

单词 establish
(ɪstæblɪʃ )
Word forms: establishes , establishing , established
1. verb B2
If someone establishes something such as an organization, a type of activity, or a set of rules, they create it or introduce it in such a way that it is likely to last for a long time.
The U.N. has established detailed criteria for who should be allowed to vote. [VERB noun]
The School was established in 1989 by an Italian professor. [be VERB-ed]
2. verb
If you establish contact with someone, you start to have contact with them. You can also say that two people, groups, or countries establish contact. [formal]
We had already established contact with the museum. [VERB noun + with]
The two countries have established diplomatic relations. [VERB noun]
3. verb
If you establish that something is true, you discover facts that show that it is definitely true. [formal]
Medical tests established that she was not their own child. [VERB that]
It will be essential to establish how the money is being spent. [VERB wh]
An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death. [VERB noun]
It was established that the missile had landed on a test range in Australia. [be VERB-ed that]
Synonyms: prove, show, confirm, demonstrate  
established adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
That link is an established medical fact.
Synonyms: famous, celebrated, distinguished, honoured  
4. verb
If you establish yourself, your reputation, or a good quality that you have, you succeed in doing something, and achieve respect or a secure position as a result of this.
This is going to be the show where up-and-coming comedians will establish themselves. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
He has established himself as a pivotal figure in U.S. politics. [V pron-refl + as]
We shall fight to establish our innocence. [VERB noun]
[Also VERB noun + as]
Synonyms: secure, form, base, ground  
establish a framework
Within an organization, leaders and managers establish the framework for communication, which helps to manage meaning.
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Its principles establish a framework of advice on best practices in the collection, identification, conservation and storage of fossil specimens.
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The planning legislation established a framework for the making of planning decisions.
Times, Sunday Times
Dismissed by some libertarians as a 'fig leaf', it nonetheless establishes a framework for detaining suspects legitimately.
Times, Sunday Times
In place of discretionary intervention, economic policy has aimed at establishing a framework of rules.
Times, Sunday Times
establish a friendship
This church can then establish a friendship with the refugees, which helps them in their integration.
Christianity Today
The whole programme was a little contribution to establish a friendship among the students of two different country.
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After a series of chance meetings aboard the ship, they establish a friendship.
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Eventually, they establish a friendship.
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For example, a person may go into a date with the aim of establishing a friendship but at some time during the date decide to pursue a romantic relationship.
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establish a fund
It cannot be beyond their powers of administration to establish a fund to compensate the families for their loss.
Times, Sunday Times
The government should reverse the incentives for diesel by increasing vehicle excise duty rates and the commission should establish a fund to help cities to switch to electric cars.
Times, Sunday Times
From 1911 the government required the company to establish a fund which would aid the workers should the company go bankrupt.
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Advocates have argued that the government or private lenders could establish a fund to enable warranty coverage.
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But member outrage at the expenditure was significant, and permission to establish the fund rescinded.
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establish a link
You can establish a link and it’ll jump to that moment in a given channel.
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Police say it's too early to establish a link between the crimes.
Times, Sunday Times
This campaign has been adopted to enhance local initiatives that establish a link between health and some form of activity.
Times, Sunday Times
His research helped establish the link between artificial intelligence and decision science.
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A larger number of the caterpillars have to be observed to establish this link.
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establish a mechanism
Companies will also be required to establish a mechanism to claw back directors' bonuses if evidence reveals poor standards of behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
The ordinance was also significant for establishing a mechanism for funding public education.
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The government establishes a mechanism to seek an annual increase in the fee, with a five-year review.
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It establishes a mechanism by which to realize the goal of creating a community in which good citizenship and community service are encouraged from all residents.
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These studies identified the pathway by which growth factors enter cells and established a mechanism that helped explain down-regulation of receptors and the loss of growth factor responsiveness.
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establish a network
Some 20m will help establish a network of charging points in cities and other areas of dense traffic.
Times, Sunday Times
To establish your network, pick a location and integrate yourself into that community.
Times, Sunday Times
Labour pledged 250m to establish a network of charging points for electric cars and to provide grants of up to 5,000 a car, starting in 2011.
Times, Sunday Times
The act provided for state matching of federal funds to establish a network of county farm educators in every state in the nation.
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Once dissolved, several chemical reactions take place that cause the nanoparticles to grow and establish a network throughout the liquid.
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establish a partnership
If you can establish a partnership, batting gets much easier.
