

单词 provision
provision1 nounprovision2 verb
provisionpro‧vi‧sion1 /prəˈvɪʒən/ ●●○ noun Word Origin
WORD ORIGINprovision1
1300-1400 French, Late Latin provisio, from Latin providere; PROVIDE
  • Clinton repeatedly has supported the portability and access provisions.
  • In countries without adequate welfare provisions for the poor, unemployment may be very much more severe in its effects.
  • Nevertheless, our weekly bill for provisions alone came to 25 shillings, or half of our total income.
  • The question of the provision of patent information was investigated.
  • These statements specify the educational and other provisions that are necessary to meet the pupil's particular needs.
  • This can be dealt with by revaluing the asset annually using special indices of cost of capital and adjusting depreciation provisions accordingly.
  • Various arguments have been put forward to suggest that specific statutory provisions have been entrenched.
word sets
access, nounacquit, verbacquittal, nounactionable, adjectiveact of God, nounadjourn, verbadminister, verbadmissible, adjectiveADR, nounadversarial, adjectiveadvocate, nounaffidavit, nounage, nounaggrieved, adjectiveagreement, nounannual return, anti-dumping, adjectiveantitrust, adjectiveAppeal Court, nounappear, verbappellate court, nounarraign, verbarticled clerk, articles of association, nounassignee, nounassizes, nounattachment, nounattest, verbattorney, nounattorney-at-law, nounattorney general, nounaverage clause, bailable, adjectivebailee, nounbailiff, nounbailment, nounban, nounbarrister, nounbeneficial owner, beneficiary, nounbequeath, verbbequest, nounbest efforts, adjectivebid-rigging, nounbill, nounbill of rights, nounblue law, nounbody corporate, bond, nounbook, verbbox, nounbreakdown clause, break fee, brief, nounbroker's lien, burden of proof, nounbusiness entity, buyer's risk, bylaw, nouncabotage, nouncadastre, nouncase, nouncase law, nouncash shell, nouncause, nouncause célèbre, nouncause of action, nouncaution, nouncaution, verbcertificate of incorporation, nouncertificate of protest, nouncertificate of search, nounchain of title, nounchallenge, nounchallenge, verbchancery, nounChapter 7, nouncharge, nouncharge, verbcharges register, chief justice, nouncircuit court, nouncite, verbcitizen's arrest, nouncivil, adjectivecivil law, nounclaim, nounclaimant, nounclass action, nounclause, nounclean, adjectivecloud on title, nouncollusion, nouncommerce clause, committal, nouncommon law, nouncommunity property, nounCommunity Reinvestment Act, nouncommutation, nounCompanies House, nouncompanies registry, company limited by guarantee, nouncompany limited by shares, nouncompany officer, competence, nouncompetent, adjectivecomplainant, nouncompletion, nouncompletion date, compliance officer, compulsory purchase, nounconditional discharge, nouncondition precedent, nouncondition subsequent, nounconduct money, confidentiality clause, confirmation hearing, conflict of laws, nounconjugal, adjectiveconsensus ad idem, nounconsent decree, consenting adult, nounconservator, nounconstituted, adjectiveconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nouncontempt, nouncontest, verbcontingency fee, contract of insurance, nouncontract of purchase, nouncontract of service, nouncontravene, verbcontravention, nouncontributory negligence, nounconvey, verbconveyance, nounconveyancing, nounconvict, verbconviction, nouncopyright, nounco-respondent, nouncosignatory, nouncounsel, nouncounty court, nouncourthouse, nouncourt-martial, nouncourt-martial, verbCourt of Appeal, nounCourt of Appeals, nouncourt of inquiry, nouncourt of law, nounCourt of Queen's Bench, nouncourt order, nouncourt reporter, nouncourtroom, nouncramdown, nouncriminal, adjectivecriminal injury, criminalize, verbcriminal