

单词 un-


Primary stress is usually retained by the stem.
Forms: Old English–1700s vn-, Old English– un-, Middle English hon-, Middle English houn-, Middle English hun-, Middle English onn- (before a vowel), Middle English oun-, Middle English oune-, Middle English ounn- (before a vowel), Middle English unn- (before a vowel; in Ormulum before a consonant), Middle English unne-, Middle English vne-, Middle English–1500s wn-, Middle English–1600s (1800s– English regional and Irish English) on-, 1500s ovn-, 1600s one-; Scottish pre-1700 an-, pre-1700 one-, pre-1700 oun-, pre-1700 own-, pre-1700 und-, pre-1700 une-, pre-1700 vn-, pre-1700 wn-, pre-1700 1700s– on- (now chiefly north-eastern), pre-1700 1700s– un-, 1800s ohn- (north-eastern), 1800s– oon- (north-eastern and Shetland).
Origin: A word inherited from Germanic.
Etymology: Cognate with Old Frisian un- , on- (West Frisian ûn- , on- ), Old Dutch un- (Middle Dutch on- , Dutch on- ), Old Saxon un- (Middle Low German un- ), Old High German un- (Middle High German un- , German un- ), Old Icelandic ú- , ó- (Icelandic ó- ), Norn (Shetland) u- , Norwegian u- , Old Danish u- , o- (Danish u- ), Old Swedish o- (Swedish o- ), Gothic un- < the same Indo-European base as classical Latin in- in- prefix4, ancient Greek ἀ- a- prefix6, (before a vowel) ἀν- an- prefix2, Sanskrit a- , (before a vowel) an- , Early Irish an- < an ablaut variant (zero-grade) of the same Indo-European base as ne adv.1Overview of uses in Old English. In Old English the number of forms in un- is very large, with well over 1000 formations being recorded. The prefix was applied freely with a purely negative force to several parts of speech, which may be classified as follows: (a) Adjectives, including simple adjectives, as e.g. unbold adj., unblithe adj., unbrād narrow (see quot. OE2 at sense 1a(a) and compare broad adj.), unclean adj., uncouth adj., undeep adj., etc., derivative adjectives, as e.g. unbaleful adj., unbloody adj., uncleanly adj., uncūðlic unknown, strange (compare couthly adj.), uncynlic unfitting, improper (see unkin adj.), unguilty adj., unmighty adj., etc., and compounds, as e.g. uncamprōf unwarlike, not bold in battle (compare camp n.1 and rufe adj.), undēopþancol shallow, silly (see quot. OE1 at sense 1a(a) and compare deep adj. and thank n.), unfæstrǣd inconstant, unstable (compare fastrede adj.), etc. (b) Adverbs, including simple adverbs, as uneath adv., uneven adv., unfair adv., unfeorr not far off (compare far adv.), etc., and derivative forms, as uncleanly adv., uncouthly adv., unēaðelīce with difficulty (compare eathly adv.), etc. (c) Past participles of strong and weak verbs (forming adjectives), as unbidden adj., unbegun adj., unborn adj., undrifen (see undriven adj.), unknown adj., etc., and unbought adj., unburied adj., uncleansed adj., undǣled (see undealt adj.), ungedered unhurt, uninjured (compare dere v.), ungeendod (see unended adj.), etc. (d) Present participles (forming adjectives), as unberende (see unbearing adj.), unbyrnende (see unburning adj.), uncwaciende (see unquaking adj.), uncweðende not having speech (compare queath v.), unfēlende (see unfeeling adj.), etc. (e) Nouns, including simple nouns, as unār dishonour (see quot. eOE at sense 6a(a) and compare ore n.1), unbealu innocence (compare bale n.1), uncyst vice, defect (compare cust n.1), unfrith n., unlaw n., unthank n., etc., and derivative forms, as uncāfscipe sloth, neglect (compare cof adj.), uncleanness n., unfægerness (see unfairness n.), unwisdom n., etc. (f) Verbs (although chiefly reflecting secondary formations derived from negative adjectives, a few apparent examples of prefixation directly to a verb are attested: see discussion at sense 7a). A prominent feature of the Old English examples is the frequency (probably largely in learned use) of long derivative or compound formations, usually based upon, or corresponding to, Latin formations with in- in- prefix4 (and its variants), as e.g. unaberendlic intolerable, unaberendlīce intolerably (see quot. OE at sense 5a(a) and compare abear v.), unbegrīpendlic incomprehensible (compare begripe v.), unbescēawodlīce inconsiderately (compare bescēawian : see show v.), unforhæfedness lack of self-restraint (see quot. OE2 at sense 6a(a) and compare forhevedness n.). (For some of the rarer words no corresponding positive formation is recorded.) Uses with pejorative meaning in Old English. In a small number of nouns un- appears with a pejorative rather than a negative sense, as unlaw n., unrede n., unsithe n., untime n., unweather n., and unǣt excessive eating (compare eat n.), uncoðu (evil) disease, plague (compare cothe n.), uncræft evil art (compare craft n.), undǣd evil deed (compare deed n.), undōm unjust judgement (compare doom n.). Compare sense 6b. Use with intensifying force (perhaps originally as an extension of the use with pejorative meaning) is sometimes claimed for Old English; however, the evidence is uncertain and disputed. Compare sense 10. Overview of uses in Middle English. Early Middle English instances of the prefix attested before 1300 may be grouped into the following classes: (a) Survivals of Old English forms (some of which have survived into modern English, some not surviving even into later Middle English), including adjectives, as e.g. unclean adj., uncouth adj., unfele adj., unfere adj., unmild adj., unorn adj., unseely adj., untrum adj., unwhole adj., unwise adj.; nouns, as e.g. uncleanness n., unheal n., unlaw n., unmight n.1, unrede n., unright n.1, unrighteousness n., unsele n., unselth n., unthank n., unwisdom n., unworship n.1; and adjectives formed ultimately from past participles, as e.g. unbegun adj., unborn adj., unbought adj., unwemmed adj., unwounded adj. The majority of the un- words recorded in Old English did not survive into Middle English. There seem especially few survivals of formations on present participles; see unbearing adj. for one such example; some other words of this type found in Old English, such as unfeeling adj. and unwitting adj., are attested only later in Middle English, perhaps as re-formations. (b) New formations from native elements (some modelled on already-existing words in un- ), including adjectives, as e.g. unbuxom adj., uncomely adj., unsicker adj., untidy adj.; nouns, as e.g. unhope n., unstrength n., unwin n.; adjectives formed ultimately from past participles, as e.g. unayete adj., unbeaten adj., undeemed adj., unfiled adj.1, unsalved adj., unshriven adj., unsought adj.; and adverbs, as e.g. ungladly adv. (c) Formations with second elements ultimately borrowed from early Scandinavian (or in some instances direct borrowings or adaptations of early Scandinavian formations), including adjectives, as e.g. unmeek adj., unnait adj., unsly adj., and unnskaþefull harmless, innocent (only in Ormulum; compare scatheful adj.); nouns, as e.g. unhap n., unskill n.; formations ultimately from past participles, as unbigged adj., unbooned adj.; and adverbs, as unnhaȝherrliȝ unskilfully (only in Ormulum; compare hagher adj.). (For similar examples attested already in Old English compare ungrith n., unsaught adj.) (d) Formations on French bases, as e.g. unbespoused adj., uncoverly adj., ungracious adj., unsavoury adj., unstable adj. After 1300 there is a considerable increase in the numbers of new formations attested, and by the late 14th cent. formations in un- are extremely common. Some notable features of 14th-cent. formations are: (a) It appears to be in this period that formations on what are ultimately past participles first begin to be markedly more common than other types. (b) New formations with ultimately present participial adjectives (in -ende , -inde , -ing suffix2) appear not to be attested at all in Middle English before 1300, but are not uncommon in the 14th cent., as e.g. unbowing adj., uncunning adj., unspeaking adj., untelling adj., untholing adj., unweeting adj. (In some early instances these have similar meanings to formations in -able , i.e. ‘not capable of being.., not —able’; compare e.g. unspeaking adj. 1, untelling adj., untholing adj. 1.) (c) Formations on second elements ultimately of French origin also become much more common, including e.g. formations on adjectives of various types, as uncertain adj., undevout adj., unfelon adj., unleal adj., unwily adj., and many formations on past participial adjectives, as e.g. unadvised adj. and adv. (and unvised adj.), undispensed adj., unpunished adj., unpurveyed adj., unquit adj., unused adj.; formations on present participial adjectives in -ing suffix2, as e.g. unceasing adj., unfruiting adj.; nouns, as e.g. unlewty n., unmeasure n., unpeace n., unreason n.; and adverbs (chiefly derived from other un- formations), as e.g. unadvisedly adv., unceasingly adv., uncertainly adv. (d) Among the formations with second elements ultimately of French origin, the type in -able becomes established, with e.g. unconable adj., uncurable adj., unfillable adj., unreasonable adj., unstirrable adj., unsufferable adj. and adv. Uses with pejorative meaning in Middle English. As in Old English, the usual force of un- in Middle English is purely negative. The pejorative sense (see sense 6b) however survived in a few words, as unrede n., unsithe n., unthew n., unweather n., unwine n., unwrench n., and appears also in new formations such as unlede n.3, unlude n., unthede n., and unwight n.; in unbeast n. it occurs with a base of French origin. Compare also the note at sense 10a on early instances of prefixation to adjectives in -less without reversal of the negative sense. Variation between formations in un- and formations in in- and its variants. Variation between words showing un- and (borrowed) in- prefix4 (and its variants il- , im- , ir- , etc.) is found from at least the 14th century, with synonymous pairs such as immoderate adj. and unmoderate adj., imperfect adj. and unperfect adj., impossible adj. and unpossible adj., incorrupt adj. and uncorrupt adj., incurable adj. and uncurable adj., inobedience n. and unobedience n. (compare also innumerable adj. and unnumberable adj.), with further pairs established in the fifteenth century, as immeasurable adj. and unmeasurable adj., immovable adj. and unmovable adj., incorrigible adj. and uncorrigible adj., indiscreet adj. and undiscreet adj., irreverence n. and unreverence n., irrevocable adj. and unrevocable adj., etc. By the late 16th century the phenomenon was extremely widespread, with further pairs such as inability n. and unability n., inartificial adj. and unartificial adj., incapable adj. and uncapable adj., or in the 17th century inadequate adj. and unadequate adj., inarticulate adj. and unarticulate adj., inaudible adj. and unaudible adj., inauspicious adj. and unauspicious adj., or in the 18th century inattentive adj. and unattentive adj. The culminating period of the double forms appears to lie in the 17th century; since that time the tendency has been to prefer one or other of the doublets in normal use, the forms with in- , etc., being very commonly preferred when the whole word has a distinctively Latin character, as inadequate , inadvertence , inarticulate , etc. Even with such forms there is no absolute rule, and doublets are still numerous, as in- or un-advisable , in- or un-alienable , etc., in some instances with finer semantic distinctions becoming established over time. Stress. In Old English the prefix occurs chiefly with adjectives, adverbs, and nouns, and as such should always bear the main stress (formations with finite verbs are comparatively rare and secondary: see sense 7a). However, the evidence of Old English verse texts suggests that the position of the main stress varied between the prefix and the root syllable, especially in polysyllabic words. In modern English the main stress is usually on the root word. There is, nevertheless, a considerable tendency to give stress to the prefix in rare or ad hoc formations, and whenever the negation or contrast which it implies is at all emphatic. In such cases the compound may either have two equal stresses, or the prefix may have the stronger stress; the latter degree of emphasis is sometimes indicated in writing by underlining or italicizing, and the use of the hyphen; e.g. ‘he is distinctly un-literary’. Variation in form. The form on- may partly result from association with β. forms at and- prefix, and with the variation between on- and un- shown by formations in un- prefix2. See sense 7b for instances of this form in detached use. The spelling oun- (and likewise houn- , ovn- , etc.) apparently reflects a stressed form, comparable to oon- in some modern Scots varieties. In form ohn- apparently by association with German ohne (compare note at sense 7b(a)).
Used to express negation. One of the major formative elements in English.
(a) Prefixed to adjectives to express a negative sense, forming adjectives (and derived nouns).Formations of this type are extremely numerous and new formations are formed very freely; the following examples constitute merely a representative selection from those which are insufficiently notable to be treated separately.The main restriction on coinage, affecting adjectives of Latin or Romance origin, is the firm establishment in general usage of a formation with a Latinate negative prefix, as in-, im-, il-, etc. However, such a formation may coexist with one with un-, particularly when the formation with in-, etc., has acquired a particular connotation, e.g. immoral against unmoral. In cases where a formation with un- has acquired a particular connotation, the neutrally negative sense may be expressed by a formation with non-, or by collocation with not, e.g. unhistorical against non-historical, not historical. (See etymology section for discussion of changing patterns in such formations over time.)Another restriction in modern English affects short simplex adjectives, especially those whose opposite is normally expressed by a different word of contrasting meaning, as in the case of such pairs as new and old, strong and weak, or large and small (cf. rare or obsolete unnew adj. at sense 1a(b), unold adj., unstrong adj., unlarge adj.). In Old and early Middle English, adjectives formed by prefixing un- to a short simplex adjective, such as unbeald unbold adj., undēop undeep adj., unglæd unglad adj., unhāl unwhole adj., occurred freely, but formations in un- of this type are rare after this period, tending to occur only in litotes (e.g. not unglad) or in contexts where another rhetorical effect is aimed at. N.E.D. (1921) notes that some examples found in earlier dictionaries may represent coinages by the compilers with no basis in contemporary usage. However, the near-total freedom with which such formations may be created means that, even in cases where the only attested evidence comes from dictionaries, it is impossible to rule out unrecorded ad-hoc coinages. Similarly, it is sometimes the case that a formation with un- is first attested earlier than the equivalent positive adjective formed from a noun or verb plus an adjectival suffix, e.g. unwalkative adj. against walkative adj., or indeed that a formation with un- is attested with, apparently, no corresponding positive formation ever being recorded (e.g. ungrammary at quot. 1856), although this is unusual. Such instances, while not strictly in accordance with the definition given, are included at this sense, since they may be analysed as showing un- + the elements of a compound adjective.
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xx. 341 Nu smeað sum undeopðancol man hu god mage beon æghwær ætgædere, & nahwar todæled.
OE Ælfric De Temporibus Anni (Cambr. Gg.3.28) (2009) i. 78 Seo sunne is swiðe micel; ealswa brad heo is..swa eal eorðan ymbhwyrft, ac heo ðincð us swiðe unbrad.
OE Antwerp-London Gloss. (2011) 131 Incongruus, ungehæplic.
?c1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Paris) (1971) 108 (MED) Vdymya..is a louse aposteme and vnakefull, þat is to say, litel akeful by comparisoun to flegmone.
a1603 T. Cartwright Confut. Rhemists New Test. (1618) 394 It is as it were the soule-bell of your Priestly and un-virginly virginity.
1674 N. Fairfax Treat. Bulk & Selvedge 40 'Tis hoped we may have leave to settle Gods whole Everlastingness, as untimesom.
1674 N. Fairfax Treat. Bulk & Selvedge 129 So the seeds..when sown become barren or unsproutful.
1797 Monthly Mag. 3 516/2 The cause..of unwearied power, and of unsluggish energy.
1800 S. T. Coleridge Lett. to J. P. Estlin (1884) 78 How I did think of your Sunday suppers, their light uncumbrous simplicity.
1812 W. Tennant Anster Fair iv. lxxiv. 99 No man undeaf could stockishly refrain.
1817 H. T. Colebrooke tr. Bhāskara Āchārya in Algebra 12 The first [digit] is a cube's place; and the two next uncubic.
1827 J. Bentham Rationale Judicial Evid. I. i. ix. 159 That self-criminative consciousness..which distinguishes it from unmendacious falsehood.
1830 B. Disraeli in W. F. Monypenny & G. E. Buckle Life Disraeli (1910) I. ix. 161 The dry, round, unsugary fig is a great whetter.
1833 Fraser's Mag. Oct. 433 She is a very nice, unbluestockingish, well-dressed..young lady.
1836 A. De Morgan Differential & Integral Calculus 3 I should not care if any one thought this treatise unalgebraical.
1847 Ld. Cockburn Jrnl. 6 Mar. (1874) II. xiii. 172 A mendicant peer is very unmonarchical.
1849 J. F. W. Herschel in Edinb. New. Philos. Jrnl. Apr. 254 Some unhygrometric, non-metallic substance.
1849 E. W. Benson Let. 17 Sept. in A. C. Benson Life of E. W. Benson (1899) I. iv. 80 The unmilitant part of the Church.
1851 H. D. Wolff Madrilenia ii. 51 That timid and uncontemptuous smile so much their characteristic.
1856 J. A. Symonds Let. 17 May in H. R. F. Brown J. A. Symonds: Biogr. (1895) I. iii. 81 I pick up a good many words and phrases in an easy and ungrammary way.
1858 E. W. L. Davies Algiers in 1857 i. 5 The untidal character of the sea.
1865 Cornhill Mag. Mar. 299 His kindly, unpretentious, but not unshrewd, talk.
1871 W. Morris in J. W. Mackail Life W. Morris (1899) I. 237 Things pushing up through the clean unsooty soil.
1873 R. Broughton Nancy III. i. 11 He shall see how patient I am! how unsulky!
1874 H. Tennyson Jack & Bean-stalk: Argument in A. I. Thackeray Bluebeard's Keys 201 Oh! what a cramped-up, small, unsesquipedalian object!
1880 G. Smith in Atlantic Monthly Feb. 210/1 Untheistic science can take cognizance of nothing but facts.
1886 Athenæum 23 Oct. 528/2 The unsacrificial nature of Buddhist worship.
1894 Law Notes Aug. 227/1 These remarks are uncalled for and very ‘unjudgely’.
1906 R. Kipling Puck of Pook's Hill 6 They sat down in the unthistly centre of the Ring.
1920 W. B. Yeats Michael Robartes & Dancer 3 It follows from this Latin text..that all beautiful women may Live in uncomposite blessedness.
1935 J. Laird Enq. Moral Notions 10 In my view the times are propitious for attempting an untendentious comparison of ethical ideas..with equity and..patience.
1940 W. Faulkner Hamlet iii. i. 173 She owns no dimension against the lambent and undimensional grass.
1953 W. H. Auden in R. Humphries New Poems by Amer. Poets 7 The water-scorpion finds it quite unticklish.
1968 Earth & Planetary Sci. Lett. V. 220/1 Hamilton invoked the melting of Lewisian rocks to account for the unradiogenic leads in the Skye acid rocks.
1970 Irish Jurist 5 97 I have given these individuals the benefit of the doubt (if the phrase is not unecumenical).
1994 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 18 May Each of the three exhibitions..displays both the upside and the downside of this uncontemptuous familiarity.
2007 L. Passarella Sight-reading Schumann 19 A history unponderous as a kite aloft.
2014 G. Tholen Changing Nature of Graduate Labour Market ii. 45 Recruitment practices for elite graduate positions may not deliberately be unmeritocratic.
unadult adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈadʌlt/
U.S. /ˌənəˈdəlt/
1700 H. Dodwell Treat. Conc. Instrumental Musick (new ed.) 132 The Pædagogue..was a perpetual Companion and Guardian of the Morals of unadult Persons.
1855 Zoologist 13 4808 It is often difficult to determine..the signs of the adult and unadult state of its plumage.
1976 R. B. Parker Promised Land xxiv. 152 She's not a fool, but she's misled, maybe unadult.
2015 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 24 May br29 We dismiss the kind of work that evokes these responses in us, because it seems undignified, unserious, unadult.
unairworthy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɛːwəːði/
U.S. /ˌənˈɛrˌwərði/
1862 Standard 24 Mar. 4/2 The Royal Cremorne balloon.., being the largest balloon in England, was engaged for the purpose. Unfortunately, it proved unairworthy.
1979 Daily Tel. 8 Nov. 3/5 A fine..has been imposed on Braniff International Airways for conducting hundreds of flights with aircraft that were allegedly in an ‘unairworthy condition’.
2003 Vanity Fair Oct. 331/3 The crash accelerated talk that the plane was an antiquated, unairworthy death trap.
unambivalent adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnamˈbɪvələnt/
U.S. /ˌənˌæmˈbɪv(ə)lənt/
1939 Psychoanalytic Rev. 26 562 In real unambivalent love there seems to be no place for pity of the object.
2015 A. E. Cohen Year my Mother came Back ii. 21 I am determined to be the unwavering, unambivalent, dedicated mother Eliana will need me to be.
unarchaeological adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɑːkɪəˈlɒdʒᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌɑrkiəˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/
1857 Ecclesiologist 18 364 The frequent substitution of an unarchæological realism: the mere representation of men and women of the painter's own day.
1927 Observer 11 Dec. 16/5 The workmanship and designs of ancient Peruvian pottery..seemed, to my unarchaeological eye, so like the Etruscan as to be almost identical.
2013 M. Glendinning Conservation Movement iii. 80 He and Schinkel were later criticised..for their designs' unarchaeological exuberance.
unarduous adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɑːdjʊəs/
U.S. /ˌənˈɑrdʒəwəs/
1773 St. James's Chron. 22 May I will not..give myself the Trouble of performing this Task, unarduous as it may be.
1867 Macmillan's Mag. Feb. 355/1 These found it consistent with their unarduous duties to hold livings at a distance.
1942 Sci. & Society 6 315 Those questing for unarduous solutions to our problems.
2001 Times (Nexis) 19 Mar. Our own placid and unarduous enjoyment of bed and love remained unchanged over the years.
unbitchy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbɪtʃi/
U.S. /ˌənˈbɪtʃi/
1963 S. Farrar Death in Wrong Bed x. 148 You're the unbitchiest woman I know.
2006 Sunday Express (Nexis) 22 Jan. 13 She proved a caring, unbitchy, articulate and thoughtful housemate.
unbitter adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbɪtə/
U.S. /ˌənˈbɪdər/
1709 Felltham's Resolves (ed. 12) xx. 55 Unbitter Jests I like well; but they are fitter for the Tavern, than for the Majesty of a Temple.
1883 Q. Rev. Jan. 188 His picturesque, naïve, and unbitter narrative.
1920 Machinists' Monthly Jrnl. Dec. 1119/1 It is difficult to write a report unbiased and unbitter on this matter.
2014 Times (Nexis) 16 Aug. (Weekend section) He remains remarkably unbitter after confronting loss so young.
unblameworthy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbleɪmˌwəːði/
U.S. /ˌənˈbleɪmˌwərði/
1854 Frederick Douglass' Paper (Rochester, N.Y.) 6 Oct. An explanation, which, if true, takes this hateful prejudice out of the category of sin, pride and folly, and makes it natural, and, therefore, unblameworthy.
1966 S. Smith Frog Prince 78 Touch, where the feeling is most vulnerable, Unblameworthy.
2006 Independent (Nexis) 10 Dec. 42 Audrey Hepburn was every bit as skeletal..owing..to entirely unblameworthy wartime malnutrition in childhood.
unblasé adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈblɑːzeɪ/
U.S. /ˌənˌblɑˈzeɪ/
1851 ‘Joseph’ N.-Y. Aristocracy vii. 77 His invitations are received with the same unblasè [sic] pleasure..as they would be by the catechumen of sixteen.
1977 C. Wood James Bond, Spy who loved Me vii. 58 Only the most skilful and unblasé eye would be able to detect an unfamiliar outline.
2009 Financial Times 5 Sept. (Life & Arts section) 2/1 This is Glasgow and they're absolutely un-ironic, un-blasé and rather high-minded.
unbraw adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnˈbrɔː/
U.S. /ˌənˈbrɔ/
1825 J. Jamieson Etymol. Dict. Sc. Lang. Suppl. Onbraw, ugly, not handsome;..Unbecoming.
1956 R. Jenkins Guests of War iv. i. 167 The unbraw unlovable puke married to yon specky gasping smout of a barber.
2014 G. Ferris Gallowglass xxi. 117 Wullie was perched as far forward on the deck as possible, by the forestay. Like an unbraw figurehead.
unbureaucratic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnbjʊərəˈkratɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌbjʊrəˈkrædɪk/
1865 Sanitary Comm. Bull. (Washington, D.C.) July 1219/2 The unofficial and unbureaucratic life which is the proud prerogative of a self-governing nation.
1970 Daily Tel. 16 Oct. (Colour Suppl.) 68/1 The first stages..were remarkably easy, unbureaucratic, and free from the famous red tape.
2015 Observer (Nexis) 28 Mar. Football Action Network is an open, unbureaucratic network of football activists.
uncerebral adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsᵻˈriːbr(ə)l/
U.S. /ˌənsəˈribrəl/
1884 Daily Kennebec Jrnl. (Augusta, Maine) 24 Aug. If he should have one [sc. an idea] it would perish from predestined loneliness, though not before it had probably caused uncerebral congestion by occupancy of a vacuum.
1934 F. S. Fitzgerald Tender is Night ii. i. 153 His criteria of uncerebral phrase-making was that it was American.
2011 Guardian (Nexis) 7 Aug. 32 I worry a little about the speed with which I become so completely un-cerebral, almost incapable of reading, or coherent thought.
unchoosy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈtʃuːzi/
U.S. /ˌənˈtʃuzi/
1947 Oakland (Calif.) Tribune 19 Oct. c3/1 The jobs..were those open to any alert and unchoosy youngster.
2004 R. K. Fullinwider & J. Lichtenberg Leveling Playing Field i. 2 Competition creates ripple effects, spreading to what were once quite unchoosy schools.
un-Christmassy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkrɪsməsi/
U.S. /ˌənˈkrɪsməsi/
1860 Critic 29 Dec. 819/1 Christmas week is not one in which un-Christmassy books are to be expected.
1927 D. H. Lawrence Let. 12 Dec. (1962) II. 1026 The post is so tiresome here, and altogether one feels so unchristmassy.
2017 S. Kinsella My not so Perfect Life viii. 115 The DJ is firmly un-Christmassy—Slade hasn't been played once.
un-clued-up adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnkluːdˈʌp/
U.S. /ˌənˌkludˈəp/
1970 D. Francis Rat Race ix. 116 The Derrydowns Six had been hired by an un-clued-up trainer.
2006 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 11 Nov. (Weekend section) 8 Just how unclued-up we are is made clear in the course of our morning forage.
uncomradely adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɒmreɪdli/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɑmrədli/
1891 Rep. Comm. Encampment in Jrnl. 23rd National Encampment Dept. Potomac Grand Army Republic 103 The language used by Comrade Odell..should..be discountenanced as unwarranted, unfraternal, and uncomradely.
2012 Business Day (S. Afr.) (Nexis) 19 June We condemn this uncomradely behaviour in the strongest possible terms.
uncontemporary adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnkənˈtɛmp(ə)r(ər)i/
U.S. /ˌənkənˈtɛmpəˌrɛri/
1866 Notes & Queries 22 Sept. 221/2 A slim middle-aged man, in quaint, uncontemporary habiliments.
1966 A. White Diary 29 Sept. (1993) iii. 154 I get more and more uncontemporary as regards novels, art, music, theatre.
2016 Australian (Nexis) 15 July 15 Because it is old, slow, difficult, stubborn, marginal and uncontemporary, painting is well placed to express a sense of estrangement from..some of the prevailing conditions of our time.
uncosy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkəʊzi/
U.S. /ˌənˈkoʊzi/
1831 National Mag. 2 186 The unfurnished state and uncozy appearance of Mr. Bankes' big drawing-rooms.
1976 Times Lit. Suppl. 26 Mar. 344/2 Paris, where they knew nobody, and where their collègues de carrière were, at the outset at least, singularly uncosy.
2001 N. Lindsay Diving through Clouds iii. 26 It feels cold and with only the one light on, uncosy.
uncreditworthy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkrɛdɪtˌwəːði/
U.S. /ˌənˈkrɛdᵻtˌwərði/
1894 Mysore Law Rep. 15 329 I consider this excuse flimsy and uncreditworthy.
1929 Irish Times 12 Sept. 3/3 (heading) Credit worthy and uncredit worthy borrowers.
2014 Sunday Times (Nexis) 20 Apr. (Business section) 10 Her damaged credit history would..make her uncreditworthy in the eyes of a lender.
undeducible adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndᵻˈdjuːsᵻbl/
U.S. /ˌəndəˈd(j)usəb(ə)l/
1793 C. Dibdin Younger Brother II. iv. viii. 248 I shall not here treat of such innate, undeducible affections.
1854 M. Evans tr. L. Feuerbach Essence Christianity viii. 84 The differentia specifica..is always in the ordinary sense inexplicable, undeducible.
1952 Mind 61 267 What is unexpectable—or unpredictable or undeducible.
2006 Brit. Jrnl. Hist. Sci. 39 277 The use of surviving relics to infer that in the past there had been a sequence of contingent, unique, and unrepeated events and distinctive periods, both of which were undeducible and unpredictable from general principles.
undestructive adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndᵻˈstrʌktɪv/
U.S. /ˌəndəˈstrəktɪv/
1654 J. Hall Of Govt. & Obed. iv. 476 As it is conceived undestructive to other appetites.
1870 Sat. Rev. 5 Feb. 194/2 The undestructive revolution which his theory..was certain to bring about.
1948 Pacific Affairs 21 348 The relatively undestructive reoccupation of coastal China and Manchuria.
2012 Belfast Tel. (Nexis) 15 Aug. My drinking on this movie was as undestructive as I could possibly make it.
undisastrous adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndᵻˈzɑːstrəs/
U.S. /ˌəndəˈzæstrəs/
1865 H. H. Milman tr. Pindar in Agamemnon of Aeschylus & Bacchanals of Euripides 188 By greatest Jove I supplicate, To Thebes' exalted state, Urge undisastrous thy fleet steeds divine!
1931 V. Sackville-West All Passion Spent iii. 218 He managed to be an undisastrous Prime Minister of England during five..difficult years.
2008 J. O'Neill Netherland (2009) 126 Her parents' marriage had throughout stayed intact..and of course she'd lived in undisastrous old England.
undoctrinaire adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndɒktrᵻˈnɛː/
U.S. /ˌənˌdɑktrəˈnɛ(ə)r/
1900 Public Opinion 18 Oct. 491/1 Herr Auer said things about women's political aspirations that were certainly undoctrinaire and perhaps unfeeling.
1962 Times 4 Apr. 6/5 Her sensibility inclines her to an undoctrinaire approach.
2013 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 12 Jan. Aside from his stubborn but undoctrinaire pacifism, he was conventional in his habits, manners and dress.
undynamic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndʌɪˈnamɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌdaɪˈnæmɪk/
1863 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Oct. 506/1 Like the electric fluid, money is undynamic when at rest.
a1974 R. Crossman Diaries (1975) I. 33 Their proposals..struck me as extremely undynamic and dull.
2016 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 7 Apr. 60/1 The most undynamic of all the European regimes was that of the stolid António Salazar.
unecstatic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻkˈstatɪk/
U.S. /ˌənᵻkˈstædɪk/
1853 Peterson's Mag. Feb. 120/2 A life of quiet and unecstatic happiness.
1953 Ess. in Crit. 3 95 A universe..forever beyond..tomorrow's unecstatic nights at home.
2016 Internat. N.Y. Times (Nexis) 7 Sept. 11 A long life tells in every line of her ardent but unecstatic, tight-lipped face.
unegoist adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈiːɡəʊɪst/
U.S. /ˌənˈiɡəwəst/
1845 J. W. Carlyle Let. 18 Sept. in Coll. Lett. T. & J. W. Carlyle (1993) XIX. 202 ‘I find your toast unegoist’ said he.
1972 Salt Lake Tribune 28 Apr. 2 e/2 It [sc. an album] was unadvertised, unegoist and un just about everything except un-bought.
unegoistic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌniːɡəʊˈɪstɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌiɡoʊˈɪstɪk/
1854 London Investigator May 27/1 The want of an unsectarian, unsnobbish, and unegoistic periodical has long been bitterly felt by first-class free-thinkers.
1942 E. Bowen Bowen's Court x. 270 Henry was unegoistic.
2011 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 21 July 25 How fundamentally unegoistic this incredibly magnetic personality really was.
unegotistic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɛɡəˈtɪstɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌiɡəˈtɪstɪk/
1817 Examiner 10 Aug. 510/1 That species of wisdom, kindly and unegotistic, which is generated by suffering united with genius.
