1445–6 (Electronic ed.) Parl. Feb. 1445 §42. m. 6 Notwithstandynge the ajournement of your courtes.
1474–5 (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1472 3rd Roll §4. m. 36 Youre parlement begon..the .xxix. day of Aprill..and by dyvers prorogations and adjornaments unto the .xxi. day of Januar', the yere of Owe Lord God .mcccclxiii... contynued.
1562 R. Fills tr. f. 50 Who so euer wyll adiourne or summon hys aduerse partye, maye doe it what daye he wyll,..and this adiournement shalbe auaileable as well by anye of his housholde.
1579 T. North tr. Plutarch 247 We doe will and charge you to appeare before the people, the third daye of our next sitting and assembly here,... The noble men were glad then of the adiornment.
1634 in (1765) II. ix. 60 Fines..were not by reason of such adjournments had nor made, according to the purvey of the same statute.
1641 (new ed.) f. 11 Adjournement, is when any Court is dissolved and determined, and assigned to be kept againe at another place or time.
1702 25 Adjournments were there Voted as solemnly as any other Conciliary Decree or Resolution whatever.
1781 J. Hatsell (1796) II. 106 (note) If this question for adjournment takes place before four o'clock in the afternoon, and there is a division upon it, the Yeas go forth; if after four o'clock, the Noes.
1843 C. Dickens (1844) xvi. 203 Major Pawkins proposed an adjournment to a neighbouring bar-room.
1875 W. Stubbs III. xx. 480 The distinction between adjournment and prorogation, in so far as the one belongs to the houses and the other to the crown, is a modern distinction.
1922 R. Beach ii. 11 The speaker..suggested an adjournment to his rooms.
1946 54 430 These amendments went into effect at the adjournment of the meeting on September 10.
2002 (Nexis) 21 Aug. 31 An applicant..for adjournment on medical grounds had to satisfy the tribunal that his inability to attend was legitimate.