VERB► attack· The Harlem riot erupted when an off-duty policeman killed James Powell, a teenage boy who had allegedly attacked him.
► commit· Opposition leaders have talked about pursuing a criminal case against Estrada for corruption and other offenses he allegedly committed in office.
► fail· Su, distraught because thieves had stolen her suitcases, was arrested for allegedly failing to show police an identity card.· Officials in Maine also rejected Reform Party petitions because they allegedly failed to meet state technical requirements.· The Board dismissed him for allegedly failing in his duties to teach junior doctors.
► involve· Police were called to a house at Eddleston, near Peebles, early yesterday after an incident allegedly involving a knife.· They were following up on descriptions of thieves allegedly involved in the deaths of two men in the town.
► make· He allegedly made threats against former President Bush at a time when Bush was traveling the state.
► occur· The embezzlement allegedly occurred in 1988 and 1989 when Le Floch-Prigent ran the state-owned oil company, Elf-Aquitaine.· The incidents allegedly occurred between January 1995 and October 1996.· J., where a similar arrangement allegedly occurred.
► run· Mr Elliott suffered both internal and external injuries when he was allegedly run down twice by a car at the weekend.
► steal· He is under investigation for allegedly stealing tens of billions of dollars.
► take· In March 1985 she allegedly took part in a machine-gun attack on a police patrol and television technicians at a sports centre.· All were allegedly taken at the same football game by freelance photographer E. J. Flammer.· Hains allegedly took mouldings of existing works to fake minor artists while using original casts for Rodins.· Shekhtman allegedly took 28 tests for 17 people and Idzi allegedly took 22 tests for 15 people.
► try· He also allegedly tried to make the chaplain change her story.