1939 D. Cecil Young Melbourne i. 25 She cared for few people; but these she loved with a strong, unegotistic affection.
2014 Belfast Tel. (Nexis) 2 May He was supportive and unegotistic.
unegotistical adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɛɡəˈtɪstᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌiɡəˈtɪstək(ə)l/
1841 F. M. Trollope Blue Belles of Eng. xiii in Metrop. Mag. May 7 In honest truth, I do believe that I am the most egotistical soul alive!
1932 E. Wharton in Scribner's Mag. Feb. 113/1 Like many perfectly unegotistical women Catherine Glenn had no subject of conversation except her own affairs.
2014 Guardian (Nexis) 4 July (Features section) 2 The kind of calm, reasonable, unegotistical fellow who takes on board other people's advice.
unerotic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻˈrɒtɪk/
U.S. /ˌənəˈrɑdɪk/
1879 Athenæum 27 Dec. 824/3 R. Pokorný contributes two publications, ‘Under the Bohemian Sky’ and ‘Unerotic Songs’.
1930 V. Sackville-West Edwardians vi. 275 Morning is bleak and unerotic.
2015 M. Clausen tr. D. Hammer-Tugendhat Visible & Invisible i. i. 37 It is impossible to objectively measure how erotic or unerotic an actual, living person is.
unetymological adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɛtᵻməˈlɒdʒᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌɛdəməˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/
1824 Monthly Mag. Dec. 420/2 We request the reader not to be so unetymological in his apprehensions, as to confound..the essential divinity of Imagination with that mere will-o'-the-wisp, Fancy.
1960 P. H. Reaney Orig. Eng. Place-names i. 13 A similar unetymological -ham- appears in the early forms of Alphamstone, Alfelmestune 1086, Alfhampston 1318, ‘Ælfhelm's farm’.
2010 Amer. Poetry Rev. 39 54/1 Language critics have condemned this usage for more than 100 years as both pretentious and unetymological.
unexotic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻɡˈzɒtɪk/
U.S. /ˌənɛɡˈzɑdɪk/
1894 Sat. Rev. 21 Apr. 425/2 A poet..whose diction is simple, clear, unexotic.
1951 ‘J. Wyndham’ Day of Triffids vi. 116 Her pleasant though unexotic countenance.
2011 E. Bache Art of saying Goodbye i. 3 She was furious at being sucked into this ordinary, unexotic tragedy.
unextensible adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻkˈstɛnsᵻbl/
U.S. /ˌənᵻkˈstɛnsəb(ə)l/
1827 J. Bentham Rationale Judicial Evid. IV. ix. ii. vii. 599 The limited and unextensible quantity of time allowed.
1997 J. Sametinger Software Engin. with Reusable Components xii. 155 Any additions have to be incorporated into the structure of the existing system..without yielding to an unmanageable, unextensible and unmaintainable system.
unfemale adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfiːmeɪl/
U.S. /ˌənˈfiˌmeɪl/
1766 J. Fordyce Serm. Young Women II. xii. 306 But some [women] are..not less unchristian, or less unfemale than the others.
1862 W. Bagehot in National Rev. Jan. 210 The whole tide of abstract discussion..is quite unfemale.
1968 Illustr. London News 3 Feb. 26/3 To take orders from an unfemale woman is a sexual humiliation for any but the least male of men.
2008 Times (Nexis) 3 Oct. (T2 section) 2 It is not seen as somehow unfemale for them to be pursuing laughter.
unflamboyant adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnflamˈbɔɪənt/
U.S. /ˌənˌflæmˈbɔɪ(j)ənt/
1903 Boston Sunday Globe 1 Mar. (Mag.) It was neuritis modestly concealing itself under an unflamboyant pseudonym.
2016 Sunday Times (Nexis) 31 July (Culture section) 24 He is that relative rarity, a conductor unflamboyant yet charismatic.
unfond adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfɒnd/
U.S. /ˌənˈfɑnd/
1725 Orig. & Genuine Lett. to Tatler & Spectator II. 42 With an inimitable and unfond easiness he received their duty.
1803 G. Culley Let. 24 Jan. in M. Culley & G. Culley Farming Lett. (2006) 406 I am very unfond of buying turnips.
1964 Punch 11 Nov. 732/2 A medley of mutually unfond nationalities.
2013 Times (Nexis) 22 June (Mag. section) It's not that I'm unfond of sex... I'm just not very good at it.
unforceful adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfɔːsf(ᵿ)l/
U.S. /ˌənˈfɔrsf(ə)l/
a1856 E. Peabody Christian Days & Thoughts (1858) 39 Gentle, unforceful natures, whose natural characteristic is a loving, trusting, affectionate temper.
1958 Life 28 July 39/2 (advt.) As if there were something faintly impractical and unforceful about making a career of aiding.
2014 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 23 June a21 He seems so absent and unforceful a leader that in recent days some have speculated that he is gravely ill.
unfoul adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfaʊl/
U.S. /ˌənˈfaʊl/
1837 J. B. Ker Ess. Archæol. Pop. Phrases & Nursery Rhymes (new ed.) I. 118 Fair play is unfoul play.
2006 Observer (Nexis) 9 July (Review section) 3 The weather remains resolutely unfoul.
unfresh adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfrɛʃ/
U.S. /ˌənˈfrɛʃ/
1842 Dublin Univ. Mag. Dec. 687/1 He steps out on the pavé for a little unfresh air.
1920 Outing June 154/2 Long-boiled water or water unfresh spoils it.
2012 Mail on Sunday (Nexis) 26 Aug. A series of queues for rare, wonky consumer goods and unfresh food.
unfretful adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfrɛtf(ᵿ)l/
U.S. /ˌənˈfrɛtf(ə)l/
1809 Scots Mag. Jan. 40/2 Labour unfretful, yielding to the doom That mingles worldly ill with heavenly good.
1919 Atlantic Monthly Nov. 684/2 Jane Amoret.., dazed but unfretful, suffered herself to be placed again on the rug among the blocks.
2006 Guardian (Nexis) 3 Jan. 16 These were unfretful days when British Rail existed to serve the people.
unfrisky adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfrɪski/
U.S. /ˌənˈfrɪski/
In quot. 1867 as n.
1867 Owl 13 Feb. 5/2 Oh! cry out the unfrisky, ‘Turn her out of the nest.’
1875 E. H. Huddleston Bluebell II. iii. 38 This pleasure [sc. dancing] was partaken of quite as ‘sadly’ as if they were our own unfrisky compatriots.
2006 Guardian (Nexis) 4 Mar. (Guide Suppl.) 4 The famously unfrisky mammals [sc. pandas] only produce one cub.
unfunctional adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfʌŋ(k)ʃn̩(ə)l/
U.S. /ˌənˈfəŋ(k)ʃ(ə)nəl/
1857 G. G. Scott Remarks Secular & Domest. Archit. xi. 251 I should wish in dignified building to see the construction, and to reserve rich casings for panels, tympanums, inlayings, and other unfunctional features.
1940 Lancet 25 May 976/1 This splint,..holds the arm in an uncomfortable and un-functional position.
2016 Guardian (Nexis) 5 Jan. (Opinion section) The concept of being completely unfunctional without tea.
ungimmicky adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡɪmᵻki/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡɪmᵻki/
1957 Daily Defender (Chicago) 24 Oct. 16/1 (caption) Un-gimmicky smoothness and Gallic imagination.
2006 Daily Mirror (Nexis) 11 May 41 The dynamic and yet ungimmicky camera work is worthy of mention.
ungradual adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡradjʊəl/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡrædʒ(ə)wəl/
1730 ‘The Mariner’ Specimen towards New & Compl. Plan 13 Ambitious Views, which..a Man..finds no means to arrive at, but what are slow, ungradual, and ten to one but unattainable at last.
1866 W. D. Howells Venetian Life v. 67 A certain gliding, ungradual locomotion, altogether spectral.
1994 Economist 23 Apr. 51/3 After each quarter point increase, the stockmarket took a decidedly un-gradual tumble.
ungroovy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡruːvi/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡruvi/
1947 N.Y. Amsterdam News 6 Dec. 23/1 Nothing but a lot of ungroovy action to nobody's satisfaction.
2015 Sunday Times (S. Afr.) (Nexis) 6 Sept. Even though vinyl is back in fashion, it is still deeply ungroovy to say groovy.
unhesitant adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈhɛzᵻt(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˌənˈhɛzədənt/
1862 C. H. Ramsay tr. Purgatorio xxi, in tr. Dante Divina Commedia II. 223 Thus she spoke, with voice unhesitant.
1921 W. Hall Salesman's Kindergarten iv. 130 His part of the conversation was terse, decisive and unhesitant.
2015 Globe & Mail (Canada) (Nexis) 16 Oct. r6 It's an unhesitant first step into gangland fare.
unideological adj.
Brit. /ʌnˌʌɪdɪəˈlɒdʒᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌɪdiəˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/
1935 N. Mitchison We have been Warned iii. 298 Tom refused to admit that there is anything unideological about cafés.
2003 Independent 14 Apr. i. 7/2 If irregulars such as the Fedayeen are as unideological as the British military insists they are, what would be their motivation?
unimpartial adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪmˈpɑːʃl/
U.S. /ˌənᵻmˈpɑrʃ(ə)l/
Quot. 1732, in the meaning ‘impartial’, may show a formation in sense 10b or may reflect impartial adj. 3.
1732 E. Boyd Happy-unfortunate 102 Each had..a Judgment piercing, just, and unimpartial.]
1886 Academy 6 Feb. 94/3 In spite of the unimpartial and personal tone of his remarks.
2004 Daily Tel. 23 Jan. 2/8 A rule that preserved dubious convictions by unimpartial juries ‘will gnaw at public confidence’.
unincisive adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪnˈsʌɪsɪv/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈsaɪsɪv/
1873 People (Indianapolis) 9 Feb. 6/1 Judge Poland's dilatory and unincisive examination.
1961 Financial Times 26 Apr. 22/3 The performance was drab, unincisive, lacking in contrast of tone or pace.
2008 Afr. Today 54 100 A rather unincisive four pages on political culture and political development.
uninnocent adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɪnəsnt/
U.S. /ˌənˈɪnəs(ə)nt/
In quot. 1610 as n.
1610 H. Broughton Iob xxii. 133 He will spare the vninnocent, as Cham was to Noe, and he shalbe spared for thy pure hands.
1651 T. Tany Theous Ori Apokolipikal v. 25 So the creation became vain in their uninnocent actings.
1883 M. Oliphant Mem. Sheridan v. 170 Genial, not uninnocent amusement.
1920 Argosy-Allstory Weekly 23 Oct. 465/1 I have had men say that to me before..when they had most uninnocent proposals to make.
2007 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 27 Jan. 23 The mere recitation of these names serves to remind one quite how uninnocent—even sinister—all these toys were.
unintensive adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪnˈtɛnsɪv/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈtɛnsɪv/
1879 Expositor 9 116 Modern editors have..treated the poem as unintensive.
1939 Musical Times 80 429/1 The contrast lies between the specialism of the Boyd Neel orchestra..and a highly expert but unintensive job done by the L[ondon] S[ymphony] O[rchestra].
2005 Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) (Nexis) 26 Mar. 3 Unintensive land use that will not pose a risk to the groundwater.
unintrospective adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪntrə(ʊ)ˈspɛktɪv/
U.S. /ˌənˌɪntrəˈspɛktɪv/
1850 E. Peabody Relig. Culture of Young 17 Its picturesque, emotional, unintrospective style.
1931 Times Lit. Suppl. 26 Mar. 241/2 Such a straightforward lie was possible to so unintrospective an artist as Milton, but not to Donne.
2004 J. Wood Irresponsible Self (2005) 117 Frédéric, who is essentially unintrospective, is somewhat empty.
unjingoistic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndʒɪŋɡəʊˈɪstɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌdʒɪŋɡoʊˈɪstɪk/
1958 Economist 21 June 1078/3 A well-written history of the crucial years that culminated in the Mutiny, told from an unjingoistic and compassionate viewpoint.
2004 Gay Times Feb. 33/1 He loved his country with a consuming passion, which was all the stronger for being entirely un-jingoistic.
unkosher adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkəʊʃə/
U.S. /ˌənˈkoʊʃər/
1897 Jewish Exponent (Philadelphia) 29 Jan. 2/2 He would, perhaps, put such a one in Cherem for shaving or for drinking unkosher wine.
1965 Guardian 4 Aug. 6/4 The Israeli Embassy..had almost been faced with an Israeli parliamentary inquiry into its allegedly sinful un-Kosher way of life.
2006 H. Engel There was Old Woman iv. 30 I'd rather eat an unkosher chicken from a supermarket than talk to that man.
unlegendary adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈlɛdʒ(ə)nd(ə)ri/
U.S. /ˌənˈlɛdʒənˌdɛri/
1880 C. I. Black Proselytes of Ishmael ii. i. 63 The unlegendary narrative records that Attila's death took place on the evening of the day when he united himself to a new bride.
1939 S. Spender Still Centre 97 In you The Caesars tamed by dying, fired again Their lives in the unlegendary sky.
2003 D. Donoghue Lady Godiva 1 Even if she never made a naked ride through Coventry, her unlegendary life makes a compelling story.
unlocal adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈləʊkl/
U.S. /ˌənˈloʊk(ə)l/
1684 J. R. R. tr. J. Claude Catholick Doctr. of Eucharist iv. v. 274 How it [sc. the body of Christ] can be in a place after an unlocal manner, neither palbable [sic], nor divisible, thus more like a Spirit than a Body.
1854 M. Evans tr. L. Feuerbach Essence Christianity xxii. 215 God sees..all locality in an unlocal manner.
1977 D. Jones My Friend Dylan Thomas iv. 40 This unlocal, uncentral world where the pubs are bad and the people are sly.
2012 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 4 July d1 There are plenty of unlocal, unartisanal and unapologetically corporate products that we continue to crave and cook with.
unmental adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈmɛntl/
U.S. /ˌənˈmɛn(t)l/
In quot. 1834 as n.
1834 S. E. Brydges Autobiogr. II. i. 2 The unmental pay regard only to wealth and rank in possession.
1840 Musical World 5 Nov. 291 The selections performed are..trifling, common-place, and unmental.
1928 A. Loos But Gentlemen marry Brunettes ii. 34 I should have known enough to have my doubts about the literature of any literary gentlemen who have friendships with an unmental girl like Dorothy.
1995 D. Grambs Just ask Mr. Wordwizard 45 You see, hopefully has become a mental knee-jerk word, or rather an unmental one. It's become a posturing lead-off, a by-now unconscious one.
unnervous adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈnəːvəs/
U.S. /ˌənˈnərvəs/
1749 J. Cleland Mem. Woman of Pleasure II. 128 How faulter'd and unnervous the execution!
1861 A. J. Penny Romance Dull Life xl. 295 An unnervous nature, blessed with social effrontery.
1953 N. Coward Diary 18 May (2000) 212 Again I was curiously un-nervous and gave a controlled performance.
2013 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 27 July (Mag. section) Her gaze is remarkably unflinching; unnervous, but not stern.
unneurotic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnjᵿˈrɒtɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌn(j)ʊˈrɑdɪk/
1897 Idler Aug. 127/1 Even so un-neurotic a writer as Fielding has classified some of them [sc. ways of loving].
1980 S. Brett Dead Side of Mike x. 113 A very balanced and unneurotic personality.
2016 Sunday Times Mag. (Nexis) 1 May 66 I had an unneurotic upbringing and I was a habitual little liar.
unnew adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈnjuː/
U.S. /ˌə(n)ˈn(j)u/
1818 J. Brown Psyche 137 In honesty, the unnew notion Of giving Psyche loco-motion, Is traceable to merry Prior.
1948 College Eng. 10 14/1 I have heard charges against these poets—that they are sentimental, obvious, old-fashioned, unnew, chauvinistic.
2012 S. C. M. Paine Wars for Asia, 1911–49 ii. vi. 161 The New People's Principles' heavy reliance on Confucianism seemed remarkably unnew.
unnormal adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈnɔːml/
U.S. /ˌənˈnɔrm(ə)l/
1855 J. H. Fairchild Remarkable Incidents 337 Such councils are, and have always been considered to be unnormal.
1943 W. Soutar Diary 1 Aug. in Diaries of Dying Man (1991) xiv. 160 Two or three times within the last month I have experienced unnormal sensations when in a very light drowsiness during the night.
2014 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 9 Dec. 43 Because he's always been on tour it's not unnormal for him not to be around.
unobsolete adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɒbsəliːt/
U.S. /ˌənˌɑbsəˈlit/
1838 Monthly Chron. 2 429 They..speak the same unobsolete language.
1906 R. Fanshawe Corydon clxxvi. 89 If here unobsolete All sanctities of song, thy lamp undim.
2012 R. Flannagan in T. N. Corns Milton Encycl. 101/1 Verity's annotations are remarkable..for their unobsolete or undatable objectivity.
unodoriferous adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəʊdəˈrɪf(ə)rəs/
U.S. /ˌənˌoʊdəˈrɪf(ə)rəs/
1830 N.-Y. Mirror 16 Oct. 116/1 Dense clouds of dark and unodoriferous smoke.
1998 J. Updike Bech at Bay (2012) 177 She gave off a babyish scent..; otherwise her body was unodoriferous.
unornate adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɔːˈneɪt/
U.S. /ˌənˌɔrˈneɪt/
1819 Brit. Critic Oct. 426 His style though unornate is remarkably chaste.
1917 Harvard Graduates' Mag. June 617/1 To retain the values of idea and meaning, yet secure a readable, un-ornate English.
2015 ‘Evol’ in L. Zimmer Art of Cardboard ii. 36 Row after row of unornate apartment buildings.
unpacifist adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpasᵻfɪst/
U.S. /ˌənˈpæsəfəst/
1916 J. Buchan Greenmantle iii. 30 He got a brussels-sprout in the eye, at which..he swore in a very unpacifist style.
2013 R. Ellis E. Toller & German Society vii. 206 The effects of the war and its profoundly unpacifist influence on Germany's ‘youth cohort’.
unparasitical adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnparəˈsɪtᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌpɛrəˈsɪdᵻk(ə)l/
1841 T. Campbell Life of Petrarch I. x. 200 A poet sacrifices his usefulness to himself and others..if he shuns the patronage that can be obtained by unparasitical means.
2007 J. König in R. Morello & A. D. Morrison Anc. Lett. xi. 269 These abortive attempts at sincere, unparasitical friendship.
unperiodical adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpɪərɪˈɒdᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌpɪriˈɑdək(ə)l/
1725 A. Blackwall Sacred Classics I. ii. i. 293 Aristotle charges Herodotus with the loose or unperiodical way of writing.
1876 J. Bernstein Five Senses ix. 282 Noise is produced by irregular, unperiodical movements of those bodies which convey sound.
2006 C. M. Yorg Rojas & P. H. Trombetta Zannin in L. Berga et al. Dams & Reservoirs II. 1297/1 Periodical and unperiodical maintenance of the generating units and the civil structures.
unphilological adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnfɪləˈlɒdʒᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌfɪləˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/
1784 J. Jenkins Inconsistency of Infant-sprinkling vi. 90 It is very unphilological, that the secondary meaning should set aside the primary.
1871 J. Earle Philol. Eng. Tongue vii. 385 It would be unphilological to let them be absorbed into any class of words whatever.
1965 Times Lit. Suppl. 7 Jan. 12/5 Articles of a wholly unphilological interest are those whose main point is typological or allegorical.
2005 Jrnl. Eng. & Germanic Philol. 104 258 The Powers of Philology is as unphilological a book as one about philology could be.
unphonemic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnfəˈniːmɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌfoʊˈnimɪk/
1936 Language 12 60 The glottal stop in German also marks the beginning of a word, but it is unphonemic..since it can be omitted without hindering intelligibility.
2003 F. Coulmas Writing Syst. ix. 187 Unphonemic spellings that are not motivated by morpheme constancy, such as debt.
unplayful adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpleɪf(ᵿ)l/
U.S. /ˌənˈpleɪf(ə)l/
1847 J. East Glimpses of Ireland in 1847 42 The absence of the children from the streets and roads, or their unplayful mood when seen, was..one of the most touching evidences of the depth of the general distress.
1953 Illustr. London News 25 Apr. 660/3 If the adult sheep is stolid and unplayful it is largely the result of the burden of domestication.
2010 National Post (Canada) (Nexis) 13 Mar. a26 Usually the foxes..chase the cats, with evidently unplayful intentions.
unpolemical adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpəˈlɛmᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənpəˈlɛmək(ə)l/
a1834 A. W. Hare Serm. to Country Congregation (1836) II. 508 Leaving room in the middle for the unpolemical Christian.
1912 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 6 652 The necessity of an impartial, exhaustive and unpolemical study.
2005 Daily Tel 26 Apr. 18/2 A pithy and refreshingly unpolemical contribution to the fast-growing stock of theatrical odds and sods written in response to the new world disorder.
unpolicemanly adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpᵿˈliːsmənli/
U.S. /ˌənpəˈlismənli/
1936 ‘M. Innes’ Death at President's Lodging ix. 164 Appleby had brought out his notebook—not without a certain diffidence over the remains of the Dean's elegant and unpolicemanly luncheon.
2007 R. Barnard Fall from Grace viii. 109 He pulled himself up. He was being unpolicemanly.
unpositive adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpɒzᵻtɪv/
U.S. /ˌənˈpɑzədɪv/
1776 J. Burrow Rep. Court King's Bench 4 2126 The Affirmation of the Plaintiff..went on further, and added Words, which rendered it unpositive.
1868 H. Bushnell Serm. Living Subj. 17 She is a person too unpositive..to be affirmatively capable of anything.
1986 Crafts May 49/1 The implied negatives?.. I'm not against anything, and don't write that word ‘negative’. Say unpositive.
2013 Globe & Mail (Canada) (Nexis) 20 July a21 If you can't read or write, then it leads to unpositive choices.
unprestigious adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnprɛˈstɪdʒəs/
U.S. /ˌənˌprɛˈstidʒəs/
1959 Charleston (W. Va.) Gaz. 7 Sept. 7/4 They are aware of his puny, unprestigious assignments.
2015 Daily Mirror (Nexis) 25 Jan. 31 As unprestigious as the ridiculous British Soap Awards.
unpriggish adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈprɪɡɪʃ/
U.S. /ˌənˈprɪɡɪʃ/
1855 S. P. Bowen Lily xx. 242 Clarence Tracy..was but an unpriggish Joseph Surface, after all.
1933 H. Walpole Vanessa iii. 484 She learnt now to be patient, tolerant and unpriggish.
2008 W. Oddie Chesterton & Making of Orthodoxy ii. 74 In an entirely unpriggish way, he appears to have been genuinely respected by these boisterous teenage boys.
unprim adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈprɪm/
U.S. /ˌənˈprɪm/
1871 Sat. Rev. 4 Feb. 137/1 Prim English matrons; and Yankee girls of a very unprim type indeed.
1954 K. Amis Lucky Jim vii. 77 It was surely wrong to dress..in a way that was so un-prim when you were really so proper all of the time.
2003 N.Z. Herald (Nexis) 9 Aug. She is pictured..in an entirely un-prim pose.
unprivate adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈprʌɪvᵻt/
U.S. /ˌənˈpraɪvᵻt/
1651 Bp. J. Taylor Rule & Exercises Holy Dying v. §5. 289 For publike sins..are most commonly the greatest; such as murder, sacriledge, and others of unconcealed nature, and unprivate action.
1874 Catholic World Sept. 808/1 The out-of-door, unprivate life which is engendered amongst Italians by their beautiful climate.
1974 P. Gzowski Bk. about this Country 190 I'd..have to become what I call an unprivate person in relation to social issues.
2013 Philadelphia Inquirer (Nexis) 17 Jan. c2 ‘I loved the privacy,’ Kim tells the Associated Press in a most unprivate chat.
unpugnacious adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpʌɡˈneɪʃəs/
U.S. /ˌənˌpəɡˈneɪʃəs/
1846 Morning Post 19 June 3/3 He was..compelled to offer his services to unpugnacious merchants.
1962 W. H. Auden Dyer's Hand (1963) 305 As creatures go, he [sc. the ant-eater] is unpugnacious.
2003 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 6 Apr. A particularly graceful, unpugnacious turn of phrase.
unpuritan adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpjʊərᵻt(ə)n/
U.S. /ˌənˈpjʊrətn/
1825 Recorder & Tel. (Boston) 26 Mar. 51/1 We do most heartily regret, that so un-puritan a custom should be worse than imitated in New-York.
1944 A. L. Rowse Eng. Spirit xix. 152 He recommends sermons should last no more than an hour: so very un-Puritan!
2002 Herald (Glasgow) (Nexis) 23 May 38 In an unpuritan age,..you cannot vouch for every loose gag or off-colour line from the myriad radio or TV shows bursting forth.
unpuritanical adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpjʊərᵻˈtanᵻkl/
U.S. /ˌənˌpjʊrəˈtænək(ə)l/
1816 Brit. Critic May 544 The Unpuritanical portion of the Established Church.
1923 R. U. Johnson Remembered Yesterdays xii. 493 The well-known unpuritanical romance, ‘Sapho’.
2006 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 1 May 5 Some distinctly unpuritanical behaviour has been witnessed.
unrational adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈraʃn̩(ə)l/
U.S. /ˌənˈræʃ(ə)n(ə)l/
1647 Word to Lieut. Gen. Cromwel 50 Can any men be so unrational to to imagine..That the Parliament should ever give any other Commission then what obligeth them to the obedience of the Parliament.
1771 R. Brand Rupture Curers Displayed (ed. 2) 46 Every unrational plan of operation.
1858 H. Bushnell Nature & Supernatural iii. 66 The immense array of mythologic and formally unrational religions.
1968 Life 26 Apr. 25/2 False pride, vanity, lust, greed and unrational ambitions.
2006 Church Times 20 Jan. 23/5 I am sorry to see Channel 4 broadcast so resolutely unrational a programme.
unrepetitive adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈpɛtᵻtɪv/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈpɛdədɪv/
1865 A. B. Grosart Lambs all Safe (ed. 3) 83 Wishing to be as brief, and..unrepetitive [1864 (ed. 1) unrepeatative] as possible.
1963 New Scientist 7 Mar. 518/1 The other [noise] is irregular and unrepetitive.
2005 Observer (Nexis) 4 Sept. 13 What is most immediately striking about the [print] collection is how unrepetitive, and yet how unified, it is.
unresilient adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈzɪlɪənt/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈzɪliənt/
1826 Richards' Welsh & Eng. Dict.: Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesoneg 28/1 Anwrthneidiol, unresilient.
1949 St. J. Ervine Craigavon ii. lxvi. 296 Whose unresilient and unimaginative mind.
2016 Vancouver Sun (Nexis) 20 Sept. a11 Sometimes I think parents do not realize how resilient their children are. Maybe the problem lies with unresilient parents.
unreticent adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈrɛtᵻsnt/
U.S. /ˌənˈrɛdəs(ə)nt/
1862 Illustr. Times 10 May 31/1 Some cleverly drawn and very unreticent word-portraits of the principal Northern statesmen in America.
1936 M. Franklin All that Swagger l. 377 Novels which..provoked attention by their unreticent details of bodily functionings.
2016 Observer (Nexis) 27 Mar. When presented with work-life conflicts, men were unreticent about choosing work.
unrevolutionary adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrɛvəˈl(j)uːʃn̩(ə)ri/
U.S. /ˌənˌrɛvəˈluʃəˌnɛri/
1830 Star 5 Oct. The present weak, timid, unrevolutionary possessors of revolutionary power.
1940 Music & Rhythm Nov. 27/1 One bright revolutionary morning four summers ago, Soviet citizens were awakened by most unrevolutionary strains coming over the radio.
2003 H. C. von Baeyer Information vi. 42 Max Planck, a decidedly unrevolutionary professor of theoretical physics, reported a bizarre hypothesis.
unrisky adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈrɪski/
U.S. /ˌənˈrɪski/
1871 Morning Post 19 Apr. 6/4 The difficulty of finding profitable and unrisky employment for money.
1909 ‘M. Twain’ Is Shakespeare Dead? 13 When an unrisky opportunity offered..and he was feeling good, I showed it to him.
2015 Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) (Nexis) 23 Sept. 13 Most people don't fully appreciate how unrisky daily life is in a pleasant Western country such as this.
unrural adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈrʊərəl/
U.S. /ˌənˈrʊrəl/
1803 A. Grant Let. 20 Jan. in Lett. from Mountains (1806) III. 229 Their habits and form of life..are gross and unrural.
1907 L. Josaphare Man who wanted Bungalow 12 The grounds, I saw with my unrural eye, had not been cultivated recently.
2000 High Country News 14 Feb. 5/4 The ‘equity refugees’ bringing their large incomes, trophy homes and unrural attitudes with them to exurbia.
unscenic adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsiːnɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˈsinɪk/
1856 A. T. Gregory Pract. Swiss Guide 2 To the Battle-field of Dornach, carriage-road, 6 mls...—unscenic.
1926 G. Frankau My Unsentimental Journey xiii. 178 And so away from Denver by this route which seems not so unscenic.
2016 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 24 Apr. (Sunday Review section) 9 Might we be better off if we could..legally amble over our rolling fields.., rather than have to walk alongside unscenic, noisy and dangerous roads?
unseductive adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsᵻˈdʌktɪv/
U.S. /ˌənsəˈdəktɪv/
1791 E. Inchbald Simple Story I. ii. 12 Two such unseductive innocent females as Mrs. Horton and her niece.
1878 Atlantic Monthly Dec. 711/1 No spangled tunic on this unseductive Vivian cajoling the enchanter Merlin.
1937 M. Borden Black Virgin ii. 26 He looked at..her neat unseductive clothes and thanked God she was like that.
2012 Internat. Herald Tribune (Nexis) 18 Jan. 10 Zombies, pale but unseductive, have suffered from a bad image problem.
unselective adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsᵻˈlɛktɪv/
U.S. /ˌənsəˈlɛktɪv/
1850 Athenæum 4 May 480/3 Nor does he bring to these subjects a mere unselective and accidental choice.
1968 Punch 24 Jan. 105/2 Flat-rate, unselective welfare was possible when the vast majority of people were earning poor wages and when taxation was relatively light.
2007 Adventure Trav. Jan. 62/3 The trawlers are unselective, their catch-all technique very destructive.
unsemantic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsᵻˈmantɪk/
U.S. /ˌənsəˈmæn(t)ɪk/
1914 L. Bloomfield Introd. Study Lang. vii. 205 A certain salient feature of phonetic change,—namely, its unsemantic character.
2016 L. Biernacki in E. Van Den Hemel & A. Szafraniec Words v. 82 This performative, unsemantic language that defies the rational strictures of language.
unsnobbish adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsnɒbɪʃ/
U.S. /ˌənˈsnɑbɪʃ/
1854 London Investigator May 27/1 The want of an unsectarian, unsnobbish, and unegoistic periodical has long been bitterly felt by first-class free-thinkers.
1934 Parnassus 6 2/2 So unsnobbish a society as the word democracy implies.
2001 Wire June 22/3 I guess what I've always appreciated about Derek is that he's completely unsnobbish.
unsorry adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsɒri/
U.S. /ˌənˈsɔri/
1867 F. E. Trollope Mabel's Progress III. x. 259 Look how happy I am. Do look, papa, it will make you more unsorry.
1963 J. Fowles Collector ii. 195 I'm not really sorry. But I'm not absolutely unsorry.
2010 Toronto Star (Nexis) 8 Nov. a2 There's something compelling about unsorry scam artists.., living by their wits and their chutzpah.
unstarchy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈstɑːtʃi/
U.S. /ˌənˈstɑrtʃi/
1908 Amer. Physician July 271 This lovable un-starchy, genial, laughing-eyed Madden.
2013 M. Berriedale-Johnson Diabetic Cooking for One & Two 117 Celeriac is a great root vegetable for diabetics as it is surprisingly unstarchy.
unstiff adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈstɪf/
U.S. /ˌənˈstɪf/
c1873 V. Montagu in G. Battiscombe Queen Alexandra (1969) ix. 127 It is very jolly here indeed,..very unstiff and only a certain amount of etiquette.
1958 J. Pope-Hennessy in Lonely Business (1981) iii. 248 They said above all she..was ‘such a darling’—such fun—so unstiff.