law, nouncross-examine, verbCrown Court, nouncurfew, nouncustodial, adjectiveD.A., noundata protection, death sentence, noundeath warrant, noundeclaration of association, noundecree, noundecree absolute, noundecree nisi, noundecriminalize, verbdeed, noundeed of conveyance, noundefalcation, noundefend, verbdefendant, noundeficiency judgment, noundeficiency judgment, de jure, adjectivedeposition, noundeputy, nounderivative lease, desertion, noundiminished responsibility, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirectors register, disabled quota, disbar, verbdischarge of contract, noundisclaim, verbdisclaimer, noundiscretionary, adjectivedisinherit, verbdismiss, verbdispense, verbdisposition, noundispossess, verbdissent, noundissolution, noundistrain, verbdistrict attorney, noundistrict court, noundivorce, noundivorce, verbdivorced, adjectivedocket, noundonee, noundouble jeopardy, noundraftsman, noundrink-driving, noundrunk driving, noundue process, nounduress, nouneasement, nounedict, nouneffective, adjectiveeminent domain, nounempower, verbenabling, adjectiveenabling clause, enact, verbendowment, nounenforced, adjectiveenjoin, verbescape clause, escrow, nounescrow agent, estate, nounestoppel, nounevidence, nounexamination, nounexamination-in-chief, nounexamine, verbexculpate, verbexecute, verbexecutor, nounexecutrix, nounexhibit, nounexpectations, nounex post facto law, nounexpropriate, verbextradite, verbextrajudicial, adjectivefair dealing, false representation, nounfee absolute, nounfiduciary, nounfiduciary, adjectivefinding, nounfirm name, nounfixtures and fittings, nounforce majeure, nounforeman, nounforewoman, nounfreeholder, nounfree pardon, nounfrustration of contract, fugitive, nounfugitive, adjectivegagging order, gag order, noungarnishee, verbgarnishee, noungeneral counsel, noungeneral practice, noungive, verbgrand jury, noungrantee, noungrantor, noungreen paper, noungross misconduct, ground rent, nounguarantee, verbguarantor, nounguaranty, nounguillotine, verbguilt, noungun control, nounhabeas corpus, nounHague Rules, nounhear, verbhearing, nounheir, nounheir apparent, nounhereafter, adverbhereditament, nounhereinafter, adverbhereof, adverbhereto, adverbheritable, adjectiveHigh Court, nounHighway Code, nounhirer, nounhuman right, nounimplied term, inadmissible, adjectiveinalienable, adjectiveincriminate, verbindemnify, verbindemnity, nounindict, verbindictable, adjectiveindictment, nounindustrial tribunal, nouninitiative, nouninjunction, nounin loco parentis, adverbinnocence, nouninnocent, adjectiveinoperative, adjectiveinquest, nouninsanity, nouninstruct, verbintellectual property, nounintent, nouninterdict, nouninterlocutory injunction, invoke, verbJane Doe, nounjob quota, joint and several liability, JP, nounjudge, nounjudge, verbjudicial, adjectivejuridical, adjectivejurisdiction, nounjurisprudence, nounjurist, nounjuror, nounjury, nounjury box, nounjury service, nounjustice, nounJustice of the Peace, nounjustifiable homicide, nounjuvenile, adjectivekangaroo court, nounKing's Counsel, nounlaw firm, nounlawyer, nounlease, nounleasehold, adjectiveleaseholder, nounlegatee, nounlegator, nounlessee, nounlessor, nounletters of administration, nounliable, adjectivelicensee, nounlien, nounlienee, nounlienor, nounlimited liability, nounliquidated damages, litigant, nounlitigate, verblitigation, nounlitigator, nounlitigious, adjectiveliving will, nounloophole, nounmagisterial, adjectivemagistracy, nounmagistrate, nounMagistrates' Court, nounmaintenance, nounmajority, nounmalfeasance, nounmalpractice, nounmarriage certificate, nounmarriage licence, nounmarriage lines, nounmaterial, adjectivematerial fact, nounmemorandum, nounmiscarriage of justice, nounmisdirect, verbmisfeasance, nounmisstatement, nounmistrial, nounM'lord, nounM'lud, nounmoiety, nounmonies, nounmoot