The difference between the two teams is the quality of the coaching.
A little tennis coaching will transform your service game.
As an unhappy season has progressed, the committee agreed that coaching was the essential ingredient for lasting success.
By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
From the above it should be apparent that coaching is a challenge for most managers.
He will be working alongside the union's director of coaching, assisting coaches and coaching coordinators through to U21 level.
It is of course possible to be an effective manager without coaching but by using this skill you can achieve even better results.
Porto Heli and Cannigione additionally offer catamaran coaching.
COLLOCATIONS FROM THE ENTRY►tennis/football/rugby etc coaching►coaching session
a coaching session with one of England’s leading boxers
1a process in which you teach a person or team the skills they need for a sport → coachtennis/football/rugby etc coaching a coaching session with one of England’s leading boxers2the process of helping someone prepare for an important test or prepare what they should say or do in a particular situation → coach