2013 Dominion Post (Wellington, N.Z.) (Nexis) 3 June 13 It was the turn of the unstiff lower lip.
unstrenuous adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈstrɛnjʊəs/
U.S. /ˌənˈstrɛnjəwəs/
1663 E. Waterhouse Fortescutus Illustratus viii. 128 For them that are in Holy Orders..to be Goliahs and Apollos's in other skills, and rude and unstrenuous in Divinity..is very much a blemish.
1847 G. W. M. Reynolds Parricide xlvi. 136/1 What else could she have been, or thousands also in the great world of London, bred to nothing other than valueless thought, and unstrenuous action?
1923 Times 31 Mar. 6/1 The only unstrenuous and wholly gentle work was Delius's ‘On Hearing the Cuckoo in Spring’.
2011 Trailfinder Spring 12/1 A spectacular yet unstrenuous trek beside the Yangtze at Tiger Leaping Gorge.
unstuffy adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈstʌfi/
U.S. /ˌənˈstəfi/
1897 W. J. Colville Old & New Psychol. xviii. 283 Artistic though unostentatious (and, above all, unstuffy) rooms are to be commended.
1974 K. Clark Another Part of Wood vi. 220 To be one of Lady Cunard's regular guests was to have reached somewhere very near the top of unstuffy, new world society.
2004 A. Greig In Another Light (2005) 32 The planters tend to be fairly upper-crust, but of the enthusiastic and unstuffy sort, here for the adventure.
unsycophantic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsɪkəˈfantɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌsɪkəˈfæn(t)ɪk/
1849 Spirit of Times 25 Aug. 197/3 All true unsycophantic Irishmen.
1933 H. Walpole Vanessa ii. 414 Will's love for [his master] Adam had been..protective, selfless, and also gay, simple, unsycophantic, man to man.
2016 Daily Mail (Nexis) 18 Mar. His avuncular, unsycophantic interview with the Prince of Wales days before his investiture.
unsymmetric adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsᵻˈmɛtrɪk/
U.S. /ˌənsəˈmɛtrɪk/
1835 Edinb. New Philos. Jrnl. 19 346 If we regard the whole organized beings which have lived simultaneously with the Heteroceric Lepidoidians, or those with unsymmetric tails, we shall remark that they were for the most part fixed at the bottom of the waters.
1839 Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 18 204 An unsymmetric function of two arbitrary quantities cannot be equal to a symmetric function of the same.
1957 L. Fox Numerical Solution Two-point Boundary Probl. iv. 103 In this case we would have to use some unsymmetric formula involving only internal points.
2003 Indiana (Pa.) Gaz. 16 Mar. A6/5 I'm..told that a contract was signed last April in Paris for 5 tons of 99 percent unsymmetric dimethylhydrazine.
untense adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈtɛns/
U.S. /ˌənˈtɛns/
1857 Trans. Ohio State Med. Soc. 78 Irritability of stomach abating; abdomen rather untense.
1959 Punch 25 Feb. 277/2 To become untense you must relax.
2004 M. Beaumont Marsha Mellow & Me vii. 92 I was feeling perfectly untense, thank you.
untherapeutic adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnθɛrəˈpjuːtɪk/
U.S. /ˌənˌθɛrəˈpjudɪk/
1882 Cincinnati Lancet & Clinic 21 Jan. 83/1 Nothing could be more untherapeutic, nothing more unphilosophical.
2013 Sunday Express (Nexis) 14 July 28 Some people are being treated without respect, in under-funded, untherapeutic environments.
unurgent adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈəːdʒ(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˌənˈərdʒənt/
1903 D. Wortman Divine Processional 69 His feet unhasting in their speed, His hands Unurgent of their rescue, had been pierced By painfuller nails.
2009 Times (Nexis) 28 Feb. 29 Everything it [sc. the kakapo] does is easy, leisured, unurgent.
unutilitarian adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnjuːtɪlᵻˈtɛːrɪən/
U.S. /ˌənjuˌtɪləˈtɛriən/
1846 Fine Arts' Jrnl. 12 Dec. 86/2 We are well on towards the age of uselessness,—energy in so unutilitarian a matter as Art departed for ever.
1955 S. Spender Making of Poem i. 16 Architecture..expresses the tension of the aesthetic against the useful. At the other extreme, music is completely unutilitarian.
2010 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 12 Sept. (Real Estate section) 5 The light yellow, white and green glazes of the ornament created a distinctly un-utilitarian building.
unviolent adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvʌɪələnt/
U.S. /ˌənˈvaɪ(ə)lənt/
1565 W. Alley Πτωχομυσεῖον ii. sig. CCc.iiiiv/3 Sinne vnuiolent and hys ii. partes the one absolute, the other condicionall.
1664 H. Jackson tr. J. B. da Carpi Μικροκοσμογραϕια (new ed.) 128 The motions of the Breast are..violent expiration, and unviolent, and inspiration unviolent, and also violent.
1866 Geol. Mag. 3 513 The laws..that govern the world are quiet, progressive, and unviolent.
1963 Listener 3 Oct. 522/3 Even his rhetorical phrases..came out with a lack of ferocity which has great charm for people enamoured of unviolent politicians.
2011 Guardian (Nexis) 24 Sept. (Review section) 8 The recent riots..were, for riots, remarkably unviolent.
unvisual adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvɪzjʊəl/
U.S. /ˌənˈvɪʒ(ə)wəl/
1864 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 154 361 There is in this common experiment..a true rendering of unvisual periods visual.
1931 V. Woolf Waves 168 I may find something unvisual beneath [the mind's eye].
2014 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 4 Sept. (Green Guide section) 7 I'm not the most visual person in the world but someone as unvisual as me can certainly get the references.
un-with-it adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈwɪðɪt/
U.S. /ˌənˈwɪθᵻt/
1965 K. Amis James Bond Dossier ix. 88 These days there are few things more un-with-it than feeling..the slightest anti-American sentiment.
2011 J. Bruchac Wolf Mark vi. 33 I am everything that is not cool. I am so unwith it that the best thing I can be is invisible.
unworthwhile adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnwəːθˈwʌɪl/
U.S. /ˌənˌwərθˈ(h)waɪl/
1874 E. India (Products): Pt. I: Rep. Tea & Tobacco Industries India 115 in Parl.Papers (C. 982) XLVIII. 57 It is quite unworthwhile to acquire lands until every single objection or claim is fully disposed of.
1959 Economist 23 May 716/2 The importation or maintenance of party ardours..must seem singularly un-worthwhile.
2016 Daily Mail (Nexis) 31 July 13 Competing channels seem to be pretty good at synchronising their ad breaks, making it unworthwhile to change over.
unyoung adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈjʌŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˈjəŋ/
1883 Rockingham Reg. (Harrisonburg, Va.) 6 Sept. Rejoice old men and unyoung women.
1972 National Observer (U.S.) 27 May 12/1 An unyoung ‘youth’ leader travels about the country urging audiences to ‘kill your parents’.
2010 Church Times 20 Aug. 13/1 The General Synod..does not adequately reflect the diversity and breadth of the Church of England. The members are predominantly un-young, un-black, and un-poor.
b. Prefixed to adjectives formed from verbs (and occasionally nouns) by means of the suffix -able, forming adjectives (and derived nouns) with the sense ‘not capable of undergoing the specified process, experiencing the specified action, being dealt with by the specified object, etc.’.Formations of this kind first appear in the 14th cent. and may be coined freely; the examples given below constitute only a representative sample.See note at sense 1a on instances where a formation with un- is attested earlier than the equivalent positive adjective, or where no equivalent positive adjective is apparently ever recorded.Formations with the etymologically and semantically related, but far less productive, suffix -ible constitute a much more restricted category within English; examples of such formations have been assigned to sense 1a.
(i) Prefixed to adjectives in -able formed from simple verbs (and occasionally nouns).Derived nouns frequently appear in collocation with the verbs from which they are formed in expressions denoting attempts to do the seemingly or actually impossible; cf. quots. 1873, 2001, and also to think the unthinkable at unthinkable adj. and n. Additions.With the adjectives unawaydoable, unawayfallable in quot. c1454 cf. away adv., adj., and n. Compounds 1a, and cf. also sense 1b(b).Quot. 1616 shows an unusual formation in which un- is prefixed to a phrase consisting of an adjective of this type and a preceding complement, rather than being prefixed directly to the adjective. Such formations, while perhaps less unusual at that time than later (cf. senses 2d, 9a for comparably complex formations), have always been ad hoc in nature.
c1454 R. Pecock Folewer to Donet 79 (MED) Aftir þe gendryng of þis..disposicioun in þe wil, þe same disposicioun wole growe into such a degre þat it schal be stable and vnmoueable, or vnaweidoable, or vnaweyfallable, fro þe wil.
1550 T. Lever Serm. Thyrd Sonday in Lent sig. E.viiiv Surely ye shal fynd no remedy, but prouoke vncolourable vengeaunce.
1561 R. Norvell Meroure f. 31 May not himse, which is vncorruptable.
1616 B. Jonson Every Man in his Humor (rev. ed.) i. v, in Wks. I. 17 You haue very rare, and vn-in-one-breath-vtter-able skill, sir.
1649 J. Dury Considerations conc. Present Engagem. 15 He to whom God hath committed the plenary administration, of publick affairs with unconfrontable power.
1675 J. Howe Living Temple iv. 154 Unappropriable to any man.
1751 tr. N. A. Pluche Truth of Gospel II. iii. 511 Truth is utterly unexterminable in the Catholick Church.
1772 ‘Believer of the Gospel’ Answer to Appeal to Serious & Candid Professors Christianity 13 The other unappropriable title Christ applies to himself.
1811 L.-M. Hawkins Countess & Gertrude II. xlii. 364 By the natural and undiscardable stratagem of her nature.
1817 W. Kitchiner Apicius Redivivus sig. b3 Till they are trapped to buy some unchewable old poultry.
1827 J. Bentham Rationale Judicial Evid. III. vi. xii. 564 An uncompleted and perhaps uncompletable sentence.
1831 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 30 507/2 The Reformers owe us an unliquidateable debt of gratitude.
1842 M. F. Tupper Proverb. Philos. 2nd. Ser. 207 Life is a constant force, spirit an unquietable impetus.
1844 J. H. Stocqueler Hand-bk. India 228 The grounding of the adventurer in this description of unconveyable knowledge.
1849 H. Bushnell God in Christ iv. 338 We must bring this astounding, untheorizable fact into theory.
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick cxiii. 541 ‘Can'st thou smooth this seam?’.. ‘Aye, man, it is unsmoothable.’
a1860 J. Younger Autobiogr. (1881) 206 This became an ungratifiable passion.
1866 J. Ruskin Crown Wild Olive i. 73 They are as the un-charmable serpent.
1873 Contemp. Rev. 22 835 The desperate determination to conserve the unconservable.
1877 O. Wilde in Irish Monthly Dec. 746 I stood by the unvintageable sea.
1884 Pop. Sci. Monthly Apr. 774 These volatile oils, when heated,..are uncookable.
1897 H. James Spoils of Poynton xiii. 152 Mona was undisseverable from her prey.
1907 J. Joyce Chamber Music xxi He who hath glory lost, nor hath Found any soul to fellow his... That high unconsortable one.
1912 E. Pound in Poetry Rev. Feb. 73 A man's rhythm must be interpretative, it will be, therefore, in the end, his own, uncounterfeiting, uncounterfeitable.
1918 C. B. Jordan tr. V. B. Ibáñez Four Horsemen of Apocalypse i. v. 160 The invincible remedy for the most unconfessable of diseases.
1925 ‘R. Crompton’ Still—William xi. 207 William watched him, smoothing back his unsmoothable hair.
1935 W. de la Mare Early One Morning 136 Hatred of elderly and yet not wholly uncondonable cant.
1940 Daily Mirror 17 Dec. 2/2 My wife was asked to give temporary lodging to some young girls who were described by the authorities as ‘unbilletable’.
1950 D. Jones Phoneme xxiv. 150 Semi-vowels, such as j and w, would appear to be essentially unstressable.
1979 ‘R. Cassilis’ Arrow of God ii. vi. 33 The Service's beautiful new, and allegedly unbuggable headquarters.
1984 I. Doig Eng. Creek (1985) iii. 279 Chet was an unhurryable type best fitted for the job of dispatcher.
1989 J. Barnes Hist. World in 10½ Chapters vi. 152 The same display of unthwartable will.
2001 J. McPhee Center of Things xii. 244 I suppose we will always be inventing crazy new ways to pin the unpinnable,..center the uncenterable.
2015 Wall St. Jrnl. 4 Apr. (WSJ Mag.) 40/3 My Yeezy Red October shoes, custom-made for me by Nike in a size 15. They are un-Googleable and don't exist outside of my closet.
unactionable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈakʃn̩əbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈækʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/
1662 W. Sheppard Action upon Case for Slander v. 32 An Innuendo will not make any unactionable words actionable.
1769 Information for J. Thomson against H. M'Kaile 27 Brockage bonds are void and unactionable.
1880 Washington Law Reporter 29 Mar. 195/1 It was a mere breach of contract and explained the word ‘thief’, and rendered it unactionable.
1952 Federal Suppl. (U.S.) 106 1019/1 All this might still be unactionable but for the fact that [etc.].
2014 Washington Post (Nexis) 7 Dec. b8 Centrist, process-oriented foreign policy books..providing bland and unactionable policy recommendations.
unarrangeable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈreɪn(d)ʒəbl/
U.S. /ˌənəˈreɪndʒəb(ə)l/
1791 Times 28 May 3/1 The French Chaos, lately heaped in unarrangeable confusion by the French self-created law mongers.
1821 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 10 525/1 An unarrangeable mass of contraries and shades of difference.
1920 R. Carpenter Land beyond Mexico i. 24 Treating the stars as sprinklings from some vast salt-shaker, unordered and unarrangeable.
2003 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 31 Dec. 53 A gooey arrangement..of the unarrangeable Summertime.
unbackable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbakəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈbækəb(ə)l/
1897 Sporting Mirror 22 Nov. 4/2 Others unbackable to my thinking are Wharfe, Orange Lily, and Don Alonzo.
1928 Daily Express 2 Aug. 13/1 Zahrat..walked away from three moderate rivals in the Alexandra Handicap. She was..unbackable, odds of nine to two having to be laid on.
2016 Courier Mail (Brisbane) (Nexis) 12 Dec. 42 The veteran Lloyd is an unbackable favourite to win consecutive Brisbane riding premierships.
unbudgeable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbʌdʒəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈbədʒəb(ə)l/
1858 Independent (N.Y.) 11 Feb. 2/4 The past unhappy condition of our people..is to be attributed not so much to their ‘unbudgeable’, ‘stand-stock-still’ characteristics, as to the misfortune of the place of their origin.
1936 L. C. Douglas White Banners iv. 73 ‘Now that's where you're wrong, Marcia.’ Paul was kind, but unbudgeable.
2015 Sunday Times (Nexis) 15 Nov. (Culture section) The king's flimsily based yet unbudgeable conviction of his wife's infidelity.
uncapturable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkaptjᵿrəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkæptʃərəb(ə)l/
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick lxxxi. 402 The only spout in sight was that of a Fin-Back, belonging to the species of uncapturable whales, because of its incredible power of swimming.
1936 A. Rand We the Living ii. x. 352 It flung brief, blunt notes out into space,..hiding the gap of uncapturable gaiety under a convulsive rhythm.
2010 Sunday Times (Nexis) 7 Feb. (Travel section) 21 We tramped around alleys, gazing nonplussed at uncapturable vignettes of crumbling palazzos.
uncashable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkaʃəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkæʃəb(ə)l/
1853 W. Pollard-Urquhart Short Acct. Prussian Land Credit Companies 11 The owner of property on which such debentures are issued must..procure other debentures issued by the Company, which the Company can give to the holder of the uncashable debenture.
a1910 ‘M. Twain’ Autobiography (1925) II. 288 I don't know what Dick got, but it was probably only un-cashable promises.
2009 Daily Tel. (Austral.) (Nexis) 18 July 100 When he died.., he left Waterhouse with millions of dollars worth of uncashable cheques.
unclaimable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkleɪməbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkleɪməb(ə)l/
1748 W. Warburton Alliance between Church & State (ed. 3) iii. iii. 211 Those [Rights] which arise from the Duties of perfect Obligation being claimable; and those, from imperfect Obligation, unclaimable.
1867 M. Hopkins Man. Marine Insurance ix. 353 A loss against which an assured wished to insure was unclaimable of the underwriters.
1970 Times of India 19 Sept. 12/2 A cricket trophy in Madras remains unclaimed, and unclaimable.
2015 Belfast Tel. (Nexis) 15 Mar. The ex-Labour backbencher..repeatedly used his card to settle big bills that were later declared unclaimable on expenses.
unclearable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈklɪərəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈklɪrəb(ə)l/
1872 Chippewa Falls (Wisc.) Herald 17 Aug. The intense hardness of the black, unclearable diamonds, which are used in boring machines.
1984 Sunday Express Mag. 26 Feb. 28/1 The RE major..has abandoned whole fields and beaches as ‘unclearable’.
2001 Daily News (N.Y.) (Nexis) 23 Mar. 54 The film's success..makes that unclearable hurdle faced by foreign-language films seem suddenly clearable.
uncollectable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnkəˈlɛktəbl/
U.S. /ˌənkəˈlɛktəb(ə)l/
1823 National Advocate (N.Y.) 1 Mar. The collector of arrears of taxes, that is, of those taxes returned by the ward collectors as uncollectable.
1927 Glasgow Herald 18 July 10 They had huge outstanding accounts up country, which were uncollectable.
2016 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 6 Dec. a1 Italy's banks are stuffed with uncollectable debts in part because the country's economy is smaller than it was a decade ago.
unconfusable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnkənˈfjuːzəbl/
U.S. /ˌənkənˈfjuzəb(ə)l/
1812 Tradesman Jan. 17 Caloric..is an unconfusable fluid, highly elastic, and so very subtle, that its gravity has not yet been ascertained.
1935 W. de la Mare Early One Morning 533 Each is in accord with its writer's after-work and unconfusable with the work of any other poet.
2004 Psychol. Sci. 15 174/2 Target detection is impeded when additional words are added to a display (but not when objects unconfusable with words..are added).
uncontactable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɒntaktəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɑntæktəb(ə)l/
1946 Charleston (W. Va.) Daily Mail 1 Sept. 8/2 Still missing and uncontactable was Jim Devonshire, slated to report late this week.
2012 Independent 11 Dec. 9/4 As the weeks passed, contributors..became concerned that Mr Papadopoulos appeared to have become uncontactable.
uncopyrightable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɒpɪrʌɪtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɑpiˌraɪdəb(ə)l/
1886 in W. G. Myer Federal Decisions XXV. Index 1228 Orchestral score not a dramatic composition, and uncopyrightable.
1982 Amer. Speech 57 308 It seems possible that other dictionary makers may well have adopted this simple method of protecting their essentially uncopyrightable labors.
2010 Toronto Star (Nexis) 19 Aug. e7 I think that audio files as intellectual property is over... I think it's impractical and unprotectable and uncopyrightable.
uncrackable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkrakəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkrækəb(ə)l/
1786 H. Walpole Let. 16 Jan. in Corr. (1965) XXXIII. 508 You might have made me a little amends by sending me the prologue..instead of a charade which I shall never guess. In revenge here is one, which I hope you will all find as uncrackable.
1872 Preacher's Lantern 2 547 A peach, all lusciousness without, and a hard uncrackable stone within.
1921 Toys & Novelties Feb. 170/1 (heading) Uncrackable enameled toys.
2017 Arbroath Herald (Nexis) 7 Feb. Use a unique, uncrackable password for all important accounts.
undevelopable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndᵻˈvɛləpəbl/
U.S. /ˌəndəˈvɛləpəb(ə)l/
1828 Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 15 72 The tangent plane to an undevelopable pencil does not touch the pencil in the whole extent of a ray.
1962 Financial Times 6 Dec. 7/6 Somalia..seems not only underdeveloped but undevelopable.
2001 Nat. New Eng. May 29/3 The brokered deal had the land trust..selling an undevelopable lot nearby.
undeviable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdiːvɪəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈdiviəb(ə)l/
1740 Daily Gazetteer 9 Jan. It has always been an undeviable Maxim..That the Common People should be kept Virtuous.
1826 Newcastle Mag. Aug. 355/1 Pursuing with a regular, fixed, and undeviable course the objects on which each has been formed to attach.
1951 W. Faulkner Requiem for Nun ii. 210 Who am I..to set the puny appanage of my office in the balance against that simple undeviable aim?
2006 Washington Post (Nexis) 9 July The poem combines striking variations in movement with a rhythm that is ‘undeviable’.
undiagnosable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndʌɪəɡˈnəʊzəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈdaɪəɡˌnoʊsəb(ə)l/
1873 Practitioner Apr. 242 As ‘surgical kidney’ is undiagnosable..every surgeon is justified in running any risks which he may think fit to incur.
1926 Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 20 Nov. 1721/2 Some intangible,..undiagnosable sinus disease.
2016 Sunday Times (Ireland ed.) (Nexis) 20 Mar. 39 Rose suffers from an undiagnosable condition that prevents her from walking—sometimes.
undownable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdaʊnəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈdaʊnəb(ə)l/
1894 Rural New-Yorker 28 July 477/3 He is pretty well known as the undownable fighter of the harrow trust.
1957 Sci. Amer. Apr. 50/2 The undownable question remained: Why were tau and theta [particles] exactly alike in every respect except this one?
2002 A. J. Bellamy Kosovo & Internat. Society vi. 168 The loss of what was considered to be a virtually ‘undownable’ aircraft was a huge blow.
undreamable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdriːməbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈdriməb(ə)l/
1851 W. Howitt Madam Dorrington of Dene II. x. 216 An event so undreamt of and undreamable.
1957 L. MacNeice Visitations 53 When the undreamable Dream comes clearer.
2011 Guardian 22 Feb. (Review section) 36 The darker moments buzzed with urgency amid passages of undreamable sweetness.
unembarrassable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪmˈbarəsəbl/
U.S. /ˌənəmˈbɛrəsəb(ə)l/
1947 C. Amory Proper Bostonians v. 110 Basically unembarrassable, the First Family lady is so secure in her position in Boston that she has no fear of looking ridiculous.
2015 New Yorker 5 Jan. 18/1 Those cheerful and unembarrassable souls whose calling it is to teach about the birds and the bees.
unexpendable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻkˈspɛndəbl/
U.S. /ˌənᵻkˈspɛndəb(ə)l/
1879 H. W. Warren Recreations in Astron. xii. 261 But nature sustained by unexpendable forces must abide.
1944 Life 26 June 55/2 Money, being unexpendable, is scarcely worth playing for.
2003 Australian (Nexis) 13 June 12 We shall never achieve peace anywhere until people..consider five-year-old children to be precious and unexpendable in any cause.
unexperienceable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻkˈspɪərɪənsəbl/
U.S. /ˌənᵻkˈspɪriənsəb(ə)l/
1864 D. D. Whedon Freedom of Will 115 The Baconian philosophy allows an intuitive recognition of a power or faculty for the unexperienced and unexperienceable futurition of a fact.
1909 W. James Meaning of Truth p. xii Things of an unexperienceable nature may exist ad libitum, but they form no part of the material for philosophic debate.
2004 Times Lit. Suppl. 8 Oct. 11/1 The unexperienced happenings before our births do not distress us, and we should view the unexperienceable happenings after our death symmetrically.
unexploitable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻkˈsplɔɪtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənᵻkˈsplɔɪdəb(ə)l/
1870 F. Prime tr. B. von Cotta Treat. Ore Deposits §191. 338 That the same do not consist of continuous masses of ore, but several portions..separated by barren or unexploitable intervals.
1923 Blackwood's Mag. Sept. 398/1 A rich spring of natural oil, as yet unexploited, and perhaps, on account of the climate and neighbours, forever unexploitable.
2012 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 31 Dec. 37 Using new technologies to unlock previously unexploitable shale, tight and unconventional gas.
unfakeable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfeɪkəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈfeɪkəb(ə)l/
(also unfakable)
1895 Statist 12 Oct. 447/2 As you say, a man pays with his credit, and an unfakeable money is the test which verifies his assertion as to his credit.
1955 P. Larkin Less Deceived 41 You cannot always keep That unfakable young surface.
2015 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 16 Dec. 11 Across Boyega's forehead and upper lip was the unmistakeable, unfakeable glisten of human sweat.
unfalsifiable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnfɔːlsᵻˈfʌɪəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˌfɔlsəˈfaɪəb(ə)l/
1839 W. R. Johnson Addr. on laying Corner Stone of Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 25 May 1839 7 Her incontrovertible, unfalsifiable history.
1963 Guardian 25 Jan. 7/6 Any..existential statement which is unrestricted in scope and therefore unfalsifiable.
2016 Globe & Mail (Canada) (Nexis) 13 Feb. r14 These arguments range from unfalsifiable to flat-out wrong.
unfattable adj. Obsolete
1668 Bp. J. Wilkins Ess. Real Char. iii. vii. 341 A person insolutive,..is a Bankrupt; Unwalkative, is a Cripple; Non-surrective, is Bedrid, Unfattable, is Flue [i.e. weak or delicate], &c.
1803 Farmer's Mag. Nov. 399 Where they [sc. hogs] are in a broken, unequal, and consequently unfattable state, dinmonting them becomes necessary.
1870 H. W. Beecher Sermons xxxv. 511 They are uncurried, unfatted, and unfattable, to be sure; but ah! what a line of blood did they spring from!
unfaultable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfɔːltəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈfɔltəb(ə)l/
1963 Times 3 Aug. 10/4 Blue Peter is a sensitive, alert, and unfaultable children's magazine.
2013 C. Somerville We are not Same Anymore 72 Time would feel slower or faster or would jump ahead suddenly, but all with its own unfaultable logic.
unfazeable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfeɪzəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈfeɪzəb(ə)l/
(also unfazable)
a1910 ‘M. Twain’ Autobiography (2015) III. 99 I think there is no criminal in any jail with a heart..so unphazeable, so flinty, so uncompromisingly hard as Marie Corelli's.
2009 Irish Times (Nexis) 24 Mar. 16 The soloist..comes across as an unfazeable virtuoso.
unfulfillable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnfʊlˈfɪləbl/
U.S. /ˌənfᵿ(l)ˈfɪləb(ə)l/
a1641 J. Everard tr. Divine Pymander (1649) ii. 28 Such a one.., having unfulfillable desires, and unsatiable concupiscences.
1875 J. Fothergill Healey III. iii. 42 Longings ungratified, hopes unfulfilled and unfulfillable.
1968 Punch 4 Sept. 337/1 I ended up spending the night with my friend.., after signing numerous, apparently unfulfillable bonds and promises for the Customs officer.
2016 Irish Independent (Nexis) 10 Nov. His rhetoric is..peppered with unfulfillable promises.
unignorable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪɡˈnɔːrəbl/
U.S. /ˌənᵻɡˈnɔrəb(ə)l/
1863 National Mag. Apr. 244/2 Carts of long-projecting timber, brewers' vans, and other unignorable phenomena.
1955 P. Larkin Less Deceived 26 A tense, musty, unignorable silence.
2010 Daily Tel. 8 Apr. 22/2 When you become unignorable, they will try to smear you, and that's what I feared for a long time.
uninterruptable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪntəˈrʌptəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˌɪn(t)əˈrəptəb(ə)l/
1660 J. Heydon Idea of Tyranny 12 in Idea of Law Our uninterruptable and probably immutable felicity must be purchased by our humble submission.
1836 Dublin Univ. Mag. May 563/2 Gambling, and debauchery..are not more sure in their fatal effects—so uninterruptable in their course, or so seductive as this refined and intellectual fascination.
1982 Computerworld 24 May 30/4 The electrical supply comes from two separate substations. We have an uninterruptable power supply that is triplexed.
2015 N.Z. Herald (Nexis) 12 Nov. Encourage everyone in the team to have at least one lengthy chunk of uninterruptable time per day to work on high-value work.
unkinkable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɪŋkəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɪŋkəb(ə)l/
1891 Gardening Illustr. 4 July 244/1 (advt.) Unkinkable smooth surface hose.
1977 Offshore Engineer May 16/2 (advt.) The right rope for the job... H and T Multiplait is:..unkinkable.
2013 N.Z. Herald (Nexis) 16 Mar. Vigorous swearing as the unkinkable hose knots itself into a merry tangle.
unkissable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɪsəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɪsəb(ə)l/
1840 Argus 19 July 395/3 Why do not the women set their faces against these unkissable monstrosities?
1922 E. F. Lynch Bookless Lessons for Teacher-Mother v. 67 An altogether unkissable child.
2012 Daily Mail (Nexis) 13 Nov. All that chilli and garlic..could render you unkissable in party season but it's still better than a drippy nose and bloodshot eyes.
unmanoeuvrable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnməˈnuːv(ə)rəbl/
U.S. /ˌənməˈn(j)uv(ə)rəb(ə)l/
1878 Sci. Amer. 4 May 273/2 To cover a vessel all over with iron thick enough to stop the largest projectile..is to render the ship unmaneuverable.
1962 M. Drabble Summer Bird-cage vi. 99 I was standing stock still and quite unmanoeuvrable.
2013 Australian (Nexis) 7 Jan. 10 Forces..dependent for water supply on cumbersome, unmanoeuvrable vehicles.
unmouldable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈməʊldəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈmoʊldəb(ə)l/
1829 S. Martin in J. Duns Mem. Late Rev. S. Martin (1854) iii. 36 He complains of being..unmouldable..and difficult to impress.
1919 Madeleine i. xii. 164 I was as unmoldable as any girl possibly could be.
2000 Sydney Morning Herald (Nexis) 19 July 13 Parents wrestle with the task of managing their..seemingly unmouldable offspring.
unpatentable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpatntəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈpætn̩(t)əb(ə)l/
1832 Jrnl. Franklin Inst. Aug. 91 Both these patentees make one of their claims to consist in ‘the simplicity of the whole’, which simplicity is rather an unpatentable article.
1980 TWA Ambassador Oct. 21/3 Left unpatentable are elements of nature..and laws of nature such as philosophical theories and mathematical principles.
2008 A. Davies Mine All Mine 224 An array of thief tools that look like unpatentable surgical implements.
unpoliceable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpᵿˈliːsəbl/
U.S. /ˌənpəˈlisəb(ə)l/
1878 Secular Chron. 1 Sept. 104/2 A Swamp of Despond illuminated by that unpoliceable rascal ‘will-with-the-wisp’.
1981 Times 25 July 5/1 Protests in other centres would render the rest of New Zealand unpoliceable.
2014 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 7 Sept. 13 The private fantasies of individuals are unpoliceable, of course.
unrecapturable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈkaptjᵿrəbl/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈkæptʃərəb(ə)l/
1907 E. F. Benson Sheaves ii. 38 Oh, Peggy, if one suffers, then certain things become unrecapturable!
2009 Fantasy & Sci. Fiction Apr. 48 The fun past, the yummy past, the past one sings of on New Year's Eve—all that is unrecapturable, sold off in weekly and monthly lots.
unrejectable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈdʒɛktəbl/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈdʒɛktəb(ə)l/
1650 S. Eaton Answer to Paper 17 in Oath of Allegiance That kind of Government..must necessarily be yeelded to be also Gods Ordinance, and unrejectable.
1868 Galaxy Sept. 380 He shows by example—proof quite unrejectable—That a man may be dull without being respectable.
1963 M. Drabble Summer Bird-cage viii. 127 I felt rather guilty.., as if I had been reading a diary instead of simply receiving unrejectable impressions.
2011 Times (Nexis) 1 Oct. (Mag. section) 7 ‘Sorry’ works by way of an ultra-humble and unrejectable ‘hello’.
unrenormalizable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnriːˈnɔːməlʌɪzəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˌriˈnɔrməˌlaɪzəb(ə)l/
1952 Physical Rev. 86 664/2 This is not the right place to discuss in any detail the problematics of the so-called unrenormalizable theories.
1980 Science 19 Dec. 1321/2 The masses of the W and Z and the nature of neutral current effects depend on a single parameter, not two as in my unrenormalizable model.
2006 Philos. Sci. 73 492 Forcing the issue by adding mass terms directly to the Lagrangian would destroy its gauge invariance and presumably render the theory unrenormalizable.
unresectable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈsɛktəbl/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈsɛktəb(ə)l/
1929 Med. Sentinel 37 273 We see more tumors in unresectable areas than in those regions where a clean resection can be carried out.
