

单词 ground
(grnd )
Word forms: grounds , grounding , grounded
1. singular noun B1+
The ground is the surface of the earth.
Forty or fifty women were sitting cross-legged on the ground.
We slid down the roof and dropped to the ground.
above ground/below ground phrase B1+
Something that is below ground is under the earth's surface or under a building. Something that is above ground is on top of the earth's surface.
People were making for the air-raid shelters below ground.
2. singular noun [oft NOUN noun]
If you say that something takes place on the ground, you mean it takes place on the surface of the earth and not in the air.
Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.
3. singular noun B1+
The ground is the soil and rock on the earth's surface.
The ground had eroded.
...the marshy ground of the river delta. [+ of]
Synonyms: soil, earth, dust, mould  
4. uncountable noun B1
You can refer to land as ground, especially when it has very few buildings or when it is considered to be special in some way.
...a stretch of waste ground.
This memorial stands on sacred ground.
Synonyms: land, country, field, turf  
5. countable noun B2
You can use ground to refer to an area of land, sea, or air which is used for a particular activity.
...Indian hunting grounds.
The best fishing grounds are around the islands.
6. countable noun B1+
A ground is an area of land which is specially designed and made for playing sport or for some other activity. In American English grounds is also used.
...the city's football ground.
...a parade ground.
Synonyms: arena, pitch, stadium, park  
7. plural noun [noun NOUN] B2
The grounds of a large or important building are the garden or area of land which surrounds it.
...the palace grounds.
...the grounds of the University. [+ of]
8. variable noun
You can use ground to refer to a place or situation in which particular methods or ideas can develop and be successful.
The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques. [+ for]
Colonialism is especially fertile ground for nationalist ideas. [+ for]
9. uncountable noun [oft on adj N]
You can use ground in expressions such as on shaky ground and the same ground to refer to a particular subject, area of experience, or basis for an argument.
Sensing she was on shaky ground, Marie changed the subject.
The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation.
It's often necessary to go over the same ground more than once.
10. uncountable noun
Ground is used in expressions such as gain ground, lose ground, and give ground in order to indicate that someone gets or loses an advantage. [journalism]
There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls.
The U.S. dollar lost more ground.
11. variable noun
If something is grounds for a feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do something on the grounds of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.
In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism. [+ for]
The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence.
Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense. [+ of]
12. verb
If an argument, belief, or opinion is grounded in something, that thing is used to justify it.
Her argument was grounded in fact. [be VERB-ed + in]
They believe the soul is immortal, grounding this belief on the Divine nature of the human spirit. [VERB noun + on]
Synonyms: base, found, establish, set  
13. verb
If an aircraft or its passengers are grounded, they are made to stay on the ground and are not allowed to take off.
The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded. [be VERB-ed]
He did not give the order to ground the shuttle, but he concurred with it. [VERB noun]
14. verb
When parents ground a child, they forbid them to go out and enjoy themselves for a period of time, as a punishment.
Thompson grounded him for a month, and banned television. [VERB noun]
15. verb
If a ship or boat is grounded or if it grounds, it touches the bottom of the sea, lake, or river it is on, and is unable to move off.
Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded. [be VERB-ed]
The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank. [VERB]
...a grounded oil tanker. [VERB-ed]
16. countable noun [usually singular]
The ground in an electric plug or piece of electrical equipment is the wire through which electricity passes into the ground and which makes the equipment safe. [US]
regional note:   in BRIT, use earth
17. adjective
Ground meat has been cut into very small pieces in a machine. [mainly US]
...ground beef.
...The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.
regional note:   in BRIT, usually use minced
Ground is the past tense and past participle of grind.
19.  See also grounding, home ground
20. to break new ground phrase
If you break new ground, you do something completely different or you do something in a completely different way. [approval]
Gellhorn may have broken new ground when she filed her first report on the Spanish Civil War.
21. to burn something to the ground phrase
If you say that a town or building is burnt to the ground or is razed to the ground, you are emphasizing that it has been completely destroyed by fire. [emphasis]
The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.
22. common ground phrase
If two people or groups find common ground, they agree about something, especially when they do not agree about other things.
23. go to ground phrase
If you go to ground, you hide somewhere where you cannot easily be found. [British]
Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.
24. phrase
If you hit the ground running, you start working quickly or effectively from the time when something first begins.
It is beneficial to an employer to hire someone who knows the ropes and can hit the ground running.
25. middle ground phrase
The middle ground between two groups, ideas, or plans involves things which do not belong to either of these groups, ideas, or plans but have elements of each, often in a less extreme form.
What you did was either great or nothing, there was no middle ground.
26. off the ground phrase
If something such as a project gets off the ground, it begins or starts functioning.
We help small companies to get off the ground.
