

单词 absolutely
(æbsəltli )
1. adverb [usually ADVERB adjective/adverb, oft ADVERB with verb] B1
Absolutely means totally and completely. [emphasis]
Jill is absolutely right.
I absolutely refuse to get married.
There is absolutely no difference!
Synonyms: completely, totally, perfectly, quite  
2. adverb
Some people say absolutely as an emphatic way of saying yes or of agreeing with someone. They say absolutely not as an emphatic way of saying no or of disagreeing with someone. [emphasis]
'It's worrying, isn't it?'—'Absolutely.'
'Did they approach you?'—'No, absolutely not.'
Synonyms: definitely, surely, certainly, clearly  
absolutely absurd
I think, 'stuff that', that's absolutely absurd.
The Sun
It seems absolutely absurd that creativity and free-thinking have increasingly little room in the hamster wheel of school and exams.
Times, Sunday Times
Quick to take offense, he shouts frequently and often unnecessarily, and often comes up with absolutely absurd, irregular, or illogical money-making scams.
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absolutely amazing
The food looked absolutely amazing - all goat marinaded in garlic and sour spices, and charred over a pit, nom, nom, argh, drool, etc.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
She is absolutely amazing, certainly in for the highest award possible.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
For it to be returned to me in such good condition is absolutely amazing.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The sound is crystal-clear and the quality absolutely amazing.
The Sun (2016)
absolutely appalling
A source close to the regulator labelled it 'astonishing and absolutely appalling'.
Times, Sunday Times
I thought some of the things he said were absolutely appalling.
Times, Sunday Times
He repeatedly said that the market manipulation was wrong, abhorrent, horrible, absolutely appalling and reprehensible.
Times, Sunday Times
I thought that was absolutely appalling.
Times, Sunday Times
I find some of the behavior absolutely appalling personally.
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absolutely astonishing
I was texting him and after the final he reacted really quickly and said he thought the result was absolutely astonishing.
The Sun
It was an absolutely astonishing spectacle, and so revealing.
Globe and Mail
For all the minor gripes about last week's long-awaited battle between living and dead, there's no denying that it was an absolutely astonishing spectacle.
Times, Sunday Times
This year's batch comes with absolutely astonishing foliage, intense greens with purple highlights, and are ideal statement plants for containers.
Globe and Mail
I find it absolutely astonishing that by doing sums we have been able to make a seemingly outlandish prediction about something so fundamental to the workings of the universe.
The Sun
absolutely awful
What an absolutely awful place it is.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
It was absolutely awful saying goodbye.
The Sun (2016)
When things were absolutely awful, he would say, ` Holy Moley !
absolutely beautiful
It had been an absolutely beautiful day: cloudless, warm and awash with the scent of blossom.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It is not a finished work of art - but it is absolutely beautiful.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Jonathan is terribly sweet and is looking absolutely beautiful, golden-skinned and green-eyed.
Bénédicte Newland and Pascale Smets AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR (2004)
absolutely brilliant
An absolutely brilliant choice as we all know how reliable Italian cars are in general esp sports cars with 80,000 miles on the clock.
Bénédicte Newland and Pascale Smets AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR (2005)
We had a forensic psychiatrist who was absolutely brilliant, that was in that programme.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
I watched the film ahead of its world premiere and it's absolutely brilliant.
The Sun (2016)
absolutely certain
We all have opinions, but none of us can be absolutely certain about the answer.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Most contestants abstain after the expert has been successfully called upon unless they are absolutely certain they have the correct answer.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The reason for that is they will not take action until they are absolutely certain they are on robust and strong ground.
The Sun (2012)
Nobody is sorrier than I am that this thing has started, but having entered into it, we shall make absolutely certain that we win.
You have to be absolutely certain that not only the head of the organisation but the board of trustees are unimpeachable.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
absolutely charming
I've found it absolutely charming and lapped it up.
Times,Sunday Times
I keep meeting people who knew him who say he was absolutely charming and very generous.