1993 S. J. Ettinger Pocket Compan. Textbk. Vet. Internal Med. lix. 222 Cytoreductive surgery is of benefit only when other effective treatment modalities are available to control unresectable residual disease.
2003 H. T. Debas Gastrointestinal Surg. v. 157/2 If the tumor is unresectable, chemotherapy is needed.
unrestrictable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈstrɪktəbl/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈstrɪktəb(ə)l/
1855 J. W. Gerard in Unconstitutionality of Prohibitory Liquor Law 28 That privilege [of importation]..carries with it in favor of the original importer the unrestrictable right of sale.
1915 Landscape Archit. July 164 The present unrestricted, and unrestrictable, power of a neighbor to set up a stable or an offensive industry..adjoining such owner's home or high-class business structure.
2015 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 4 June 20 If a homosexual couple are legally able to get married they will have unrestricted and unrestrictable access to adoption and surrogacy.
unreviewable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈvjuːəbl/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈvjuəb(ə)l/
1845 Lit. Gaz. 10 May 292/2 The volume being utterly unreviewable without its views, we have exceeded our convenient space, in order to illustrate it by the representations of these interesting structures.
1955 Bull. Atomic Scientists Apr. 129/3 With so much unreviewable power in the executive there is bound to be doubt whether the company is getting the information which it really needs.
2005 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 7 Apr. 12/3 Lately there have been signs that judges are unwilling to be cowed by the claims..of unreviewable presidential power.
unsplinterable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsplɪntərəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈsplɪn(t)ərəb(ə)l/
1862 Jrnl. Royal United Service Inst. 5 368 I should like to have nothing better than to fire at those very same thick plates. If perfectly tough and perfectly unsplinterable, so much the better.
1924 Motor 21 Oct. 623/3 An M.E. rear screen with Triplex unsplinterable glass.
2006 B. Reynolds Dante xxvii. 217 Those who commit it [sc. treachery] are stuck fast in unsplinterable ice.
unsplittable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsplɪtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈsplɪdəb(ə)l/
1857 Ladies' Repository Jan. 40/2 Finely-split dry wood was required of me by the kitchen cabinet, while I received nothing but load after load of green limbs or unsplittable chunks.
1969 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 214 Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for an unsplittable link of two components to be interchangeable.
2001 O. Sacks Uncle Tungsten xxi. 266 It had been axiomatic in science..that atoms were indestructible, immutable, unsplittable.
unstageable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsteɪdʒəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈsteɪdʒəb(ə)l/
1897 Werner's Mag. June 477/1 Some of the best literary and unstaged or (as managers claim) unstageable plays.
1975 Daily Tel. 7 Apr. 9/1 Ghastly statistics about the vast number of totally unstageable scripts that come pouring through the post on to the desks of successful theatre people.
2007 Opera Now Mar. 66/3 A cavernous former iron smelting works..proved to be the ideal space to stage the legendarily unstageable magnum opus of Bernd Alois Zimmermann.
unstateable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsteɪtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈsteɪdəb(ə)l/
(also unstatable)
1837 C. Dickens Oliver Twist v, in Bentley's Misc. Apr. 328 A diurnal pension of twopence-halfpenny and an unstateable fraction.
1955 P. Heron Changing Forms Art p. xiv Indeed, as with all good art, the whole truth is unstatable.
2003 Beltane Papers 31 27/2 Hindu dance has been described as one using genuine symbolism, which presents an unstateable truth by means of forms which condense into symbol.
untestable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈtɛstəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈtɛstəb(ə)l/
1856 N. Brit. Rev. Feb. 298 A prophet who spoke only of untestable questions and unvisitable worlds.
1964 F. Bowers Bibliogr. & Textual Crit. iii. vii. 93 Generalized opinions that are not only untested..but are also (usually) untestable.
2009 Sci. Amer. (U.K. ed.) Apr. 27/1 Other hypotheses were untestable at best, such as claims that the bees were being abducted by aliens.
untransmittable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌntrɑːnzˈmɪtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˌtrænzˈmɪdəb(ə)l/
1852 Evergreen Sept. 274/2 Popery can derive no truthful advantage from the merely personal honor accorded to St. Peter..—an honor, in the nature of things, untransmittable.
1971 Daily Kennebec Jrnl. (Augusta, Maine) 4 Mar. 11/3 A parasite worm common in deer, but untransmittable to humans.
2009 Express (Nexis) 7 Mar. 20 It's a good job that the cameras weren't rolling. My response was as untransmittable as it is unprintable.
unupsettable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnʌpˈsɛtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˌəpˈsɛdəb(ə)l/
1834 Tait's Edinb. Mag. New Ser. 1 39/2 Those..vehicles, that once rolled in slow and unupsettable solemnity along.
1922 W. S. Rainsford Story of Varied Life viii. 81 Good Red River carts.., unbreakable and almost un-upsettable.
2011 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 1 July The focus at Wimbledon on Wednesday was Jo-Wilfried Tsonga's upset of the once un-upsettable Roger Federer.
unverbalizable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvəːbəlʌɪzəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈvərbəˌlaɪzəb(ə)l/
1936 Jrnl. Health & Physical Educ. (U.S.) Sept. 410/1 The player experiences it on the unverbalizable level, and the physicist talks about it on the intellectual level.
2000 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 25 June We equate the intellectual aspect of sports with unverbalizable bodily intuition and regard anything overtly conscious as ‘in the way’.
unweighable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈweɪəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈweɪəb(ə)l/
1823 S. F. Gray Elements Pharmacy 87 Others take this emission [of heat and light] into their consideration, and conceive, that one of these unweighable elements is separated from the metal or other body of this class.
1938 R. W. Lawson tr. G. von Hevesy & F. A. Paneth Man. Radioactivity (ed. 2) xi. 132 A parent substance present in unweighable quantities.
2011 S. Fried Great Frustration 104 A loss which, to the forces he served, is so small as to be completely unweighable.
unwettable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈwɛtəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈwɛdəb(ə)l/
1903 W. R. Fisher tr. A. F. W. Schimper Plant-geogr. i. i. 2 Ombrophilous foliage is capable of being wetted, ombrophobous foliage is unwettable.
1927 F. Balfour-Browne Insects iii. 67 The eggs may be laid on the surface, either singly or in a mass, and in such a case they are usually unsinkable, unwettable, and self-righting.
1997 Daily Mirror (Nexis) 27 July 44 A silicon compound is bonded to the glass and makes the surface practically ‘unwettable’ say Daimler-Benz researchers.
unwipeable adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈwʌɪpəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈwaɪpəb(ə)l/
1874 A. I. Thackeray Bluebeard's Keys 2 Gore unwipable, gore unwashable, not to be cleansèd.
1963 Pop. Mech. June 192/2 Sharply curved glass makes for distortion and unwipable areas.
2010 Guardian (Nexis) 21 Aug. (Guide Suppl.) 81 The unwipeable smirk of late adolescence.
unwithstandable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnwɪðˈstandəbl/
U.S. /ˌənˌwɪθˈstændəb(ə)l/
1839 Corsair 22 June 237/2 This was a Medea touch—it was unwithstandable, the audience rose en masse, and gave Soaph three tremendous cheers.
1970 R. Price Great Roob Revol. 5 The classic rube withstood the unwithstandable winter at Valley Forge.
2011 L. Dale Slow Dancing on Price's Pier xiv. 242 She doesn't feel the pain—no sharp, stinging stretch, no blunt bruising and unwithstandable invasion.
(i) Prefixed to adjectives in -able formed from phrasal verbs containing adverbs or prepositions. Usually in ad hoc formations. Cf. unputdownable adj., uncome-at-able adj., unget-at-able adj., and also sense 2c.The first recorded example of this type of formation is uncome-at-able in the late 17th cent., but this appears to be an isolated early instance; other examples do not appear until the 19th cent. See note at sense 1b(a)(i) on the formations unawaydoable, unawayfallable in quot. c1454 at sense 1b(a)(i).
1839 J. T. J. Hewlett Peter Priggins i, in New Monthly Mag. May 26 Weather hot—blow-flies—un-keep-off-able.
1840 T. De Quincey Style: No. III in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Oct. 516/1 Alcibiades..was too unsteady and..‘unreliable’; or, perhaps, in more correct English, too ‘unrelyuponable’.
1862 H. Marryat One Year in Sweden I. xxxiii. 407 In the earlier period of Scandinavian history, serpents and dragons were looked upon as untalkaboutable subjects.
a1864 N. Hawthorne Dr. Grimshawe (1891) xxii. 301 The record..of a foot stamped down there in guilt and agony, and oozing out with unwipeupable blood.
1888 G. Grossmith Society Clown iv. 55 A..bottle of ‘undryupable ink’.
1943 B. Bandel Let. 23 Jan. in S. J. Bugbee Officer & Lady (2004) 65 She has a trick of giving me un-workout-able problems.
1968 Economist 25 May 89/2 The engine..is a neat—and presumably unwearoutable—air-cooled flat-four unit in the back of the car.
1984 Listener 10 May 38/1 Alfred Brendel's recording of Beethoven's Five Piano Concertos, with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by James Levine..is unswitchoffable.
2006 Daily Tel. 6 Feb. 26/4 A strain of postwar youthful defiance that's proved as un-stampoutable as a subterranean fire.
unpickupable adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnpɪkˈʌpəbl/
U.S. /ˌənpɪkˈəpəb(ə)l/
1904 Reporter-Argus (Oak Park, Illinois) 27 Feb. 4/1 One of those untraceable, unlandable, unpickupable jack o' lanterns..called a rumor.
1964 Spectator Sept. 350/2 A young American told me he'd picked up his pretty and singularly unpickupable girl-friend by saying how much he admired her feet.
2016 Observer (Nexis) 28 Aug. If this had been a book I would heartily recommend it as unpickupable.
(c) Prefixed to adjectival compounds formed from phrasal verbs containing prepositions, in which -able is suffixed directly to the verb (and with the preposition following as a separate word or hyphenated). Usually in ad hoc formations. Cf. unliveable-with adj. at unliveable adj. Compounds, unliveable-in at unliveable adj. 1. Cf. also sense 2c.
1872 Punch 23 Mar. 120/2 The pure fine article [sc. tobacco]..induces him to listen tolerably even to the cackle of the unwise, or, if it be unlistenable to, aids him to noble thoughts on other themes.
1875 A. Helps Social Pressure ii. 24 It is almost undealable with.
1956 W. H. Auden Old Man's Road Unlookable for, by logic, by guess.
1977 in M. Punch Progressive Retreat iv. 46 I remember trying to get at my parents because they were so ungettable at.
2015 Times (Nexis) 11 Apr. (Mag. section) It can be horrific, and totally uncopeable with.
c. Prefixed to compound adjectives formed from nouns by means of the suffix -like, forming adjectives with the sense ‘not characteristic of, appropriate to, or of the nature of the person, thing, profession, type, etc., specified’.This type of formation is first recorded in the second half of the 16th cent.; cf. unchristenlike adj., unmanlike adj., unsoldierlike adj., etc.For the use of un- with adverbs formed by means of -like, see sense 5b.The following quotations, included by N.E.D. (1921) at this sense, instead show suffixation in -like suffix 2a of adjectives beginning with un- (see sense 1a):
1825 J. Wilson Noctes Ambrosianae xix, in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Mar. 366 So bright, wavering, and unsure-like was the hail livin' world.
1838 J. Grant Sketches London iv. 160 A great many whose manner..is the most undeliberative-like that the human mind could fancy.
1650 S. Eaton Reply to Answer 40 in Oath of Allegiance This doth not take away their power of removing them from their Offices, upon their unworthy and un-Pastor-like carriages.
1674 N. Fairfax Treat. Bulk & Selvedge 88 Their unbodylike way of being somewhere.
1797 M. Robinson Walsingham III. xlix. 41 The unzephyrlike hand of the angry Lady Fusby forcibly held me.
1803 Edinb. Rev. July 427 And it would have been highly unneighbourlike to have neglected them.
1807 Morning Post 17 Dec. Your scandalous and un-Englishman-like behaviour.
1822 M. W. Shelley in Mem. (1859) 215 Pardon me, that I still write in this incoherent and unletterlike manner.
1830 M. O'Brien Jrnl. 15 May (1968) xii. 114 Mary and Fanny exclaimed at this most unbridegroom-like proceeding.
1841 W. M. Thackeray Men & Coats in Fraser's Mag. Aug. 215/2 An affair of brocade that has always struck me as absurd and un-Macbethlike.
1848 E. A. Poe in Columbian Mag. Mar. 138/1 Unthought-like thoughts that are the souls of thought.
1854 ‘G. Greenwood’ Haps & Mishaps i. 13 He met my advances in a most gracious and un-Bumble-like manner.
1856 C. J. Lever Martins of Cro' Martin xxiii. 249 Suffering a ‘sea change’..as unearthlike as well may be imagined.
1865 Visct. Milton & W. B. Cheadle N.-W. Passage by Land viii. 113 Feeling very dismal and un-Christmaslike.
1878 A. H. Markham Great Frozen Sea xvi. 229 Conducting itself in a very erratic and unstarlike manner.
1885 W. E. Gladstone Diary 3 May in J. Morley Life Gladstone (1903) III. viii. x. 186 It is so unsundaylike and unrestful.
1915 Barnard Bull. (Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ., N.Y.) 20 Dec. 4/1 It seems to be Poe-ish in inspiration, but the main issue is obscured in a most un-Poe-like manner.
1924 ‘J. Sutherland’ Circle of Stars iii. 24 His manner was unimpeachable, his tone superlatively correct, but somewhere in his eyes was a most unbutler-like gleam.
1947 K. Patchen See you in Morning 43 A woefully un-anything-like statue of something astride a something.
1955 W. H. Auden Shield of Achilles i. 22 For an uncatlike Creature who has gone wrong, Five minutes on even the nicest mountain Is awfully long.
1964 R. T. Peterson et al. Birds i. 13 Certainly they [sc. kiwis] are the most unbird-like of all birds.
1982 R. Davies High Spirits xviii. 198 I looked hopefully between the markedly un-piglike buttocks for a curly tail, but there was none.
1994 Spy (N.Y.) Sept. 41 Before the case was closed, all kinds of un-Barbie-like things would happen.
2002 New Yorker 18 Nov. 39/2 Perry..wore glasses and an unsumolike goatee.
d. Prefixed to adjectives derived from the name of a country, city, region, etc., forming adjectives with the sense ‘not consistent with the character, behaviour, language, etc., considered typical of the place specified, or of its natives or inhabitants’.Formations of this kind are first recorded in the 17th cent.; cf. un-Roman adj.
a1730 A. Blackwall Sacred Classics (1731) II. i. i. 34 The same gentleman is transported out of all temper at the barbarity of that ugly Un-Attic word.
1762 H. Walpole Let. 1 Oct. in Private Corr. (1820) II. 384 You are one of those un-Lacedæmonian mothers, that are not content unless your children come off with all their limbs.
1830 Edinb. Rev. July 394 They freely use the adjectives ‘ungrecian’, and ‘unitalian’.
1839 J. C. Maitland Lett. from Madras (1843) 275 The tracts which come from England are altogether un-Indian, and unfit to translate.
1853 Local Preachers' Mag. Oct. 406/2 The sincerity of their belief in one God..is chiefly seen in the utterly un-Chinese view which it leads them to take of foreign nations.
1858 J. G. Wilkinson in G. Rawlinson tr. Herodotus Hist. II. ii. cxi. 182 (note) The story about the women is equally un-Egyptian.
1874 London Q. Rev. Apr. 110 Her husband came home..with a most un-Japanese beard and head of hair.
1923 D. H. Lawrence Birds, Beasts & Flowers (N.Y. ed.) 24 An ultimate desperateness, unAfrican.
1949 St. J. Ervine Craigavon ii. lix. 278 His singularly un-Gaelic name.
1959 H. Thomas Establishment 15 Spain, where for four hundred years any idea..which had not existed in the golden sixteenth century has been automatically frowned upon as ‘Un-Spanish’.
1965 G. McInnes Road to Gundagai v. 82 The larder was notable for two very un-Australian..gadgets.
1974 D. Norbu Red Star over Tibet xi. 176 Norzin-la occasionally uttered the words ‘San fan, shuang jian’ in her un-Chinese accent before the uneducated masses.
1979 Guardian 7 Sept. 11/7 Parliament [in Kenya] has just thrown out as ‘unAfrican’ a Marriage Bill which would have outlawed wife-beating.
1986 G. Benford & D. Brin Heart of Comet (1987) i. 50 He was a most unRussian Russian.
2015 N.Y. Times Mag. 13 Dec. 91/1 Harper's government continued to inveigh against Muslim ‘jihadi’ immigration in a way that struck me and many others as astoundingly un-Canadian.
e. Prefixed to adjectives derived from the names of people, forming adjectives with the sense ‘uncharacteristic of, or at odds with, the outlook, behaviour, style, etc., of the person specified’. Cf. un-Shakespearean adj.Formations of this kind are recorded from the end of the 18th cent.
1797 J. Warton in A. Pope Wks. I. 105 It may justly be said..that in this translation of the Messiah are..many unequal and Un-virgilian lines.
1840 G. C. Lewis tr. K. O. Müller Hist. Lit. Anc. Greece I. vi. §4. 68 Yet the fundamental ideas of the Cypria are so un-Homeric.
1857 E. B. Pusey Real Presence i. 101 An un-Lutheran tone of teaching.
1882 Macmillan's Mag. 46 213/1 His method of describing its inhabitants is..un-Wordsworthian.
1931 T. H. Pear Voice & Personality iv. 35 The workings of the mind are..designated in single stark letters. Their messages are un-Jamesian and un-Proustian, but concise.
1948 F. R. Leavis Great Trad. iii. 133 The un-Dickensian subtlety—the penetrating analysis.
1979 F. Kermode Genesis of Secrecy iv. 81 This model,..a useful way of thinking about the relation of character to narrative structure..is a very un-Jamesian way.
1999 New Yorker 2 Feb. 28/2 The brash and decidedly un-Clintonian insistence that none of the money be used for tax cuts.
2007 S. Spencer tr. H. Abert W. A. Mozart xxxvii. 840 Genuinely developed musical ideas, which he handles in a totally un-Bachian manner.
2. Prefixed to past participles, forming adjectives expressing the fact that the specified action has not been carried out.Formations of this type have been found since the Old English period, but it is from the 14th cent. onwards that they begin to be markedly more common than other types of formation in un-. (See further discussion in etymology section.)
a. With past participles in -ed (simple and in compound suffixes).Formations of this type are extremely numerous, and the following examples constitute merely a representative selection from those which are insufficiently notable to be treated separately.Many formations of this type, e.g. undressed, unhoused, unsheathed, are very close in meaning to homonyms in which the prefix is un- prefix2, and have probably effectively merged in the perceptions of speakers. Cf. note at un- prefix2 2. There is also sometimes ambiguity with formations showing the suffix -ed suffix2: see note at sense 3.
(i) With past participles formed by means of the simple suffix -ed.
eOE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) ii. 31 Ge gedrefdon hiora wæter mid iowrum fotum, ðeah ge hit ær undrefed druncen.
OE (Northumbrian) Liturgical Texts (Durham Ritual) in A. H. Thompson & U. Lindelöf Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis (1927) 108 Uidit ibi hominem non uestitum ueste nuptiali : gisæh ðer monno ungigearuad woede gimungalicum.
1550 in A. Maxwell Old Dundee (1891) 117 That nae person within this burgh nor without refuse the said money, they being..unbattit.
1576 A. Golding tr. Edict Frenche Kinge lv. 51 Any attachements, arrests, or seyzures, hanging vnadiudged.
1691 ‘N. N.’ Blatant Beast Muzzl'd 85 The Evidence they gave in was unabetted, by any Circumstances.
a1722 E. Lisle Observ. Husbandry (1757) 387 If it is impracticable to accomplish both, the oats should be left unthistled rather than the barley.
1723 I. Watts Hopeful Youth i. 24 Unallured by the Merit of Man.
1817 E. Baines Hist. Wars French Revol. I. ii. xvi. 321/1 They..met their fate with their eyes unbandaged.
1822 W. Scott Fortunes of Nigel II. ii. 44 The more unseen and unboasted, but scarce less certain influence of Lady Blackchester.
1838 Penny Cycl. X. 378/1 The sides of their ditches being unreveted.
1844 A. Mallalieu Buenos Ayres 62 The untamed unlassoed steed.
1863 E. Dicey Six Months in Federal States I. 27 Wherever there is a free and unsubventioned press, you may be sure..that..the newspapers do express the opinions and prejudices of their readers.
1882 Garden 14 Jan. 24/2 The chief danger with regard to unputtied glass is found when fierce wind-storms prevail.
1893 G. Allen Scallywag I. xiii. 206 Quite undiscomposed by this..most startling announcement.
1901 G. B. Shaw Three Plays for Puritans Pref. p. xxix A thing compared to which Falstaff's unbeglamored drinking and drabbing is respectable.
1921 W. de la Mare Mem. Midget xlvi. 314 That other less professional début which poor Mr. Crimble..had left unacclaimed.
1938 S. Beckett Murphy v. 63 Two massive upright unupholstered armchairs.
1951 W. Faulkner Requiem for Nun iii. 262 There is the clear undistanced voice as though out of the delicate antenna-skeins of radio.
1962 J. H. Simpson & R. S. Richards Physical Princ. Junction Transistors xi. 255 A better solution is to leave a portion of the emitter bias resistor un-by-passed, thereby introducing negative-current feedback.
1979 New Scientist 17 May 537/2 It also sings normally next season, and goes through the usual subsong and plastic song again in the same way as undeafened birds.
1985 G. Benford Artifact ii. i. 48 The concrete-gray phalanx of MIT was stark, un-ivied and imposing.
2013 Toronto Star (Nexis) 6 Dec. l3 Store uniced cookies in airtight container at room temperature up to one week.
unassessed adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈsɛst/
U.S. /ˌənəˈsɛst/
1651 Act for raising of 90,000 Pounds 1505 To Assess or cause to be Assessed,..all and every such sum and sums of Money upon the respective Counties, Cities, Towns or places,..where the same shall be Vnassessed.
1796 Oracle & Public Advertiser 6 Apr. Captain Berkeley approved of the tax being raised to 3s. but was proceeding to state his objection to its being reduced in the case of unassessed houses.
1862 Jrnl. Statist. Soc. 25 38 The unassessed parishes supplying the necessary funds for relief by voluntary contributions.
1922 Times 15 Nov. 13/6 That unassessed quantity, the man in the street.
2014 G. Helfman & G. H. Burgess Sharks x. 185 One-fifth of assessed species are theoretically threatened... Whether we can assume that unassessed species are equally at risk is unknown.
unbobbed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbɒbd/
U.S. /ˌənˈbɑbd/
1893 Defiance (Ohio) Democrat 20 July 2/5 Who shall rightfully bear the title of this unbobbed body [sc. a comet].
1931 W. Faulkner in Harper's Mag. Sept. 394/2 The fine, soft cloud of her unbobbed hair gleamed like the chestnut's flank.
2008 C. Dunn Bloody Tower i. 7 Her unbobbed hair done up in a French pleat.
unbombed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbɒmd/
U.S. /ˌənˈbɑmd/
1881 Puck (N.Y.) 21 Sept. 37/1 The highly exemplary manner in which the present un-bombed Czar spent his early youth.
1928 M. Beerbohm Variety of Things 128 One likes to think of him there among the unbombed Lakes.
2015 S. Marche Hunger of Wolf (2016) 250 A miraculously unbombed Italian town whose cathedral floors are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
unbuffered adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbʌfəd/
U.S. /ˌənˈbəfərd/
1886 ‘Hi-Regan’ How & where to fish in Ireland i. 10 In salmon fishing the dropper might..be always attached by a No. 5 or No. 3 knot, between two double rolled fisherman's knots, to be left unbuffered on a cast otherwise ‘buffered’.
1916 Jrnl. Biol. Chem. 25 503 Since potential measurements of ‘unbuffered’ mixtures cannot be accurately made, the potentials observed with such mixtures are bracketed.
1991 A. Blair More Tea at Miss Cranston's viii, in Miss Cranston's Omnibus (1998) 301 Before describing their own life-work many rememberers recalled that of parents and grandparents, often hard darg unbuffered by Health Insurance... No work, no money.
uncatalyzed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkatəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkædlˌaɪzd/
1908 W. M. Bayliss Nature Enzyme Action ii. 4 The sum of all the reactions when intermediate compounds are formed is more rapid than the uncatalysed reaction itself.
1939 Jrnl. Org. Chem. 4 434 No uncatalyzed addition has yet been observed.
2011 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108 17880/2 Rates of biochemical reactions (uncatalyzed and catalyzed), and rates of protein synthesis assuming a translation rate of 15 amino acids per second.
uncloned adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkləʊnd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkloʊnd/
1959 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 45 871 Experiments with single cells (from the uncloned culture not previously exposed to concentrations of the analogue greater than 1 μg per ml)..indicated a ‘one-step’ increase in resistance.
1980 Jrnl. Immunol. Methods 34 153 Uncloned and cloned populations.
2010 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 7 Aug. 20 It may disappoint those who like a bit of scaremongering, but a cloned cow is probably considerably safer to eat than an uncloned one.
uncoded adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkəʊdᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkoʊdəd/
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > secrecy, concealment > code, cipher > [adjective] > not
1885 Times of India 16 Mar. 5/3 Private telegrams for Suakim must be in plain uncoded English, French or Italian language.
1918 J. W. Gerard Face to Face with Kaiserism xx. 230 The bags were secretly opened and our uncoded despatches and letters read.
2016 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 21 Sept. a27 Two of the world's foremost former spymasters are sending uncoded messages about what it will mean for America and the Western alliance if Donald Trump is elected president.
uncopyrighted adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɒpɪrʌɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɑpiˌraɪdᵻd/
1842 C. Mathews in Arcturus Mar. 313 An uncopyrighted Foreign Literature, reprinted without restraint.
1950 A. Lomax Mister Jelly Roll 292 He established The Tempo-Music Publishing Company to protect, publish, and push Morton's uncopyrighted and unpublished works.
2000 Pop. Photogr. July 19/1 Those wishing to publish uncopyrighted pictures are asked to contribute a donation of $35 to the Picture Collection.
undegassed adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndiːˈɡast/
U.S. /ˌənˌdiˈɡæst/
1928 Proc. Royal Soc. A. 120 52 Entirely undegassed elements.
1968 Jrnl. Appl. Physics 39 2998 Undegassed and degassed tungsten wires, initially coated with an impurity layer of tungsten oxide and graphite, have been exploded in a vacuum.
2015 B. J. Wood & A. Corgne in Treat. Geophysics (ed. 2) II. iv. 63/2 Geochemical arguments..suggest the presence in the deep mantle of undegassed reservoirs.
undiffused adj.
Brit. /ˌʌndᵻˈfjuːzd/
U.S. /ˌəndᵻˈfjuzd/
1829 W. Harness Schism i. 48 The blessing of the true and unpolluted faith, which is now possessed as an undiffused and local privilege.
1940 W. Faulkner Hamlet iii. ii. 212 That perfect marriage of will and ability with a single undiffused object.
2001 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 6 May 18 Laser removal..uses a single beam of undiffused light to eradicate the hair bulb.
unearmarked adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɪəmɑːkt/
U.S. /ˌənˈɪrˌmɑrkt/
1868 W. Stebbing in M. Pattison Suggestions Academical Organisation i. 13 For Parliament to appropriate corporate property..as though it had come into its hands unearmarked..by the donor.
1971 Oxf. Univ. Gaz. 25 Feb. 709/2 That the Curators of the University Chest be authorized to expend from the unearmarked money in the Higher Studies Fund a sum of £10,000.
2011 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 16 Mar. a14 Expressions of solidarity in the form of unearmarked financial contributions would be gratefully received.
unenhanced adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻnˈhɑːnst/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈhænst/
1800 Oracle & Daily Advertiser 16 Oct. Fair unenhanced prices of necessaries should obtain their salutary level in the markets.
1942 R. Frost Witness Tree 41 We gave ourselves outright..to the land vaguely realizing westward, but still unstoried, artless, unenhanced.
2003 R. Ozeki All over Creation iv. 185 Her body was unenhanced, full and natural, which seemed like an erotic novelty.
uneroded adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻˈrəʊdᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənəˈroʊdəd/
1848 Monthly Jrnl. Agric. (N.Y.) May 565 In a healthy foot, the skin throughout the whole cleft is as firm, sound, dry and uneroded, as on any other part of the animal.
1924 Brit. Weekly 13 Nov. 147/3 There is no ‘basalt and bronze’ for a Prime Minister like a still uneroded majority of 210.
2013 Cricketer Sept. 90/3 Full of good stories and imbued with an uneroded love of the game.
unfaked adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfeɪkt/
U.S. /ˌənˈfeɪkt/
1884 Boston Sunday Globe 24 Aug. 6/4 The Indian..ran twelve full ‘unfaked’ miles in 59 minutes 47 seconds.
1968 A. Diment Bang Bang Birds vi. 102 One of the Birds, gazing at them with apparently un-faked adoration.
2012 Independent (Nexis) 1 Aug. 22 Clear, unfussy prose with genuine, unfaked empathy for both her characters and her readers.
ungrazed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡreɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡreɪzd/
1813 J. Taylor Arator xxvi. 121 The fertile state of new ungrazed countries.
1903 R. Kipling Five Nations 155 For the ungrazed upland, the untilled lea Cry, and the fields forlorn.
2002 Nature Conservancy Winter 18/1 An unlogged, ungrazed jewel known as the Cheesman Conservation Area.
ungritted adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡrɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡrɪdᵻd/
1901 Acad. Archit. & Archit. Rev. 20 (advt. in end matter) Mineral Rock Mastic Asphalte... Specially made to withstand both extremes of heat and cold, and supplied in blocks (gritted or ungritted) ready for use.
1977 Belfast Tel. 19 Jan. 1/2 Environment Department officials were caught napping today by the heavy overnight frost, which left a network of icy Ulster roads ungritted.
2016 Express (Nexis) 31 Dec. 14 Hertfordshire schoolchildren face having to walk to school along ungritted roads.
unholed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈhəʊld/
U.S. /ˌənˈhoʊld/
the world > space > relative position > closed or shut condition > [adjective] > stopping up or blocking > having no openings
1562 W. Bullein Dial. Sorenes f. xxviijv, in Bulwarke Def. Aloes epatike, Mirrhe, Sarcocol vnholed Galles. &c.
1768 C. Varlo Mod. Farmers Guide II. 343 He [sc. the horse] turns and goes one time with his right side, and the other with his left to the unholed-ground.
1883 W. S. Gresley Gloss. Terms Coal Mining 268 Unholed, boardgates or other headings which are not driven through or thirled into the adjoining roadway.
1986 Globe & Mail (Toronto) (Nexis) 18 Jan. c8 An unholed Spanish dollar was only worth about five shillings or less on the open market.
2009 Observer (Nexis) 6 Dec. (Food Monthly Suppl.) 22 This [cheese] looks a little unholed. It's also remarkably firm.
unhousetrained adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈhaʊstreɪnd/
U.S. /ˌənˈhaʊsˌtreɪnd/
1939 Times 27 Sept. 6/2 Householders who..have had their houses ruined by unhouse-trained children and dirty and slovenly mothers.
2007 J. Killion When Pigs Fly! x. 163 If he is a young puppy or unhousetrained adult dog, keep him in an exercise pen with a designated potty area.
uninjected adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪnˈdʒɛktᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈdʒɛktəd/
1786 W. Cruickshank Anat. Absorbing Vessels Human Body xiv. 79 [Albinus] allowed..the appearance of acini, but held them to be uninjected vessels.
1891 Trans. Assoc. Amer. Physicians 6 182 The raised plaques which are so prominent in the uninjected vessels have entirely disappeared, leaving a smooth intima.
1946 Nature 31 Aug. 311/2 There are two natural folds of skin in cattle at..the root of the tail, and the uninjected fold serves as a control.