27. on one's own ground phrase [PHRASE with cl, verb-link PHRASE]
If you are on your own ground, you are in a place or situation in which you feel confident because you are very familiar with it.
On her own ground she knows exactly what she's doing.
28. prepare the ground phrase
If you prepare the ground for a future event, course of action, or development, you make it easier for it to happen.
...a political initiative which would prepare the ground for war.
29. shift one's ground/change one's ground phrase
If you shift your ground or change your ground, you change the basis on which you are arguing.
30. to stand your ground phrase
If you stand your ground or hold your ground, you continue to support a particular argument or to have a particular opinion when other people are opposing you or trying to make you change your mind.
The spectacle of Sakharov standing his ground and speaking his mind gave me hope.
31. stand one's ground phrase
If you stand your ground or hold your ground, you do not run away from a situation, but face it bravely.
She had to force herself to stand her ground when she heard someone approaching.
32. suit sb down to the ground phrase
If you say that something such as a job or piece of clothing suits someone down to the ground, you mean that it is completely suitable or right for them. [British, informal, emphasis]
33. thin on the ground phrase
If people or things of a particular kind are thin on the ground, there are very few of them. [mainly British]
Good managers are often thin on the ground.
34. to have one's ear to the ground phrase
If you keep or have your ear to the ground, you make sure that you find out about the things that people are doing or saying.
Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground.
be on home ground
to feel confident and secure because you are in the area where you work or live, or are doing something that is very familiar to you
This is a play where Godber is on home ground, writing about the mining communities of his childhood.
suit someone down to the ground [British]
to completely meet your needs or requirements
Helen has finally found a method of exercise that suits her outgoing character down to the ground.
stamping ground
a place where someone works or goes regularly
Former pals found her much changed at Christmas when she returned to her old stamping ground, the Blue Anchor pub in Croydon, South London.
run something into the ground
to use something continuously without repairing or replacing it, so that eventually it is destroyed or useless
They're quite good bikes; you can run them into the ground for quite a long time, then just get a new one.
run someone to ground [British]
to find someone after a long search
Truman eventually ran him to ground, asleep and rather the worse for wear in a hotel.
run someone into the ground
to make someone work so hard and continuously at something that they become exhausted
Well-trained horses had been starved to death or run into the ground.
prepare the ground
to do things which will make it easier for something to happen
The talks prepared the ground for the meeting of finance ministers and central bankers in Washington.
the moral high ground
the belief that your policies and actions are morally superior to the policies and actions of your rivals
The party now held the moral high ground and he, as President, could defend it in every country in the world.
lose ground
to lose some of the power or advantage that you had previously
The United States lost more ground in its trade balance with other countries during the third quarter, running up the biggest trade deficit so far this year.
hit the ground running
to start a new activity with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and not to waste any time
She is in excellent shape and in good spirits. She will hit the ground running when she gets back.
go to ground [British]
to hide from someone or something
He left the hotel and went to ground in the station waiting-room. It was a safe place.
get something off the ground
to put something into operation, often after a lot of hard work getting it organized
Councillor Riley spoke of the dedication and enthusiasm of staff and volunteers in getting the schemes off the ground.
get in on the ground floor
to get involved from the very beginning with something, especially something that is likely to be profitable for you
These smaller companies are getting in on the ground floor of what will be a gigantic industry.
gain ground
to make progress and become more important or more powerful
The idea that Britain ought to change its constitution has been gaining ground for years.
find common ground
to come to an agreement on something
The participants seem unable to find common ground on the issue of agriculture.
fall on stony ground [British]
to be ignored
Warnings about the effects on public services fell on stony ground.
cut the ground from under someone
to seriously weaken someone's argument or position, often by doing something unexpected
The scenario is this – you overspend on credit cards; and then a downturn in business cuts the ground from under you.
break new ground
to do something completely different, or to do something in a completely different way. You use this expression to show approval of what is being done.
The programme broke new ground in giving to women roles traditionally assigned to men.
break ground [US]
to start building something
Their church construction project missed a deadline to break ground.
be thin on the ground [British]
to be rare
Ideas are thin on the ground in the British film industry.
be thick on the ground [British]
to be plentiful
Jobs are not exactly thick on the ground.
keep your feet on the ground
to continue to act in a sensible and practical way even when new or exciting things are happening or even when you become successful or powerful
He says he keeps his feet on the ground by keeping childhood friends around him.
get your feet on the ground [mainly US]
to become established in a new situation, or become re-established in an old one
They have modest two-room apartments, and until they get their feet on the ground, they take most meals at the institute's cafeteria.
keep your ear to the ground [mainly British]
to make sure that you find out about all the things that people are doing or talking about
Watch and learn. While you do this, keep your ear to the ground. Know who is coming, who is going: a new vacancy could be an opportunity for you.
acres of grounds
There are 2,500 acres of grounds, including lakes, woodland, spring gardens and a rose garden dotted with statues.