Times, Sunday Times
He was one of those guys who was absolutely charming, pleasant and polite.
Times, Sunday Times
The people however are absolutely charming and very intelligent.
The Times Literary Supplement
Absolutely charming people-you must have them over one evening.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely clear
My mind is absolutely clear: clear and free as a bird.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
To make the needed adaptation, people must be absolutely clear about "how we do business around here.
My skin is now absolutely clear and sparkling.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It's absolutely clear that people are put under house arrest without actually being able to answer charges put to them.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
You must be absolutely clear about your goals and the sacrifices required to get there.
The Sun (2016)
absolutely confident
She said 'no', and was absolutely confident saying it.
Times, Sunday Times
You need to be absolutely confident that you have found the right course before making a decision.
Times, Sunday Times
I would certainly hope that her tutors scrutinised her answers very carefully to ensure that they were absolutely confident that she deserved to fail.
Times, Sunday Times
We are not in a position to say we are absolutely confident at the moment.
Times, Sunday Times
The local authority said that it did not have the chance to present its case and was 'absolutely confident' that the court would find in its favour.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely correct
But he was absolutely correct, and he still rings true after yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
He said that it was 'absolutely correct' that the prosecution had gone ahead notwithstanding the ultimate outcome.
Times, Sunday Times
In both instances the referees were absolutely correct.
Times, Sunday Times
For the manager to make that comment, it's absolutely correct.
The Sun
All the above: absolutely correct.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely crazy
Nobody talks about policies nowadays - it's absolutely crazy.
Times, Sunday Times
We were absolutely crazy about each other and so happy.
The Sun
It's absolutely crazy what they're trying to do.
Times, Sunday Times
I said well, it sounded absolutely crazy to me.
Times,Sunday Times
I'd never experienced anything like that, so it's absolutely crazy and amazing.
The Sun
absolutely critical
Sheep farmers are absolutely critical to the transition.
Times,Sunday Times
It's absolutely critical to find the fairway off the tee but, even then, a long-iron approach will still be needed.
Times, Sunday Times
It's absolutely critical to know you and your people are together in your goals and objectives.
Christianity Today
Transparency and openness are absolutely critical to the way our courts run.
Times, Sunday Times
All individuals arrested so far are absolutely critical to the inquiry.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely crucial
The schooling you receive is absolutely crucial to your success in life.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The UK's financial services sector is an absolutely crucial part of our economy.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
So yesterday the Aussie skipper was absolutely crucial.
The Sun (2013)
absolutely delicious
Last night, we had honey lemon chicken with veg and a fancy jus, which was absolutely delicious and certainly not rabbit food.
The Sun (2015)
Frozen yoghurt tastes exactly like ice cream, absolutely delicious.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The sauce will be lumpy with collapsed vegetables and grainy milk solids - but absolutely delicious.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The food we did get was absolutely delicious in its delicacy and subtlety.
Brown, Sarah Sarah Brown's Vegetarian London (1988)
absolutely delighted
He said: 'I am absolutely delighted to be given this great opportunity.
The Sun (2015)
It must be absolutely delighted.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He was absolutely delighted and anything but shy about telling other people.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We are absolutely delighted that we have two players like that.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But this morning he will be absolutely delighted to be in the fourth round.
The Sun (2017)
absolutely delightful
Some politicians prefer the bad old days when power was delightful and absolute power was absolutely delightful.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It was absolutely delightful and utterly festive; like something from a dream or the movies.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He's absolutely delightful and smells delicious!
The Sun (2013)
The second half of my life has on the whole been absolutely delightful.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
absolutely devastating
The news was absolutely devastating.
Christianity Today
And the buildings themselves, well, in the end it would be absolutely devastating, but there are people circling who would want them, all the time.
Times,Sunday Times
For the families left behind it can be devastating, absolutely devastating.
The Sun
He could prove absolutely devastating behind a dominant front five.
The Sun
Unions said it was 'absolutely devastating' to the local economy.
