Art is not a race: there are pre-eminent writers and painters, but fashion has a certain hand in this.
In ArtNouveau the movement, the flow, the rhythm of a design became pre-eminent.
It concluded that international matches should be the pre-eminent parameter to fixture programming.
One of these was the forceful Bantam, pre-eminent among the fecund Marshend females.
The central nervous system appears to be the pre-eminent instrument that has been designed for this function in the course of evolution.
The source of consensus was to be found in the division of labour, which was the pre-eminent fact of social solidarity.
· It is lavishly illustrated and presented and has assumed a pre-eminent position in its field.
much more important, more powerful, or better than any others of its kind: his pre-eminent position in society—pre-eminently adverb—pre-eminence noun [uncountable]