

单词 high
(h )
Word forms: higher , highest , highs
1. adjective A2
Something that is high extends a long way from the bottom to the top when it is upright. You do not use high to describe people, animals, or plants.
...a house, with a high wall all around it.
Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.
...high-heeled shoes.
The gate was too high for them to climb.
Synonyms: tall, towering, soaring, steep  
High is also an adverb.
...wagons packed high with bureaus, bedding, and cooking pots.
2. adjective [noun ADJECTIVE, as ADJ as] A2
You use high to talk or ask about how much something upright measures from the bottom to the top.
...an elegant bronze horse only nine inches high.
The grass in the yard was waist high.
Measure your garage: how high is the door?
3. adjective B1
If something is high, it is a long way above the ground, above sea level, or above a person or thing.
I looked down from the high window.
The bridge was high, jacked up on wooden piers.
The sun was high in the sky, blazing down on us.
In the village, high above Taormina, you can sample the famous almond wine made there.
High is also an adverb.
...being able to run faster or jump higher than other people.
high up phrase B1
If something is high up, it is a long way above the ground, above sea level, or above a person or thing.
His farm was high up in the hills.
...grapes grown high up on the cliff.
We saw three birds circling very high up.
4. adjective B1+
You can use high to indicate that something is great in amount, degree, or intensity.
...the European country with the highest birth rate.
Official reports said casualties were high.
The higher the risk of lending money, the higher is the interest rate demanded by the lenders.
High winds have knocked down trees and power lines.
Commercialisation has given many sports a higher profile.
Synonyms: strong, violent, extreme, blustery  
High is also an adverb.
He expects the unemployment figures to rise even higher in coming months.
the high 70s/80s/90s phrase
You can use phrases such as 'in the high 80s' to indicate that a number or level is, for example, more than 85 but not as much as 90.
5. adjective
If a food or other substance is high in a particular ingredient, it contains a large amount of that ingredient.
Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat. [+ in]
...a superb compost, high in calcium.
6. countable noun
If something reaches a high of a particular amount or degree, that is the greatest it has ever been.
Traffic from Jordan to Iraq is down to a dozen loaded lorries a day, compared with a high of 200 a day. [+ of]
The price of oil reached an all-time high.
Synonyms: peak, height, top, summit  
7. adjective B2
If you say that something is a high priority or is high on your list, you mean that you consider it to be one of the most important things you have to do or deal with.
The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority.
Economic reform is high on the agenda. [+ on]
8. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] B2
Someone who is high in a particular profession or society, or has a high position, has a very important position and has great authority and influence.
Was there anyone high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy? [+ in]
Every single one of the arms companies is controlled by the families of high officials.
...corruption in high places.
...high social class.
high up phrase
Someone who is high up in a profession or society has a very important position.
His cousin is somebody quite high up in the navy.
You've offended somebody very high up.
Synonyms: important, prominent, powerful, significant  
9. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You can use high to describe something that is advanced or complex.
Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.
...the rise of Japan's high technology industries.
Synonyms: advanced, complex  
10. adverb [ADVERB after verb]
If you aim high, you try to obtain or to achieve the best that you can.
You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.
We just do not set our sights high enough.
Synonyms: way up, aloft, far up, to a great height  
11. adjective B2
If someone has a high reputation, or people have a high opinion of them, people think they are very good in some way, for example at their work.
She has always had a high reputation for her excellent short stories.
People have such high expectations of you.
Synonyms: notable, leading, important, famous  
12. adjective B1+
If the quality or standard of something is high, it is very good indeed.
This is high quality stuff.
His team were of the highest calibre.
Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement.
13. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
If someone has high principles, they are morally good.
He was a man of the highest principles.
14. adjective B2
A high sound or voice is close to the top of a particular range of notes.
Her high voice really irritated Maria.
Synonyms: high-pitched, piercing, shrill, penetrating  
15. adjective
When a river is high, it contains much more water than usual.
The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.
16. adjective
If your spirits are high, you feel happy and excited.
Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours.
