

单词 θ87266
the world > action or operation > difficulty > [phrase] > in a difficult position > in straits (20)

In figurative contexts (chiefly in plural).

straitly steadc1400

placed in straits, sore beset.


In trouble or distress; = need-bestead, adj.

at the worst hand1490

at a bad hand (also at the worst hand, etc.): in a bad (or the worst) position, in the worst case. Obsolete.

in suds1575

in suds (†in suds, in the sud): chiefly in to lieor be in the suds; to lay, leave in the suds. In difficulties, in embarrassment or perplexity. Obs


A tight grip on a person, esp. (Wrestling) a hold on a particular limb or part of the body, used to restrain another person or prevent him or her…

at a bad hand1640

at a bad hand (also at the worst hand, etc.): in a bad (or the worst) position, in the worst case. Obsolete.

in a wood1659

Phrases and Proverbs. in a wood: in a difficulty, trouble, or perplexity; at a loss.

in bad bread1743

regional (in later use chiefly Scottish and English regional (northern)). in bad bread: in a bad state, in difficulties; in disfavour with a person…

up a stump1829

up a stump: perplexed, in difficulties (see also quot. 1834). Cf. up a tree at tree, n. phrases slang (originally and chiefly U.S.).

in a tight (also awkward, bad, etc.) spot1851

With modifying adjective: a situation or set of circumstances of the (typically negative) type indicated. Usually in in a tight (also awkward, bad,

up shit creek1868

up shit creek: in an unpleasant situation or awkward predicament; in trouble (cf. up the creek at creek, n.1 2c). Also in elaborated form up shit

in the cart1889

Proverbs and Phrases. to setor put the cart before the horse: to reverse the natural or proper order. †to be left out of the cart's arse: (see…

in the soup1889

colloquial or slang. in the soup, in a difficulty. Originally U.S.

out on a limb1897

Transferred senses. out on a limb, in an isolated or stranded position; at a disadvantage. Originally U.S.

in a spot1929

colloquial (originally U.S.). in a spot and variants: in a difficult or tricky situation. Cf. earlier in a tight (also awkward, bad, etc.) spot at…

up the creek1941

As part of a river or river-system. up the creek: (a) in a tight corner, in trouble; spec. pregnant; (b) crazy, eccentric. slang.


A strong broth or soup made by slowly boiling meat for a long time. Now esp. applied to clear soup. Also figurative (cf. ‘in the soup’).


— in extreme difficulty (2)




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