2001 U.S. News & World Rep. 26 Nov. 57/2 Those who had the injections were only a quarter as likely to have surgery as uninjected patients.
unlaundered adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈlɔːndəd/
U.S. /ˌənˈlɔndərd/
1873 N.Y. Times 9 Feb. 6/5 (advt.) Night-Robes, Drawers, Dressing-Sacques, &c., laundered and unlaundered.
1965 T. Capote In Cold Blood ii. 125 Some bits of unlaundered laundry.
2012 Independent 28 Nov. (Review section) 5/5 In order to transport $500,000 in unlaundered cash safely from one country to another, you must possess a Business Class airline ticket.
unlenited adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnlᵻˈnʌɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənləˈnaɪdᵻd/
1911 Todd Lect. Series (Royal Irish Acad.) 27 115 The lenited d of inad has become unlenited before s, as it has before t in inat tigi.
2011 Ériu 61 130 The et compendium stands for et or eat , ed or ead in the case of unlenited dentals.
unlithified adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈlɪθᵻfʌɪd/
U.S. /ˌənˈlɪθəˌfaɪd/
1899 Technol. Q. Dec. 306 The gradual disappearance of the still recent and essentially unlithified deposits.
1961 Jrnl. Geol. (Chicago) 69 221 The Great Salt Lake Desert thus affords an invaluable opportunity for study of unlithified magnesium carbonate deposits.
2004 V. McDermid Torment of Others (2005) 291 In lay terms, what you're got there is a flat-bottomed cavity with an irregular top filled with fibrous calcite. In geological terms, it's an autochthonous formation caused by the partial winnowing of unlithified sediment.
unlooted adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈluːtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈludəd/
1860 Welcome Guest 2 181/2 Count Woronzoff's palace was unlooted, and a guard permanently stationed over it.
1954 Life 21 June 24/2 A massive block of peach alabaster which may be the only unlooted sarcophagus of Egypt's earliest dynasties ever found.
2015 Internat. N.Y. Times (Nexis) 28 Oct. 13 Archaeologists are looking forward to studying a major unlooted tomb with modern techniques like DNA analysis.
unmulched adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈmʌltʃt/
U.S. /ˌənˈməltʃt/
1855 Southern Cultivator June 186/2 If your soil is unmulched, clayey, and inclined to bake, it is advisable to loosen it up deeply with a prong or forked hoe before applying the water.
1947 Bull. Agric. Exper. Station, Oregon State Coll. (No. 443) 21 An unmulched strip of 3 or 4 feet may be left between the rows.
2015 Courier Mail (Austral.) (Nexis) 9 Aug. 61 It is often easier for inexperienced gardeners to see if the soil surface is dry and crusting on unmulched soil.
unoccluded adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈkluːdᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənəˈkludəd/
1793 W. O. Pughe Geiriadur Cynmraeg a Saesoneg: Welsh & Eng. Dict. I Diaçris, unobumbrated, unoccluded.
1846 J. Miller Pract. Surg. v. 96 The opening granulates and heals; and usually the breach in the sac closes, leaving the cavity unoccluded.
1948 Amer. Jrnl. Med. 5 322/2 Most patients exhibiting this condition, particularly when the third unoccluded artery is greatly narrowed, experience angina pectoris or congestive failure.
2012 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109 7880 The left ear was unoccluded enabling the participant to hear the movie soundtrack.
unoriented adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɔːrɪəntᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɔriˌɛn(t)əd/
1877 Amer. Architect & Building News 29 Sept. 311/1 Our readers will remember that St. Peters..is unoriented, and that it fronts towards the east.
1962 U. Weinreich in F. W. Householder & S. Saporta Probl. Lexicogr. 30 Features of a geographic area can be studied even from an unoriented map.
2002 P. Herring Biol. Deep Ocean iv. 87 Copepods, mysids,..fish, and squid all form such swarms (in which they are unoriented relative to each other).
unoverlooked adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəʊvəˈlʊkt/
U.S. /ˌənˌoʊvərˈlʊkt/
1849 Hull Packet & E. Riding Times 9 Feb. (Suppl.) 2/4 I am satisfied the poor themselves, unoverlooked as it were,..will to a great extent falsify their condition.
1968 H. Davies Beatles xxviii. 253 The front and the back of the house are completely un-overlooked.
2004 Hot Property 6 Aug. 64/4 (advt.) Cottage style property in village location,..deep unoverlooked garden.
unphotographed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfəʊtəɡrɑːft/
U.S. /ˌənˈfoʊdəˌɡræft/
1861 Ulster Mag. Aug. 424 Some of them [sc. public buildings]..were better left unphotographed.
1914 G. Bell Let. 21 Jan. (1927) I. xiii. 327 And we came at two o'clock to the last of the castles, Baîr, as yet unplanned and unphotographed.
2013 Washington Post (Nexis) 27 Oct. b2 She agreed to a secret, unphotographed trip with her children in 1971.
unpounded adj. Obsolete rare
1533 in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 149 Ȝif he thollis ony bestis to cum in the kyrkyerd frathinfurtht vnpundyt his crag to be put in the gouchf at the will of prouest and consaill.
1873 New Albany (Indiana) Ledger-Standard 12 Apr. Chief among the relics of barbarism..is unpounded hogs.
unrationed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈraʃnd/
U.S. /ˌənˈræʃ(ə)nd/
1841 Sydney Herald 31 July Some of the large stores..are charging their unrationed servants at the..rate of from 6s. to 7s. per lb. for tea.
1940 C. Milburn Diary 10 Mar. (1979) 26 To church..then home for the last unrationed meat dinner.
2014 Times (Nexis) 11 Feb. 27 HMS Vanguard brought back tins of unrationed sweets for British children lucky enough to have a relation in South Africa.
unrecycled adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈsʌɪkld/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈsaɪk(ə)ld/
1937 T. Nagel U.S. Patent 2,067,940 2/2 It is well known that unrecycled or straight run heavy oils..have higher heating values.
1992 Constr. Weekly 8 July 25/4 Furthermore, a Waste Tax bill envisages a waste prevention tax of DM100 (£34) for each tonne of unrecycled construction waste.
2014 Daily News (N.Y.) (Nexis) 6 Feb. 21 I caught a sanitation inspector literally tearing open my plastic trash bags to discover an unrecycled newspaper.
unreinforced adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnriːɪnˈfɔːst/
U.S. /ˌənˌriᵻnˈfɔrst/
1779 Gen. Advertiser & Morning Intelligencer 10 Mar. Lord Howe was left for two months unreinforced, consequently inadequate to meet the force that was sent to oppose him.
1837 Metropolitan Sept. 38 Ill supplied, and unreinforced,..he was compelled to make good his retreat to Rouen.
1947 T. J. Reynolds & E. Kent Struct. Steelwork (ed. 8) xiii. 252 Solid unreinforced concrete floors are supported between main steel beams by having filler joists embedded in the concrete.
2006 Time 10 Apr. 63/3 There are tens and thousands of..office and apartment buildings whose upper floors rest atop an unreinforced storefront or garage.
unridiculed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈrɪdᵻkjuːld/
U.S. /ˌənˈrɪdᵻˌkjuld/
1761 T. Smollett Sir Launcelot Greaves xviii, in Brit. Mag. May 257/1 Nor did Mr. Clarke's black patch and rueful countenance pass unnoticed and unridiculed.
1881 R. G. White Eng. Without & Within 371 Sheridan..leaves this trait of speech unridiculed.
1916 S. N. Cleghorn Spinster ix. 104 Solitude in her boarding-house left these fancies free to expand unridiculed and unopposed.
2013 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 17 Aug. 24 By far the funniest book I've ever read about Hollywood... With no star name left unridiculed, it's brilliant.
unsketched adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈskɛtʃt/
U.S. /ˌənˈskɛtʃt/
1792 tr. J. Necker Ess. True Princ. Executive Power Great States II. xv. 310 The executive power was yet unconstructed, was yet, if I may be allowed the expression, unsketched.
1820 New Monthly Mag. Aug. 174/1 No prospect is left unsketched.
1938 Plant Physiol. 13 23 (in figure) Unsketched part of main stem.
2011 Vallejo (Calif.) Times Herald (Nexis) 20 Aug. The dioramas are unplanned and unsketched.
unslanted adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈslɑːntᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈslæn(t)əd/
1886 Munson Phonographic News & Teacher Dec. 266/2 One of the most valuable kinds of training..is to practise daily a great deal of very small, un-slanted, or back-slanted longhand.
1974 J. Irving 158-Pound Marriage vi. 131 It was an old-fashioned, unslanted, glass windshield.
2012 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 25 Nov. 32 A far more interesting and surprisingly unslanted account of the cosy relationship between Tatler and the privileged set.
unsliced adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈslʌɪst/
U.S. /ˌənˈslaɪst/
1770 A. Young Six Months Tour N. Eng. III. 440 Those cattle, which even take to eating turneps unsliced.
1876 New Remedies Mar. 70/2 Whole unsliced nuts are also similarly treated.
2007 BBC Good Food: Vegetarian Summer 30/1 2–3 day-old small unsliced farmhouse white loaf.
unsmudged adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsmʌdʒd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsmədʒd/
1868 Prairie Farmer 25 Jan. 55/1 After examinations showed no new locations on the last growth of wood, while the unsmudged portions of the tree showed them plainly.
1934 Vogue June 104/3 An unsmudged, really beautifying make-up.
2015 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 18 Apr. (Spectrum section) 26 Helm grants Ravensbruck's women..a precise, unsmudged individuality.
unsourced adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsɔːst/
U.S. /ˌənˈsɔrst/
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick civ. 509 This antemosaic, unsourced existence of the unspeakable terrors of the whale.
1977 Kuwait Times 1 Nov. 6/3 In an unsourced report from Bucharest, the Egyptian agency also said that a decision whether to reconvene the Geneva conference would be made within the next two weeks.
2008 Ancestry Nov. 26/1 Document—prove—other people's unsourced research.
unspayed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈspeɪd/
U.S. /ˌənˈspeɪd/
1722 Abridgem. Publick Laws Virginia 136 No Overseer not having Land of his own in the County wherein he resides..shall be Owner of an unspayed Mare.
1844 Cultivator Nov. 357/1 When..it became desirable to make beef of the animal, she was found altogether superior for that purpose to the unspayed ones.
1979 ‘J. Ross’ Rattling of Old Bones ix. 83 The woman..[had] the sexual hunger of an unspayed cat in her eyes.
2012 New Yorker 29 Oct. 55/2 Until 2008, he was the only person on the island who could keep an unspayed bitch.
unsubmitted adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsəbˈmɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənsəbˈmɪdᵻd/
1647 T. Hodges Growth & Spreading Hæresie 16 Others whose braines he had garrison'd..for his own use, full fraughting them with Philosophy, and unsubmitted principles to higher truths.
?a1725 D. Culy Wks. (1726) ii. 146 To live and die ignorant of God's Righteousness, is to live and die unsubmitted unto God.
1888 C. M. Doughty Trav. Arabia Deserta I. ii. 31 The unwilling contribution of the few unsubmitted Idumean villages.
1917 Contemp. Rev. Aug. 274 The whole Protectorate forces form the cordon that holds the still unsubmitted tribesmen in check.
2016 Australian (Nexis) 18 Feb. 35 No medical training and half a Masters degree and unsubmitted PhD thesis to his name.
unsuggested adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsəˈdʒɛstᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənsə(ɡ)ˈdʒɛstəd/
1757 F. Warner Eccl. Hist. Eng. II. ix. 42 No motive was left unsuggested which could probably work on the hopes or fears of the court of Rome.
1830 J. Mackintosh Diss. Progress Ethical Philos. 88 That Dr. Adam Smith's ethical speculations are not so unsuggested as they are beautiful.
1916 Eng. Jrnl. 5 273 The unsuggested co-operation of the children in bringing material was a pleasant surprise.
2016 Philadelphia Inquirer (Nexis) 30 June b1 Having space for unprompted and unsuggested play is a privilege.
unsupercharged adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsuːpətʃɑːdʒd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsupərˌtʃɑrdʒd/
1922 Salt Lake Tribune 26 Feb. (Editorial, automobiles, sports, real estate section) 9/3 The unsupercharged airplane has almost attained its limit.
1974 Encycl. Brit. Macropædia VII. 936/1 The loss in power suffered by unsupercharged engines at high altitudes can be largely restored [by supercharging].
2011 Western Daily Press (Nexis) 5 Aug. 38 My favourite was the unsupercharged XK Coupe, from £63,900, with 385 horsepower, sublime manners and the possibility of 25 mpg.
unsurfaced adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsəːfᵻst/
U.S. /ˌənˈsərfəst/
1874 E. Pemberton Philatelical Catal. 17 Thick paper, soft, unsurfaced.
1953 W. Moore Bring Jubilee (1955) ii. 13 It was impossible to maintain unsurfaced highways in good condition.
2017 Express (Nexis) 17 Jan. 19 At one point we did 65 miles of unsurfaced roads in the Alps with breathtaking drops.
untagged adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈtaɡd/
U.S. /ˌənˈtæɡd/
1568 T. North tr. A. de Guevara Dial Princes (rev. ed.) iv. viii. f. 129 The courtier..that is content to tye his hose with vntagged poynts..and to cut his meat at the table with a rusty knife, I would think him base borne.
1867 Daily Arkansas Gaz. (Little Rock, Arkansas) 20 June City Collector Scott is waging an unrelenting warfare against untagged canines.
1967 Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. 16 440 The basis for this is an assumption that tagged and untagged fish are caught in the same proportions.
2017 Canberra Times (Nexis) 7 Jan. 6 People might..unwittingly swim in an area with more untagged sharks.
untelevised adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈtɛlᵻvʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈtɛləˌvaɪzd/
1936 Musical Times 77 29/1 People's ability or willingness to concentrate on untelevised music.
2016 USA Today (Nexis) 8 Nov. 4 d The untelevised program was mocked for its perceived second-tier status and lack of competition.
unvaunted adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvɔːntᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈvɔn(t)əd/
1717 Countess of Winchilsea Invocation to Southern Winds in Poems Several Occasions 176 Unvaunted eloquence and wit she gives.
1871 Athenæum 3 June 679/3 Let them be unvaunted and unpublished.
1953 Life 7 Sept. 8/3 Cheers to charity, unvaunted and unadvertised.
2006 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 4 Sept. 77 Unvaunted and generally unknown outside a small circle of triathlon followers in Sydney.
unvetted adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvɛtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈvɛdəd/
1948 Times of India 5 Sept. 12/2 Not even an unvetted kangaroo could approach the zone over the bare plains undetected.
2016 Daily Mirror (Ireland) (Nexis) 3 Nov. 2 Children could be at risk from unvetted childminders.
(i) With past participles ending in -ated, chiefly corresponding to verbs in -ate. Cf. -ated suffix.Formations of this type are found from the first half of the 16th cent., e.g. untranslated adj., unseparated adj.
1598 J. Manwood Treat. Lawes Forrest xvi. f. 99v Iohn at Downe did keepe the same dogge within the Forest unexpeditated.
1647 R. Hollingworth Rejoynder to S. Eaton xxxiv. 101 They met not in divers, but were uncongregated.
1653 Iudiciall Arraignm. Dutch Excize sig. A4 What Declarations and Declamations many Officers and Souldiers of the (now uncommissionated) Army.
1797 G. Humphreys Museum Calonnianum 2 Unmarginated Watering-pot.
1840 Hooker's Jrnl. Bot. 2 424 Its unimbricated calyx, unsymmetrical flowers, and ex-albuminous seeds.
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick xxxiv. 163 He swings himself to the deck, and in an even, unexhilarated voice, saying ‘Dinner, Mr. Starbuck,’ disappears into the cabin.
1881 J. Le Conte Sight iii. i. 172 Now a rectangular cross-image, if unrotated, would project as the crosses in the corners.
1889 P. Geddes & J. A. Thomson Evol. Sex vi. 78 The liberation of unindividuated sex-elements.
1926 S. Afr. Jrnl. Sci. 23 785 The Earlier Stone Age implements are heavily patinated, the Later are unpatinated or only slightly so.
1956 Nature 18 Feb. 326/2 The unfractionated polymer..gives crystals which are smaller and more opaque to electrons.
1965 Amer. Jrnl. Clin. Path. 43 112/2 The tumor was..usually unencapsulated and often diffusely infiltrated the adjacent muscle.
2014 48 Hours 27 Feb. 60/3 Signature dishes: US un-marinated short ribs..raw tuna with fresh vegetables in spicy-sour sauce.
unactivated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈaktᵻveɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈæktəˌveɪdᵻd/
1904 W. M. Bayliss in Archives des Sciences Biologiques 11 296 The existence of a weak protoclastic enzyme in un-activated pancreatic juice is confirmed.
2011 Lincs. Echo (Nexis) 28 Sept. 2 Mosely claimed to have deactivated one of the devices.., but said a second unactivated device was in the Newark area.
unagglutinated adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈɡluːtᵻneɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənəˈɡlutnˌeɪdᵻd/
1898 Proc. Geologists' Assoc. 1897–8 15 236 The unagglutinated portions of such pebble beds being represented, in a disturbed state, by the gravels of Prestwich's Brentwood Series.
1950 R. R. Race & R. Sanger Blood Groups in Man iii. 34 Such points as..the shaking free of unagglutinated cells enmeshed in agglutinates are skilfully dealt with.
2016 L. J. Tocci in K. Yagi & M. K. Holowaychuk Man. Vet. Transfusion Med. & Blood Banking ix. 124/1 Agglutinates either remain suspended in the gel (incompatible crossmatch) or unagglutinated cells pass to the bottom.
uncalibrated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkalᵻbreɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkæləˌbreɪdᵻd/
1875 Q. Jrnl. Meteorol. Soc. 2 410 [Mr Pastorelli] believed the errors of calibrated thermometers to be half those of uncalibrated ones at their minus readings.
1965 Canad. Jrnl. Linguistics 11 45 The whole process is wasteful, much as if one were to work with a number of highly sensitive but quite uncalibrated scientific instruments.
1993 Nature 4 Mar. 11/1 Radiocarbon dating of the man's skin tissue and bone at Oxford and Zurich produced uncalibrated figures of about 4,525 and 4,575 years before present.
unchlorinated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈklɒrᵻneɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈklɔrəˌneɪdᵻd/
1897 Jrnl. Soc. Dyers & Colourists 13 87/1 Their [sic] being little possibility from the method of its manufacture that it [sc. Dichloranthracene] could contain unchlorinated Anthracene.
1974 Jrnl. Water Pollution Control 46 2153 (heading) Bacteriology of chlorinated and unchlorinated wastewater effluents.
2012 Independent (Nexis) 9 Dec. The coffee, apparently made with unchlorinated water from a chalk spring on the farm, is proper and classy.
undemarcated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdiːmɑːkeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌəndəˈmɑrˌkeɪdᵻd/
1871 J. A. C. Boswell Settlem. Rep. Kistna 7 in Rep. Settlem. Land Revenue Provinces Madras Presidency 1870–1 (1872) Three large undemarcated blocks of land.
1967 M. Ayub Khan Friends not Masters x. 161 A similar situation could arise on our own undemarcated borders in the Sinkiang and Baltistan areas.
2012 Sunday Tel. (Austral.) (Nexis) 5 Feb. 36 Tensions have..been raised by the still undemarcated border.
unextricated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɛkstrᵻkeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɛkstrəˌkeɪdᵻd/
1811 Trans. Soc. Encouragem. Arts, Manuf. & Commerce, 1810 28 285 There is still much of the base kept dissolved, (by unextricated aërial acid).
1946 Amer. Lit. 17 363 No full biography of Emily Dickinson has as yet been written, and the text of her poetry is still in an unextricated snarl.
2001 United Press Internat. Newswire (Nexis) 19 Dec. Marilyn Lemak will always remain unextricated from the unimaginable nightmare that she created by her own hands.
ungranulated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡranjᵿleɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡrænjəˌleɪdᵻd/
1771 Monthly Rev. 45 (App.) 513 It has hitherto been generally supposed that gunpowder, in an ungranulated state,..will not do that effectual service, or produce that sudden explosion which is expected from it.
1830 R. L. Vowell Campaigns & Cruises I. 134 They boil the syrup down..and pour it into moulds, where it forms a coarse, ungranulated substance.
1970 N.Z. Jrnl. Agric. Res. 13 1 Much of the fertiliser (mainly superphosphate) is applied in the ungranulated form, simply by releasing it from a gate at the bottom of the aircraft hopper.
2016 J. Litster Design & Processing Particulate Products ix. 273 Ungranulated formulations of these products are also available.
unintegrated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɪntᵻɡreɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɪn(t)əˌɡreɪdᵻd/
1833 Edinb. Rev. Oct. 192 Uncertain conclusions deduced from the particular forms of unintegrated differential equations.
1920 R. R. Marett Psychol. & Folk-lore vi. 121 An unintegrated or imperfectly rational type.
2005 Independent 9 July 49/5 European countries..with their substantial and largely unintegrated Islamic minorities.
unmanipulated adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnməˈnɪpjᵿleɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənməˈnɪpjəˌleɪdᵻd/
1811 Baltimore Med. & Philos. Lycæum July 274 The unmanipulated stick-lac contains in its cells, a substance of an entire different quality, soluble in water.
1937 Life 12 Apr. 78/2 (caption) A believer in ‘straight’ unmanipulated photography, he does not care if there are black shadows in his pictures.
2005 J. Kozol Shame of Nation xi. 270 Progressive friends of mine..value a high degree of informality and unmanipulated self-discovery within the education of their children.
unmethylated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈmɛθᵻleɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈmɛθəˌleɪdᵻd/
1862 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 10 May 489/1 Either preparation may be prepared from the methylated chloroform; but hitherto I have preferred the unmethylated for administration by the prima via.
1953 I. Heilbron & H. M. Bunbury Dict. Org. Compounds (rev. ed.) I. 28/2 Acriflavine (Trypaflavine)..commercial product usually contains a proportion of the unmethylated base.
2005 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 4 Oct. 14 The unmethylated DNA disappeared within 24 hours of birth.
unmyelinated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈmʌɪᵻlᵻneɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈmaɪələˌneɪdᵻd/
1898 C. K. Mills Nerv. Syst. & its Dis. vii. 775 The lamina can be seen through the comparatively transparent unmyelinated axis cylinders of the nerve proper.
1934 Jrnl. Compar. Neurol. 59 95 In some parts of the [amphibian] brain much branched and contorted unmyelinated axons form a dense entanglement.
2013 Daily Mail (Nexis) 27 May When you tickle someone, you actually stimulate the unmyelinated nerve fibers that cause pain.
unphosphorylated adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnfɒsˈfɒrᵻleɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˌfɑsˈfɔrəˌleɪdᵻd/
1937 Ann. Rev. Biochem. 6 31 Unphosphorylated flavins also show activity in the presence, but not in the absence, of the protein part of flavoprotein.
2003 Science 6 June 1493/2 The calcium pump is regulated by the protein phospholamban, which in its unphosphorylated form sits on—and inhibits—the pump protein SERCA2.
unpollinated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpɒlᵻneɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈpɑləˌneɪdᵻd/
1879 23rd Ann. Rep. Maine Board Agric. 1878 38 The upper ear..seems to grow at the expense of the unpollinated ones.
1937 Amer. Midland Naturalist 18 310 Mature and unpollinated pistils were collected and preserved from a hydraulic canal at Goshen, Indiana.
2012 Express (Nexis) 15 Nov. 9 Driving rain and cold forced bees to hide in their hives, leaving many mistletoe flowers unpollinated.
unprotonated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈprəʊtəneɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈproʊdəˌneɪdᵻd/
1951 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 73 3225/2 The KI values of both D- and L-tryptophanamide at pH 7.9 are necessarily functions of the concentrations of the protonated and unprotonated species at this pH.
1957 Science 22 Feb. 337/2 The unprotonated (basic) member of a reagent which is in acid-base equilibrium.
2013 Ecol. Monogr. 83 161/2 The unprotonated form of phosphate..is negligible in the alkaline waters of the Ichetucknee.
unrefrigerated adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈfrɪdʒəreɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈfrɪdʒəˌreɪdᵻd/
1837 Edinb. Rev. Apr. 10/1 The heat of the unrefrigerated and probably fluid nucleus of the globe.
1968 D. E. Allen Brit. Tastes 234 Milk was scarce and the sealed, sterilised variety would stay fresh, though unrefrigerated, for seven days.
1998 H. Strachan Way Up Way Out i. 9 A certain quantity of stockfish brought up from the Cape under wet sacks in unrefrigerated trucks.
unremediated adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈmiːdɪeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈmidiˌeɪdᵻd/
1950 Ottumwa (Iowa) Daily Courier 7 June 8/5 A full generation will be required to overcome these and other unremediated damages.
2002 Sci. Amer. June 13/1 The tons of toxic waste left over from nuclear weapons production..sit unremediated in belowground storage tanks and bins at three U.S. Department of Energy sites.
unreplicated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈrɛplᵻkeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈrɛpləˌkeɪdᵻd/
1859 Evening Herald 22 Aug. 4/5 This pedantic assumption..was at once demolished by the Lord Mayor's unreplicated answer.
1916 A. Atkinson & N. C. Donaldson in Bull. Montana Agric. Exper. Station No. 110. 205 The barley varieties were grown in unreplicated tenth-acre plats in 1908, 1909, 1910, and 1913.
2008 Guardian (Nexis) 9 Dec. (G2 section) 16 These are unjustified dietary suggestions based on a very small and unreplicated study which is probably reporting a false positive result.
unsublimated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsʌblᵻmeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsəbləˌmeɪdᵻd/
1831 Globe (Washington, D.C.) 10 Nov. The plain and straight-forward common-sense, business-part and management of a great and unsublimated Republic.
1923 J. S. Huxley Ess. Biologist vii. 271 We may perhaps best say that a sublimated instinct has more and higher values attached to its satisfaction than one unsublimated.
2017 Star Tribune (Minneapolis) (Nexis) 24 Mar. 6 e Justine and worldly wise Alexia oscillate between playfulness and an increasingly unsublimated drive to mess with each other.
unsyncopated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsɪŋkəpeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsɪŋkəˌpeɪdᵻd/
1849 I. B. Woodbury Self-instructor in Musical Composition iv. 96 The term of free style, or unsyncopated style, applies to those kinds of compositions in which such an artificial mode of treating the musical ideas is not aimed at.
1922 W. J. Locke Tale of Triona ix. 97 A company of women groping..after ideals in unsyncopated time.
2014 N.Y. Times Blogs (Nexis) 12 July The insistent, unsyncopated beats of current dance music.
unvalidated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvalᵻdeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈvæləˌdeɪdᵻd/
1815 D. Laurie Treat. Finance 613 The financial business that is thus left out for the occupation of unvalidated retributive impledgements, equal in value to the property formerly mortgaged.
1972 Science 2 June 973/1 As yet, this model is unvalidated, and field studies will be carried out in the near future.
2012 Calgary (Alberta) Herald (Nexis) 20 July a10 Carrying an unvalidated ticket aboard the train.
unvegetated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvɛdʒᵻteɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈvɛdʒəˌteɪdᵻd/
1771 M. Peters Winter Riches 210 Lay it under a veer and ridge fallow during the winter, which will expose the yet unvegetated seed if any, to the field birds.
1845 J. J. Mechi Series Lett. Agric. Improvem. Bristol Sel. Pamphlets xii. 62 The dormant seeds of weeds having had the benefit of the winter's moisture, and no powerful opponents in the unvegetated corn, grew up and luxuriated.
1939 Geogr. Jrnl. 94 221 A high pyramid of unvegetated sand was a prominent landmark.
2000 Independent (Nexis) 9 Dec. 3 The cold, relatively dry, windy conditions and unvegetated environment at the site is milder and wetter than present-day Mars.
(i) With past participles ending in -ized, chiefly corresponding to verbs in -ize. Cf. -ized suffix.The earliest formation of this type appears to be unbaptized adj., from the early 15th cent. or perhaps slightly earlier. From the 16th cent. compare also e.g. uncanonized adj., unparagonized adj., unequalized adj.
1647 Maids Petition 6 The conscientious liberty of our unvassalized Virginity.
1844 J. W. Draper in London, Edinb., & Dublin Philos. Mag. 25 2 The untithonized chlorine shows no disposition to unite with its hydrogen.
1858 Brownson's Q. Rev. Apr. 198 Salvation lies in the supernatural order, and is not secured in the unsupernaturalized by the simple negative merit of not sinning.
1864 Sat. Rev. 3 Dec. A mere unspurgeonized profane grocer.
1885 Athenæum 20 June 788/1 The author's liberal use of unitalicized..French words.
1934 E. Blunden Mind's Eye iv. 256 A world as yet unanatomized by scientific accuracy.
1950 O. Nash Family Reunion (1951) 134 He undergoes the lecturing Like unanesthetized vivisecturing.
1971 Computers & Humanities 6 32 Indices and concordances..can be unlemmatized, like the key-word in context concordance to Livy.
2007 Coastal Living July 117 The unwinterized 1930s-era houses..looked more like a nightmare.
un-Americanized adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈmɛrᵻkənʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənəˈmɛrəkəˌnaɪzd/
1846 Vermont Chron. 12 Aug. 125/1 His character is practically unamericanized.
1931 Times Lit. Suppl. 18 June 481/4 An un-Americanised..honest English England.
2015 Atlanta Jrnl.-Constit. (Nexis) 10 Dec. 1 d The original (un-Americanized) text of the first Potter novel is reformatted into a lavishly illustrated 246-page picture book.
un-Anglicized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈaŋɡlᵻsʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈæŋɡləˌsaɪzd/
1822 Brighton Mag. June 652 We recur to the sagacious and unanglicised bodements of a certain opposition during the Peninsular war.
1964 B. Trnka in D. Abercrombie et al. Daniel Jones 186 The French nasals in the occasionally un-Anglicized pronunciation of Modern French words.
2017 Sydney Morning Herald (Nexis) 3 Jan. 22 A Greek Australian..whose unanglicised name..would be Kostandinos Giannakellis.
uncategorized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkatᵻɡərʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkædəɡəˌraɪzd/
1850 J. S. Smith Social Aspects vii. 188 A few lines would embrace all who are worthy to take rank in this grand uncategorized report.
1964 Times Lit. Suppl. 10 Sept. 848/4 That fishy but still uncategorized item, Stevenson's Ticonderoga.
2016 Globe & Mail (Canada) (Nexis) 3 Sept. b8 Uncategorized personal spending..$1,500.
uncolonized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkɒlənʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkɑləˌnaɪzd/
1756 Considerations Present State Affairs 25 In the wild and yet uncolonized parts of his government.
1862 J. S. Mill in Westm. Rev. 22 510 The vast uncolonized region of Arkansas, and Texas.
1979 Jrnl. Brit. Interplanetary Soc. 32 222/1 The relative availability of uncolonized stars will be rapidly and dramatically restricted.
2016 Internat. N.Y. Times (Nexis) 29 Nov. Even when independence came, India's uncolonized Hindu majority felt oppressed by a Westernized elite.
undiphthongized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdɪfθɒŋ(ɡ)ʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈdɪpθɔŋˌ(ɡ)aɪzd/
1888 J. Wright Old High-German Primer 137 Old ō remained undiphthongised the longest in the Bavarian dialect.
1951 W. K. Matthews Langs. U.S.S.R. iii. 35 Undiphthongised long e and o.
2008 R. Wright in S. Barton & P. Linehan Cross, Crescent & Conversion 77 The name Mérida with its otherwise surprisingly undiphthongized short stressed [é].
unhellenized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈhɛlᵻnʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈhɛləˌnaɪzd/
1854 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper 26 Nov. 2/5 When the word Sebastopol is found upon the tongues of all, it may not be deemed inappropriate to give to your un-Hellenised reader a short explanation of its name.
1960 C. S. Lewis Stud. in Words ii. 24 In defiance of chronology, we begin with some account of the Latin and English words in their un-hellenised condition.
2016 W. V. Harris Rom. Power v. 161 Recruiting large numbers of soldiers in relatively unromanized and unhellenized provinces such as Lower Germany, Thrace, and Cappadocia.
unidealized adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnʌɪˈdɪəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˌaɪˈdiəˌlaɪzd/
1816 Brit. Critic Mar. 291 The devotion of Alcestis is somewhat beyond unidealized truth, but her petty cares, her recollections..are nature itself.
1956 Life 22 Oct. 105/2 (caption) Her explicit, unidealized form..is closer to being naked than nude.
2015 New Yorker 23 Feb. 32/2 He loved the fact of human faces as they were, uncosmeticized and unidealized and coolly inspected.
unindustrialized adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪnˈdʌstrɪəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈdəstriəˌlaɪzd/
1908 Internat. Socialist Rev. Dec. 432 Industrial Germany must have free course..with yet unindustrialized peoples in Asia.
