English reviewers tended to take a condescending view of American writers.
Fourteen percent claim the men have a condescending attitude.
Instead they dispensed a condescending homily.
She'd tell him a few home truths about his condescending, heartless, authoritarian attitude.
The forelock-touching peasant is still around in print, and always good for a condescending laugh.
The Prince smirked and Gaveston turned, for the first time acknowledging their presence with a condescending sneer.
Watts seems to have kept a copy of Maria Edgeworth's condescending letter.
COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES►patronizing/condescending attitude
(=showing that you think you are more important or intelligent than someone)· complaints about patronising attitudes towards women
behaving as though you think you are better, more intelligent, or more important than other people – used to show disapprovalSYN patronizing: Professor Hutter’s manner is extremely condescending.—condescendingly adverb