

单词 y-


Forms: (Old English gi-, ge-, gæ-, gie-, gy-, Old English–Middle English ie-, Middle English ȝe-, Middle English–Middle English i-, hi-, Middle English–1600s dialect e-, Middle English– now dialect a-, now archaic y-)
Etymology: represents Old English ge- , earlier (and Northumbrian) gi- , = Old Frisian gi- , ge- , ie- , e- , a- , Old Saxon gi- , ge- , i- , Middle Low German, Middle Dutch ge- , ghe- , locally i- , y- , e- , (Low German, Dutch ge- ), Old High German ga- , ka- , gi- , ki- , ge- , (Middle High German, German ge- , dialect je- , also gi- , ga- ), Gothic ga- :—Old Germanic *ga-. The parallelism of formation and meaning exemplified by such forms as Latin commūnis and Gothic gamains , Old English gemǽne common, i-mene adj. and adv., Latin convenīre and Gothic gaqiman to assemble, Latin conticēre and Gothic gaþahan to be silent, Latin commemini and Gothic gamunan , Old English gemunan to remember, Latin conferre and Gothic gabaíran to compare, has suggested the probability of the etymological identity of Germanic ga- with Latin co- , com- , and some scholars have accepted this on the assumption that Verner's law operated in some instances of initial consonants. (Latin com- is normally represented by ham- in Old Frankish hamêdii , synonymous with Old High German geido , Middle High German geeide conspirator.) The original form ga- is the only one found in Gothic (e.g. galeiks alike adj.); it was preserved also in Old High German (e.g. galîh ), continued in Middle High German, and survives in a few words in some German dialects. The weakened (unstressed) form gi- was the prevailing one in Old High German and Old Saxon and is the earliest form recorded in Old Frisian and Old English, but it was early reduced to ge- in the whole of the Low German and High German area. In Scandinavian the prefix had disappeared entirely in prehistoric times as a living element, but relics of it remained in Old Norse glíkr alike adj., gnógr enough adj., pron., n., and adv., greiðr graith adj. (cf. ready adj., adv., int., and n.). The phonetic changes of Old English ge- , resulting in its complete disappearance in modern English as a living formative except in certain dialects, are in general paralleled in most of the Low German (as opposed to the High German) dialects. While in High German the vowel of the prefix not uncommonly underwent syncopation, which has become permanent (to the obscuration of the origin) in certain words, as German gleich (Old High German ga- , gi- , gelîk ) like (alike adj.), gnade (Old High German ginâda , Old Saxon ginâtha , nâtha , Dutch genade , Old Norse náð ), in Low German dialects, on the other hand, there was a tendency for the consonant to fall, leaving i- or e- , in some dialects a- ; e.g. Old Saxon unimetes ‘aliquid incommodum’, Middle Low German ilêtene , past participle of lêten to permit, medeselle (cf. German mitgesell ) companion, enaugh enough, eschein (cf. German geschehen ) happened, Middle Dutch idaen done, idragen drawn, yslagen slain, Dutch dialect ivallig weak, Old Frisian idein done, islein slain, onebunden unbound, enôch , anôch enough, unaborn unborn, ofeslain , ofaslain killed off, East Frisian unikaimed unkempt, North Frisian -enogh (in compounds) enough. Complete suppression of the prefix takes place in certain cases, as in Middle Low German to lîke (cf. German zugleich ) immediately, Low German lîk like, naug enough, schein happened, Old Frisian bedda , sîth companion, fadera godfather, selscip society, West Frisian nôch adv. (beside genôch adj.-pron.), North Frisian nogh enough; the suppression of the prefix is normal in past participles; in words of other classes, it survives sporadically or has been revived through Dutch or High German influence. The like developments of Old English ge- are traceable in the history of several words in which its identity and force have long ceased to be recognized, or from which all traces of the prefix have been obliterated: e.g. Old English geforðian , Middle English iforð(i)e , aforth , afford v., Old English gewær , Middle English iwar(e , awar(e , aware adj., Old English gelíc(e , Middle English ylike , alike adj., like adj., adv., conj., and prep., Old English gemang , ongemang , Middle English ymong n., among prep. and adv., 'mong prep., Old English genoh , Middle English inoȝ , anoȝ , enough adj., pron., n., and adv., 'nuff , Old English handgeweorc handiwork n. (whence, by analogy, handicraft n. and adj.), Old English ǽghwæðer either pron., adj., adv., and