Synonyms: cheerful, excited, merry, exhilarated  
17. adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If someone is high on drink or drugs, they are affected by the alcoholic drink or drugs they have taken. [informal]
He was too high on drugs and alcohol to remember them. [+ on]
Synonyms: intoxicated, stoned [slang], spaced out [slang], tripping [informal]  
18. countable noun
A high is a feeling or mood of great excitement or happiness. [informal]
19. countable noun [usually singular]
A high is an area of high pressure in the Earth's atmosphere.
20. on high phrase
If you say that something came from on high, you mean that it came from a person or place of great authority.
Orders had come from on high that extra care was to be taken during this week.
21. high and dry phrase
If you say that you were left high and dry, you are emphasizing that you were left in a difficult situation and were unable to do anything about it. [emphasis]
Users also complain about how they have been left high and dry when web-based services fail.
Synonyms: abandoned, stranded, helpless, forsaken  
22. highs and lows phrase
If you refer to the highs and lows of someone's life or career, you are referring to both the successful or happy times, and the unsuccessful or bad times.
23. to look high and low phrase
If you say that you looked high and low for something, you are emphasizing that you looked for it in every place that you could think of. [emphasis]
24. in high dudgeon phrase
If you say that someone is in high dudgeon, you are emphasizing that they are very angry or unhappy about something. [emphasis]
Washington businesses are in high dudgeon over the plan.
Synonyms: indignantly, angrily, furiously, in a huff  
25. come hell or high water phrase
If you say that you will do something come hell or high water, you are emphasizing that you are determined to do it, in spite of the difficulties involved. [emphasis]
I've always managed to get into work come hell or high water.
26. to be high time phrase
If you say that it is high time that something happened or was done, you are saying in an emphatic way that it should happen or be done now, and really should have happened or been done sooner. [emphasis]
It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession.
It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.
(-h )
combining form
-high combines with words such as ' knee' or 'shoulder' to indicate that someone or something reaches as high as the point that is mentioned.
The grass was knee-high.
-high is also a combining form.
The crowd lifted the man with the flag shoulder-high.
live high on the hog [mainly US]
to have a good life, with plenty of money
He and Austen were living high on the hog in a flat with three servants.
search high and low for something or hunt high and low for something
to look for something very carefully and thoroughly, looking in every possible place that it could be
I've hunted high and low for the photos, but I've moved since then and I can't find them.
ride high
to be very popular or successful at the present time
The elections came at a time when Labour was riding high, while support for the Conservatives had slumped.
leave someone high and dry
to leave someone in a difficult situation which they are unable to do anything about
Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry.
high as a kite
very excited
When I had finished the course I felt as high as a kite. But when my wife asked me what I had learnt I could not be specific.
come hell or high water
said to mean that someone is determined to do something, in spite of the difficulties involved
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee says the all-male panel will have two female members this year, come hell or high water.
the moral high ground
the belief that your policies and actions are morally superior to the policies and actions of your rivals
The party now held the moral high ground and he, as President, could defend it in every country in the world.
in high dudgeon [literary]
unreasonably angry or annoyed about something
She left the meeting in high dudgeon after learning that the only perk was free coffee.
someone is for the high jump [British]
said to mean that it is certain that someone will be punished for something they have done wrong
God help anyone who was sneaking a cup of tea when they shouldn't have been. They'll be for the high jump.
get on your high horse
to behave as if you are better than other people, and refuse to accept any criticism of yourself
I could get on my high horse and denounce anything to do with tax avoidance, but the truth is that many parents are routinely paying babysitters in cash.
come down off your high horse or get down off your high horse
to stop acting in a superior way
It is time for the intellectuals to get down off their high horses and to really take the struggle into the ghettoes.
in high places
used for describing people who have powerful and influential positions in a government, society, or organization
You do not rise so high, so fast, without having a few friends in high places.
a high profile
if someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do
He will be thinking about his future now that he has such a high profile in the cycling world.