Times, Sunday Times
They employed a designer to transform the 1.5 acres of grounds.
Times, Sunday Times
Residents can use the outdoor heated swimming pool, tennis court and 15 acres of grounds.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a hottub and ten acres of grounds.
Times, Sunday Times
It sits in 2½ acres of grounds, with the option to buy more land.
Times, Sunday Times
fresh ground
Highlights included fresh ground coffee and fresh milk in the bedrooms, homemade biscuits, and local handmade toiletries.
The Sun
Slap 10lb of fresh ground beef on the grill at slightly more than normal burger thickness.
Times, Sunday Times
And there are no weather worries as we are using fresh ground.
The Sun
Replant each clump in fresh ground.
Times,Sunday Times
On each occasion fresh ground has been gained.
Times, Sunday Times
ground invasion
He warned of 'a dark moment' as a ground invasion looked inevitable.
The Sun
Combating the enemy fleet and sinking transport ships would take out large amounts of the ground invasion force and permanently degrade amphibious capabilities.
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Ground invasions can be conducted through enemy defenses.
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ground offensive
That raised inevitable fears of an imminent ground offensive as international calls grew for the two sides to reach a ceasefire.
Times, Sunday Times
However, residents of the south overwhelmingly support the ground offensive.
Times, Sunday Times
There are the politics: a 45-day ground offensive that resulted in years of entanglement.
Times, Sunday Times
Aid organisations warned that the humanitarian situation was worsening by the hour as the ground offensive pushed into more densely populated areas.
Times, Sunday Times
He did not say whether a ground offensive was planned.
Times, Sunday Times
ground pepper
Add in the prunes, cinnamon stick, ground pepper, bay leaf and strips of peel.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
A concoction of strong ale, raw egg, garum, and ground pepper will quickly banish your blue devils, sir.
When nicely charred, set aside and let them cool down before dressing in olive oil and ground pepper.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Season with salt and freshly ground pepper and serve.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
ground radar
This second runway was heading into the wind, but it had no ground radar for guidance in poor visibility.
Times, Sunday Times
The control tower could not see either aircraft in the fog, and there was no ground radar at the airport.
Times, Sunday Times
Data transmitted to ground radar shows it took him two seconds to twist the dial from 38,000ft to 100ft.
Times, Sunday Times
Hares have been invading the runways for months, confusing the ground radar and endangering aircraft landing and taking off, say officials.
Times, Sunday Times
Added to that, the control tower could not see either plane, nor did the airport have ground radar.
Times, Sunday Times
grounded in reality
Love will have glitz and glamour on the surface but underneath it's grounded in reality and mutual respect.
The Sun
Then, our ideals will be grounded in reality.
Christianity Today
Your own ambition leaves fantasy behind and can be grounded in reality as you get the support you need.
The Sun
That's why his visions of the future are so plausible - because they are thoroughly imagined extrapolations grounded in reality.
Times,Sunday Times
It's not totally grounded in reality!
Times, Sunday Times
hallowed ground
To walk into Augusta National is to enter hallowed ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The road here is quiet, overlooked by towering fir trees, with a peace that contributes to the sense that this is hallowed ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Do they not know the hallowed ground on which they tread?
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
holy ground
A water hazard on the ninth hole had become holy ground.
Christianity Today
In its great central hymn of thanksgiving after an illness, all four players seemed to be walking on holy ground.
Times, Sunday Times
We offer somebody a willing hand or an encouraging word, and we know we've been on holy ground.
Christianity Today
We're on holy ground when we pray.
Christianity Today
He had lilted up his arms and spoken in ecstasy to the solemn noise of the trees, knowing that he stood on holy ground and in a holy hour.
The Times Literary Supplement
hug the ground
Everyone around me hit the dirt, though the soldiers did not hug the ground quite as enthusiastically as me.
The Sun
Others hug the ground too closely for cropping, or sprout from inaccessible rock faces.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact, these microscopic droplets are the same as in a cloud, so you can look on mist as a cloud that hugs the ground.
Times,Sunday Times
Golfers should aim for uniform deceleration, which will ensure that the ball hugs the ground.
Times, Sunday Times
I've never hugged the ground so tightly.
Times, Sunday Times
humanitarian grounds
The donor would pretend that the organ was being offered free on humanitarian grounds in order to be granted the necessary legal clearance.
Times, Sunday Times
He asked that she be bailed on humanitarian grounds.
Times, Sunday Times
She was taken before a judge and charged with espionage and illegal entry, but told she was being freed on humanitarian grounds.
Times, Sunday Times
And this question must be asked of any improvement of them proposed on humanitarian grounds.
Times, Sunday Times
I had been unconvinced of the need, on humanitarian grounds, for such a step while the insurgents were winning.
