Beat the summer doldrums by spending a day at the zoo.
The stock market is much improved from the doldrums of 1990.
Even against a country in the doldrums you just can't expect to turn up and automatically win.
Recent economic doldrums have hurt the rural west.
Roddy McDowall makes an appearance as a mad old soldier and lifts the film out of its doldrums.
The beef industry has been in the doldrums ever since consumers began to turn away from eating red meat.
With stock and bond markets in the doldrums, their trading operations have been badly hit.
With the computer business still in the doldrums, Ahmadi quit that to help his wife run the hair accessory business.
a)if an industry, company, activity etc is in the doldrums, it is not doing well or developingin the doldrums The property market has been in the doldrums for months. Recent economic doldrums have damaged the rural west.b)if you are in the doldrums, you are feeling sad: Fay is in the doldrums today.