She works three days a week in a high-profile job as communications director for a top advertising agency.
take the high road [US]
to follow the course of action which is the most moral or most correct and which is least likely to harm or upset other people
US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.
ride high in the saddle
to currently be very successful, and to show this in your behaviour and attitudes
The Australian cricket team are riding high in the saddle after their recent victory against England.
career high
Winning it was my career high.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
A career high, the album gives them the platform for success outside America, most notably here in the UK.
The Sun (2012)
We've experienced a lot of career highs and lows together so we feel the bond and we understand each other's personalities.
The Sun (2020)
emotional high
And he was on an emotional high long into the night.
The Sun (2012)
But you just can't plan for all the emotional highs and lows, for the adrenaline rushes, the sleeping and not sleeping and all the things going through your mind.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
In Grant Park in Chicago, where he gave his victory speech on a surprisingly warm night last Tuesday, the crowd of 125,000 was on an emotional high.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
experience a high
During that time he has experienced the highs and lows of investing in smaller companies.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Cycling in Britain has experienced highs and lows this year.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
At the same time, you experience an emotional high that causes you to lose that grip.
The Sun (2016)
get a high
You can get a natural high from swimming.
The Sun (2006)
Get a big exercise high.
The Sun (2012)
Some addicts get a high from the shopping experience, then return all the items.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
He said: " When you get highs like that, I'm sure the players will look back on it and see that's the United we want to see.
The Sun (2020)
high honour
Cash the high honour to the left of that player (see deal).
Times, Sunday Times
What had he done to deserve the high honour?
Times, Sunday Times
For some people, this would be a high honour.
Times, Sunday Times
If a high honour was singleton, a low club from hand would work.
The Star (South Africa)
He fully deserves the high honour that has been conferred upon him.
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high incidence
They have a massively high incidence of cirrhosis of the liver.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
They had a high incidence of hysteria and caused deaths of many of our old men by freezing under fire.
Max Hastings Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445 (2007)
The highest incidence of headaches and migraine is in those on the Pill.
Westcott, Patsy Alternative Health Care for Women (1991)
Excess fat is thought to be responsible for the high incidence of heart disease in Western countries.
Colette Harris, With Theresa Cheung PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome (2002)
But he found that all the chefs he surveyed experienced this high incidence of distress.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
high inflation
He sounded a warning to unions, governments and businesses that it was ' imperative' to avoid the current high inflation rates sparking a wage-price spiral.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
In 2012, it was a year of very disappointing economic growth because of the euro crisis and the aftermath of high inflation.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
They fear high inflation will delay moves to pump more money into the economy.
The Sun (2010)
There's little indication of that triggering high inflation.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The stagnant economy and persistently high inflation is likely to last for another two years, according to the bank.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
high intensity
Take a breather until you need to go again and repeat at the same high intensity.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It was played at the highest intensity, the longest in duration'in my time.
The Sun (2014)
It is the party game with the big crowds and the music, the fast pace and the high intensity.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Trichoderma grew over the pathogen colony with hyperparasitism and high intensity.
Mayra Acosta-Suárez, Tatiana Pichardo, Berkis Roque, Mileidy Cruz-Martín, Eilyn Mena, Michel Leiva-Mora, Rosa Castro, Yelenys Alvarado-Capó 2013, '<i>In vitro</i> antagonism of <i>Trichoderma harzianum</i> Rifai against <i>Mycosphaerella fijiensis</i> Morelet', Biotecnología Vegetal
high margin
Sales of high margin fresh food, meanwhile, were up by 34 per cent.
Times, Sunday Times
It has tried moving into live music and boosting sales of high margin accessories such as headphones.
The Sun
These items usually have a high margin built into the price.
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Only places with a population over 1,000 are included, as data on locations with small populations often has a very high margin of error.
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Funding constraints raise the required return for securities with high margin requirements or low risk.
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high mortality
Her stories have an astronomically high mortality rate: the characters are ruthlessly killed off to boost the Kleenex count.
Alex George LOVE YOU MADLY (2002)
The subsequent construction of sewers through the teeming city proved beyond doubt the link between poor sanitation and high mortality.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Peracute cases of heartwater have a high mortality rate, enabling confirmation of the  disease on post-mortem examination.
