

单词 legislation
(ledʒɪslʃən )
uncountable noun
Legislation consists of a law or laws passed by a government. [formal]
...a letter calling for legislation to protect women's rights.
Synonyms: law, act, ruling, rule  
back legislation
Others are plotting a vote strike by refusing to back legislation.
The Sun
So he just doesn't have the clout to persuade even his own party to back legislation curtailing the use of fossil fuels.
Times, Sunday Times
Legislators proved to be effective critics of the bureaucracy, which responded by holding back legislation to avoid scrutiny or lengthy disputes.
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He angered labor unions by backing legislation to ban strikes at defense plants, which did hurt him politically.
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He has also backed legislation aimed at easing the reintegration of ex-offenders into the community.
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data protection legislation
These days, rather than trampling over their citizens' privacy, most rich-country states hedge it about with data protection legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
Under data protection legislation, staff have a right to obtain any information stored on their file with the new employer, including any references they have received.
Times, Sunday Times
When she obtained police documents under data protection legislation she discovered that the movements of five cars owned by family members were being tracked and logged.
Times, Sunday Times
Critics argue that data protection legislation already stops such disclosure.
Times, Sunday Times
Under data protection legislation, you are under no obligation to tell the employee what you have put in the reference.
Times, Sunday Times
human rights legislation
However, without legally binding assurances that the rights of prisoners will be protected, criminals can challenge being sent back under human rights legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet identical treatment has become what we understand equality to be; and equality and human rights legislation has become the means to achieve it.
Times, Sunday Times
They will argue over rights granted to shareholders under human rights legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
They are not bound or deterred by human rights legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
The law has no remedy and human rights legislation has made responsibilities intractable.
Times, Sunday Times
legislation limits
But nothing in the new legislation limits the fines that can still be imposed for parking on private property.
Times, Sunday Times
I believe that a change in legislation limits the amount that you can be charged after a 12-month period.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, libertarians say that price-fixing legislation limits innovation because it discourages the creation of competing companies.
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legislation mandates
Legislation mandates school attendance from the age of 6 until 17 years of age, which contributes to high literacy rates.
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Like the broadcast flag, the legislation mandates a one-size-fits-all technology that has not been the subject of public or even inter-industry scrutiny.
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Minority languages are in official use in local government units where more than a third of the population consists of national minorities or where local legislation mandates their use.
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legislation prevents
I think recent legislation prevents defendants cross-examining victims in such cases.
Times, Sunday Times
Legislation prevents us from disclosing details of individuals or organisations who report such incidents.
Times, Sunday Times
In some cases, legislation prevents reselling.
Times, Sunday Times
legislation prohibits
A ban on antibiotics for growth promotion has been in place since 2006, and forthcoming legislation prohibits the preventive use of antibiotics in feed.
Times, Sunday Times
The legislation prohibits e-mail recipients from suing spammers or filing class-action lawsuits.
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Similar legislation prohibits the use and sale of marine mammals in other countries.
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legislation requires
The legislation requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide insurance coverage to workers or face additional taxes.
Christianity Today
We have already gone beyond what legislation requires, and all our employees are entitled to make a request.
Times, Sunday Times
Part of the legislation requires candidates to publish their tax accounts.
Times, Sunday Times
The legislation requires banks to provide customers with more information, which can mean bank statements running to an extra page.
Times, Sunday Times
The legislation requires foods that are pre-packed directly for sale to carry a full list of ingredients.
The Sun
legislation restricts
This legislation restricts the use of many small premises, and hampers their ability to generate revenue.
Times, Sunday Times
The legislation restricts felons and certain others from possessing bulletproof vests.
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The current legislation restricts the use of certain substances such as pyrogallol, formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde and bans the use of others such as lead acetate in cosmetic products.
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minimum wage legislation
Its signatories, who include student, graduate and union representatives, are demanding government action to 'end this hidden economy and enforce existing minimum wage legislation'.
Times, Sunday Times
Minimum wage legislation was widely ignored and a corporate myth arose that intern programmes were exempt from it.
The Times Literary Supplement
They are expressly excluded from the national minimum wage legislation and, under rules that have not been updated since 2002, need be paid only £4 per week for their work.
Times,Sunday Times
More than three quarters (77 per cent) said that they were obliged to work set hours, which could mean that their employer was in breach of minimum wage legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
Tenancy reforms, including rent control and minimum wage legislation were enacted with mixed results.
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necessary legislation
The necessary legislation was not, in fact, enacted until 1918.
The Times Literary Supplement
He began immediately the drafting of the necessary legislation passed in 1967.