The Sun
absolutely disgraceful
It was just absolutely disgraceful.
The Sun (2012)
It's absolutely disgraceful to send pilots overseas with so little flying.
Patrick Bishop FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940 (2003)
It is absolutely disgraceful the abuse you and your staff take.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
absolutely disgusting
The fact it is not is absolutely disgusting.
The Sun (2014)
The only snag is that soya milk also tastes absolutely disgusting.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
They are either totally delicious or absolutely disgusting.
The Sun (2014)
What you did was absolutely disgusting and sickening.
The Sun (2009)
absolutely dreadful
I've had an absolutely dreadful coughing flu, caught within 24 hours from my equally afflicted partner.
Times, Sunday Times
No, he did not like the book one bit; indeed, he thought it was absolutely dreadful.
Times, Sunday Times
I think they're absolutely dreadful.
Times, Sunday Times
We all felt absolutely dreadful for him.
The Sun
Oh yes, because it's an absolutely dreadful idea.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely ecstatic
We're absolutely ecstatic and all feel as though we're floating around in some incredible dream.
The Sun
We're all absolutely ecstatic that we did it.
The Sun
He was absolutely ecstatic and, in a jot, had become the darling of the 15,000 sell-out crowd.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely essential
This should be done only if absolutely essential and you should take professional advice.
Times, Sunday Times
A broadband connection isn't absolutely essential, but would really help.
Times, Sunday Times
Many are a little short of cash themselves, thanks to investor redemptions, and are telling companies they will only support issues that are absolutely essential.
Times, Sunday Times
They're absolutely essential, and also very good for making mysterious philosophical remarks when you reach the summit.
Times, Sunday Times
No spending programmes should be 'off the table' and the question should not be what to cut, but what activities are absolutely essential to government.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely extraordinary
The commitment that this guy gave to me was absolutely extraordinary.
Times,Sunday Times
Seen from the outside, it seems absolutely extraordinary.
Times, Sunday Times
I find that absolutely extraordinary and it has to make you wonder whether he had become bored with the relationship and was looking for a way out.
The Sun
What transpired, of course, was absolutely extraordinary.
The Sun
We might need something absolutely extraordinary.
The Sun
absolutely fabulous
Both these two shows had absolutely fabulous series finales and my family just can't wait for them to come back soon.
The Sun
These garments have now been re-woven and reborn into this sustainable camel coat, which will keep you looking and feeling absolutely fabulous this autumn.
Times, Sunday Times
All in all, absolutely fabulous.
The Sun
Precocious beyond belief... or absolutely fabulous?
Times, Sunday Times
It's absolutely fabulous — like life going backwards.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely false
His agent said that the allegations were absolutely false.
Times, Sunday Times
The confessions, he said, were 'absolutely false'.
Times, Sunday Times
Other reports as to the ending are absolutely false.
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absolutely fantastic
It was an absolutely fantastic strike that won the game, but we're bitterly disappointed.
Times, Sunday Times
To see those two walking into a club in the evening was absolutely fantastic.
The Sun
I can't wait to see it again as it's an absolutely fantastic goal.
The Sun
But since we've met and worked together, he has been absolutely fantastic.
The Sun
It's an absolutely fantastic product and will turn even parchment-like lips into ones that are pulpy and inviting.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely fascinating
Two teams with obvious flaws should provide an absolutely fascinating series.
Times, Sunday Times
This was a revelation to me and absolutely fascinating.
Times, Sunday Times
Random chat and noise make this an agonisingly dull 18 hours for non-fans and absolutely fascinating for the faithful.
Times, Sunday Times
As you'd expect from a show that's taken 48 years to make, it's absolutely fascinating.
The Sun
Absolutely fascinating & a great insight into the excellent work police do.
The Sun
absolutely filthy
In the last twelve months the place has got absolutely filthy.
The Sun (2014)
That's an absolutely filthy thing to say.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
He was absolutely filthy - unrecognisable.