2003 New Yorker 12 May 62/1 The French describe this region..as the heart of..unindustrialized, ‘slow’ France.
unnationalized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈnaʃ(ə)nəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈnæʃ(ə)nəˌlaɪzd/
1839 Emancipator (N.Y.) 21 Feb. 174/2 The disowned and unnationalized, the patient and unoffending negro.
1968 O. Wynd Sumatra Seven Zero ii. 16 She'll have a handsome income for as long as the place stays un-nationalized.
2010 Alternatives 35 188 Naming unnationalized people as indigenous people is the consequence of the emergence of the world system of nation-states.
unnormalized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈnɔːməlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈnɔrməˌlaɪzd/
1887 Mod. Lang. Notes 2 173/2 The text is not only accurate, but it is unnormalized.
1957 L. Fox Numerical Solution Two-point Boundary Probl. vii. 170 This constant is the reciprocal of the corresponding current estimate of λ, obtained as the ratio of successive unnormalized first components.
2012 Systematic Biol. 61 798/2 I use the unnormalized density of the exponential distribution in the calculations.
unoptimized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɒptᵻmʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɑptəˌmaɪzd/
1962 Adv. Energy Conversion 2 133 The experimental method and theory is verified by measurements on a thermoelectrically unoptimized single crystal of Bi2Te3.
1975 Computerworld 19 Mar. 14/4 We need technology to introduce optimization gradually into unoptimized programs.
2009 Gaz. (Colorado Springs) 21 Aug. (Arts & Stage section) GO10/3 Much of the dialogue was drowned out by the music or muffled by an unoptimized sound system.
unparasitized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈparəsᵻtʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈpɛrəsəˌtaɪzd/
1880 J. H. Comstock in Ann. Rep. Commissioner Agric. 1879 (U.S. Dept. Agric.) 307 In a field which was black with these worms I have searched for hours without finding a single unparasitized full-grown worm.
1975 Audubon May 102/3 They get less warmth and so the hatching rate is lower than the unparasitized nests.
2012 Daily Mail (Nexis) 7 Sept. (Science section) If enough of the parasitized bees do the wrong ‘waggle’ dances to send unparasitized foragers off in the wrong directions for food..the hive's productivity could falter.
unplasticized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈplastᵻsʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈplæstəˌsaɪzd/
1921 India-Rubber Jrnl. 21 May 12/1 Air-dried glue may be homogeneously admixed or compounded with rubber by subjecting a mixture containing the glue and unplasticised or unworked rubber to a mixing or milling action.
1982 J. K. Sears & J. R. Darby Technol. Plasticizers v. 301 Rigid, unplasticized PVC..essentially obeys Hooke's Law for quite some distance.
2009 Stud. in Conservation 54 102/1 Unplasticized cellulose acetate is more stable than plasticized.
unpolymerized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpɒlᵻmərʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənpəˈlɪməˌraɪzd/
1879 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 35 758 They [sc. terpenes] are ultimately rendered optically inactive, a considerable proportion remaining unpolymerised.
1976 Jrnl. Molecular Biol. 105 527 Is there an appreciable amount of unpolymerized protein free within the cytoplasm, as there probably is for microtubules?
2014 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 11350/1 The protein fragments were confirmed to bind to unpolymerized tubulins.
unsclerotized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsklɪərətʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsklɛrəˌtaɪzd/
1929 Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 22 243 Legs without free tibio-tarsal articulation,..very round deep, thin-walled unsclerotized cups.
1976 D. J. Horn Biol. Insects v. 212 Greater freedom of movement between sclerotized parts is afforded by thin, unsclerotized membranes at joints of moveable body parts.
2001 G. C. McGavin Essent. Entomol. 29 Between this and the action of shedding the old cuticle, known as ecdysis, unsclerotized parts of the old cuticle are digested and the new cuticle is formed.
unsocialized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsəʊʃəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsoʊʃəˌlaɪzd/
1818 Ess. shewing that Script. do not sanction Idea of Hell 7 The fire of the Roman sword attended with all the horrors of unsocialized society and civil war.
1948 H. V. Hodson Twentieth-cent. Empire x. 112 The still unstabilized and unsocialized citizens.
2013 V. Chandra Geek Sublime (2014) iv. 85 Programming in America..is marked by a particular machismo that idealizes un-socialized, high-school-outcast geekery.
unstabilized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsteɪbᵻlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈsteɪbəˌlaɪzd/
1909 Chem. Abstr. 3 2714 (heading) On the conditions of the biological inactivity of unstabilized colloidal silver.
1975 Petroleum Rev. 29 89/3 Unstabilised raw crude oil consisting of crude oil and natural gas liquids will be pumped at increasing rates of throughput to Teesside.
2013 N.Y. Times 11 July (Late ed.) a14/3 Boeing..lists unstabilized approaches as a leading cause of tail strikes, in which a plane lands with its nose too high, so that the tail hits the runway.
unstandardized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈstandədʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈstændərˌdaɪzd/
1868 J. A. Wanklyn & E. T. Chapman Water Anal. ii. 21 Dilute the unstandardised soap solution accordingly with alcohol of 40 per cent.
1920 S. Alexander Space, Time & Deity II. iii. ix. 262 Error is real only as possessed by the unstandardised believer.
2000 Amer. Banker (Nexis) 28 Nov. Approvals were made on the basis of time-consuming and unstandardized reviews by individual loan officers.
unvandalized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvandəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈvændlˌaɪzd/
1872 Mrs. A. S. Orr Flower of Ticino i. 12 The Scripture stories..were all perfect in the freshness of their unvandalized sculpture.
1968 P. Dickinson Skin Deep iii. 42 There was still a telephone kiosk..momentarily unvandalised too.
2010 Knox (Victoria, Austral.) Leader (Nexis) 13 Apr. 25 An overcrowded and understaffed railway station with only one unvandalised vending machine.
unvaporized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈveɪpərʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈveɪpəˌraɪzd/
1837 Rep. Explosions Steam Boilers: Pt. II (Franklin Inst.) 43 The steam was prevented from carrying over any water in an unvaporized state.
1932 F. R. Jones Farm Gas Engines & Tractors xvii. 199 Liquid fuel which may be taken into the cylinders in an unvaporized condition and, remaining unburned, gets by the piston and rings and dilutes the oil.
2008 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) A. 366 4222 A substantial fraction of the unvaporized material may also escape.
unverbalized adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈvəːbəlʌɪzd/
U.S. /ˌənˈvərbəˌlaɪzd/
1860 ‘E. Wetherell’ & ‘A. Lothrop’ Say & Seal I. xxviii. 349 A little unverbalized sound answered that, and Mrs. Somers said good evening and walked on.
1909 W. James Pluralistic Universe 348 Its purity is only a relative term, meaning the proportional amount of unverbalized sensation which it [sc. experience] still embodies.
2008 Guardian (Nexis) 1 Nov. (Weekend Suppl.) 87 A time-honoured method for bringing unverbalised feelings into sharp focus.
b. With past participles formed by other means.Such formations are much fewer than those in -ed, but include a considerable number in common use, as unborn, unbroken, untaught, etc.Latinate formations with -ate suffix2 (e.g. unaccommodate adj., unadulterate adj., unassociate adj.) are somewhat rare (although commoner in early modern English than later), formations in in- prefix4 or its variants being more usually found (e.g. insatiate adj., illiterate adj.).
OE Blickling Homilies 189 Þu cwist nu ealles þæt ðu wilt, ac þæt ungehaten is sceal beon geendod.
lOE Rule St. Benet (Faust.) i. 135 Sume sidfeaxe gaþ, þæt seo bescorene halignes ne sy weorþre, þenne seo unbescorene.
c1225 (?OE) Soul's Addr. to Body (Worcester) (Fragm. D) l. 6 Heo wulleþ wurchen hore hord on þine heauedponne, n[ulleþ] heo bileafen þine lippen unfreten.
c1422 T. Hoccleve Tale of Jerelaus (Durh.) l. 496 in Minor Poems (1970) i. 157 Naght is which..They [sc. women] change lest it hurte mighte hir loos, And keepen it secree, couert & cloos, Vnexecut, thogh of hem nat a fewe The reuers doon.
1657 Rec. Dingwall in W. Mackay Rec. Presbyteries Inverness & Dingwall (1896) 290 The part alloted to Mr. Murdoich being as yet onuptaken.
1798 C. Bonnor Proc. & Corr. relating to Articles of Accusation 60 As uninterwoven as possible with the present official arrangements.
2003 R. Garcia y Robertson Lady Robyn (2004) 248 Making it illegal to..be seen with an unslung bow.
2010 Guardian (Nexis) 12 July (G2 section) 5 Forgive my pants for remaining unshitten.
c. With units consisting of past participle plus preposition or adverb (usually hyphenated when used attributively), often corresponding to phrasal verbs.In such formations, un- is prefixed to the unit of past participle and preposition or adverb: for example, unprayed-for derives from un- + prayed-for rather than from unprayed + for. However, in order to avoid a proliferation of separate dictionary entries for such formations with different prepositions or adverbs, many lemmas of this type are treated at the adjective entries (for example, unmade-up at unmade adj. Compounds, unprayed for adj. at unprayed adj. Compounds 2, etc.).unborne away (see quot. 1483 at unborne adj.) is an early example of this type of formation; others, such as uncalled-for, unheard-of, unlooked-for, begin to appear in the 16th and 17th centuries. The following quotations provide examples of less common formations.
c1475 (c1445) R. Pecock Donet (1921) 161 (MED) I may not leeue vnconsiderid and vnto be þouȝt vpon..how fair..it were to alle cristen peple..and speciali to clerkis of dyuynite forto..knowe, [etc.].
1570 in 6th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS: Pt. I (1877) 647/1 in Parl. Papers (C. 1745) XLVII. 1 Certan siluer wark quhilk as yet remanis onquytout upoun.
1648 H. Hexham Groot Woorden-boeck Een Onbeslapen dochter, a maide Vnlien with, or a Virgine.
1704 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion III. xvi. 519 After he had lived some years in Paris untaken notice of, and indeed unknown.
1828 W. Carr Dial. Craven (ed. 2) Unmelled-on, not meddled with.
1849 J. S. Mill in Westm. Rev. Apr. 1/1 These unmerited attacks should not remain unprotested against.
1858 J. A. Froude Hist. Eng. (ed. 2) IV. 496 Unvouched for, unalluded to by any contemporary authority as yet discovered.
1887 Daily News 3 Nov. 2/5 You have..allowed your conduct to remain unexplained and unapologised for.
1932 Z. N. Hurston Let. 8 June in Life in Lett. (2002) 259 I conceived the idea of giving a series of concerts of untampered-with Negro folk material so that people may see what we are really like.
1959 L. A. Fiedler Jew in Amer. Novel ii. 32 The challenge to an unbelieved-in God to redeem Williamsburg at the end of Fuchs' first novel.
2010 Independent 15 Sept. 45/4 Increasingly, say nutritionists, we would benefit from eating like our ancestors: whole, un-fiddled-about-with produce.
d. Prefixed to adjectival compounds formed from a noun and a past participle, forming adjectives, usually with the sense ‘with the specified action not being performed or carried out by, or by means of, the specified agent’.Formations of this type are typically rare and ad hoc, a selection of typical examples being illustrated here.
1595 W. Covell Polimanteia sig. Q2v For not..aged censoring Cato..might challenge greater priuiledge of trueth, then your free toongd and vn-aw-bound skill.
1598 R. Barret Theorike & Pract. Mod. Warres i. 5 The vnsouldier-learned, to the vnlettered souldier may be paralleld..as the Phisition Theorike to the grosse practitioner.
1606 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. (new ed.) ii. iii. 145 Where, Learned Men, vn-soule-clog'd (as it were) With servile gyves of Kings imperious Feare, Flye even to Heav'n.
1659 T. Fuller Appeal Iniured Innocence ii. 68 That single and signal instance of that Unparliament-impowred-Convocation.
1761 E. Thompson Meretriciad 28 She never vended goods unduty paid.
1829 J. Bentham Justice & Codification Petitions iii. 104 Because by the judges, unfee-fed as they would be, nothing would be to be got by it.
1856 Titan Aug. 141/2 In the ascent from this Avernus..some strange strides are often made by the yet unsociety-balanced refinements of the aspirant.
1879 F. Rutley Study of Rocks xiv. 300 Consisting partly of angular and comparatively unwater-worn..materials.
1918 Dial 17 Jan. 50/2 Against them the curse we would bring Of un-earth-bound beings!
2016 Times 16 Mar. 3 While most companies that provide doves for functions use birds with a homing instinct so that they return to their owners, the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) has warned that some may release uncompany trained doves which are then left in the wild.
a. Prefixed to adjectives formed from nouns by means of the suffix -ed (-ed suffix2), forming adjectives (and derived nouns), usually with the sense ‘not provided or equipped with the specified thing’ (also ‘not affected by the specified thing’, ‘not treated with the specified thing’, etc.).Such formations appear in Old English, albeit rarely, but are otherwise not recorded until the 16th cent.Sometimes difficult to distinguish from words formed on past participles in -ed (see sense 2a(a)); cf. e.g. unholed adj. at sense 2a(a)(ii).
eOE Laws of Ælfred (Corpus Cambr. 173) xxvi. 64 Gif mon ungewintrædne wifmon to niedhæmde geðreatige, sie ðæt swa ðæs gewintredan monnes bot.
1598 S. Rowlands Betraying of Christ sig. Bii What furies guided this misguided swarme? To bend their force against vnthoughted harme.
1648 H. Hexham Groot Woorden-boeck Ongespitst, vnpointed, or Vnspired.
1733 Lady M. W. Montagu & Ld. Hervey Verses to Imitator of 1st Satire of 2nd Bk. Horace 6 If..Unwhipt, unblanketed, unkick'd, unslain; That wretched little Carcass you retain.
1821 Examiner 5 Aug. 482/1 The unbeneficed and unparked.
1854 J. D. Hooker Himalayan Jrnls. I. xi. 252 The ridge was unsnowed a little way down the east flank.
1863 M. James Not an Angel II. 260 The unrailwayed inhabitants of that neighbourhood.
1872 J. Ruskin Fors Clavigera II. xix. 6 My notion of..charity is, by no means..the giving to unable-bodied paupers.
1887 D. A. Low Introd. Machine Drawing Pref. p. iii An undimensioned scale drawing.
1892 R. L. Stevenson Across Plains i. 13 A butler perhaps rides as high over the unbutlered.
a1916 H. James Sense of Past (1917) 290 His perfect and soignées teeth..which that undentisted age can't have known the like of.
1920 J. Masefield Enslaved 6 The old un-autumned beauty that never goes away.
1940 G. Frankau Self-portrait lxii. 385 I drove like a fool, the car open and my eyes ungoggled.
1964 Economist 19 Dec. 1356/1 A straightforward, unfootnoted historical narrative.
1981 M. Gee Dying, in Other Words 74 She had pressed her unbrassièred breasts on his shoulders and said he was gorgeous.
2010 Irish Times (Nexis) 5 July 17 The north side of the wide unquayed Liffey.
ungated adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈɡeɪtᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈɡeɪdᵻd/
1844 Milwaukie (Wisconsin Territory) Sentinel 8 June Walking out of the unwalled and ungated Nauvoo.
1954 Norfolk Mag. June 57/2 Immediately beyond the farmhouse is the now ungated entrance to the grounds.
2015 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 17 May 50 Parents of young children should..note the lack of a garden..and wide, ungated staircase.
unillusioned adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪˈl(j)uːʒnd/
U.S. /ˌənᵻˈluʒənd/
1885 Yale Lit. Mag. Jan. 150 Plain, unillusioned common sense.
1940 W. Faulkner Hamlet ii. ii. 130 The father, the lean pleasant shrewd unillusioned man..had been betrayed at the last.
2013 Weekend Austral. (Nexis) 21 Sept. 18 She is a tough-minded, unillusioned, wisecracking professional.
unkeepered adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkiːpəd/
U.S. /ˌənˈkipərd/
1895 Badminton Mag. Nov. 447 The very essence of true old-fashioned sport; unwatched, unkeepered, unbeatered birds in a wild land.
1977 H. Douglas-Home Birdman vi. 71 Keepering established a balance which could not have existed in the earlier predator dominated times. Anyone who doubts this need only take a train from Edinburgh to Glasgow, unkeepered country today.
2000 Daily Tel. 25 May 31/4 Perhaps an even better example of the problems caused by the fall in the number of gamekeepers..would be the unkeepered moors owned by Sheffield council.
unliganded adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈlɪɡəndᵻd/
U.S. /ˌənˈlɪɡəndəd/
1967 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 58 2089 Significant concentrations of species i with unliganded [protein] subunits in the B conformation are found.
1989 B. Alberts et al. Molecular Biol. Cell (ed. 2) xii. 691 Some types of steroid hormone receptor are located primarily in the cytosol when they are inactive (unliganded).
2013 H. Sies in D. Praticò & P. Mecocci Stud. Alzheimer's Dis. i. 4 Mechanisms keeping in check the amounts of unliganded iron have again come into focus.
unlobed adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈləʊbd/
U.S. /ˌənˈloʊbd/
1832 Atlantic Jrnl. Autumn 109/2 Grinders trilobate before three large ribs and two broad furrows between, middle rib or lobe longest and largest: convex and unlobed behind.
1957 Fassett's Man. Aquatic Plants (rev. ed.) 261 These plants, especially P[roserpinaca] palustris, are noted for their habit of producing deeply divided leaves on the submersed portions of the stem and unlobed leaves on the emersed.
2004 BBC Gardeners' World Dec. 76/2 It differs from your average run of ivies as its leaves are large, unlobed and elongated.
unprovenanced adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈprɒvᵻnənst/
U.S. /ˌənˈprɑv(ə)nənst/
1950 Ulster Jrnl. Archæol. 13 60 What appears to be a bit of type intermediate between I and II is..in the possession of Mr. William Sharman of Waringstown..; similar bit, unprovenanced, is in the Belfast Museum.
2007 New Yorker 17 Dec. 74/2 Over the past two years, other American museums have stopped buying unprovenanced antiquities.
unpupiled adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpjuːpld/
U.S. /ˌənˈpjup(ə)ld/
1829 Olio 4 54/2 Behold him..rolling his odd white balls..on the Bear at his side, who, for her part, rolls two similar o's, two unpupiled dittos, on him again!
1914 R. Brooke Let. Mar. (1968) 568 They come to you by night,..& their eyes—unpupiled balls of white—fall out too, & they stink & shine.
2009 L. Olstein Lost Alphabet 17 This is like peering through glass into some unpupiled eye.
unreferenced adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈrɛf(ə)r(ə)nst/
U.S. /ˌənˈrɛf(ə)rənst/
1859 Athenæum 15 Oct. 495/1 Gowin Knight..is a person of whom, the article says, little is known. This is strictly true as to ordinary sources of knowledge. Knight is an unreferenced man.
1965 Times Lit. Suppl. 29 Apr. 329/3 An unreferenced statement in another book.
2015 Daily Rec. & Sunday Mail (Nexis) 30 Apr. 13 He was warned several times by Wikipedia about adding unreferenced information.
a. Prefixed to present participles and participial adjectives, forming adjectives (and derived nouns) with the sense ‘that does not perform the specified action, undergo the specified process, etc.’.On the participial use of such forms, see sense 7b.On the history of formations of this type in Old English and Middle English, see further discussion in the etymology section.
eOE King Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Otho) (2009) I. xxi. 480 Hwæþer þu giet ongite þæt ða uncweðendan gesceafta wilnodon to bionne on ecnesse swa ilce swa men, gif hi meahten?
OE Ælfric Homily (Corpus Cambr. 188) in B. Assmann Angelsächsische Homilien u. Heiligenleben (1889) 37 Seo wæs untymende oð ðæt hundnigonteoþe gear.
c1456 R. Pecock Bk. Faith (Trin. Cambr.) (1909) 134 (MED) Therfore thilk article is trewe, and to be bileeved for the infailable and unbigiling treuthe of the affermer, which is God.
1597 W. Warner Albions Eng. (new ed.) ix. xliv. 211 The vndeluding Alcumist is that Elizabeth Whom English, yea and Alients, hold a Goddesse on the Earth.
1623 F. Rous Oile of Scorpions i. v. 30 The Sunne..hath couered his face, with blacke mourning Cloudes, as loth to looke vpon vnmourning sinners.
1784 R. Bage Barham Downs I. 101 Unconcatenating blockhead!
1801 H. Macneill To Eliza in Poet. Wks. I. 69 Plaguing her plain, unpuffing spouse, About his former oaths and vows.
1812 P. B. Shelley Retrospect in Compl. Poet. Wks. (1904) 970/2 When mountain, meadow, wood and stream With unalloying glory gleam.
1837 J. Badcock in N. Whittock et al. Compl. Bk. Trades 358 None of these ends can be accomplished..unless this be done in a neat unbungling manner.
1858 H. Bushnell Serm. for New Life v. 100 More ambitious and more untransforming to the people.
1887 J. Hutchison Lect. Philippians xvii. 187 The unfaultfinding complacency with which he contemplated one of his later works.
1942 T. S. Eliot Little Gidding iii. 12 Being between two lives—unflowering, between The live and the dead nettle.
1971 Life 26 Nov. 12/3 He was unveering,..absolutely ferocious when momentarily delayed by a clutching lineman.
2016 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 15 Dec. Good morning on this unthawing Thursday.
unarousing adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈraʊzɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənəˈraʊzɪŋ/
1845 R. W. Hamilton Inst. Pop. Educ. iii. 40 Agriculture,..in the ordinary processes of its labour,..has been simple and unarousing.
1967 Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. 58 128 The task is a relatively easy one and the situation a relatively unarousing one for the subjects.
2004 N.Y. Sun (Nexis) 7 June 18 We get to hear what they'll do to each other in academic, unarousing detail.
unarresting adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnəˈrɛstɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənəˈrɛstɪŋ/
1858 J. Hamilton Our Christian Classics III. 19 Reiterating a few favourite phrases till they grow as trite and unarresting as a cuckoo-song.
1958 Times 25 Nov. 14/4 It was disconcerting to hear..so musically unarresting an account from her of so genial a work.
2010 Sunday Tel. (Nexis) 24 Jan. (Books section) I have to admit that some of my favourite novels have pretty unarresting titles: Roger's Version, Lolita, Atonement, Brideshead Revisited, Herzog.
unboring adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbɔːrɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˈbɔrɪŋ/
1862 F. J. Furnivall R. Mannyng's Handlyng Synne Pref. p. ix Ready..to turn to account, though in an unboring way, every opportunity.
1974 Texas Monthlly Nov. 154/1 (advt.) Witty, functional and unboring modern furniture.
2001 National Post (Canada) 9 June f12/3 This play is thoroughly and professionally unboring.
uncompelling adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnkəmˈpɛlɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənkəmˈpɛlɪŋ/
1715 D. P. Refl. on Sir Richard Steele's Ded. to the Pope 6 Their Obedience is indeed as far as uncompelling hurtless Words go, (and that is not very far) requir'd.
1882 Vassar Misc. May 405 The comparatively irregular and uncompelling duties of home-life.
1977 Gramophone Jan. 1139/3 How best to write about a set which is noteworthy but ultimately uncompelling?
2004 Church Times 23 Jan. 26/5 It was a curiously uncompelling documentary.
unconflicting adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnkənˈflɪktɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənkənˈflɪktɪŋ/
1833 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Oct. 430/2 Star steadying star in their unconflicting courses.
1938 F. S. Fitzgerald Let. 18 Apr. (1964) 29 We are unconflicting on 90% of things.
2004 Business (Nexis) 21 Mar. 15 Big investment banks should be replaced by a variety of institutions offering separate, unconflicting sets of services.
unembarrassing adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪmˈbarəsɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənəmˈbɛrəsɪŋ/
1786 C. Burney Let. 19 June in T. Jefferson Papers (1954) X. 75 The Swell [of the harpsichord] will be perfectly simple and unembarrassing to the Tuner.
1805 Med. & Physical Jrnl. 14 495 A simple unembarrassing method of stopping the screw from being relaxed.
1915 Eng. Jrnl. 4 256 This exercise will..offer those who have special speech difficulties an unembarrassing position in which to practice control.
2016 Times (Nexis) 16 Mar. 29 Dating sites..offer an instant and unembarrassing way to discover potential body and soul mates.
unexhilarating adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənɛɡˈzɪləˌreɪdɪŋ/
1811 J. Austen Sense & Sensibility II. xiii. 253 The nature of her commendation..was..very unexhilarating to Edward. View more context for this quotation
1909 W. J. Locke Septimus x. 114 He walked to the window and looked out into the unexhilarating street.
2005 Sydney Morning Herald (Nexis) 26 Jan. 17 It doesn't matter that we have an unexhilarating national anthem.
unexpanding adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻkˈspandɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənᵻkˈspændɪŋ/
1770 P. Hiffernan Dramatic Genius iv. 89 Scarce do the unexpanding minds of such congealed beings foresee from one act..to another.
1876 Fraser's Mag. Apr. 535/2 It is pretended..that the advocates of Right and Tenderness aim to maintain Morals as a finished and unexpanding science.
1995 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 2 Mar. c11 His dominion over the unexpanding, 168-square-foot universe behind his door.
unfascinating adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfasᵻneɪtɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˈfæsəˌneɪdɪŋ/
1659 B. Jones Herm'ælogium iv. i. 68 These Gestures..proceeding from..never so strong inclinations of an unfascinating mind.
1817 Port Folio July 51 I was by nature A most unfascinating creature.
1953 Times Lit. Suppl. 18 June 397/1 She is well-equipped to guide her readers through a little-known but not unfascinating by-way of the nineteenth century.
2005 Daily Tel. 14 July 26/5 The unfascinating little frustrations of modern everyday life.
unfussing adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfʌsɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˈfəsɪŋ/
1853 W. D. Arnold Oakfield I. viii. 174 That powerful spell of unfussing (pardon the word) strong earnestness which is always admired.
1905 Bookman June 88/2 Many of Lamb's accepted judgments on books are used as seals of belief; FitzGerald's are rather first-rate unfussing companions of belief.
2014 S. Angus Captain (2016) i. 8 As unfussing a sort of person as you could find anywhere.
unself-pitying adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsɛlfˈpɪtɪɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˌsɛlfˈpɪdiɪŋ/
1932 W. Faulkner Light in August xi. 221 The hard, untearful and unselfpitying..yielding of that surrender.
2006 Independent 30 Jan. 24/4 The correspondence ends with a courageous, unbowed and un-self-pitying letter to her sister-in-law.
unself-regarding adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsɛlfrᵻˈɡɑːdɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˌsɛlfrəˈɡɑrdɪŋ/
1883 B. F. Westcott Epist. of St. John 354 The artist has need of discipline:..he has need also of un-selfregarding courage.
a1945 E. R. Eddison Mezentian Gate (1958) ii. 21 An ambiency of beauty that lived in her whole frame and posture, an easefulness and reposefulness of unselfregarding grace.
2014 Independent (Nexis) 26 Aug. 34 A wryly unself-regarding emotional intelligence.
unself-seeking adj.
Brit. /ˌʌnsɛlfˈsiːkɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˌsɛlfˈsikɪŋ/
1847 Intellect. Repository May 176 Are the most unselfseeking, pious members of a church commonly to be found in the choir?
1931 W. S. Churchill World Crisis V. iii. 53 Fop, dandy, la-di-da; amiable, polite and curiously un-selfseeking.
2007 Guardian (Nexis) 11 Sept. 40 He was unselfseeking, and welcomed retirement from the burdens of St Paul's.
unsoothing adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈsuːðɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˈsuðɪŋ/
1804 Poet. Reg. 1803 542 Thy balm, oh Time! all other anguish heals, But falls unsoothing and unfelt by me.
1964 Tulane Drama Rev. 8 171 The nightmare, in its unsoothing way, a relief from the productions.
2015 Irish Times (Nexis) 11 June 15 This is not helped by totally unsoothing music at the other end [of the phone] while being assured that our patience is greatly appreciated.
unswinging adj.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈswɪŋɪŋ/
U.S. /ˌənˈswɪŋɪŋ/
1905 Pacific Rural Press (San Francisco) 29 Apr. 264/2 The boy's little brown feet hung, unswinging, pathetically expressive.
1958 K. Goodwin in P. Gammond Decca Bk. Jazz xiii. 153 Rumsey—himself a rather dull, plodding, completely unswinging bassist.
2015 Express (Nexis) 27 Feb. A working-class girl sandwiched in the middle of a chaotic Irish Catholic family in unswinging 1960s Watford.
(a) Forming adverbs in -ly, usually with the senses ‘not in the manner specified’ or ‘in a manner which is not ——’. Often in litotes, e.g. not unreasonably.Words of this type may arise in two ways: either the adverbial suffix -ly is added to a form already beginning with un-, or un- is prefixed to an adverb already formed with -ly.On the history of formations of this type see discussion in the etymology section. For Middle English formations see e.g. ungladly adv., unlawly adv., uneasily adv., unworthily adv.
eOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Parker) anno 878 He lytle werede unieþelice æfter wudum for & on morfæstenum.
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 2nd Ser. (Cambr. Gg.3.28) xxvii. 243 Þu asendest us ðær we wæron ontende and gewriðene, and unaberendlice fornumene.
1609 R. Cawdrey Table Alphabet. (ed. 2) Vnaccesiuely, that cannot bee come to.
1642 Animadversions Notes Late Observator 4 The Parliament is the Vniversall unerring and unpervertibly just body of the Kingdome.
1783 Satanical Remembrancer 16 Our Irish Native Van Sighè, vulgarly and unhibernically called Banshee.
1815 J. Bentham Chrestomathia i. 58 The short time necessary..would not be unchrestomathically employed.
1824 J. Gilchrist Etymol. Interpreter 150 Many verbs..are employed both causatively and uncausatively.
1838 Tait's Edinb. Mag. May 279/2 She told her weeping tale..so mildly, and so unhatingly towards the prisoners.
1855 T. T. Lynch Rivulet lxxvii. 110 Unvauntingly, yet with defiance, One man the world may meet.
1884 A. C. Bickley G. Fox & Early Quakers vii. 96 Lambert defended himself not altogether unjesuitically.
1921 F. G. Ellerton Let. 6 Sept. in J. Bailey Lett. & Diaries (1935) 214 You do his life most frightfully well and unboringly and your observes on Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are most excellent.
1937 J. R. R. Tolkien Hobbit xii. 231 Surely, O Smaug the unassessably wealthy, you must realize that your success has made you some bitter enemies?
1980 V. Cunningham Spanish Civil War Verse 45 Jack Lindsay's Declamation now seems un-urgently lengthy and even turgid.
unbridgably adv.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbrɪdʒəbli/
U.S. /ˌənˈbrɪdʒəbli/
1887 Evangelical Repository Feb. 278 The dead is eternally and unbridgably distinct from the living.
1932 Times Lit. Suppl. 21 Jan. 33/3 The unique, the unbridgably different.
2012 Church Times 28 Sept. 28/5 The gulf between our theoretical understanding of how we ought to live and our actual behaviours..is unbridgeably wide.
unhungrily adv.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈhʌŋɡrᵻli/
U.S. /ˌənˈhəŋɡrəli/
1914 G. L. Hill Man of Desert x. 166 Hazel sank wearily into her chair and sipped the milk unhungrily.
2001 J. O'Neill At Swim, Two Boys (2002) x. 245 He smiled at the fishermen who..unhungrily hunted.
unignorably adv.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪɡˈnɔːrəbli/
U.S. /ˌənᵻɡˈnɔrəbli/
1904 Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts & Lett. 14 420 I do not..make it unignorably clear that what has been selected I also wish to obtain.
2007 Gramophone Feb. 98/2 A performance that is unignorably vivid.
unintrusively adv.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪnˈtruːsᵻvli/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈtrusəvli/
1848 W. A. Ross Yacht Voy. Norway, Denmark & Sweden I. iv. 81 A little bundle tied with a dark silk handkerchief stowed unintrusively away between the pumps.
1958 Dædalus 87 25 An evening's conversation between three old friends,..which I instigated and unintrusively attended to.
2016 R. Seaman Explorative Mediation at Work i. 8 Helping the parties, as unintrusively as possible, to explore their conflict.
unselectively adv.