court, nounmoratorium, nounmovable, nounno-fault, adjectivenolo contendere, nounnonfeasance, nounnon-negotiable, adjectivenotary, nounnuisance, nounnullify, verbnullity, nounoath, nounopen-and-shut case, nounopen verdict, nounoperative mistake, nounordinance, nounoriginating application, originating summons, outlaw, nounout-of-court settlement, nounoyez, interjectionpalimony, nounpanel, nounparalegal, nounpardon, verbpardon, nounparty, nounpass, verbpassage, nounpatent, nounpatent, adjectivepaternity, nounpaternity suit, nounpatrimony, nounpenal code, nounpenalty, nounperformance contract, perjury, nounpersonal injury, personal representative, personalty, nounpetition, nounpetition, verbpetitioner, nounplaintiff, nounplanning permission, nounplea bargaining, nounpleadings, nounpledgee, nounpolice, verbpositive discrimination, nounpower of attorney, nounprecedent, nounprejudice, verbpreservation order, nounpresume, verbprice-fixing, nounprima facie, adjectiveprimary residence, prime tenant, primogeniture, nounprivate law, nounprivileged, adjectiveprivity, nounprobate, nounprobate, verbprobation, nounprobationer, nounprobation officer, nounpro bono, adjectiveprocedural, adjectiveproceeding, nounproceedings, nounprohibit, verbprohibition, nounprohibitive, adjectivepromulgate, verbpronounce, verbproposition, nounproscribe, verbprosecute, verbprosecution, nounprosecutor, nounprotective custody, nounprove, verbprovision, nounprovisional licence, nounproximate cause, nounpublic defender, nounpublic prosecutor, nounpublic service vehicle, punishable, adjectiveQC, nounquarter sessions, nounquash, verbQueen's Counsel, nounreal property, nounrecess, nounrecess, verbrecognition, nounrecognizance, nounrecorder, nounreeve, nounregulation, nounremand, verbremand, nounrepeal, verbrescind, verbrespondent, nounrestoration, nounrestore, verbretainer, nounretrial, nounretroactive, adjectiveretrospective, adjectiveretry, verbreversion, nounrevocation, nounrevoke, verbRex, nounright of appeal, nounroad tax, nounroot of title, royalty payment, rule, verbruling, nounsaid, adjectivesalami slicing, nounSarbanes-Oxley Act, nounscheme of arrangement, nounsentence, nounsentence, verbsequester, verbsession, nounsettlement date, settlement terms, shall, modal verbshell company, sheriff, nounsheriff court, nounshow trial, nounsitting tenant, nounsmall claims court, nounsolicitor, nounsolicitor general, nounSOX, nounspecial licence, nounspecific performance, speed limit, nounstakeholder, nounstate attorney, nounstate court, nounstated case, statute, nounstatute law, nounstatute of limitations, nounstatutory, adjectivestatutory report, stay, nounstay of execution, nounstipendiary magistrate, nounstoppage in transit, nounsub judice, adverbsubmission, nounsuborn, verbsubpoena, nounsubpoena, verbsue, verbsuit, nounsumming up, nounsumming-up, nounsummons, nounsummons, verbSupreme Court, nounsurety, nounsuspended sentence, nounswear, verbtechnicality, nountenant at sufferance, nountenant at will, nountenant for years, nountenant in common, nountenure, nountestament, nountestator, nountest case, nountest certificate, nountestify, verbtestimony, nounthereinafter, adverbthird party, nounthrough, prepositionticket, nounticket, verbtitle, nountitle deed, nountitle holder, nountort, nountradename, nounTrading Standards, treasure trove, nountrespass, verbtrespass, nountrial, nountrust for sale, nounultra vires, adjectiveunderwriting power, undue influence, noununlicensed, adjectiveuphold, verbverdict, nounvindicate, verbvisa, nounvoucher, nounward, nounwarrant, nounwhereas, conjunctionwill, nounwill, verbwinding up, nounwitness, nounwitness, verbwitness box, nounwrit, nounwrongful termination,
 He made provisions for his wife and his children in his will.