Times, Sunday Times
litter the ground
While we may grow gloomy as the weather becomes damp, dark and drizzly and leaves litter the ground, many mushrooms thrive in these conditions.
Times, Sunday Times
Foil sheets, intended to be used as blankets, litter the ground.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet fulgurites litter the ground there, and a recent study revealed that they formed about 15,000 years ago.
Times, Sunday Times
Meanwhile, the pink scales of the leaf-buds litter the ground beneath.
Times, Sunday Times
The soft flowers are also emerging alongside the new leaves, and bud scales litter the ground beneath.
Times, Sunday Times
lost ground
Having switched from history in my last year at school, I had to make up a great deal of lost ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
'There is lost ground to make up for,' he said.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Wall Street also clawed back much of its lost ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
muddy ground
The stick had landed upright in the muddy ground, he'd gone at it full pelt and impaled it on the roof of his mouth.
Times, Sunday Times
My test car was fitted with four-wheel drive, so you might think it'd be able to deal with a bit of muddy ground.
Times, Sunday Times
Flats and townhouses are springing out of the muddy ground, threatening to overwhelm the quiet character of the village.
Times, Sunday Times
Baggage and metal debris were scattered on the muddy ground.
Times, Sunday Times
Streams turned to ice a foot deep in only a few hours, and muddy ground froze solid.
Times, Sunday Times
occupy the ground
The right must occupy that ground and stand for universal human values and equal treatment for all.
Times, Sunday Times
Restaurants, cafs and shops occupy the ground and 1st floors, within a glass-covered piazza.
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Performing such a calculation shows that, for relatively low temperatures (such as those used for most routine spectroscopy), most of the molecules occupy the ground vibrational state.
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The void deck occupies the ground level, while apartments are usually on the second floor onwards.
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The tea and grill rooms occupied the ground floor, while on the first floor there was a reading room.
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rocky ground
Witnesses sought help after he hit rocky ground between the takeoff platform and a road.
The Sun
Increasingly towards rocky ground, too, it must be said.
The Sun
They started pointing at the car, then rode after me, catching me easily on the rocky ground.
Times, Sunday Times
Until you do this, weight loss efforts will soon hit rocky ground.
The Sun
When finished, the rocky ground will host 32 glittering solarpower parks, powering a fifth of the country's electricity.
Times, Sunday Times
sacred ground
Or maybe it's just that they've finally begun mucking about on my sacred ground.
Christianity Today
We get glimpses of places that feel like sacred ground, and yet we lose them so quickly.
Christianity Today
Forget about treating the site as 'sacred ground'.
Times, Sunday Times
He would, he says, rather be eaten by islanders than buried in sacred ground.
Times, Sunday Times
The pilgrims are stranded on the island, but are standing on sacred ground.
Times, Sunday Times
shaky ground
The general admitted he was on shaky ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
In these days of global warming and eco warriors, Formula One is already on shaky ground for wasting huge amounts of petrol.
The Sun (2008)
If he is guilty, it will let him know that he's on shaky ground.
The Sun (2014)
solid ground
When it comes to ideas like treating each other with respect and exercising self-control, she's on solid ground.
Christianity Today (2000)
Here he is on solid ground and the descriptions are sprightly enough.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Its practice of pulling money out of companies before they were on solid ground is not unassailable.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
staging ground
Each island became a staging ground for pushing farther westward.
Christianity Today
The province has been a staging ground for costly engagements.
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Its strategic importance made it the staging ground of several major battles that took place between 1914 and 1918.
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Studies have showed peers provide normative regulation, and they provide a staging ground for the practice of social behaviors.
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At that time, the entire population of the species used the areas as a spring staging ground for their northward migrations.
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uneven ground
It won't go over uneven ground or anything with a slight gradient.
The Sun
The body has to burn more calories to stay warm, while jogging on uneven ground blitzes around another 20 per cent.
The Sun
This rugged 51cm self-propelled petrol mower has large rear wheels to ensure a smooth finish, even on uneven ground.
The Sun
For those with poor or uneven ground, a few bags of fresh topsoil should make this process much easier.
Times, Sunday Times
Her wheeled walking frame would struggle over uneven ground.
Times, Sunday Times
wet ground
Wet ground on the pitch or bowlers' run-ups such that batsmen or bowlers cannot run or turn with safety.
Times, Sunday Times
Since these rugged trips usually mean going without or a meal or two, getting cold, and sleeping on wet ground, they're not for everyone.
Christianity Today
And those fruits that did survive have been difficult to harvest because of the wet ground.
Times, Sunday Times
These are created when the wet ground freezes to ice after a rapid and extreme drop in temperature.
Times, Sunday Times
For the scenes where the injured are lying on the wet ground, rubber mats were placed beneath them.
The Sun
Chinese: 地面, 基于
Japanese: 地面, 地面に置く




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