The Sun (2007)
absolutely furious
Not on this evidence -but what if she was given an absolutely furious song to sing?
Times, Sunday Times
I'm absolutely furious with him and would consider punching his lights out if we met.
The Sun
And yet he looked absolutely furious on the touchline as his side spurned one opportunity after another.
The Sun
In fact, he's absolutely furious.
The Sun
They were both absolutely furious.
The Sun
absolutely gorgeous
They will be absolutely gorgeous as a couple.
The Sun
It mixes absolutely gorgeous slow numbers with occasionally jarring, discordant experimental fare.
Times, Sunday Times
I had a married friend who was absolutely gorgeous.
Times, Sunday Times
She captivated everyone who knew her, she was absolutely gorgeous in every way.
Times, Sunday Times
They are absolutely gorgeous and looking right at the camera.
The Sun
absolutely hilarious
He was so nice, a real gentleman and absolutely hilarious.
The Sun
It was absolutely hilarious and it was true!
The Sun
A fabulous and absolutely hilarious animation that continues to stand the test of time.
The Sun
The advertising days were, by the sound of it, absolutely hilarious.
Times,Sunday Times
I think it's absolutely hilarious!
The Sun
absolutely horrendous
And a show source said yesterday: 'Every year presents a new challenge as we want to give them something absolutely horrendous.
The Sun (2010)
Players and coaches wanted to get back to their base in Krakow as quickly as possible but instead had an absolutely horrendous journey.
The Sun (2012)
The schedule was absolutely horrendous.
The Sun (2013)
Short term it sounded absolutely horrendous.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
She said the scene was absolutely horrendous.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
absolutely horrible
I ended up with very defined bald patches, which was absolutely horrible.
The Sun
It's absolutely horrible as a manager, player and fan and for everybody.
Times, Sunday Times
It's the perfect curse: absolutely horrible, yet not on the inhumane side of drastic.
Times, Sunday Times
There are an awful lot of them around and it must be absolutely horrible for them.
Times, Sunday Times
I hate them; they're absolutely horrible.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely horrific
There was some absolutely horrific surgery, where they took away your ribs and pressed the lung down.
Times, Sunday Times
I wore it all with cowboy boots — absolutely horrific.
Times, Sunday Times
One cop described the scene as 'absolutely horrific'.
The Sun
It was horrific, absolutely horrific.
The Sun
The scenes are absolutely horrific.
The Sun
absolutely impossible
A day that not so long ago seemed absolutely impossible.
The Sun
The internet being the internet, it was embarrassingly simple to track down and absolutely impossible to get delivered.
Times, Sunday Times
The government took over operating their businesses, but running that amount of cinemas was absolutely impossible, so the number of cinemas slowly decreased.
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You don't touch each other and the rules are absolutely impossible to understand.
The Sun
Someone tells you this awful news and you feel it's absolutely impossible to go on...
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely incredible
He was preparing for what would have been an absolutely incredible show.
The Sun
It's absolutely incredible what they do in terms of athleticism.
The Sun
So if you love it or haven't ever heard it, get downloading - it's absolutely incredible.
The Sun
It was absolutely incredible but very, very funny.
The Sun
It was an absolutely incredible night, so emotional from start to finish.
The Sun
absolutely livid
The idea that you can't be pretty and have a brain makes me absolutely livid.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
I am absolutely livid with the weather.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Apparently he was absolutely livid.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
She said: 'I was absolutely livid.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
An onlooker said: 'She was clearly absolutely livid to have been voted out first.
The Sun (2012)
absolutely lovely
On every occasion, he has been absolutely lovely and unfailingly polite.
The Sun
Sounds a bit pompous, but these places are very casual and absolutely lovely.
Times, Sunday Times
I know they're all fans, and absolutely lovely people.
The Sun
The main problem was that they are just absolutely lovely.
Times, Sunday Times
Winning this case when the odds seemed to be against us, and getting justice for my absolutely lovely client.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely magnificent
His play for his first goal was absolutely magnificent - his turn, his balance, no drawback, just side-footed it in.