conj. For further examples of the complete disappearance of the prefix see below. The general facts of the history and survival of Old English ge- , of which some details are given below, are:—In positions where it was still recognizable as a prefix, it had left few traces in northern English by 1200; its disappearance in the north was assisted by the absence of the prefix in Old Norse. Substantival, adjectival, and verbal forms (other than past participles) continued, not later than the end of the 14th century, only in southern and west-midland dialects. The past participle was regularly formed with the prefix in southern Middle English till about the middle of the 15th century, and its use in the form a- survives in south-western dialects to the present day. Past participles so formed were a prominent feature of the archaistic language of Spenser and his imitators, and a few of them, the most notable of which is yclept adj., persist as conventional archaisms of poetry. In Old English and Middle English the prefix was written either continuously with the body of the word of which it formed a part, or disjoined from it by a full or a half space; in the archaistic usage of the 16th and 17th centuries the general practice was to print the compound as one word, without hyphen. In this Dictionary established and well-known forms such as yclad , yclept , are printed without hyphen, but in other instances the convenience of the reader has been consulted, where occasion arises, in the avoidance of unhyphened forms where these would not suggest the nature of the word-formation. Compounds of the prefix spelt with y- are entered in their alphabetical place, whether as full articles or as cross-references. Compounds which did not come down late enough for the spelling y- to have become established with them have been entered in their place in the letter I: see i- prefix. The choice of y- (and not i- ) by Spenser and other archaists was determined by the prevalence of that form in the texts upon which he modelled his language. There are a few instances of the general survival of the i- form till a late date, e.g. i-thee v.; the retention of i- in iwis adj., adv., and n. is due to the false etymologizing of it as I wis. The original (physical) signification of the prefix, ‘with’, ‘together’, without admixture of transferred meaning, persists in some Old English words, such as gedræg lit. that which is drawn together, band, multitude (cf. Gothic gadragan to heap up or together), gelaþian to summon together, invite (cf. Gothic galaþônσυγκαλεῖν), gerunnen ‘run together’, coagulated (cf. Gothic garinnan to come together), geþéodan ‘conjungere’, to join together, connect; but for the most part its meaning in Old English compounds falls under one or other of the following categories, which are arranged in the probable order of their development in primitive Germanic: the notion of physical accompaniment or conjunction passing into that of (1) association in life, occupation, etc., and hence, of suitability or appropriateness, and (2) collectivity, the final stage being (3) a perfective or intensive notion evolved in some measure from each of the others.
1. The associative meaning is exemplified by two classes of words in Old English:
a. Designations of persons associated or related by birth, family, or status, such as gebedda (i-bedde n.) ‘one who shares a bed with another’, bedfellow, consort, < bedd bed, geféra (yfere n., fere n.1) ‘one who goes with another’ (faran to go), companion, geháda ‘one of the same order as another’, fellow-minister, < hád condition, order, gesíþ (cf. Gothic gasinþja, Old Saxon gisîð, Old High German gisind) ‘one who shares a voyage with another’, companion, < síþ journey.
b. Adjectives and allied substantives denoting quality or condition, in which the purely associative sense readily passes into that of appropriateness, convenience, or similarity, such as gecynd (i-cunde n.) nature, gecynde (i-cunde adj.) natural, gedéfe (cf. Gothic gadôbs) becoming, fit, gemæc well-matched, gemæcca companion, mate, match n.1, gemaca mate, make n.1, gelíc lit. related in form to, of the same form as, like adj., alike adj., gelíca an equal, gemet n., measure, proper measure, proportion, moderation, gemet adj., gemǽte lit. of suitable measure, fit, proper, meet adj., gerǽde lit. suitably prepared (see i-rede adj., i-redy adj. and ready adj.), gesibb related, ysibbe adj., geswége harmonious, getríewe holding faith with, true adj., n., adv., and int.