Rhoda Leask, Kenneth P. Pettey, Gareth F. Bath 2013, 'An afebrile heartwater-like syndrome in goats', Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
high pay
But again they tend to shun the highest paid jobs in corporate law.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Ministers insist that they are not against high pay as such, just against high pay that could encourage excessive risk taking.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Strictly speaking, the revolt has not been about high pay as such, but high pay that is not linked to high returns to shareholders.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The solution to this problem is not to begrudge high pay at the top.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
There will be a clampdown on high pay, another new levy on the wealthy and an army of new inspectors to catch rich tax dodgers.
The Sun (2011)
high peak
He points up at the high peak of energy on the screen.
Smithsonian Mag
I'm influenced by going to the waterfalls, looking to the high peak in the mountains, seeing stone formations.
Times, Sunday Times
Hybrid cell cathodes include manganese dioxide to allow high peak currents.
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Aerogel supercapacitors can have a very low impedance compared to normal supercapacitors and can absorb or produce very high peak currents.
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People can see the temple when passing by it due to its high peak.
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high percentage of
Again, there was a phenomenally high percentage of mood disorders.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The play has an unusually high percentage of rhyming couplets.
The Times Literary Supplement (2012)
LONDON City Airport has the highest percentage of flights landing or departing on time.
The Sun (2015)
The masculine pride argument won't wash at a time when such a high percentage of women now work outside the home.
Shapiro, Jean Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life (1990)
high pitch
They have not been able to get themselves to the same high pitch of performance.
Times, Sunday Times
It's basically loyalty taken to the high pitch of devotion.
Christianity Today
On that day he discovered that his co-ordination was no longer at the high pitch he had enjoyed previously, and he announced his retirement.
Times,Sunday Times
She has also encouraged her actors to assume their regional accents at considerable volume and with a notably high pitch.
The Times Literary Supplement
The only false notes here come from her tendency to crank up comic details to a high pitch.
Times, Sunday Times
high potential
The results of methanation and gas separation clearly indicate the high potential of the presented process.
Philipp Biegger, Florian Kirchbacher, Ana Roza Medved, Martin Miltner, Markus Lehner, Michael Harasek 2018, 'Development of Honeycomb Methanation Catalyst and Its Application in Power to Gas Systems', Energies
These results indicated the high potential of the ice plant as a polyol-rich high-functional food.
Sakae Agarie, Akiko Kawaguchi, Akiko Kodera, Haruki Sunagawa, Hide Kojima, Akihiro Nose, Teruhisa Nakahara 2009, 'Potential of the Common Ice Plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum as a New High-Functional Food as Evaluated by Polyol Accumulation', Plant Production Science
high praise
In fact, his service is deserving of high praise.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
There was inevitably a backlash against such high praise.
Paula Byrne PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson (2004)
Perhaps when it truly deserves such a term it is the highest praise it could possibly have.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
high prevalence
Our results indicated a high prevalence of nutritional cobalamin deficiency, while folate deficiency was uncommon.
Ram K. Chandyo, Manjeswori Ulak, Halvor Sommerfelt, Jørn Schneede, Per M. Ueland, Tor A. Strand 2016, 'Nutritional Intake and Status of Cobalamin and Folate among Non-Pregnant Women of Reproductive Age in Bhaktapur, Nepal', Nutrients
Despite the lack of high prevalence of haematinic anaemia among this cohort of patients, borderline haematinic deficiencies were common.
Guirguis K 2019, 'Anaemia in heart failure patients: the prevalence of haematinic deficiencies and the role of ACE inhibitors and aspirin doses as risk factors', Pharmacy Practice
The exposition to all these factors justified the high prevalence of polypharmacy amongst the interviewees.
André de Oliveira Baldoni, Lorena Rocha Ayres, Edson Zangiacomi Martinez, Nathalie de Lourdes Sousa Dewulf, Vânia dos Santos, Paulo Roque Obreli-Neto, Leonardo Régis Leira Pereira 2013, 'Pharmacoepidemiological profile and polypharmacy indicators in elderly outpatients', Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
This study shows that the high prevalence of seropositivity reported by earlier workers has decreased.