 Farmers have been slow to make adequate provision for their retirement.
(=a rule or condition in it)· The provision in the European constitution that limited women's roles in the military was found to be discriminatory.
(=when you pay money regularly so that you will have a pension later)· They can't afford to make adequate pension provision for themselves.
· Under the terms of the treaty, the two sides agreed to a ceasefire.
· The most important benefits were adequate job provision, regular pay rises and state welfare services.· But state and local funds, like those of the charities, were simply not adequate for the provision of relief.· All major publicly-funded housing developments will make adequate provision for the less well off.· Peace of mind, adequate provision for family and friends, and the knowledge that one's wishes will be carried out.· Management considers that adequate provision has been made for any liability which may arise in respect of the years 1981 to 1983.· The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.· The Rules do contain adequate provisions for appeal by the person upon whom a notice is served.· There were four builders in the survey whose access to cheaper materials and adequate equipment allowed provision of buildings at reasonable cost.
· These statements specify the educational and other provisions that are necessary to meet the pupil's particular needs.· The consequence of all this is that there are considerable social pressures towards increased educational provision.· School closures have seriously affected educational provision.· Many hon. Members have spoken about the pressures on our social services and educational and housing provision.· Compact enhances educational provision in two ways.· Regional differences in educational provision are substantial.· Both therefore see special educational provision as having an essential role to play in bringing about changes in mainstream education.· This creates grounds for closure of the less popular school and thus reduces educational provision in the more deprived area.
· But while public provision does not preclude charitable giving, the existence of the profit motive in any service usually does.· By simply backing out of public provision, governments turn services over to the private market.· In these days of decline in public provision, these little posters are perhaps the best we can hope for.· On the contrary, as the pool of demand has declined, so rural public transport provision has been decimated.· The issue is presented as a conflict between the relative merits of private and public provision.· At the local level, there has been a considerable range of approaches to public transport provision.· Most people in Britain depend on public provision for health care and education.· Public transport services clearly have direct benefits to those who use them but there are additional benefits of public transport provision.
· In all these cases, the relevant legal provisions required there to be onward transmission of the documents to the defendant.· Using a vehicle in contravention of the relevant statutory provisions constitutes a criminal offence.· The relevant provisions are to be found in Order 62.
· For me, a key test will be how far the social provisions can be incorporated into the Maastricht agreement.· The hands-off policy was extended to the structure of citizen participation and the social targeting provisions.· The concern here is especially with social service provision, and the place of social work within it.· Since 1985-86 alone, total capital public expenditure on social housing provision has been £18.3 billion.· However, he insists on the pressing need for government to improve social welfare provision.· Meanwhile, tax revenue was sufficiently buoyant to sustain an expansion of social service provision.· Inequalities in social security provision Case A is an industrial injury claimant, first incapacitated under the age of 40.· The need to prepare the economies for unemployment and social security provision for the first time will be the important issues.
· Each zone typically includes a cluster of two or three secondary schools with their supporting primaries and special educational needs provision.· Arrangements will include a clearing house to help match staff with vacancies and special provisions for retraining.· The Open University runs courses with special provision for people who have impaired hearing.· If so, special provisions will need to be inserted in the agreement to regulate the arrangements between the investors.· The need for a special provision, its likely application, and the interests it would serve were all discussed.· No special tonal provision is made for the exit from scenes such as these.· No special provision was needed in weatherboarded timber-framed barns because the boards did not fit closely together.
· The specific provision at Southwark includes a basic education programme located on one particular housing estate.· Held, dismissing the appeal, the judge had not referred to any specific provision of the Code.· The Government attaches great importance to the training of food handlers and the new Food Safety Act contains specific provisions on this.· Various arguments have been put forward to suggest that specific statutory provisions have been entrenched.· The specific provision edged up from £551 million to £563 million.· There are specific legislative provisions which apply to fiscal valuations and which supplement case law.· The Act, as amended, makes specific provision for the making of back-up copies of computer programs.