a. Compounds in which mutual relation is implied form a link between the associative and the collective uses, e.g. Old English gefán, gefíend (i-feond n.) enemies, gefríend (i-freond n.) friends, gebróðor (i-brotheren n.) brothers, gesweostor sisters, gemágas kinsmen, gescý pair of shoes. The number of Old English words of purely collective meaning is not large; examples are gebæcu back parts, gefylce army, troop, gemǽre, plural gemǽru limits, boundary, getimbru plural building, edifice, gewǽde clothing, i-wede n., gewider, plural gewidru weather (esp. as good or bad), storm cf. (German gewitter).
b. What is probably to be regarded as a particular development of the collective sense appears in the Old English generalizing or indefinite pronouns and corresponding adverbs, gehwá every or each one (cf. i-hwat pron.), gehwilc each or every one, Middle English i(l)ch, ilk adj.1, pron.1, and n., gehú somehow or other, gehwǽr everywhere, ywhere adv., gehwider in any or every direction. Some of them were reinforced by the prefixing of á ever, e.g. ǽghwá each or every one, ǽghwæþer each of two, both, either pron., adj., adv., and conj., ǽghwelc, Middle English euch (see each adj. and pron.).
3. The perfective or intensive sense is found in the following classes of words:
a. Substantives denoting the result of an action, a stage in a process, or a particular state, as Old English gemót meeting, moot n.1, gemynd (cf. Latin commemini) memory, remembrance, mind n.1, gesibb relationship, gesihþ i-sight n., sight n.1, geswell swelling, swell n., geweorc working, what is done or built, fortification, work n., gewitnes testimony, i-witness n., witness n., gewrit what is written, writing, i-writ n., writ n.
b. Adjectives denoting a state, as geclǽne pure, gehál whole adj., gesund uninjured, sound adj.
c. Verbs which denote achievement of a result, the attainment of a stage in a process, or a special limitation of the general sense of the simple verb. The force of the prefix is clearly recognizable in examples like Old English geetan to eat up, consume, ‘comedere’, gestígan to mount up, ‘conscendere’, and esp. in such pairs as ærnan to run, geærnan to gain by running, áscian, frignan to ask, geáscian, gefrignan to learn, beran to carry, geberan to bring forth, faran to go, gefaran to depart this life, die, to get by going, occupy, rǽcan to stretch forth, offer, gerǽcan to reach, obtain, rídan to ride, gerídan to reach as by riding, get into one's power, weorþan to become, be, geweorþan impersonal to be agreed, gán to go, gegán to attain to, get, occupy, winnan to fight, strive, gewinnan to win. But in many instances no difference of meaning is discernible between the simplex and the compound, e.g. beorgan, gebeorgan to protect, hátan, gehátan to call, name, command, promise, limpan, gelimpan to happen, secgan, gesecgan to say, tell. There are also some causative compounds, as gebétan to make good, improve, beet v., geforðian to further (see afford v.), gehefigian to make heavy. Of such verbs many did not survive except in their past participles into the Middle English period; others survived only till about 1300, and that in southern areas; a certain number, such as gehíeran yhere adj., geséon ysee v., continued in use in present and past tenses till 1400 or later; very few lasted till 1500 or beyond. But from the middle of the 15th century onwards archaizing poets created (originally after past participle forms) new formations in which the prefix was meaningless. Such are ybete (Kingis Quair), ydrawe, yryve (Lydgate), yclepe (after yclept), yglaunst, and yshrilled (Spenser), ycharm'd, ysprout (Robinson's Mary Magdalene), ysteer (Gosson), ydrop (Henry More), ylipe, yminne, ypass; there are also present participles like Sackville's ycausing and Milton's star-ypointing.
