Already the euro has regained 8 % against the dollar since it hit a low in October.
Give or take a few cents, one dollar buys one euro buys 100 yen.
His call reflects concern that other currencies could depreciate against the euro, leading to strains among the 15 member states.
However analysts note that revenue from commission rose to 537.4m euros.
Last week saw talk of intervention to underpin the euro, a sure sign that policymakers are starting to be concerned.
Ministers said today, though, there could be no question of either weakening the Maastricht conditions or delaying the euro.
Only Luxembourg has met all the economic conditions for introducing the euro.
This is typically between sterling, dollars and euros.
COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES►pay in dollars/euros etc
· American exporters want to be paid in dollars.
· Six out of 10 Labour supporters, and 69 % of voters overall, opposed joining the euro.· In truth there is now little prospect of Britain ever joining the euro.· Experts say that investors pouring into Britain assume that it will join the euro within two years.· By devaluing in preparation for joining the euro at a lower rate, the Government would merely be replicating Lawson s mistakes.· Eighteen months ago 53 % said they were happy to have joined the euro, and only 36 % were dissatisfied.· Tension between the two men over when-or even whether-to join the euro has been mounting since the election.· His company's strategic investment in Britain was based on the country joining the euro by 2006.
a unit of money that can be used in most countries of the European Union: the value of the euro against the dollar Prices are given in pounds and euros.