Thakur T.S, Goyal A, Sharma V.K 1992, 'SERO-Epidemiology Of Syphilis In Patients Attending STD Clinics Of Himachal Pradesh', Indian Journal of Community Medicine
high probability
There is a very high probability of the latter.
The Sun (2015)
He said there was a'very high probability' that he would be appointed.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
high productivity
British agriculture has very high productivity by international standards, and it produces a large percentage of the food we consume.
Hirst, Paul After Thatcher (1989)
Some economists say the apparently high productivity of the financial sector before the crisis was a bubble fuelled by risky lending.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
They have learned the secret of high productivity and economies of scale.
Hirst, Paul After Thatcher (1989)
Under optimal conditions, 92.2 g/ l trehalose was produced with a high productivity of 23.1 g/(l h).
Zhaojuan Zheng, Ying Xu, Ye Sun, Wending Mei, Jia Ouyang 2015, 'Biocatalytic Production of Trehalose from Maltose by Using Whole Cells of Permeabilized Recombinant Escherichia coli.', PLoS ONE
high profit
Your high tax bill is likely to be down to two main factors - a high profit in the year; and the way payments on account work.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Economically, rations with 25% and 50% cassia substituted to cotton cake showed low variable costs and high profit.
Ouédraogo, T., Somda, J., Nianogo, AJ., Kiema, A. 2008, 'Valorisation de Cassia obtusifolia L. dans l'alimentation des ovins d'embouche en région sahélienne du Burkina Faso', Tropicultura
high proportion of
It is his hypothesis that a high proportion of rugby players will have an unusual myostatin gene.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Traders reported some genuine bargain-hunting, but also a high proportion of programme trades by computer.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The catchment area for her school takes in a deprived part of Bristol, which itself has the highest proportion of independent schools in a city.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
This is because mining companies usually have a high proportion of fixed costs.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The blueberry has the highest proportion of antioxidants, some of which exert protective effects on the brain.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
high quality
It has the highest quality leather and aluminium trim, along with precision instruments.
The Sun (2012)
A passion to help people become healthier and a commitment to learning will be matched by high quality modern apprenticeships.
The Sun (2009)
The high quality micro-fibre filling is non-allergenic, and the range has eco-label certification.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Drawings of very high quality and accuracy can be produced with plotters.
Chapman, C. & Horsley, M. & Small, E. Technology Basic Facts (1990)
It costs £50 a head, but the food is of such a high quality it is well worth it.
The Sun (2014)
high rate of
Although they were found to be rich in flora and fauna there was a high rate of extinction in some species.
Times, Sunday Times
He wants bigger firms such as banks to pay a high rate of 7.45 an hour rather than the current 6.19.
The Sun
The high rate of store openings in the first half means that this year will be more heavily weighted towards the second.
Times, Sunday Times
They offer a high rate of density without rising too far from the street (typically five to ten storeys).
Times, Sunday Times
However, the high rate of removal has raised concerns that some gang members could slip through the net.
Times,Sunday Times
high regard
Presumably, it was the few who noticed her who held her in high regard.
The Times Literary Supplement
The high regard has been constant and the reputation has been broadly accepted.
The Times Literary Supplement
Now events, or certain individuals you hold in high regard, demand that you probe more deeply.
Times, Sunday Times
His sense of humour, generous spirit and impeccable timing won him the high regard of colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
For many of us, the high regard with which we hold artists doesn't extend to the record company.
Times, Sunday Times
high score
Getting the high score on in-flight trivia games.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
I'd end up giving another high score that might be unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Patients who have a high score from the basic check are referred for biopsies.
The Sun (2018)
He played beautifully for his highest score since his debut, when promise and hope had not yet been dented by the realities of Test cricket.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
I spent the days eroding my paltry student grant twenty pence at a time, trying to beat the high score on the college pinball machine.