Brit. /ˌʌnsᵻˈlɛktᵻvli/
U.S. /ˌənsəˈlɛktᵻvli/
1893 Proc. 2nd Internat. Congr. Exper. Psychol. 1892 56 Collectors..were instructed to ask the question, impartially and unselectively, of persons over the age of 21.
1929 A. N. Whitehead Process & Reality 161 The pattern refers unselectively to any eternal objects.
2009 Press (Christchurch, N. Z) (Nexis) 7 May 6 Greenpeace had placed 12 New Zealand species on a ‘red list’ because they were..fished unselectively and destructively.
b. Prefixed to adverbs formed by means of other suffixes, e.g. -like, or to simple adverbs, to express a negative sense. Cf. unchristianlike adv., unknightlike adv., unprincelike adv., etc.Un- is seldom prefixed to simple adverbs. In Old English some such formations are found (cf. uneath adv., uneven adv., unfair adv., unfeorr not far off (compare far adv.), unselde adv., unsoft adv.), but this type has become less common over time.
(a) Prefixed to nouns of action, condition, or quality (frequently formed with suffixes, as -ness, -ity, -ment, etc.), forming nouns with the sense ‘absence or lack of what is specified’.Such formations often show the meaning ‘not being, failure to be’ what is specified by an adjective underlying the noun (as in unmercifulness, lack of mercifulness, failure to be merciful). Many formations are likely to have in fact been formed by suffixation of an adjective beginning with un-, rather than by prefixation of a noun.Occasionally also prefixed to designations of persons or things, indicating that the person or thing is not that, or not of the sort, specified, as in undeath n. at sense 6a(b), uncalm n. Cf. non- prefix 1.For examples of Middle English formations see e.g. unloathness n., unmercifulness n., unchastity n., unchangeability n., unpayment n.
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) v. xii. 126 Iulius..wepende mænde þa unare þe him mon buton gewyrhton dyde.
OE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Tiber. B.iv) anno 47 Ða feng Neron to rice æfter Claudie, se æt nyhston forlet Brytene egland for his uncafscipe.
OE tr. Defensor Liber Scintillarum (1969) xxi. 175 Castitatem gignit abstinentia, gastrimargia autem mater est incontinentiae : clænnysse cenð forhæfednyss gyfernyss soðlice moder ys unforhæfednysse.
1677 W. Smith Two Serm. preached at Norwich 17 Lest for our ingratitude and uncompassion, God should change the sad Scene.
1796 W. Marshall Rural Econ. W. Eng. II. 16 The roads, their unlevelness apart, are among the best in the kingdom.
1825 J. Hogg Queen Hynde 104 To veil unsanctitude within!
1827 J. Bentham Rationale Judicial Evid. II. iii. viii. 140 The publicity or unpublicity of the process.
c1843 T. Carlyle Hist. Sketches (1898) 269 The English noses in their shapes and unshapes.
1852 A. De Morgan Let. 1 Oct. in R. P. Graves Life Sir W. R. Hamilton (1889) III. 418 A unanimous uninfallibility would be just as drowsy a dormitory as an infallible Church.
1861 H. Bushnell Christian Nurture i. iii. 61 The ostrich,..is nature's type of all unmotherhood.
1865 W. G. Palgrave Narr. Journey through Arabia II. xiv. 230 An event followed by much confusion, shouting, and awkward unseamanship.
1872 H. Bushnell Serm. Living Subj. xvii. 335 What kind of unsociety we suffer when we have about us only persons very unequal.
1877 R. D. Blackmore Cripps II. ii. 23 Every single fall or rise of nature's work..led her into various veins of inductive unphilosophy.
1883 G. Smith in Contemp. Rev. Dec. 800 There is also undesign,..there is failure, there is waste.
1889 Pall Mall Gaz. 25 Mar. 2/3 The palpable unfrankness of the addendum.
1930 G. B. Shaw Philanderer (new ed.) Pref., in Wks. VII. 68 That far more numerous body which may be called the Unintelligentsia was as unconscious of Ibsen as of any other political influence.
1937 Nature 26 June 1107/2 The unwettability of natural cotton is generally ascribed to the existence of a film of wax or oil covering its outer surface.
1955 S. Spender Making of Poem 75 There are standards of sensibility or of ‘unpriggishness’ which are a development of what Samuel Butler approvingly called ‘being a nice person’.
1964 W. Golding Spire ix. 178 In this uncountry there was blue sky and light, consent and no sin.
1970 New Scientist 31 Dec. 586/2 Large families are not the prerogative of the feckless poor whether in the Third World or in the urban ghettoes of the unmeritocracy.
1998 Darts World Mar. 16/2 Another win against a very good Merseyside team, a result which was only marred by some, what I can only call, ‘ungamesmanship’ on the part of Eric Bristow.
2006 New Yorker 26 June 26/3 The mention of the doyenne of un-fabulousness got an enormous laugh.
unaccentuation n.
Brit. /ˌʌnəksɛntjʊˈeɪʃn/
U.S. /ˌənəkˌsɛn(t)ʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)n/
1872 C. M. Ingleby Soule Arayed 10 The unaccentuation of the initial vowel in aray tells the other way.
1921 G. Overton Answerer i. 117 The contours of his face had a thinness, an unaccentuation of especial charm.
2014 P. Bergmann in J. C. Reina & R. Szczepaniak Syllable & Word Langs. iii. 266 In relation to accentuation, unaccentuation leads to an increased weakening of the word-internal boundary.
unbook n.
Brit. /ˈʌnbʊk/
U.S. /ˈənˌbʊk/
1938 Partisan Rev. May 59 The book at hand..is not a complete collection, nor is it by any conceivably acceptable standards a selection. To my mind its best description is to call it mostfully an unbook.
2009 J. Llewelyn Margins of Relig. iii. 53 The first of the three fragments quoted in the unbook Glas.
unclarity n.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈklarᵻti/
U.S. /ˌənˈklɛrədi/
1893 Academy 14 Oct. 313/2 In this not-extravagantly-long sentence there are several distinct awkwardnesses and blunders..and the net result is complete unclarity.
1980 ‘J. le Carré’ Smiley's People v. 54 ‘Vladimir telephoned the Circus at lunch-time today, sir,’ Mostyn began, leaving some unclarity as to which ‘sir’ he was addressing.
2008 Church Times 15 Feb. 21/1 But I must, of course take responsibility for any unclarity in either that text or in the radio interview.
uncrackability n.
Brit. /ʌnˌkrakəˈbɪlᵻti/
U.S. /ˌənˌkrækəˈbɪlədi/
1923 Daily Mail 10 Jan. 9 (advt.) The Vitreosil Globe, because of its ‘uncrackability’, lies close to the mantle.
2007 G. Holden Starting Online Business for Dummies (ed. 5) vi. 164 The encoded numbers that are generated by encryption routines..vary in size depending on the relative strength (or uncrackability) of the security method used.
uncreditworthiness n.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈkrɛdɪtˌwəːðɪnᵻs/
U.S. /ˌənˈkrɛdətˌwərðinᵻs/
1966 Economist 22 Oct. 413/2 Even the unlucky companies mentioned above are..credit worthy enough: the depths of uncreditworthiness below remain murky indeed.
2000 National Post (Canada) (Nexis) 21 Nov. c3 The bank had rejected an earlier request for $2-million because of his poor business background, criminal record and uncreditworthiness.
undeath n.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdɛθ/
U.S. /ˌənˈdɛθ/
1896 Folk-lore 7 186 The old tradition of a land of Cockayne and of Undeath.
1974 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 24 July 13/4 There is, every now and then, a film that escapes this sort of un-death.
2003 Dreamwatch Aug. 76/1 Vampires may have been done to death (or should that be undeath?), but that doesn't seem to affect our appetite for them.
unembarrassment n.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪmˈbarəsm(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˌənəmˈbɛrəsmənt/
1792 Fanny I. ii. 124 Fanny spoke with such perfect unembarrassment of all the young men present, that Lady Susan changed her opinion.
1867 T. Carlyle Reminisc. (1881) II. 21 My feeling with him was that of unembarrassment.
1947 Life 14 Jan. 98/2 With characteristic unembarrassment, Benton put himself on the Round Table [radio program] on such diverse subjects as censorship, cartels,..and the conditions of peace.
2014 Independent (Nexis) 8 Mar. 39 Culture in the sense of access to thought, fondness for books, familiarity with libraries and galleries, unembarrassment with words like ‘art’.
unenlightenment n.
Brit. /ˌʌnᵻnˈlʌɪtnm(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈlaɪtnmənt/
1831 C. G. F. Gore Pin Money I. xiv. 295 Such pleasing delusions as the squareness of the earth, and the unenlightenment of the inhabitants of its surface.
1950 T. S. Eliot Cocktail Party ii. 110 While still in a state of unenlightenment, You could always say: ‘he could not love any woman.’
2015 N.Y. Times Blogs (Nexis) 21 Dec. Some sort of ‘comic’ critique of Reagan-era unenlightenment on same-sex marriage.
unfreshness n.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfrɛʃnəs/
U.S. /ˌənˈfrɛʃnəs/
1886 Musical World 21 Aug. 536/2 If we are sliding into senile decay we are at least doing so gracefully, with our swords and roses—which latter should be roses fanées in order more appropriately to represent our elegant unfreshness.
1969 J. Cheever Bullet Park vi. 79 She..exhaled the faint unfreshness of humanity at the end of the day.
2015 M. Hadar tr. M. Ben-Naftali Chron. of Separation ii. 39 Archives and memories..signal mold, unfreshness, the stale.
unfulfilment n.
Brit. /ˌʌnfʊlˈfɪlm(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˌənfᵿ(l)ˈfɪlmənt/
1782 W. Stevenson Candid Animadversions 15 The disparagement and unfulfilment of the text.
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick lxxxi. 397 Oh! that unfulfilments should follow the prophets.
1978 F. King Action ii. 12 The pathos of his unfulfilment.
2007 Best Life Mar. 96/3 You might have a constant stream of success, and, with it, a constant stream of unfulfillment.
uninterruptability n.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪntərʌptᵻˈbɪlᵻti/
U.S. /ˌənˌɪn(t)əˌrəptəˈbɪlədi/
1957 K. Amis Let. 19 Feb. (2000) 505 The skills of interrupting and uninterruptability, twin skills these.
2014 J. Solé-Farràs New Confucianism in Twenty-first Cent. China 1 Confucianism has been one of the longest lasting philosophies in the history of humanity (with a tremendous capacity to renew itself while propounding its uninterruptability.
uninvolvement n.
Brit. /ˌʌnɪnˈvɒlvm(ə)nt/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈvɔlvmənt/
1896 St. Louis Med. Rev. 11 Apr. 265/2 The apparent uninvolvement of the rectum and..supposedly the colon in the transposition..is explained by the autopsy of two other cases.
1966 Punch 2 Nov. 682/2 He remains an aloof catalyst. Yet his very uninvolvement has a value of its own.
2014 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 7 Sept. (Sunday Review section) 5 The father's case [for a share in custody] will be weakened if he waits until his baby is older, because he will have a record of relative uninvolvement.
unrelation n.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈleɪʃn/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/
1868 A. D. Whitney Patience Strong's Outings xix. 219 Divided by the great gulf which is not depth or distance, only utter unrelation.
1921 Proc. Acad. Polit. Sci. City N.Y. 9 4 That it [sc. governmental organization] is in need of both interior and exterior alterations with reference to the relation and unrelation of its numerous services is undeniable.
2008 A. Kirsch Mod. Elem. 313 A toy kingdom, a Monaco of poetry existing in placid unrelation to the empire all around it.
unreliance n.
Brit. /ˌʌnrᵻˈlʌɪəns/
U.S. /ˌənrəˈlaɪəns/
1850 Blackburn Standard 6 Feb. It displays a degree of unreliance on ‘the cause’, its arguments, and its workings.
1918 Vinegar Bull. Feb. 210 For methodical operation, with the unreliance of weather conditions, only artificial freezing will be dependable.
2009 Hobsons Bay (Melbourne) Leader (Nexis) 14 July 33 The Bulldogs have been firing on all cylinders this season, its forward line becoming increasingly renowned for its..unreliance on one player.
unrepresentation n.
Brit. /ˌʌnrɛprᵻz(ɛ)nˈteɪʃn/
U.S. /ˌənˌrɛprəˌzɛnˈteɪʃ(ə)n/
1825 Edinb. Advertiser 8 Apr. 220/1 The half representation of England, and the unrepresentation of Scotland.
1910 Jrnl. Electr., Power & Gas 2 Oct. 270/1 There is no excuse..for the attempted exercise of nonconstitutional unrepresentation.
2011 Daily Tel. (Austral.) (Nexis) 8 Feb. 22 People are not yet too subjected to poverty and unrepresentation for a revolution.
unstylishness n.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈstʌɪlᵻʃnᵻs/
U.S. /ˌənˈstaɪlᵻʃnᵻs/
1864 Amer. Lit. Gaz. & Publishers' Circular 2 May 40/2 (advt.) The directness, the clearness,..the very unstylishness of his style, gives his work a charm from beginning to end.
1916 Woman's Home Compan. Sept. 11/1 ‘She's very stylish,’ the minister's wife said sighingly, smitten with her own unstylishness.
2009 Sunday Times (Nexis) 25 Jan. 15 The commemoration of the first Dail's first meeting was..a triumph of unstylishness over lack of substance.
unsurprise n.
Brit. /ˌʌnsəˈprʌɪz/
U.S. /ˌənsə(r)ˈpraɪz/
1825 C. Lamb Let. 25 Jan. in Lett. C. & M. Lamb (1935) II. dxlv. 454 I sign with a black seal, that you may..think her cold has killed Mary, which will be an agreeable unsurprise when you read the Note.
1932 W. Faulkner Light in August xvii. 371 He seemed to stand aloof,..thinking with a kind of grim unsurprise: ‘Byron Bunch borning a baby.’
2005 National Post's Financial Post & FP Investing (Canada) (Nexis) 26 May fp23 Among many Canadians, the Gomery commission revelations have met with worldly unsurprise.
b. Prefixed to nouns and (occasionally) adjectives, expressing a pejorative, rather than simply negative, sense. Cf. unlede adj. and n.1, unlude n., unrede n., unsithe n., unthede n., untiming n., unweather n., unwine n., unwight n., etc. Obsolete.Such formations occur both in Old English and Middle English (see more detailed discussion in etymology section). Occasional new formations are found as late as the 16th cent. (e.g. uncustom n.).Use with adjectives in -less (see sense 10a) may have been influenced by formations of this type. Some formations in sense 1a which have acquired a particular negative connotation, rather than being purely negative in meaning, may also have been coloured by the existence of formations where un- has clearly pejorative meaning.
c. Prefixed to nouns, forming adjectives used attributively with the sense ‘not of the type specified’. Usually in ad hoc formations. N.E.D. (1921) gives a 1673 examples showing Unchange-Gospel-Rule but the source cited actually reads Unchangeable Gospel-Rule (see quot. ?1674 at unchangeable adj.).
1771 Lady M. Coke Jrnl. 13 Aug. in Lett. & Jrnls. (1892) III. 436 The reason of the discontent of the unquality Ladys is that they were laugh'd at by the great Ladys.
1823 Ld. Byron Age of Bronze xiv. 28 Alas, the country! how shall tongue or pen Bewail her now uncountry gentlemen?
1852 S. R. Maitland Eight Ess. 236 It was a whim of the artist to sketch his subject in that occasional, uncompany costume.
1880 Spectator 3 Jan. 9/2 Single women, widows, and unbusiness men, are those on whom the blow chiefly fell.
1916 N. Amer. Rev. Dec. 874 All are socialistic; some of the women are suffragettes, and at least one is militant; some are harmlessly Bohemian, like the autobiographer, and there are some creatures of the society world who feel the charm of this blithe unsociety world of work and freedom.
a. Prefixed to verbs, forming verbs with the sense ‘to fail to do (the specified action), undergo (the specified process), etc.’. Now rare.In Old English the use of un- with verbs is chiefly limited to formations from negative adjectives (a very productive type), as e.g. unclǣnsian to make unclean, pollute (see uncleanse v.), unīeþian to be troublesome, unrōtsian to make or become sad, grieve, untrumian to make or become ill, unsound, or weak, unsyngian to prove (a person) innocent, exculpate, etc., respectively from unclǣne unclean adj., unīeþe uneath adj., unrōt sad, sorrowful, untrum untrum adj., unsynnig guiltless, innocent. (Such verbs are also commonly attested with ge- prefix, as e.g. ge-unclǣnsian, ge-unrōtsian, ge-untrumian, and ge-unhǣlan to weaken (from unhāl unwhole adj.), ge-unrētan to make sad (from unrōt), ge-unsōþian to falsify, disprove (from unsōþ untrue, false), etc.) Middle English formations of this type (some of which probably reflect unattested Old English verbs) include unswēte to become bitter (c1175; from unsweet adj.), unbōlde to become weak or feeble (c1275; from unbold adj.), unbēlde to become weak or feeble (?a1300; also from unbold adj.), and perhaps unable v. (c1400), unfree v. (c1475). This type of formation is sometimes difficult to distinguish from formations in un- prefix2, e.g. Old English unæþelian to dishonour, degrade, could be either de-adjectival (from unæþele ignoble) or reversive with un- prefix2 (from ge-æþelian to ennoble: see i-athelie v.), and similarly ge-unþwǣrian to disagree, differ, unweorþian to dishonour, slight (see unworth v.), unwlitigian to disfigure, to make or become ugly, for all of which corresponding negative adjectives and positive verbs are available (compare respectively un(ge)þwǣre disagreeing, geþwǣrian to agree, unweorþ unworthy (see unworth adj.1), weorþian to honour (see worth v.2), unwlitig ugly, wlitigian to make or become beautiful). It seems likely that some verbs are of more than one origin (partly de-adjectival and partly from un- prefix2).Occasional apparent examples of un- (un- prefix1) prefixed to ordinary verbs are (rarely) attested already in Old English, as ungelīcian to displease (compare ylike v. and later unlike v.1) and probably ge-unlustian to loathe (compare gelustian to delight in: see lust v.). Further examples are found in Middle English, as unavise to act without consideration (compare advise v.), undampne to judge innocent (compare damn v.), and unbe v.1, unbetide v., unknow v.1, unlike v.1, unsee v., untrow v., untrust v., etc.; similar formations are fairly common in the 16th and 17th centuries, as unbecome v.2, unbefit v., unbelieve v.1, unbeseem v., uncomprehend v., unconcern v.1, etc. Many of these are obviously suggested by the participial adjectives (unbecoming adj., etc.), which are quite regular in formation (see sense 4). Some early examples could perhaps alternatively be interpreted as showing un- prefix2.
eOE Laws of Ine (Corpus Cambr. 173) xxi. §1. 98 Gif he [sc. the slayer] hit ðonne dierneð, & weorðeð ymb long yppe, ðonne rymeð he ðam deadan to ðam aðe, þæt hine moton his mægas unsyngian.
OE Stowe Psalter xxv. 1 In domino sperans non infirmabor : on drihtne hopiende na ic untrumge.
OE Ælfric Old Test. Summary: Esther (transcript of lost MS) in B. Assmann Angelsächsische Homilien u. Heiligenleben (1889) 94 Hæbbe sum oðer wimman ealne hire wurðment [read wurðmynt], hire ungelica seo ðe þe ungelicige.
c1175 ( Homily (Bodl. 343) in S. Irvine Old Eng. Homilies (1993) 173 Swa mucele swiðor him biteriæð and unswetiæþ alle þas eorðlice þing.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 7502 Þa þat folc was icumen þa was þe king swiðe untrumed [c1300 Otho ontromed].
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 5760 Vnhæle & ælde hæueð þene king vnbalded [c1300 Otho on-balded].
?a1300 Maximian (Digby) l. 65 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 94 For-þi min herte keldeþ And mi bodi ounbeldeþ.
a1425 Medulla Gram. (Stonyhurst) f. 34v Indempno, vndempnen [?c1460 BL Add. vndampne, 1468 St. John's Cambr. vndampnyn, a1500 Harl. 1738 on dampnyn, a1500 Harl. 2257 vnharme].
c1425 (c1390) G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale (Princeton Univ.) (1940) l. 280 Vnavisist [c1485 BL Add. 5140 vnaviseth; c1405 Hengwrt O trouble wit, o Ire recchelees That vnauysed, smytest giltlees].
1843 E. Jones Stud. Sensation & Event 78 But the world unrecognized his visions of goodness.
1884 R. Churchill in Pall Mall Gaz. 11 Aug. 10/1 This measure..which, instead of improving the representation of the people, would only fatally unrepresent the people.
1898 T. Hardy Wessex Poems 8 And why unblooms the best hope ever sown?
1902 St. James's Gaz. 31 Dec. 12/2 On the ground that the state of trade absolutely unwarrants it.
1922 T. Hardy Late Lyrics & Earlier 34 And time untouched me with a trace Of soul-smart or despair.
1952 D. Thomas Coll. Poems p. x These seathumbed leaves That will fly and fall Like leaves of trees and as soon Crumble and undie.
b. Formations with participles which retain a verbal character.For the adjectival use of such forms, see senses 2, 4.
(a) Scottish (now chiefly north-eastern). Frequently in form on- (sometimes written as a separate word). Prefixed to present participles, with the sense ‘without performing (the specified action)’, and to past participles in passive constructions, with the sense ‘without the specified action having been performed’, or (with confusion or merging of present and past participial forms) ‘without the specified action being performed’ (cf. quots. 1787, 1866, 1996).When written as a separate word, on may be analysed as an independent adverb with the sense ‘without’; quots. 1924 and 1956 are examples of clearly adverbial use.The spelling ohn in quot. 1879 is due to a mistaken association with German ohne without. Sc. National Dict. (at On-, prefix2) notes that this sense is especially common in I (he, she, etc.) canna be on- ‘I (he, she, etc.) cannot prevent myself from (performing the specified action)’ and to haud (also keep) (a bodie) on- ‘to prevent or save (a person) from (performing the specified action)’.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 145 All yat j may gett apon him vnslaand him.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 174 Be quhat resoune than suld he consent..till his awin scathe,..vnmaid sekir tobe amendit?
1542 in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 185 To returne hame agane haistely on past to the tryst to Gladismoir.
1573 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1878) 1st Ser. II. 215 To schaw and gif to thame..gude entreatment..unrasand the present pryces in ony thing.
1588 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1881) 1st Ser. IV. 279 Thay depairtit furth agane.., undoing ony violent deid.
1622 in S. Ree Rec. Elgin (1908) II. 172 There was lytill justice in Elgen that sufferitt them leiwe so lang onhett baithe ther hurdeis.
1650 Rec. Dingwall in W. Mackay Rec. Presbyteries Inverness & Dingwall (1896) 175 They cannot repair to Edinr vnbeine incarcerat.
1711 in New Statist. Acct. Scotl. (1845) XII. 1124 Ungooding the third of their barlands yearly.
1787 J. Elphinston Propriety Ascertained II. 203 Scotch, especially nordhern, often denies dhe particippel past for dhe particippel prezzent: as: 'Tiz strainge yoo cannot be unspoken, for unspeaking, or widhout speaking.
1791 Caledonian Mercury 29 Sept. [Whisky] gars fouk trow themsells fu' bra' , On no'te ti borrow.
1866 W. Gregor Dial. Banffshire (Philol. Soc.) 37 It dang on sax ooks delaverly on iver uppalt or dewalt.
1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xlii. 293 I'm nae responsible to gae afore Sir Simon on-hed my papers upo' me.
1875 W. Alexander Sketches Life among Ain Folk ix. 139 I did not think it richt that he sud be latt'n sit doon amon's as a neebour onbeen enterteen't or ta'en some notice o'.
1879 G. MacDonald Sir Gibbie I. xxii. 310 Wad ye hae a fellow-cratur live to a' eternity ohn been ashamed o' sic a thing 's that?
1914 ‘A. McS.’ Bishop i. 1 I'se warran' ye widna like to be hauden on gyaun to the toon.
1924 Swatches o' Hamespun 4th Ser. 10 Spier your help on-me-kennt onything aboot it.
1936 D. Bruce Cried on Sunday 13 Fa could be on lauch'n, Hairry Wobster, to think 'at I wad vex masel' to chise atween you and Greenmeedes?
1956 Banffshire Jrnl. 8 May 8 Bess's dog..nippit 'e beef on Weelum noticet it.
1996 D. Kynoch Doric Dict. 64/1 On (used with pt. ppl.), without; on-been, without being; on-hed, without having; on-deen, without doing.
(b) Prefixed to present participles governing a direct or indirect object, expressing a negative sense. Often poetic. Obsolete.
1621 M. Wroth Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania i. 103 Vnknowne, and vndiscouering your selfe to any, you come among vs.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. i. 7 The harmlesse innocent, vnexpecting euill, may suddenly bee surprised.
1786 R. Burns Poems 179 Resolutely keep it's laws, Uncaring consequences.
1796 M. Robinson Angelina I. xv. 176 I could perceive him..leaning pensively on his hand, and for whole hours unvarying his attitude.
1816 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Canto III xlvii. 26 As stands a lofty mind, Worn, but unstooping to the baser crowd.
1834 J. F. Russell tr. in E. W. Brayley Graphic & Hist. Illustrator 27/1 To mount a ladder..untouching the rounds with their feet.
1845 P. J. Bailey Festus (ed. 2) 375 Earth..basks in her own free light; Unfed, unaided, unrequiring aught.
8. Prefixed to gerunds and verbal nouns, forming nouns with the sense ‘failure to perform (the specified action); an instance of this’.In nearly all verbal nouns in un-, the prefix is (reversive) un- prefix2; a few exceptions are recorded here.In Old English there are a few formations with verbal nouns in -ung, as unbletsung curse (compare blessing n.), unbrosnung incorruptibility (compare brosnian to decay: see bruise v.), unmeltung indigestion (compare melting n.1), etc. None of these survive in Middle English, and new forms in -ing are rare; see uncunning n., unknowing n.1, unpunishing n. Cf. also untiming n.
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) ii. xlii. 254 Gif þe þince þæt þu oþerne maran læcedom don ne durre, for unmihte þæs mannes oððe for unmeltunge.
OE Wulfstan Institutes of Polity (Junius) 72 Fela is swaþeah þæra þe..embæ bletsunga oððe unbletsunga leohtlice lætað.
1538 T. Elyot Dict. Insolentia,..vnhauntinge of a place.
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes Insepoltura,..the vnburying of one.
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes Ingenerabilita, vnbegetting, ingenerabilitie.
1852 R. S. Surtees Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour i. iii. 14 His sellings and his returning, his lettings and his unlettings.
1886 M. Linskill Haven under Hill lxii The great beauty which had been to Ermengarde Salvain as a hurt and an unblessing.
9. Modifying syntactic units rather than individual words. Cf. senses 2c, 7b.
a. Prefixed to the first term in a coordinate construction of two or more past participles and and or or, giving a negative sense to each participle.Common in Older Scots use. Cf. sense 7b (and especially quot. 1875 at sense 7b(a)).In quot. 1643 unhett is in a coordinate construction with an adjective rather than another past participle.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 1280 William so wiȝtly went hem a-mong to þe boldest burnes..þat..þurth his socour þanne, Riȝt fewe went a-wey vn-woundet or take.
?c1430 (c1400) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 129 To kepe hym self vnblekkid or defoulid fro þis world.
a1475 J. Russell Bk. Nurture (Harl. 4011) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 180 Lett neuer wollyn cloth..passe a seuenyght to be vnbrosshen & shakyn.
a1500 in Ratis Raving 3 The synis that he has done wnconfessyt of or rapentyt.
1506 in J. D. Marwick Charters Edinb. (1871) 189 Throw selling of clayth..vnsene or customit be yow.
1565 in J. S. Clouston Rec. Earldom of Orkney (1914) 274 Uncoackit, compellit, or seducit be ony way.
1603 R. Knolles Gen. Hist. Turkes 83 The insolent souldiors..nothing dedicated to the seruice of God, left vnpolluted and defaced.
1643 in D. Littlejohn Rec. Sheriff Court Aberdeenshire (1907) III. 17 Nyne bolls beir..sufficient merchand stuff onhett or humit.
1707 J. Mortimer Whole Art Husbandry 608 Ten new-laid Eggs, unbroken or crack'd.
2006 R. T. Coleman Superior Passage xi. 144 There was nothing left uneaten or drunk, as I was told the last to leave took the only remaining barrel of beer with them.
b. Prefixed to an adverb premodifying an adjective, expressing a negative form of the adjectival phrase (or collective noun phrase) so formed, e.g. unphysically fit against physically fit (cf. not physically fit).
1710 J. Norris Treat. Christian Prudence vi. 172 Let the Ear be unmusically disposed, the sweetest Sounds..will give it no Entertainment.
1862 Sharpe's London Mag. Apr. 222/2 For the unscientifically-inclined there has been a Musical Entertainment.
1920 McClure's Mag. Jan. 24/3 I did all my fighting with heterogeneous battalions of ‘unphysically fit’ conscripts in a camp half a mile from home.
2010 A. Goldberg Honor, Politics, & Law in Imperial Germany, 1871–1914 iii. 100 Even the unpolitically motivated airing of complaints against officials was subject to libel prosecution.
c. Modifying other adjectival phrases. Cf. not adv., n., and int. Compounds 1c(a).In quot. 1820 as a consciously artificial construction.
1820 W. Scott Monastery II. vi. 200 The ravishing sweetness of the poesy of the un-to-be-imitated Asphodel.
1941 M. Treadgold Left till called For i. 3 She remembered..the last meeting of the Pony Club, when Pepper had arrived woefully unspick-and-span.
2006 Daily Rec. (Nexis) 18 Feb. 19 A most un-prim and proper scene at the altar that would have Jane Austen turning in her grave.
10. Redundant uses.
a. Prefixed to adjectives ending in -less, redundantly or with emphatic force.Formations of this type are attested in Middle English (see unreckless adj. 1, unroless adj., unwitless adj., unguiltless adj.); in such instances, un- may perhaps originally have had pejorative rather than negative force (cf. sense 6b). They are most common in the 16th and 17th centuries, by which time the pejorative sense of un- had otherwise largely passed out of use.
1543 G. Joye Our Sauiour Iesus Christ hath not ouercharged his Chirche sig. C.iiiv These contumate stifnecked vnshamelesse criminouse synners.
1598 B. Yong tr. A. Pérez 2nd Pt. Diana in tr. J. de Montemayor Diana 235 Wofull man vncomfortlesse, and sad.
1634 A. Cowley Elegy on Mr. R. Clarke 10 His mellifluous breath Could not at all charme unremorselesse Death.
1667 J. Janeway Heaven upon Earth 20 As a small drop in the unfathomless depths of his Love.
1787 J. Burgoyne Heiress (ed. 6) v. i. 62 Your knowledge..is as unquestionless [earlier eds. questionless] as your integrity.
1903 Coast Nov. 167/2 She hears the wild, unmatchless mirth Of singing birds In fluttering herds.
2010 Sun (Nexis) 14 Sept. 11 The Southampton fans are getting unrestless.
b. Prefixed redundantly or with emphatic force to various word classes, forming words with (apparently) positive meaning. Obsolete.In many instances in contexts with double or multiple negation. Most common in the 17th cent.
1583 A. Golding tr. J. Calvin Serm. on Deuteronomie cii. 627 A continuall holding on so as no vndifferencie may be perceiued nor any diuersitie of weightes and ballances nor any respect of persons.
1607 H. Arthington Principall Points Holy Profession sig. B4v Once, were our soules and bodies both, Planted in pleasant Parradise, Now banish thence, (though most vnloath), To liue in toyle and miseries.
1638 D. Digges in Jonsonus Virbius 23 They did receive new life from you; Which shall not be undated, since thy breath Is able to immortall, after death.
1654 E. Gayton Pleasant Notes Don Quixot iii. xi. 144 Whether a man may abdicate his reason..for a time, and discover..no reasonable Acts, whereby a man should not undifference him from a Beast.
1909 M. C. Strouse Judge Fritznoodle i. 6 This old world rolls along..perfectly unoblivious of the great and mighty things that are wrought upon her crust.
11. In telegraphic communication: prefixed to any part of speech as a means of conveying a separate negative (e.g. no, not, do not) in abbreviated form, so as to reduce the overall length of the message. Now rare.