Times, Sunday Times
We upgraded to the double room which was absolutely magnificent.
That medal haul alone tells you how good he was - he was absolutely magnificent.
The Sun
To win one final was absolutely magnificent - to do it twice would be really special.
The Sun
He was an absolutely magnificent bloke.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely marvellous
So to have an effective drug is absolutely marvellous.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The whole thing sounds absolutely marvellous.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
According to me, it is absolutely marvellous.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
absolutely perfect
The weather has to be absolutely perfect: the right rain, the right sun.
Times, Sunday Times
Absolutely perfect in a bit of damp shade.
Times, Sunday Times
So absolutely perfect, unstained, untainted that we in our stained, tainted sense cannot even look at it, nor approach it.
Christianity Today
I just think we're absolutely perfect for each other.
The Sun
The reason her dancing didn't improve was because she seemed to think it was absolutely perfect.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely petrified
I was absolutely petrified, got knocked out and had to come off.
The Sun (2016)
My partner is now waiting for the repeat of her operation and I am absolutely petrified.
The Sun (2014)
My wife is absolutely petrified.
The Sun (2011)
They must have been absolutely petrified.
The Sun (2009)
absolutely phenomenal
The urgency of it is absolutely phenomenal.
The Sun (2015)
Series four is absolutely phenomenal.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
It would be absolutely phenomenal.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
If an act is absolutely phenomenal and all three of us really want them, we all have to pitch and they have to decide.
The Sun (2014)
absolutely ridiculous
He rejected suggestions that the officers might have overreacted because they were being filmed, saying the idea was absolutely ridiculous.
Times, Sunday Times
It's absolutely ridiculous they have the cheek to turn up at the crack of dawn every week and create such a racket.
Times, Sunday Times
I think you have got to cut through the venom of it and hopefully he'll reflect and understand that what he said was absolutely ridiculous.
The Sun
The referee's position to make a decision there was absolutely ridiculous.
Times, Sunday Times
In my eyes, that's absolutely ridiculous.
The Sun
absolutely right
I look back at the video tape and it was absolutely right on the mark.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
He was absolutely right about my bluffing.
Christianity Today (2000)
What we need is the Government to get this absolutely right and to provide certainty.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Those who argue that writers have managed for centuries without creative writing courses are absolutely right.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
And he had laughed, not in derision, not in amusement, but because she was absolutely right.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
absolutely shocking
The company's after-sales service has been absolutely shocking.
The Sun
The goals we gave away were absolutely shocking — absolutely criminal.
The Sun
I have an absolutely shocking sense of direction.
Times, Sunday Times
I saw the second tower fall and that was absolutely shocking.
The Sun
Absolutely shocking and very dangerous.
The Sun
absolutely stunning
He still looks absolutely stunning in his coat.
The Sun
This absolutely stunning, wonderfully observed first novel challenges all preconceived ideas about supposedly 'ordinary' lives.
Times, Sunday Times
After a troubled production, including the whole story being re-worked, it looks absolutely stunning.
The Sun
absolutely superb
Absolutely superb, not least because of his outstanding defending.
Times, Sunday Times
You need 11 players to play well but, on odd occasions, you have 11 players who are absolutely superb.
The Sun
They have union shop stewards who are absolutely superb at representing them and it can take a year or more to get them out.
Times, Sunday Times
The players' performance was absolutely superb and it showed that they are now getting far better at coping with the pressure.
Times, Sunday Times
It also makes absolutely superb tortellini and ravioli with a shellfish filling.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely sure
Request a room facing the inner courtyard if you want to be absolutely sure of peace and quiet.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The scorer could have made absolutely sure in the second half but steered his header wide.
The Sun (2009)
Then, squinting in her effort to make absolutely sure, said: `Is it the sickie ?
Delman, David DEATH OF A NYMPH (2004)
absolutely terrific
In the last eight or nine games we've been absolutely terrific.
The Sun
This engaging family adventure film looks absolutely terrific.