The Sun
In the court's judgment of the agreement as a whole, the parties did not contemplate or establish a partnership.
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Having clearly defined collaboration and partnerships we were able to establish a partnership to help us meet our goals.
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With them he established a partnership of exceptional importance, putting to good use his artistic skills and business ability.
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establish a pattern
Once a pattern is established, the trends can be discerned.
Tom Cannon Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice (1986)
A rhythmic pattern is established, hewn out of rock or world music.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
On the previous two days they had established the pattern of life inside and outside the workshop of the watch mender.
Seymour, Gerald FIELD OF BLOOD
establish a precedent
With dozens watching, they'll be unwilling to establish a precedent.
Times, Sunday Times
In the majority of these cases, the court affirmed the decisions of the district courts, but in several the court was required to establish a precedent.
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Since it comes from the highest court in the land, it establishes a precedent that will revive thousands of old disputes and create thousands of new ones.
Times, Sunday Times
In contrast to other groups that have established a precedent for sonic razzle-dazzle in this work, especially at this address, some of this felt rather meek.
Times, Sunday Times
His tenure also established the precedent of the papal chancellor always being a cardinal and holding the office for life or until elected pope.
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establish a pres
A campaign has been launched to tempt the 50 per cent of small businesses who do not have a website to establish a presence online.
Times, Sunday Times
A more practised clinch can establish the presence of a hidden camera, operators say.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, it seemed genuinely inspired and if she can merely establish a presence in every state, she will have taken another step towards the prime minister's office.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the residential composition of the area, manufacturing businesses were starting to establish a presence there.
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In practice, senators rarely request quorum calls to establish the presence of a quorum.
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establish a principle
The police have lost considerable credibility with the public and now wish to establish the principle of getting paid twice for a day's work.
Times, Sunday Times
It 'would establish the principle that people can leave and that of course opens the eurozone up to repeated bouts of instability', he said.
Times, Sunday Times
The commission hopes to establish the principle of 'first-come, first-served', from big business to the individual.
Times, Sunday Times
The estates' inability to establish the principle of electing or even confirming a monarch made their position considerably weaker.
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He sought to establish the principle that governors and judges must be salaried appointees.
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establish a procedure
He developed this discovery, establishing a procedure that has transformed forensic science.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
To this end, we establish a procedure for producing realistic field maps using lossless cavity eigenmode field solvers.
Colwyn Gulliford, Ivan Bazarov, Sergey Belomestnykh, Valery Shemelin 2011, 'Asymmetric focusing study from twin input power couplers using realistic rf cavity field maps', Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams
We summarize the properties of known magnetars and use them to establish a procedure for magnetar searches.
Woochan Park, Hongjun An 2018, 'X-ray Data Analysis to Search for Magnetar Candidates in the Galactic Plane', Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
establish a rapport
However, the shuffle-play format is hit-and-miss, giving the singers - allotted one song in each half - little opportunity to establish a rapport with the audience.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
Mrs May's goal must be to establish a rapport with a president who attaches more importance to personal relations than policy detail.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
He could establish a rapport with anyone of any age and leaves a wide circle of friends.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
She was such an exciting mare to ride and by then we had begun to establish a rapport.
Frankie Dettori with Jonathan Powell FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori (2004)
We established a rapport with them.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
establish a regime
Some said they had not been warned that it can be difficult to establish a regime and can be painful.
Times, Sunday Times
Our ongoing involvement has allowed us to establish a regime accepted by both the grandchildren and their parents.
Times, Sunday Times
They sought to establish a regime of freedom and equality among citizens.
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The bourgeoisie then moved towards establishing a regime of democratic parliamentary institutions.
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The following year, he staged a counter-coup and assumed control of the country by establishing a regime loyal to him.
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establish a relationship
You establish the relationship and tell the story.
Times, Sunday Times
I knew many young pastors failed to establish the relationship of trust so necessary for changing a congregation without destroying it.
Christianity Today
Training also means we establish a relationship with students.
Christianity Today
Students are equipped with useful strategies for exercise, diet, work management, communication with superiors and how to establish a relationship with a mentor.
Times, Sunday Times
Be prepared to enter a life, to establish a relationship.
Christianity Today
establish a reputation
You will have to work hard to establish your reputation as your income will depend on the number of clients you attract.
Times, Sunday Times
The company's marketing people have spent a small fortune to establish a reputation for exclusivity.
Times, Sunday Times
He was to establish a reputation as a pioneer in this field, on which he was the author of several books over the next 40 years.