1936 E. Waugh Waugh in Abyssinia 161 Cables were soon arriving... ‘Require earliest name life story photograph American nurse upblown [sc. bombed] Adowa.’ We replied ‘Nurse unupblown,’ and after a few days she disappeared from the news.
1963 K. Philby Telegram 24 Mar. in Observer (1967) 8 Oct. 2/5 (in figure) Regret expelled by Syrians after twenty-four hours unreason given.
1968 Punch 3 Apr. 485/3 All those compound words like ‘unproceed’..in press cables.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Primary stress is usually retained by the stem.
Forms: Old English– un-, Old English–1600s vn-, Middle English oun-, Middle English unn- ( Ormulum); also Scottish pre-1700 wn-. See also β. forms at and- prefix.
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: and- prefix.
Etymology: Originally a variant of on- , unstressed variant of and- prefix, in its function forming verbs expressing reversal, largely by association with the negative prefix un- prefix1, especially in its function forming adjectives in combination with past participles (compare for instance reversive unbunden , onbunden ‘unbound, loosened’, past participle of unbind v., with negative unbunden unbound adj.1, ‘not bound’). Compare the similarly-formed Old Frisian und- , unt- , un- (in e.g. undgān , ungān to go away after swearing innocence, undswera , unswera to swear innocence, undbinda unbind v., unddua , undua undo v., untervia , unervia to disinherit; West Frisian ûnt- ), Old Dutch unt- (in e.g. untgān to escape, untgeldan to pay the penalty for; Middle Dutch unt- , un- ), Old Saxon un- , um- , also unt- (in e.g. ungeldan to pay the penalty for, unlātan to give (a horse) the reins, umbētian to dismount, untlēdian to lead away; Middle Low German unt- , un- , um- ), all unstressed variants of the respective cognates of and- prefix.Among verbs expressing reversal found with forms in un- (usually alongside forms in on- ) in Old English are e.g. unbind v., undo v., unfold v.1, ungird v., unhele v., unknit v., unlouk v., untie v., untine v., unwind v.1, unwry v. Some such verbs were in common use; others occur rarely or in single instances. Formations first attested in early Middle English include e.g. unbend v., undit v., unfest v., unhasp v., unhide v., unlime v., unspar v., unsteek v., unstrenge v., untrend v., unwree v.; with a second element ultimately of Scandinavian origin compare unmensk v., unspen v.; with a second element ultimately of French origin compare uncover v. Formations become much more common during the course of the 14th century, and very many new formations are found in the 14th and 15th centuries. The rate with which new formations are encountered increases again in the 16th and 17th centuries. The 17th century appears to have seen the greatest variety of formations in actual use, as this period showed greater tolerance of doublets in un- and (Romance and Latinate) dis- prefix and de- prefix than later English, where conventional usage has tended to eliminate such doublets from general use. The rate with which new formations in un- are coined also appears to have declined since the 17th century, particularly since de- prefix has gained in frequency in forming new formations with reversive or privative meaning.
Used to express reversal, deprivation, removal, and similar actions.
1. Forming verbs.Verbs formed in this way are usually transitive. A few intransitive examples are found in Old English. In Middle English, intransitive uses of some common transitive verbs occur (e.g. unbend v. 7, unclose v. 1b, unlouk v. 3), as well as occasional independent intransitive formations (e.g. unbody v. 1). In later use intransitive usage increases somewhat, but is chiefly restricted to established formations; consequently, the majority of the quotations below show transitive uses. Examples of intransitive use occur in quots. 1862 and 1948 at sense 1a(a), quot. 1831 at sense 1b(a), quot. 1848 at sense 1d(c), and quot. 1816 at sense 1d(a)(iii).
(a) Prefixed to verbs, expressing the reversal or cancellation of the specified action or process.For some of the most prominent formations of this type in Old English and Middle English see discussion in etymology section. Some early examples given here could alternatively be interpreted as showing sense 1b; they are assigned to this sense due to the comparative rarity of sense 1b before the early modern period.
OE (Northumbrian) Lindisf. Gospels: Mark xv. 36 Sinite uideamus si ueniat helias ad deponendum eum : bidas þæt we gesege gif cymeð helias to unsettanne uel to adoanne of hine.
OE (Mercian) Rushw. Gospels: Matt. xxi. 2 Statim inuenietis assinam alligatam et pullum cum ea soluite et adducite mihi : sonæ git moeteþ ęosul gesælde & folan mid hire unsæleþ & ledað to me.
OE Vercelli Homilies (1992) 103 Ælce dæge þæs diofles willa bið, þæt þissa stræla nan ne sie geunfæstnod [OE Corpus Cambr. 41 unfæstnod, lOE Corpus Cambr. 367 unafæstnod], gif he findan mæg hwær he hie afæstnian mæge.
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) iv. 211 Þa het he unwindan þæs cnihtes lic.
OE Ælfric Lives of Saints (Julius) (1900) II. 272 He..gelæhte þa dura, and ne mihte þa scyttelsas unscyttan swa hraðe.
OE Form of Confession (Royal 2 B.v) in Anglia (1889) 11 113 Ic..þurh manslihtas me scyldigne dyde wið þe min hælend þa þa ic þin handgeweorc unwyrcan dorste.
lOE King Ælfred tr. St. Augustine Soliloquies (Vitell.) (1922) ii. 63 He [sc. God] gewlitegað and gegerað æalle gesceafta, and æft ungewliteað and ungerað, and æft edniowað.
c1450 (?a1422) J. Lydgate Life Our Lady (Durh.) ii. l. 250 (MED) Blake in to wyte may not be vndied.
1611 J. Florio Queen Anna's New World of Words Dismentire, to vnlye.
1653 J. Goodwin Water-dipping 12 If the word βαπτίζειν here signifies to dip, and not to undip, or heave out of the water.
1774 Monody Death Oliver Goldsmith 6 Thus some Magician..Uncears the ponderous tombs.
1775 J. Ash New Dict. Eng. Lang. Uncrook.., to reduce from crookedness.
1810 New Ann. Reg. 1809 Principal Occurr. 71/1 For Heaven's sake, do not be unmodelling my accounts again.
1825 S. T. Coleridge Aids Refl. 348 To break this sensual charm, to unfascinate these bedazzled brethren.
1844 W. Whewell in J. M. Douglas Life & Corr. W. Whewell (1881) 308 Having puzzled and unpuzzled myself.
1862 A. Helps Organization Daily Life 108 The organization grinds on,..and it is very difficult to make the thing ungrind.
1865 Sat. Rev. 9 Sept. 330/2 A boisterous English captain..annexed them [sc. the islands of Hawaii] for a few weeks, and then had to unannex them.
1868 E. Yates Rock Ahead III. iii. vii. 222 I could hardly uncrook your fingers.
1888 J. A. Lees & W. J. Clutterbuck B.C. 1887: Ramble in Brit. Columbia (1892) xxviii. 314 Presently..the monster had unkilled himself..and swam happily away.
1910 W. S. Sadler Sci. of Living vii. 72 The emulsification of fat by the bile is really a process of unchurning the butter.
1922 E. von Arnim Enchanted April xiii. 213 Rose felt right down at her very roots that if you have once thoroughly bored somebody it is next to impossible to unbore him.
1948 Harper's Bazaar Aug. 206/2 His wrinkled brow alternately furrowing and unfurrowing with anxiety and interest.
1966 T. Wisdom High-performance Driving x. 104 Drivers..use their headlights badly. They do not undip them fast enough after meeting other traffic.
2002 Times 6 Mar. (T2 section) 15/1 This show sets out to untease and expose the strands of shared interests between its two artists.
unbatten v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈbatn/
U.S. /ˌənˈbætn/
1788 W. Bligh Log 10 Apr. in Log of Bounty (1936) I. 153 Unbattened all the Hatchways.
1840 Times 5 Nov. 3/5 We unbattened the fore-hatch with the hope of getting some of the cotton out.
1927 R. A. Freeman Certain Dr. Thorndyke i. iv. 62 Osmond..unbattened the doors, and, opening them, slid the wriggling captive down the ladder on to the cabin floor.
2012 A. Lane Snake Bite (2014) i. 28 Sailors were moving across the deck, tightening the lines, unbattening the hatches, and sweeping as much water as possible off the deck and back into the sea.
unchange v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈtʃeɪn(d)ʒ/
U.S. /ˌənˈtʃeɪndʒ/
1602 J. Golburne tr. Acts of Dispute & Conf. Paris 206 In the present article they confesse, that God can change and vnchange the said order.
1886 Pall Mall Gaz. 22 Dec. 2/2 When he has changed his mind no power on earth can induce him to unchange it.
2007 Sunday Times (Nexis) 12 Aug. (Mag. section) 12 Locks were changed and unchanged.
unclassify v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈklasᵻfʌɪ/
U.S. /ˌənˈklæsəˌfaɪ/
1846 [implied in: Dublin Rev. Sept. 10 The matériel is excellent, and wants nothing but unclassifying.].
1850 ‘Old Playgoer’ Desultory Thoughts National Drama 29 He places before you a series of characters,..unclassifying them.
1911 Railroad Rep. 40 286 The liability of a connecting carrier of live stock for damages for mixing and unclassifying the stock cannot be predicated on the fact that it received the stock in the mixed condition.
2016 USA Today (Nexis) 18 Oct. 2 a (headline) Records official says bureau was asked to unclassify email on Benghazi attack.
unclutter v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈklʌtə/
U.S. /ˌənˈklədər/
1913 Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Daily Republican 7 Sept. 12/1 Clean up the homes of clutter—unclutter them and begin to live at ease.
2014 Daily News (N.Y.) (Nexis) 29 Dec. 33 I will unclutter my inbox.
uncommit v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnkəˈmɪt/
U.S. /ˌənkəˈmɪt/
1591 E. Aggas tr. Answeare Supplication sig. E2 The cause of euil, that proceedeth of our impieties that cannot be vncommitted.
1679 J. Turner Animadversions Doctr. of Transubst. 18 A sin being once committed, it is impossible it should ever be uncommitted again.
1851 W. R. Greg Creed of Christendom xvi. 268 That everything done is done irrevocably—that even the Omnipotence of God cannot uncommit a deed.
1954 Illus. London News 26 June 1106/1 In the morning he convinces his captors that he had been ‘uncommitting a burglary’—i.e. replacing money stolen by an unregenerate friend.
2013 V. Vernon Implementing Domain-driven Design i. 33 If the backlog item is already committed to another sprint, it will first be uncommitted from the current sprint.
unfeel v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈfiːl/
U.S. /ˌənˈfil/
a1425 (?a1400) Cloud of Unknowing (Harl. 674) (1944) 45 (MED) Mary..myȝt not vnfele þe depe hertly sorow of hir synnes—for whi al hir liif-tyme sche had hem wiþ hir where-so sche ȝede.
1530 Myroure Oure Ladye (Fawkes) (1873) ii. 155 But we may not fele. ne vnfele what vs lyste.
1818 Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 9 May 527/1 To unthink their present thoughts and unfeel their present feelings!
1912 Christian Sci. Jrnl. Aug. 279/1 He unfeels the seeming impetus of any intelligence less than his own.
2015 A. Thomas What comes Next & How to like It 101 Once you've felt this, you can't unfeel it.
unhypnotize v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈhɪpnə(ʊ)tʌɪz/
U.S. /ˌənˈhɪpnəˌtaɪz/
1889 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Oct. 456/1 It was unprecedented that..a weak hysterical subject should, after being unhypnotised, remain so long in prostrate exhaustion.
2008 R. Scott Twenty Chickens for Saddle xxiii. 336 I quickly unhypnotised Lulu.
uninvent v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnɪnˈvɛnt/
U.S. /ˌənᵻnˈvɛnt/
1879 Vanity Fair 15 Mar. 145/1 Let us have no more inventions, and if there be a man of genius among you let him set to work to uninvent those which you have already.
1982 Church Times 22 Oct. 5/1 Nuclear weapons cannot be uninvented.
2012 Guardian 16 May (G2 section) 2/4 If I could have one wish from God it would be that Twitter would be uninvented.
unjam v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdʒam/
U.S. /ˌənˈdʒæm/
1775 J. Ash New Dict. Eng. Lang. Unjamb,..to free from a pressure between two bodies.
1866 Standard 9 July 3/1 A lad went up and after some difficulty got the hitch unjammed.
1900 Daily News 7 Mar. 8/7 The gun..jammed less than any other machine gun, and could be easily unjammed.
2004 K. W. Keltner Dim Sum of All Things 117 A female assistant manager finally helped him unjam the tape feeder.
unjumble v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈdʒʌmbl/
U.S. /ˌənˈdʒəmb(ə)l/
1880 Cornishman 18 Nov. 6/2 These are simply the letters of a sentence jumbled up... Now unjumble them, and good luck to you.
1979 J. Gardner Nostradamus Traitor xliii. 204 He's the bloody expert on Nostradamus. He's even..unjumbled the prophecies.
2002 Best of Brit. Nov. 51/2 (advt.) All you have to do is to unjumble this anagram to reveal a famous British cyclist who became a racing legend.
untape v.
Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈteɪp/
U.S. /ˌənˈteɪp/
1911 Power 31 Oct. 665/2 If it is not charred and resists an attempt to scrape it off, the coils are worth retaping and the balance of the lot may be untaped.
2015 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 3 Jan. a13 Unsatisfied, he untaped the paper, slipped sheets of newspaper under it and taped it down again.
(a) Prefixed to nouns and verbs, forming verbs expressing removal or deprivation.A small number of verbs of this type are found in Old English (all weak verbs), as unhādian unhode v., unhlidian unlid v., uninseglian to unseal (compare inseil v.), unscōgian unshoe v., unscrȳdan to undress, strip (compare shride v.1). In Middle English the type remains rare, but new formations include unclead v., unclothe v., unhair v. In early modern English it becomes more frequent, and is common in modern use.
OE Ælfric Lives of Saints (Julius) (1900) II. 56 Þa het Ualerianus, ða halgan unscrydan, and lædan swa nocode to ðære sunnan anlicnysse, forðan ðe hi wurþodon ða sunnan for god.
OE tr. Gospel of Nicodemus (Cambr.) xii. §2. 171 Hig uninseglodon þæt loc and þa cægan and, þa duru geopenigende, ac þær næs na Ioseph inne funden.
1603 T. Winter tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Second Day of First Weeke 20 Haily bullets..falling downe..Without a sickle reape our vnripe graine, Vnblossome all our trees, [etc.].
1791 Lady Hamilton Let. 20 Dec. in H. Gamlin G. Romney & his Art (1894) x. 223 As you was so good as to say you would give me the little picture with the black hat, I wish you would unfrill it.
1798 J. Ferriar Illustr. Sterne i. 8 In like manner, unbolster Falstaff, and his wit will affect us less.
1804 J. Larwood No Gun Boats 10 Let England unpoignard her Dwarf Assassins.
1829 T. P. Thompson in Westm. Rev. Apr. 525 That the man..who goes to bed a freeholder, does not wake un-freeholded on the morrow.
1831 E. J. Trelawny Adventures Younger Son II. 113 Look at him, he is unturbaning!
1855 P. J. Bailey Mystic 127 He, to his fate divine, uneyes himself in vain.
1878 J. W. Reynolds Supernatural in Nature p. ix To unfaith men takes from them everything which can preserve from evil and lead to good.
1897 F. Thompson Victorian Ode 12 She..Her hand ungauntlets in mild amity.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xi. [Sirens] 248 Miss bronze unbloused her neck.
1936 A. E. Housman More Poems 18 For these of old the trader Unpearled the Indian seas.
2014 Irish Daily Mail (Nexis) 22 Mar. 17 We know we should be embracing those minutes of sunshine now.., but the temptation is to..maybe just unsock a foot instead.
(b) Prefixed to nouns and verbs, forming verbs expressing the notion of freeing or releasing from something.Cf. Old English and Middle English unyoke v., Middle English unfetter v., unkevel v., although in origin these may be simply reversive. In later use the type has become common, and is very largely represented from the close of the 16th cent.
OE Vitellius Psalter ci. 21 Ut audiret gemitus compeditorum ut solueret filios interremtorem : þæt he gehyrde geomerunga gefotcopsedra þæt unwriðe bearn fordondra uel forwordenra.
1618 R. Fowns Trisagion Ep. to Papists sig. A7v I haue therefore,..in these my labours, vnscarfed the Papall policie, and laid open the mysterie of Babylon.
1675 E. Polhill Precious Faith Considered vi. 193 It [sc. affliction] is..made out into fans to unchaff him of his vanity.
1800 Naval Chron. 4 523 The labourers..unshored the St. Joseph..in the great dock.
1814 W. Scott Waverley III. ix. 115 Unplaid yourself on the first opportunity. View more context for this quotation
1839 F. Rogers Let. 30 Oct. in Lett. Ld. Blachford (1896) ii. 57 I can't fancy any more magnificent practice for a fidgety person who wanted to be unfidgeted.
1878 A. H. Markham Great Frozen Sea xviii. 257 ‘Woolwich’ was also ‘unsnowed’.
1888 F. H. Stoddard in Andover Rev. Oct. [Matthew] Arnold has un-Coleridged criticism.
1897 M. Kingsley Trav. W. Afr. xii. 280 He left us to devote the rest of his evening..to unthorning himself.
1907 J. Joyce Chamber Music xi Begin thou softly to unzone Thy girlish bosom unto him.
1957 Vogue Sept. 255/1 To make an open-plan living room work, you need to untrammel a certain amount of space.
1966 J. Fowles Magus lxii. 457 He calmly stood up and unbrooched his toga at the shoulder.
2002 J. Burke Nine (2003) xlix. 458 He opened the door and helped Kit out. He unhandcuffed him.
(a) Prefixed to nouns, forming verbs expressing the notion of (sometimes forcible) removal or extraction from a specified place, container, etc.This type of formation occurs in Middle English in unhouse v. and unearth v., and later in unbody v. 2, but does not become common until the beginning of the 17th cent.In a few instances the sense passes into that of releasing or setting free from confinement (e.g. uncage v.), or of revealing to others (e.g. unbosom v.).
?c1550 R. Hurlestone tr. Newes from Rome sig. E.iiv All the golde and syluer..was vnchested and taken away.
1606 J. Finet tr. R. de Lucinge Beginning, Continuance, & Decay Estates iii. xii. 152 They would not any more go vpon any enterprise unlesse the great Turke their Lord would unchamber himselfe from among his concubines.
1701 Hope & Peace 61 When the Fire is put out, and the Vessels unfurnaced.
1822 W. Tennant Thane of Fife vi. xxiii. 246 He..had uncav'd his jars to heave their spirits up.
1837 W. S. Landor Imaginary Conversat. in J. Ablett Lit. Hours 144 All her wars for six hundred years have not done this; and the first trumpet will untrance her.
1870 T. W. Higginson Army Life viii. 195 She shouted with delight at being suddenly uncribbed and thrust into her little scarlet cloak.
1897 Outing Feb. 491/1 The request that a number of soldiers be sent back to unbog the wagon.
1929 W. Faulkner Sound & Fury 235 I went on to the back, where old Job was uncrating them [sc. cultivators].
1959 R. Heywood Beyond Reach of Sense (1961) iv. 30 He ‘mortified’ his amour propre , unclubbed himself completely and became a model of patience, tact and humility.
2007 Atlantic Monthly Dec. 84/2 We uncrated the weighty machine.
(b) Occasionally prefixed to a word denoting what is being removed, forming verbs in which un- expresses the action of drawing out.
1598 J. Florio Worlde of Wordes Sbacciellare,..to vngraine, or take out of the cods.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Escerner, to vnkernell; to take, or cut a thing cleane out of the round place wherein it was.
1660 G. Mackenzie Aretina 6 And albeit they seem but fables, yet who would unkernel them, would finde bu[n]dled up in them reall truthes.
1877 T. De W. Talmage Serm. 316 He it is who undirks the lightning from the storm cloud.
d. Prefixed to adjectives and nouns, or to verbs formed from these, expressing the notion of depriving a person or thing of a specified quality, property, attribute, etc.In Old English this was usually not expressed by the reversive un-, but by verbal formations based on adjectives having the negative prefix un- prefix1 (see un- prefix1 7a and discussion at that sense; analysis of particular verbs as showing un- prefix1 or un- prefix2 is sometimes difficult). unable v., appearing at the beginning of the 15th cent., may belong to that earlier type, as may unfree v., but from the middle of the 16th cent. formations become frequent in which the prefix is clearly the reversive un-.
(a) Prefixed to verbs formed from nouns and adjectives by suffixation.The vast majority of formations of this type involve one of the suffixes specified here; compounding with other verb-forming suffixes, e.g. -ate, is unusual (cf. e.g. unfortunate v.).
(i) Prefixed to verbs formed from adjectives by means of -en (-en suffix5).This type of formation is first recorded in the mid 16th cent.; cf. unharden v.
1583 W. Chauncie tr. P. Viret Worlde Possessed with Deuils iii. sig. e.iv These Swine fatten the porredge with theyr fat, or at the least vnfatten them not, but vnfatten inough of others, to fatten theyr parents, [etc.].
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Desaigrir, to sweeten, or vnsharpen.
1652 G. Tooke Hist. Cales Passion 47 What Chimicall extraction..May flesh unweaken.
1720 Mr. Arundell Directors 30 The Fogs unthicken, and the Skies grow clear.
1996 K. Redfield Jamison Unquiet Mind (1997) 174 No amount of love can cure madness or unblacken one's dark moods.
2015 Sc. Daily Mail (Nexis) 9 Feb. 14 I'll let you know how I fare in this brave bid to unwiden my load.
(ii) Prefixed to verbs formed from nouns and (less commonly) adjectives by means of -fy or -ify.This type of formation is first recorded in the second half of the 16th cent.; cf. unbeautify v., unfrenchify v., etc.
1759 Def. Let. Dutchess of M—h 25 What occasion there could be to clog, and (with pardon the expression) to unsimplify the national system.
1834 R. Southey Doctor II. 119 Unipsefying and unegofying the Ipsissimus Ego.
1837 C. Darwin in F. Darwin Life & Lett. C. Darwin (1887) I. 282 I think my silicified wood has unflintified Mr. Brown's heart.
1857 Ld. Dufferin Lett. from High Latitudes viii. 201 The idea of fog and ice in the month of June seemed so completely to uncockneyfy us.
1858 F. W. Faber Foot of Cross iv. 219 Why should she stay her devotion, or unsimplify her worship?
1866 J. Ruskin Ethics of Dust ii. 36 What will you gain by unpersonifying it?
1882 G. A. Sala Amer. Revisited I. xx. 282 A city on a scale of vastness which Sesostris, could he ‘unmummify’ himself, might admire.
1964 Amer. Econ. Rev. 54 107 Diversity and change unsimplify the task of evaluating factor-use for agriculture.
1998 Risks Digest (ACM Forum) (Electronic text) 4 Sept. While debugging my own software, which undigestifies each issue of the Risks Digest as it arrives in my local mailbox.
2000 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 27 Apr. 43/2 She argued (to uncalcify the language a bit) that often, in the struggle for justice, what you need to insist on is not what divides women but what they have in common.
(iii) Prefixed to verbs formed from nouns and adjectives by means of -ize.This type of formation is first recorded at the end of the 16th cent.; cf. unmortalize v.Formations are occasionally found where prefixation and suffixation apparently occur simultaneously, as e.g. un-Jacobitize v., unliturgize v., unlycanthropize v.
1816 G. Colman Eccentricities Edinb. 55 His Courtiers swore..They'd broil a Pope, to keep a Place, So all unpapaliz'd apace.
1830 E. B. Pusey Hist. Enq. Rationalist Char. II. xi. 392 The great body, which their excellent predecessors had endeavoured to unformularize.
1847 H. G. Atkinson Let. 13 Nov. in H. Martineau Autobiogr. (1877) II. 287 Let us unindividualise ourselves.
1852 C. Wordsworth Occas. Serm. IV. 14 England romanized Ireland: and England ought to unromanize it.
1874 H. Bushnell Forgiveness & Law iv. 222 To unlocalize, universalize, and make victorious, the great salvation he has undertaken for mankind.
1885 D. Masson Carlyle ii. 71 Though he had a kindly eye toward the Mystics, he could make nothing of them except by unmysticising them.
1891 W. S. Lilly Shibboleths vi. 186 A certain number of the clergy..wished to unclericalize themselves.
1922 H. W. Nutt Princ. teaching High School Pupils ii. 22 The chief factors in un-Americanizing the public high schools of our country.
1943 Musical Times 84 207/2 Sometimes I wish I could undemocratize myself sufficiently to demand a Führer!
1983 AJS Rev. 7–8 204 He suggested that down through the centuries Christians did everything in their power to dissociate their religion from Judaism—to ‘unjudaize’ it.
2005 T. Mathews Our Fathers' War vi. 147 They're looking for the ‘anonymous tipster’. It's in all the newspapers..so I call to unanonymize myself.
(b) Prefixed to nouns, forming verbs with the sense ‘to deprive of the specified status, occupation, office, etc.’.This type of formation is first recorded in the second half of the 16th cent.; cf. unking v., unqueen v., unmartyr v., etc.
1611 J. Florio Queen Anna's New World of Words Disposare, to vnwed, to vnbride.
1674 N. Fairfax Treat. Bulk & Selvedge 75 Our Watch would without more ado be utterly unwatcht.
1797 A. M. Bennett Beggar Girl VII. i. 42 Recollections, unsupported by proofs,..could neither un-countess her nor rob her of the adoration her beauty excited.
1839 J. D. Coleridge Let. 3 Nov. in E. H. Coleridge Life & Corr. Ld. Coleridge (1904) I. iv. 71 Herman Merivale unbeared himself for five minutes.
1860 H. S. Milman in Archaeologia 38 22 The remedy applicable to the condition of the Marches of Mercia and Wales was..to reduce and, so far, unmarch them.
1870 C. Reade Put Yourself in his Place I. v. 68 The hair, not in ropes..but its silken threads boldly and accurately shown, yet not so as to cord the mass, and unsatin it quite.
1877 E. FitzGerald Lett. (1889) I. 408 Thence I lately took down Mr. Lowell's (I have proposed to un-mister him too), Lowell's Essays.
1889 T. De W. Talmage Serm. in Voice (N.Y.) 31 Oct. Every day there are Samsons ungianted.
1998 C. Brown Contrary Things iii. 79 At Sens in 1140, he is ‘unteachered’, condemned to silence.
2014 National Post (Canada) (Nexis) 11 Feb. a10 Imagine Iraq uncitizening a terrorist and deporting him to Canada just because he was born here.
(c) Prefixed to adjectives, forming verbs with the sense ‘to deprive of the specified quality’.This type of formation is found from the early 17th cent. Cf. earlier formations from verbs formed ultimately from adjectival bases, as e.g. unglad v., unbare v., unweary v.
1611 J. Florio Queen Anna's New World of Words Scaluare, to vnbalde.
1747 E. Poston Pratler I. 223 Thy Brother..almost had the Name undone, And almost did ungrand it.
1826 W. Scott Let. 19 Mar. in J. G. Lockhart Mem. Life Scott (1837) VI. viii. 271 If you unscotch us, you will find us damned mischievous Englishmen.
1848 J. C. Hare & A. W. Hare Guesses at Truth 2nd Ser. (ed. 2) 302 You may abuse and misuse: you cannot ungood.
1949 S. Beach tr. H. Michaux Barbarian in Asia 131 It is difficult to know how far Confucius and Lao-Tsu have Chinesed the Chinese, or have un-Chinesed them.
2008 K. Reardon Top Tips for Girls 35 (heading) How to unbrown onions or garlic.
e. As a redundant or intensifying prefix to a verb already signifying some action or process of reversal, removal, etc. Cf. unbare v., unloose v., unpeel v., unrip v., unthaw v., etc. Occasionally also prefixed to other parts of speech. In more recent formations chiefly in regional use.Already in Old English, as e.g. unlīesan unleese v., unlūcan to pull up, uproot (compare louk v.2), but at no time especially common.With quot. 1891 cf. eve v.2
OE Arundel Psalter li. 7 Propterea deus destruet te in finem, euellet te et emigrabit te de tabernaculo tuo, et radicem tuam de terra uiuentium : forþon god towurpeþ þe on ende ute unluceþ [other versions aluceð] þe & aweg afirreþ þe of getelde þine & wyrttruma þine of eorðan lifigendra.
1825 J. T. Brockett Gloss. North Country Words 224 Unrid, to rid. Here the particle [i.e. un-] is of no force.
1891 R. P. Chope Dial. Hartland, Devonshire 80 Uneave.., to relieve anything from ice by thawing the latter artificially. ‘Jis take out a drap o' hot watter an' onaive the pump.’
2. Occurring in verbal nouns, participial adjectives, and agent nouns derived from verbs formed according to the various types at sense 1. Hence occasionally in independent formations, as uncreamed adj.1, unconsolidation n.Verbal derivatives (e.g. undoing n.1, undone adj.2, undoer n.1) begin to be formed in the 14th cent., and become common in later use. Many of the past participles and participial adjectives so formed, e.g. unbent, unbound, undressed, unfastened, are very close in meaning to homonyms in which the prefix is un- prefix1, and have probably effectively merged in the perceptions of speakers. Either prefix is normally unstressed in all participial formations used predicatively, but commonly receives the main stress when employed attributively, for example in an ˈunbent bow, an ˈunbound book.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online June 2022).

un-comb. form

Stress is usually determined by a subsequent element and vowels may be reduced accordingly. Some degree of stress is always maintained on this combining form. If the subsequent element is an existing word, it is likely to retain its original stress pattern, e.g. unnilpentium Brit. /ˌjuːnlˈpɛntɪəm/, U.S. /ˌjun(ə)lˈpɛntiəm/.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin ūnus.
Etymology: < classical Latin ūnus one (see one adj. and compare uni- comb. form), reflecting the digit 1 in the atomic number.Names formed in this way are found from the second half of the 20th cent. The first element with an atomic number greater than 100 was synthesized in 1955 (element 101, mendelevium), but the temporary naming system was only introduced later, following controversies over the naming of element 104 (compare the discussion at the definition of rutherfordium n.). The second and third parts of each name make use of a conventional series of elements ultimately of Latin or Greek origin, e.g. -nil- zero (compare nil n.1; or a second -un- one), followed by -quad four (compare quadru- comb. form), -pent- five (compare penta- comb. form), etc.
Forming the names of chemical elements with an atomic number greater than 100, as unnilquadium (element 104, rutherfordium), unnilpentium (element 105, dubnium), unnilseptium (element 107, bohrium), ununnilium (element 110, darmstadtium), ununtrium (element 113, nihonium), ununoctium (element 118, oganesson), etc.These systematic names are temporary designations, used until elements are officially named by IUPAC.
1974 Comptes Rendus 27th IUPAC Conf. Part B. 149 (table) 106... Unnilhexium... Unh.
1974 Comptes Rendus 27th IUPAC Conf. Part B. 149 (table) 107... Unnilseptium... Uns.
1974 Physics Bull. Dec. 564/2 IUPAC has its own preferred names for any element that may be discovered, up to and including element 900. According to this systematic nomenclature the new element would be unnilhexium (un = 1, nil = 0, hex = 6).
1975 Jrnl. Chem. Educ. 52 583/2 (table) 110... Ununnilium... Uun.
1975 Jrnl. Chem. Educ. 52 583/2 (table) 113... Ununtrium... Uut.
1975 Jrnl. Chem. Educ. 52 583/2 (table) 118... Ununoctium... Uuo.
1979 Pure & Appl. Chem. 51 384 (table) 104... Unnilquadium... Unq.
1979 Pure & Appl. Chem. 51 384 (table) 105... Unnilpentium... Unp.
1987 A. Nickon & E. F. Silversmith Org. Chem.: Name Game xiv. 174 Scientists created unnilseptium (107) in 1981 and unnilennium (109) in 1982, so the ‘undiscovered’ list is shrinking.
1999 T. Pratchett et al. Sci. of Discworld viii. 71 Physicists always fight over who got what first and who therefore has the right to propose a name, so at any given time the heaviest elements are likely to have been assigned temporary (and ludicrous) names such as ‘ununnilium’ for element 110—dog-Latin for ‘1-1-0-ium’.
2005 Nature 31 Mar. 580/1 Ununpentium was produced by firing a beam of calcium-48 ions at a target made from americium-243.
2011 Sci. News 1 Jan. 21/2 Temporarily known as ununseptium, the new element fills an empty spot in the periodic table.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).
prefix1eOEprefix2OEcomb. form1974




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