4. The use of perfective or completive ge- had its most extensive development in the formation of past participles, a function common to the Low German and High German groups but not found in Gothic and Scandinavian. The prefix could be employed with any uncompounded verb, but the verbs corresponding to Old English bringan to bring, cuman to come, findan to find, weorþan to become, did not normally take it.
In Old English and in Middle English (where the prefix continued in full use) it is often impossible to determine whether a particular past participle with ge- (i-, y-) belongs to a simple verb or to its compound with ge-.
In Old English the prefix was employed in forms derived from Latin, as geplantod = plantatus. Similarly in Middle English it was freely employed with verbs of French origin, as ybaptised, yblamed, ycircumcysed, iclosed, igranted, ikupled, ymartred, yoccupied, ipaied, ipassed, irobbet, isturbed, isued, isustened, iwarised. Early loanwords from Scandinavian also took it, as itaken (12th cent.).
It came down into Middle English as a peculiar characteristic of the language of the south and west-midland regions, and examples are consequently abundant in such texts as (in the 13th cent.) Layamon's Brut, the texts of ‘the Katherine group’, Owl and Nightingale, Robert of Gloucester, (in the 14th cent.) Ayenbite, Shoreham's poems, Piers Plowman, Trevisa's works, Sir Ferumbras, (in the 15th cent.) Yonge's translation (Anglo-Irish) of Secreta Secretorum and the anonymous Two Cookery Books (E.E.T.S.); its frequency in Lydgate is presumably due to metrical exigencies and to imitation of Chaucer, in whom it is fairly common, whereas it is almost entirely absent from the works of Gower. In the 16th century it was adopted as an archaistic feature from Chaucer and Lydgate by many poetical writers, among whom are Phaer, Sylvester, Arthur Hall, and, above all, Spenser. In the 17th cent. Henry More is a prominent user of these past participles, and in the 18th cent. Thomson and other Spenserians have many examples. Some of the most commonly occurring words are ybent, ybound, ybrought, yclad, yclept, ydight, ydrad, ypent, ypight, ywrought.
In modern dialects its use in the form a /ə/ extends over a triangular area of which the angles lie in Worcestershire, Surrey, and Cornwall; it is found also in Pembrokeshire and Wexford. Modern examples of dialectal usage are:—
1568 T. Howell Arbor of Amitie f. 36v In husbandry, icham truely, ycounted to excell.
1605 London Prodigall iv. i. E 3 b Such a lerripoope as thick ych was nere a sarued.
a1641 J. Smyth Berkeley MSS (1885) III. 23 A native hundreder, beinge asked where hee was borne, answereth, where shu'd y bee y bore, but at Berkeley hurns, And there, begis, each was y bore. Or thus, Each was 'geboren at Berkeley hurns.
1746 Exmoor Courtship 20 Tha hast a creem'd ma Yearms, and a morst a burst ma Neck.
1863 W. Barnes Gram. & Gloss. Dorset Dial. 27 I shall've a-meäde.
1863 W. Barnes Gram. & Gloss. Dorset Dial. 42 A-zet, set, or planted.
1886 W. Som. Word-bk. Adood, done.
5. In Old English ge- was used in the formation of adjectives from substantival stems to express the possession of, or being provided with, something, as gefeax having hair (of a certain colour), geheort courageous, gestence odorous, gewurms purulent ( < wurms corruption; cf. Gothic gascōhs shod), but esp. with the participial ending -od, -ed, as gefeaxod (beside gefeaxen) having hair, gehelmod, gehilmed helmeted, gehyrnd horned, gesperod armed with a spear. The number of the latter was added to in Middle English, e.g. ybonchyd humped, (wel) ycheryd well-favoured, ifeðered (cf. Old English gefeðerian), ileaded, ileðered, ypavylyound, iteiled, (old) i-yeerid; in some instances the forms with the prefix are the more original forms of such adjectives: see e.g. feathered adj., leaded adj., leathered adj., tailed adj.1, yeared adj. A few compounds of this class were coined by archaists of the 16th century; e.g. ycrested (A. Hall, 1581).
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1921; most recently modified version published online March 2021).




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