Alex George LOVE YOU MADLY (2002)
high stake
Those neurons have to work fast - take this grand slam deal from a high stake holiday rubber game.
Times, Sunday Times
The day certainly promised everything a state-of-the-nation drama should, namely the very highest of high stakes, personal and political.
Times,Sunday Times
What a premise, what comparisons and what high stakes.
Times, Sunday Times
The zinging one-liners are as punchy as the action, in this high stakes, high energy thrill-ride.
Times, Sunday Times
With its high stakes, public disrespect demands quicker response than private.
Christianity Today
high standard
The very high standard of pictorial and graphic displays on every subject has been maintained.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
This alone means they will have to maintain a consistently high standard.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
We've had well over seven hundred entries, a very high standard, and we want to be sure that our winners really are la crème de la crème.
Anthony Masters CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD (2001)
This means a high standard of dental hygiene and taking antibiotics before and after having dental treatment.
Petch, Dr Michael BMA Family Doctor Guide - Heart Disease (1989)
But what work he did was done to a very high standard and earned him the esteem of colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
high turnout
We preferred to rejoice at the high turnout, which pollsters had wrongly predicted would be much lower.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The result was also a disappointment for women, despite a high turnout of 62%.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
First, a high turnout is the best antidote to extremism.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
There were signs of a high turnout - something both camps claimed would bring them victory.
The Sun (2008)
Unusually, there was also some sunshine as early indicators suggested a high turnout.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
high turnover
High turnover of guests means high turnover of duvet covers.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Its high turnover demands that robust, effective security controls are constantly maintained.
Computing (2010)
First, critics emphasized the loss in administrative efficiency resulting from high turnover in office.
Tompkins, Jonathan Human Resource Management in Government (1995)
Some employment experts argue such roles have a high turnover so firms leave ads up in case they need to refill them.
The Sun (2010)
But young residents move on: lack of quality secondary education means high turnover.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
high unemployment
There is deep resentment of the war in the frontier regions, where high unemployment feeds the discontent.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It warned that low inflation and high unemployment would continue to plague the region.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
For one thing, organized labor takes a dim view of the practice, particularly during periods of high unemployment.
A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
Could a little bit more inflation be presented as a more palatable alternative to permanently high unemployment?
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The benefits of this style of planning can look rather superficial in the face of high unemployment and persistent poverty.
Brindley,Tim & Rydin, Yvonne & Stoker, Gerry Remaking Planning: the politics of urban change in the Thatcher years (1989)
high volume
Exposure to continuous high volume noise can stop the hair cells working properly.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Though the situation on short sea crossings is much less pressured, because of the high volume of sailings, avoid obvious peaks.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The five, who had southern accents, were also said to have played sick pranks and music at high volume.
The Sun (2016)
Filling but not high volume alternatives to tuna include lean chicken, turkey or roast beef.
The Sun (2012)
But his production has high volume without intensity.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
high wage
But let us not traduce every athlete earning a high wage.
Times, Sunday Times
Hence, products with a high wage content, such as home helps, hotel services and restaurant meals, may rise faster than inflation.
Times, Sunday Times
But the insulating e ects of a high wage should not be underestimated.
Times, Sunday Times
The day-to-day loss reflects the impact of a high wage bill and modest commercial income.
Times, Sunday Times
If the playmaker enters the final 12 months of his contract he will be in a powerful position to command a high wage or leave for a cut-price fee.
Times, Sunday Times
high wind
He was shaking out his arms now, like a marionette in a high wind.
Maupin, Armistead BABYCAKES (1989)
Many monastic buildings were brought down in the early 13th century merely by a high wind.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
A nationwide high wind warning was issued and motorists were urged to beware of uprooted trees.
The Sun (2016)
high yield
Conversely, a company that does not have a growing dividend could have a high yield because its share price has plummeted.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
This simple method affords benzil derivatives at room temperature in short reaction times with high yield and purity.