Times, Sunday Times
He's been absolutely terrific — a top player with the right attitude who can go all the way to the top.
The Sun
His making of the first goal was exquisite, absolutely terrific.
The Sun
But his players pulled out an absolutely terrific performance for him.
The Sun
absolutely true
Each statement was rated on a scale from one (absolutely untrue) to seven (absolutely true).
Times,Sunday Times
They were absolutely true to their word and both parties benefited from it.
Times, Sunday Times
I was reminded of this absolutely true incident a few days ago.
Times, Sunday Times
Saying that all things may be absolutely true, but it feels hollow at a funeral.
Christianity Today
A beautiful and absolutely true piece of writing.
absolutely unacceptable
There was no question in my mind: this was absolutely unacceptable - if not immoral.
Times, Sunday Times
Any actions that go beyond reasonable punishment are absolutely unacceptable and must be dealt with by the courts.
Times, Sunday Times
It was absolutely unacceptable behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely unbelievable
If on top of that we do not have the crowd behind us, that would be absolutely unbelievable.
Times, Sunday Times
He has come in and been absolutely unbelievable.
The Sun
The effort of the community has been absolutely unbelievable.
Times, Sunday Times
The police response to my property was absolutely unbelievable.
Times, Sunday Times
I think he can be absolutely unbelievable.
The Sun
absolutely untrue
Each statement was rated on a scale from one (absolutely untrue) to seven (absolutely true).
Times,Sunday Times
He was told his account was 'absolutely untrue'.
Times, Sunday Times
A source at the university called the claims absolutely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
Are they fiercely jealous like everyone makes out redheads are in all those bigoted jokes about redheads, which by the way are absolutely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
As far as the allegations that were leveled at me and purported as the reason for the breakup, they were all absolutely untrue.
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absolutely useless
We are brilliant at inventing stuff but absolutely useless at making the necessary investment to keep our ideas fresh and relevant.
The Sun (2012)
They told me it was absolutely useless, riddled with gout.
The Sun (2013)
It shows it's an absolutely useless system.
The Sun (2010)
absolutely vital
For others, it's an absolutely vital way of keeping, for instance, bank statements private.
The Sun
As a pastor doing theology, such relationships and networks are absolutely vital, insofar as they are not natural to the pastoral vocation.
Christianity Today
Planning, budgeting and dedication are absolutely vital — see my four key points below.
Times, Sunday Times
Pensions are absolutely vital for certain people, but for me they are not a good thing.
Times, Sunday Times
Speaking truth to power remains a dangerous, yet absolutely vital, role in both old and emerging democracies.
The Times Literary Supplement
absolutely wonderful
A 'sinful' venue for 'greasy, unhealthy and absolutely wonderful' burgers.
Times, Sunday Times
Maybe it's because they are absolutely wonderful in a wildish spot.
Times, Sunday Times
Now it's absolutely wonderful because there's somebody who makes me laugh.
Times, Sunday Times
It's an absolutely wonderful, gentle comedy with a cast of fine actors.
Times, Sunday Times
She was absolutely wonderful and stayed with us for three years.
Times, Sunday Times
absolutely wrong
There are actions that are grotesquely and absolutely wrong, always, everywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore, the curtailment of that right inherent in the unless orders was absolutely wrong.
Times, Sunday Times
I was absolutely wrong in my original bias.
Times, Sunday Times
It would be absolutely wrong to impose quotas, or to demand that the bench should mirror the population.
Times, Sunday Times
But you would also be absolutely wrong.
Times,Sunday Times
mean absolutely nothing
All of which will mean absolutely nothing to many people — but will be a glorious treat to those in the club.
Times, Sunday Times
They mean absolutely nothing to me.
Times, Sunday Times
Even if these names mean absolutely nothing to you, it honestly doesn't matter.
Times, Sunday Times
I can go through two or three different subjects in a song and the title can mean absolutely nothing at all.
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The 16-year age gap means absolutely nothing.
The Sun
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