

单词 in vogue

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in (also out of) vogue
b. in (also out of) vogue. Also with adjectives (usually intensive), as in full vogue, etc.
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > approval or sanction > quality of being approvable or acceptable > popularity > popular [phrase]
in (also out of) vogue1643
all the mode1651
much the mode1767
1643 King Charles I in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1824) 1st Ser. III. 297 Though Mars be now most in voag, yet Hymen may bee some tymes remembred.
1653 H. Cogan tr. F. M. Pinto Voy. & Adventures lix. 242 The Idol which is most in vogue amongst them, and most frequented.
a1676 M. Hale Primitive Originat. Mankind (1677) ii. iv. 165 The same Words and Phrases that were not used, in former Ages, become in Fashion, Reputation and Vogue in another Age.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver II. iv. xii. 188 It is highly probable, that such Travellers..may, by detecting my Errors,..justle me out of Vogue, and stand in my Place.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. p. xlii My Book would be out of Vogue with the first Change of Fashion.
1747 Bp. J. Butler Serm. in Wks. (1874) II. 297 Corruptions of the grossest sort have been in vogue, for many generations.
1787 J. Bentham Def. Usury x. 98 A method pretty much in vogue, was, to let the Jews get the money..and then squeeze it out of them as it was wanted.
1820 W. Irving Sketch Bk. I. 274 The writers whom you suppose in vogue,..have long since had their day.
1842 J. H. Newman Parochial Serm. (ed. 2) V. ix. 141 The influence of some system of religion which is in vogue.
1879 R. A. Proctor Pleasant Ways Sci. ii. 30 The system of lunar weather wisdom in vogue to this day among seamen.
(b)1687 A. Lovell tr. J. de Thévenot Trav. into Levant i. 101 Letters are in no vogue in that Country, and profound Ignorance reigns among them.1692 T. Sprat Relation Late Wicked Contrivance ii. 15 The Popish-Plot having been just before in full vogue there, as well as here.1741 W. Oldys et al. Betterton's Hist. Eng. Stage i. 8 During this Interval, many Plays were brought upon the Stage written in Heroic Rhime: and..in 1668..it became still in greater Vogue.1798 Anti-Jacobin 2 July 278/1 The following Popular Song is said to be in great vogue.1838 G. P. R. James Life & Times Louis XIV IV. 83 As the system of conversion [to the Roman Catholic faith] was at that time in high vogue.
extracted from voguen.adj.
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