· Revision of defective accounts Another innovation by the 1989 Act is the introduction of statutory provisions regarding the correction of defective accounts.· Against that general background I now consider the detailed statutory provisions relating to administrative receivers.· All subsequent references to the Act or to statutory provisions are to the Act of 1989 and its provisions unless otherwise stated.· It may however be useful to mention two important federal statutory provisions.· There are, after all, many aspects of the problem of old age that no formal statutory provision can deal with.
· Underlying this hostility was a profound belief in the ethical and moral superiority of collective welfare provision.· The welfare provisions, meanwhile, require states to put recipients to work and penalize those that fail to do so.· The government believes that the informal, voluntary and commercial sectors should substitute for the state in welfare provision.· However, he insists on the pressing need for government to improve social welfare provision.· Parliament will soon be asked to approve measures to reform education, health, the criminal justice system and welfare provision.· Claimants for social welfare provisions have not always been in a good position so far as procedural protection is concerned.· Wider coverage accounts for well over half of the increase in the proportion of output devoted to welfare provision during the 1960s.
· By containing such provisions in a Code, the Secretary of State has power to alter it or withdraw approval.· The Forbes flat-tax proposal, unlike others, contains all those provisions.· The Government attaches great importance to the training of food handlers and the new Food Safety Act contains specific provisions on this.· Legislative acts that levied taxes and defined benefits have never contained any provisions for investing in assets to provide future benefits.· The contract will contain provisions for the parties to co-operate in obtaining necessary consents from third parties.· D., said Senate Democrats would oppose the final measure if it contains the provision on students.· The Act contains detailed provisions of the minimum content of the contract of amalgamation.· Section 902 of the proposed reform Act contained a controversial provision.
· Service agreements sometimes include a provision entitling the company to dismiss in the event of long-term incapacity.· Senate attempts to include the provision failed three times last fall when supporters were unable to cut off debate.· Her determined campaigning for votes for women in the East End included the provision of welfare support for women and children.· It also includes other provisions to curtail the influence of money in politics.· The picture includes the provision made for amateur and professional, part-time and full-time church musicians.· The bill does not include a provision pushed by Democrats, principally by Rep.· They included provisions designed to prevent head-on collisions, like those at Bellgrove and later at Newton.· His contract will include provisions to protect the Rams financially and legally if he attacks some one off the field again.
· Indeed, we are the only party to have made the financial provision to ensure that that happens.· The best way to avoid message overloading is to provide separate areas for different programs and to make provisions for graceful failure.· Those with children have to make provision for those children while they are participating in a struggle for their own empowerment.· In future Castle will only make provision for amortisation of audio copyrights for permanent diminution in value.· However it only makes provision for criminal penalties, and not civil remedies.· Clause 94 and schedule 7 make provision for capping.· All major publicly-funded housing developments will make adequate provision for the less well off.
  • We had enough provisions for two weeks.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounproviderprovisionprovisionsverbprovideprovisionadjectiveprovisionaladverbprovisionally
1[countable usually singular, uncountable] when you provide something that someone needs now or in the futureprovision of the provision of childcare facilitiesprovision for provision for people with disabilities He made provisions for his wife and his children in his will.2provisions [plural] food, drink, and other supplies, especially for a journey:  We had enough provisions for two weeks.3[countable] a condition in an agreement or law:  The agreement includes a provision for each side to check the other side’s weapons.under the provisions of something Under the provisions of the Act, employers must supply safety equipment.
