
Consequently, our competition will suffer a drop in quality.
Times, Sunday Times
temperature drops
The temperature dropped below freezing at night.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Our llama would not eat and his temperature was dropping.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The temperature dropped and after five hours the men screamed to be let out.
The Sun (2009)
Clear visibility means there are no clouds to stop the temperature dropping.
The Sun (2010)
And as the temperature dropped, the molasses got stickier.
Globe and Mail (2003)
tiny drop
One tiny drop on the lips has an instant, noticeable plumping effect.
Times, Sunday Times
Add a tiny drop of remover, shake and it's as good as new.
The Sun
Whisking continuously, start to add the olive oil, a tiny drop at a time to start with.
Times, Sunday Times
It could also work on a tiny drop of blood.
The Sun
Just add a tiny drop and build it up until it's the right tone.
The Sun
touch a drop
Unlike your average pop star, she doesn't touch a drop before a performance.
Times, Sunday Times
I do not touch a drop of alcohol.
Times, Sunday Times
He didn't touch a drop of bubbly all evening - sticking to mineral water instead.
The Sun
That's why you can't touch a drop.
Times, Sunday Times
Being the ultimate professional, he didn't touch a drop.
Times, Sunday Times
unemployment drops
However, several conditions were attached to yesterday's pledge of cheap borrowing until unemployment drops below 7 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
It has pledged not to raise rates until unemployment drops to 7 per cent, but yesterday it suggested that the first rise could be delayed.
Times, Sunday Times
Unemployment drops to a total of 170,000, or about 13%.
Retrieved from Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0
vertical drop
The slide features a vertical drop in a clear tube that then extends over the side of the ship.
Times, Sunday Times
Speed puts the scream into extreme by offering the world's steepest vertical drop, a 97-degree inverted power dive that might make you poorly.
Times, Sunday Times
Riders squelch into a double rubber ring and hurtle down an almost vertical drop, sliding back and forth until it grinds to a halt.
Times, Sunday Times
The 3.02km (1.88 mile) course has a vertical drop of 870 metres (2,854ft).
Times, Sunday Times
He has told officers he thought the window led to a rear access but it was a vertical drop to a courtyard.
The Sun
Chinese: 降低, 降低
Japanese: しずく, 落とす




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