The Times Literary Supplement
But ministers say that it will take until 'late 2012' to pass the necessary legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a so-called technical extension would give time for parliament to pass the necessary legislation to put it into effect.
Times, Sunday Times
By the same token, he will need to make it plain that he can bring a sufficient vote to pass the necessary legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
new legislation
There are assumptions about age, but the new legislation should mean that everyone gets the same training and development opportunities.
Times, Sunday Times
Employers may fear that the new legislation will result in an increase in cases going to employment tribunals.
Times, Sunday Times
The agent has written to say that new legislation retrospectively applies to our tenancy.
Times, Sunday Times
New legislation will ban many customer helplines from charging more than the basic rate of a phone call for questions or complaints from next summer.
Times, Sunday Times
New legislation should require collective defined-contribution target pensions to be age-related.
Times, Sunday Times
oppose legislation
Just 11% would oppose legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
At the end of his third term, he came under scrutiny for allegedly having accepted gifts from various companies to support or oppose legislation.
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We oppose legislation that denies the public's access to public land, he said.
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She helped to draft the commission's report and worked for several years to oppose legislation intended to severely restrict the right of consumers to file for bankruptcy.
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She opposed legislation to establish corporal punishment as a method of discipline in public schools, but the measure passed, 84-55.
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pass legislation
Parliament was, of course, free to pass legislation that overrode a court's decision.
Times, Sunday Times
In some instances, governments seek to pass legislation to restrict the media and even criminalise investigative reporting.
Times, Sunday Times
The decline of the once-admired national cuisine prompted the government to pass legislation last year to encourage chefs to use fresh produce.
Times, Sunday Times
He has been under pressure from his party to pass legislation earlier to assure voters he will not change his mind.
Times, Sunday Times
It would take six weeks to pass legislation and at least ten weeks of campaigning by law.
The Sun
privacy legislation
It smacked of double standards, since the journalist had come out in favour of privacy legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
The information otherwise would be blocked by privacy legislation.
The website may breach privacy legislation because the photographs are taken and reproduced without the consent of their subjects.
Times, Sunday Times
He added they would also have to respect applicable privacy legislation.
Instead, he stated the issue would be considered as part of the ongoing review of privacy legislation.
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propose legislation
Nor can she propose legislation or change parliament's decisions.
Times, Sunday Times
If ministers wish to propose legislation on any topic, a bill must be published, enabling the detail to be the subject of public discussion.
Times, Sunday Times
If it wishes to do something about large differentials in salaries, it should propose legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
The tribunes were entitled to propose legislation before the assembly.
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State senators propose legislation in the forms of bills drafted by a nonpartisan, professional staff.
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protective legislation
Refusing to take no for an answer, she fought for community betterment programs and protective legislation.
Smithsonian Mag
They were also largely supportive of protective legislation in industry.
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The right should be broader and should create a positive obligation on the state to extend protective legislation to unprotected groups.
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An attempt had indeed been made in 1786 to modify the rigidly protective legislation of the 18th century.
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From this date, 1841, begin the first attempts at protective legislation for labour in mining.
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recent legislation
Demand doubled last year with the upswing in the global economy, and property pundits say that recent legislation can only give the market further momentum.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps recent legislation has had a beneficial impact.
Times, Sunday Times
Panther specialises in small scissor platforms, demand for which has been boosted by recent legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
Further, recent legislation in a number of common-law jurisdictions now described the defence of fair comment as 'honest opinion'.
Times, Sunday Times
Recent legislation imposing such limits brought her great satisfaction.
Times, Sunday Times
reform legislation
Hordes of bureaucrats are now drafting thousands of regulations to implement the president's healthcare and financial reform legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
He had been hoping to make progress on climate change and financial reform legislation in the coming months.
Times, Sunday Times
Among the most contentious of the issues will be criminal reform legislation.
Health reform legislation doesn't really change that.
Houston Chronicle
The cynic in him warned that it was just another false dawn in his long fight to reform legislation that came close to destroying his life.
Times, Sunday Times
relevant legislation
The judge questioned whether the loans complied with relevant legislation.
Times,Sunday Times
This includes breaches of health and safety legislation; the committees thought it should be extended to include any other relevant legislation as well.
Times, Sunday Times
Payola was rife in the radio industry in the 1950s but has crept into the digital world with streaming services not covered by relevant legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
We do not offer worthless holiday or travel packages or engage in high-pressure sales techniques, but comply with all relevant legislation and guidance.