provision1 nounprovision2 verb
provisionprovision2 verb [transitive] formal Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyprovision
he, she, itprovisions
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyprovisioned
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave provisioned
he, she, ithas provisioned
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad provisioned
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill provision
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have provisioned
Continuous Form
PresentIam provisioning
he, she, itis provisioning
you, we, theyare provisioning
PastI, he, she, itwas provisioning
you, we, theywere provisioning
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been provisioning
he, she, ithas been provisioning
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been provisioning
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be provisioning
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been provisioning
word sets
abalone, nounacetic acid, nounadditive, nounaftertaste, nounà la carte, adjectiveal dente, adjectivealfresco, adjectiveambrosia, nounangelica, nounaniseed, nounantipasto, nounappetizer, nounarrowroot, nounbad, adjectivebaker, nounbaking powder, nounbaking soda, nounbanana split, nounbanger, nounbanquet, nounbanqueting hall, nounbarbie, nounbarley, nounbasil, nounbass, nounbatch, nounbay leaf, nounBBQ, nounbean, nounbean curd, nounbeansprout, nounbeef, nounbeefburger, nounbeefsteak, nounbeet, nounbell pepper, nounberry, nounbetel, nounbetel nut, nounbicarbonate of soda, nounbilberry, nounbill of fare, nounbinge, nounbinge, verbbistro, nounblackberry, nounblack-eyed bean, nounblack pepper, nounblack pudding, nounblend, verbblend, nounblueberry, nounboard, nounbolt, verbbone, verbbon vivant, nounbony, adjectivebox lunch, nounbramble, nounbran, nounbrandy butter, nounbrasserie, nounbrawn, nounbreakfast, nounbrisket, nounbroiler, nounbroiler chicken, nounbroth, nounbrown rice, nounbrunch, nounbubble gum, nounbuckwheat, nounbuffet, nounbun, nounbus, verbbusboy, nounbutcher, nounbutcher, verbbutchery, nounbuttercream, nounbutty, nouncafé, nouncafeteria, nouncaff, nouncaffeine, nouncake, nouncan, verbcandy, nouncanned, adjectivecapon, nouncapsicum, nouncaraway, nouncarbohydrate, nouncare package, nouncarvery, nouncassava, nouncater, verbcaterer, nouncatering, nouncatsup, nouncatwalk, nouncayenne pepper, nouncereal, nouncheese, nounchef, nouncherry tomato, nounchickpea, nounchilli, nounChinese, nounchip shop, nounchives, nounchocolate, nounchocolatey, adjectiveChristmas dinner, nounchuck steak, nouncitric acid, nouncitron, nounclotted cream, nounclub sandwich, nouncob, nouncobbler, nouncocoa, nouncocoa bean, nouncoconut milk, nouncoffee house, nouncoffee shop, nouncold cuts, nouncold storage, nouncold store, nouncommissary, nounconcentrate, nouncondensed milk, nouncondiment, nouncone, nounconfection, nounconfectioner, nounconfectioner's sugar, nounconfectionery, nounconserve, nouncontent, nouncontinental breakfast, nounconvenience food, nouncook-chill, adjectivecooker, nouncookie, nouncooking, nouncooking oil, nouncorn bread, nouncorn chip, nouncorncob, nouncorned beef, nouncornet, nouncornflakes, nouncornflour, nouncornmeal, nouncorn on the cob, nouncorn pone, nouncornstarch, nouncorn syrup, nouncottage cheese, nouncotton candy, nouncourgette, nouncourse, nouncover charge, nouncrab, nouncrab apple, nouncracker, nouncrackling, nouncranberry, nouncrayfish, nouncream, nouncream cheese, nouncream