Javad Safari, Zohre Zarnegar, Fatemeh Rahimi 2013, 'An Efficient Oxidation of Benzoins to Benzils by Manganese(II) Schiff Base Complexes Using Green Oxidant', Journal of Chemistry
However, a high yield of hydrogenolysis products was also observed.
Eleutério A., Santos J.F., Passos F.B., Aranda D.A.G., Schmal M. 1998, 'The Effect of Preparation Method on Pt/Nb2O5 Catalysts', Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
The french serradella had the highest yield of dry matter (7179 kg ha-1).
Adelaide Perdigão, João Coutinho, Nuno Moreira 2011, 'Potencialidade das leguminosas forrageiras anuais como fonte de azoto em agricultura biológica Potential nitrogen supply of annual forage legumes for organic farming in a mediterranean environment', Revista de Ciências Agrárias
new high
Interbank lending rates have reached new highs.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
And the number of repeat offenders who struck last year hit a new record high.
The Sun (2016)
Motoring organisations and retailers expect both petrol and diesel prices to reach new highs.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
British staff were also evacuated from Tehran as tensions with the country's crazed regime hit a new high.
The Sun (2011)
raise high
The latter has a simple gable roof, whose steep, pitched gables raise high to a sharp ridge.
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If raised high enough, this can get into the engine and cause damage, so it's best to take preventative measures as soon as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
Food and beverage sales in stadiums can raise high incomes for clubs, and some clubs make attempts to improve their service and diversify out of traditional foods.
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In its lowest position, it acts as a task light for close work; raised high, it sheds more diffuse, ambient light.
Times, Sunday Times
A life raised high 432pp.
The Times Literary Supplement
record high
The price of corn oil has recently been at a record high.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The number of honeybee hives in the world is at a record high.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Credit spreads are higher than they were in early July and junk bond issuance has hit a record high.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The jobless total is now as low as before the financial crisis hit in 2008. Employment is at a new record high.
The Sun (2015)
And the number of repeat offenders who struck last year hit a new record high.
The Sun (2016)
season high
Bolt hits season high before Brussels finale
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Against tough opposition from the first live semi-final of Britain's Got Talent, it was announced yesterday that nearly 3 million viewers watched the finale of Homeland on Channel 4 on Sunday night - a season high for a series that never fell below 2 million.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
But that did not stop the Elland Road season high crowd of 30,722 roaring themselves hoarse.
The Sun (2015)
set a high
Government bonds were also hurt by renewed inflation fears as wheat prices set record highs and precious metals prices held near peaks reached last week.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The fireworks set new highs.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Spread-betters were still selling the Footsie, despite its 5 per cent retreat from highs set early last month.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
significantly high
As the spring ratings indicate, these new stations have emerged at a significantly high level of development and with mass appeal.
Globe and Mail
Alcohol was also found at less than the drink-drive limit, as were sleeping tablets at a 'significantly high' level and small amounts of paracetamol.
Times, Sunday Times
Infant mortality can be significantly high with half of the infants born not reaching more than six months of age.
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The development has significantly high closure rate of retail and restaurants.
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Both of whom perform complicated trick maneuvers from significantly high altitudes off the ground, as much as 30 to 40 feet at times.
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substantially high
Fresh water will accumulate to levels substantially higher than sea level when the sills are substantially above sea level.
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Because of the stronger winds at these heights, they receive a substantially higher thrust per unit area than conventional mast-mounted sails.
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The median household weekly income of $2,285 was substantially higher than the national median of $1,234.
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The result was substantially higher commercial property rates.
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In 1393, the choir was reconstructed, made longer and substantially higher.
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unusually high
I understand that unusually high numbers of the insects are associated with sewage-treatment works, and we have a plant nearby.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The play has an unusually high percentage of rhyming couplets.
The Times Literary Supplement (2012)
Scores for medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine take no account of graduate destinations because of unusually high employment levels.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
On coming ashore their crews came across another English crew who boasted about their unusually high wages.
Jonathan Wright Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State (2006)
Chinese: 高的, 高度地, 高的数量或力量, 高的声音
Japanese: 高い 高低, 高く, 高い, 高い




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