Times, Sunday Times
These could take up to two years to complete but were to establish his reputation critically.
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All these combined to establish his reputation as a designer of ornament without a rival.
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establish a rule
Recent advances of democracy in parts of the world create opportunities to establish the rule of law.
Times, Sunday Times
As per its programming, its main efforts are to establish a rule of law above state sovereignty.
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Between the many hot spots are small plague pits ruled by power hungry individuals who have no limits in order to establish their rule and expand their influence.
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He told the class they need to have some rules, and that the students can help establish the rules.
Christianity Today
The rediscovery of this old tradition established the rule of law and representative government.
Times, Sunday Times
establish a standard
The values of the peloton establish a standard for victory.
Globe and Mail
A further step was taken in 1973 with a proposal to establish a standard conjugation.
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The first act of parliament for education was passed in 1877, and sought to establish a standard for primary education.
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Some masters knew how to establish a standard for these instruments called a mold.
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Fourthly, the criminal statute must be concrete, specific and measurable enough to clearly establish a standard of breach.
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establish a tradition
I implore him not to establish that tradition.
Times, Sunday Times
Some, at least, established a tradition of big-sky free thinking and discreet jet-settery.
Times, Sunday Times
Before the printing press, communities learnt their news, spread their ideas and established their traditions through the regular rhythms and sounds of poetry.
Times, Sunday Times
Through his inspiring and dynamic leadership, the student body established the traditions and values of the school.
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He was among those who established the tradition of scientific monographs treating specific questions of law from a critical historical and philosophical point of view.
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establish an institution
His purpose was to establish an institution free from official control where investigations might be independent of prescribed duties and requirements.
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It became their ambition to establish an institution for the encouragement of the fine arts.
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One of the goals of the league was to remedy limited access to credit by establishing this institution.
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She established the institution and its endowment chiefly with donated funds.
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establish guidelines
But in our new world, a pastor almost has to establish guidelines for the amount of time given to counseling.
Christianity Today
One of our members, a public relations officer with the telephone company, stepped in during the demonstration to organize the press and establish guidelines and boundaries.
Christianity Today
The rarity of the disease complicates efforts to establish guidelines.
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Likewise, one other provision gives congressional committees the power to establish guidelines for funding costs associated with implementing security improvements to buildings.
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establish order
Group identities tame the struggle for existence — they sustain their adherents, establish order, help strangers to trust each other.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The type of metasomatic rock alteration and its consecutive order were established.
O. M. Topchieva, V. A. Petrovsky, M. A. Nazarova, V. M. Chubarov, A. E. Sukharev 2017, 'The Conditions of Opal Formation within the NorthMutnovskaya Volcanic Zone of Kamchatka', Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta: Seriâ Geologiâ
Subjects were individually assessed in different sessions for classification and seriation tasks, with no previously established order.
Suelly Cecília Olivan Limongi, Angela Maria de Amorim Carvalho, Tatiana Pires da Silva, Paula Dias Picchi, Rosangela Viana Andrade 2010, 'As noções de classificação e seriação na criança com síndrome de Down The notions of classification and seriation in children with Down syndrome', Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia
establish relations
Both groups began to establish relations with one another under a common ethnic rubric.
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Then they attempted to establish relations with foreign powers.
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We led them to the proper offices in the government, helped to establish relations between certain republics, states.
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Such equations establish relations among the rates of change of the variables of interest.
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establish territory
Initially, they sang only at dawn and dusk and spent much time squabbling while establishing territories at either end of our garden.
Times, Sunday Times
If unsuccessful in these ventures, and most are, they establish territories in canopy gaps among tall trees in the afternoons.
Times, Sunday Times
On arrival at their breeding grounds they establish territories.
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Birds that arrive early and establish territories appear to have an advantage over those that arrive later in the winter areas.
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In order to avoid overwhelming tourists or shoppers, ambulantes are known to establish territories and limit their numbers.
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establish trust
We need something to give us an additional connection to help establish trust.
Times, Sunday Times
He or she needs to establish trust relationships in order to effectively refer people who seek him out for help.
Christianity Today
Whether it's a one-on-one conversation or a presentation to 100 people, we know it's essential to make eye contact to establish trust and exude confidence.
Christianity Today
This helps establish trust and bonding as well as the feeling people truly are being heard.
Christianity Today
It helps people to establish trust.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese: 建立
Japanese: 設立する




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