Times, Sunday Times
The relevant legislation had set out clearly which classes of people were eligible for social housing, including those who had to be considered with priority.
Times, Sunday Times
repeal legislation
Will they really seek to repeal legislation enshrining and protecting standards of care?
Times, Sunday Times
For the past month they have behaved as if they had a mandate to suspend government and repeal legislation when they have no such thing.
Times, Sunday Times
Proposals to avoid the fiscal cliff involved repealing legislation containing certain of these provisions or passing new legislation to extend provisions that were due to expire.
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restrictive legislation
But the answer to that problem surely cannot lie in waiting for employees to grow old, but in loosening restrictive legislation, especially for smaller and start-up businesses.
Times, Sunday Times
These range from population growth and increases in farming (including associated economic and commercial agriculture) to climate change and restrictive legislation.
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Without restrictive legislation, large firms could demand rebates or prices below the collusive price from railroad companies as condition for their business.
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These controversies have led to litigation, international trade disputes, and protests, and to restrictive legislation in most countries.
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They are the last generation, aged now, and unable to practice legally due to restrictive legislation.
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sign legislation
The monarch had the executive power to appoint ministers, sign legislation into law, and initiate legislation in the parliament.
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He also signed legislation to expand smoke-free zones around public buildings.
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He signed legislation to lower the legal intoxication limit for boaters from.10 to.08 percent.
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He signed legislation requiring automobile registration, and implemented a state highway tax to match federal funding.
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He signed legislation pushing for the cleanup of abandoned industrial sites (also known as brownfields) and keeping forest fires at bay.
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sponsor legislation
The culture at the time was one in which peers were openly being paid large sums to sponsor legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
In 1997, he sponsored legislation to set standards to license hospice programs.
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As a senator, he sponsored legislation that would allow adults to purchase sterile syringes from pharmacies without a prescription.
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He was known as a law-and-order senator, sponsoring legislation requiring inmates to serve at least 85% of their sentences before becoming eligible for parole.
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He sponsored legislation, signed into law in 1965, that provided cash awards to military service personnel for cost-cutting ideas.
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state legislation
In terms of the law, it's very complicated, with widely varying state legislation preventing any uniform legal framework.
Times, Sunday Times
The drivers triumphed at an appeals court in a case that hinged on the absence of the comma in state legislation about overtime pay.
Times, Sunday Times
The public outcry led in 1980 to state legislation requiring wastewater treatment plants to reduce nitrogen input significantly.
The Scientist
According to traditional state legislation, passengers must give a signal to the driver by putting their hand up (some passengers even flourish their hand).
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State governors would be appointed by the national legislature, and the national legislature had veto power over any state legislation.
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strict legislation
This helps us to comply with strict legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
Some companies will still be concerned that they will be at a disadvantage when competing overseas against foreign companies that do not have to comply with such strict legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
However, with the tightening of the admissions code and strict legislation about infant class sizes, most appeals for reception entry were a waste of time, they said.
Times, Sunday Times
The department previously has defended awarding the work, arguing that its procedures followed strict legislation that ensured value for money and resolved any potential conflicts of interest.
Times, Sunday Times
sweeping legislation
Once again we are witnessing a kneejerk response to horrifying - yet statistically rare - events, resulting in sweeping legislation that swamps all it touches.
Times, Sunday Times
We passed fairly sweeping legislation to deal with the issue but delayed the implementation date by one year.
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Sweeping legislation was seen as necessary by the then administration, but such drastic and immediate measures were up to debate by observers and economists of the time.
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unconstitutional legislation
This may create a problem as past cases decided on the basis of the unconstitutional legislation or precedent may be open to re-litigation.
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The constitution court was set up to resolve conflicts about unconstitutional legislation.
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In a legal constitution, methods of official review and the striking down of unconstitutional legislation may be used in order to control government power.
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The main purpose of the new organization was to serve as a defense against unconstitutional legislation.
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He went on to say that the good sought in unconstitutional legislation leads citizens and legislators down a dangerous path of breaching the constitution and recognized standards.
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veto legislation
Instead, he should simply manage the bureaucracy and veto legislation.
Christianity Today
A win by a smaller margin could prove to be a mostly symbolic victory, since the president could still use the country's supreme court to veto legislation.
Times, Sunday Times
This article also gives the governor the power to veto legislation in some circumstances.
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The mayor can veto legislation, but the veto can be overridden by two-thirds vote of the council.
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Half of the senators were nominated by the king, who also had the right to veto legislation and to dissolve the lower house.
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Chinese: 立法
Japanese: 法律制定




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