cracker, nouncreamer, nouncreamy, adjectivecress, nouncrisp, nouncrisp, adjectivecrispbread, nouncrispy, adjectivecroissant, nouncroquette, nouncrouton, nouncrumb, nouncrumpet, nouncrunchy, adjectivecrust, nouncrusty, adjectivecrystallized, adjectivecucumber, nouncud, nouncuisine, nouncupcake, nouncurd, nouncurdle, verbcurrant, nouncustard, nouncut, nouncutlet, noundainty, nounDanish pastry, noundate, noundefrost, verbdelicacy, noundemerara sugar, noundesiccated, adjectivedevilled, adjectivedevour, verbdiabetic, adjectivedigest, verbdigestible, adjectivedill, noundill pickle, noundine, verbdiner, noundining car, noundinner, noundinner dance, noundinner party, noundinner theater, noundinnertime, noundissolve, verbdoggy bag, noundoily, noundollop, noundough, noundown, verbdrain, verbdredge, verbdried, adjectivedried fruit, noundripping, noundrumstick, noundry goods, noundunk, verbEaster egg, nouneat, verbeatery, nouneating apple, nouneats, nounEccles cake, nounéclair, nounEdam, nounedible, adjectiveeel, nounegg, nouneggplant, nounegg roll, nounelevenses, nounendive, nounEnglish breakfast, nounEnglish muffin, nounentrée, nounepicure, nounescalope, nounevaporated milk, nounfast food, nounfeed, verbfeed, nounfeta cheese, nounfig, nounfilbert, nounfillet, verbfilling, adjectivefilling, nounfilo, nounflounder, nounfloury, adjectiveflyblown, adjectivefoil, nounfoodstuff, nounforage, nounfork, verbfortify, verbfreeze-dried, adjectiveFrench bean, nounFrench bread, nounFrench dressing, nounFrench fry, nounFrench loaf, nounFrench stick, nounfries, nounfromage frais, nounfrozen, adjectivefruit, nounfudge, nounfull-fat, adjectivegaram masala, noungarlic, noungarnish, noungarnish, verbgastronomic, adjectivegastronomy, noungel, verbginger, nounglass, nounglassware, noungolden raisin, noungoody, noungourmand, noungrain, nounGranary, adjectivegranulated, adjectivegreasy, adjectivegreasy spoon, noungreen, adjectivegrill, noungristle, noungrocer, nounground, adjectiveground beef, noungrub, noungruel, nounguava, noungum, noungumball, noungumbo, noungumdrop, nounhalal, adjectivehalibut, nounham, nounhamburger, nounhaunch, nounhead table, nounhealth food, nounheart, nounhearty, adjectiveheat, nounherb, nounhigh tea, nounhome economics, nounhot dish, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveiceman, nounindigestible, adjectiveindigestion, nouninedible, adjectiveinfected, adjectiveingest, verbinn, nouninsipid, adjectiveintake, nounirradiate, verbjellied, adjectivejoint, nounjuice, nounjuicy, adjectivejunk, nounjunk food, nounknuckle, nounkosher, adjectivelaxative, nounlean, adjectiveleavings, nounleg, nounlight, adjectiveliquorice, nounlive, adjectiveloaf, nounlocker, nounloin, nounlotus, nounlukewarm, adjectivelump, nounlunch, nounlunch, verblunchbox, nounlunch break, nounluncheon, nounlunch hour, nounlunchroom, nounlunchtime, nounluscious, adjectivemace, nounMadeira cake, nounmain course, nounmaitre d', nounmaize, nounmandarin, nounmandarin orange, nounmangetout, nounmango, nounmaple syrup, nounmargarine, nounmarge, nounmarmalade, nounmarrow, nounmarshmallow, nounMason jar, nounmasticate, verbmature, adjectivemature, verbmeal, nounmealie, nounmealtime, nounmealy, adjectivemeat, nounmeat-packing, nounmeaty, adjectivemellow, adjectivementhol, nounmentholated, adjectivemenu, nounmess, nounmess, verbmess hall, nounmilk chocolate, nounmillet, nounmince, nounmint, nounmocha, nounmolasses, nounmoreish, adjectivemorsel, nounmouldy, adjectivemouth, nounmouthful, nounMSG, nounmunch, verbmung bean, nounmush, nounmushroom, nounmustard, nounnibble, verbnibble, nounnosh, nounnourish, verbnourishment, nounnugget, nounnut, nounnutcracker, nounnutshell, nounnutty, adjectiveoatmeal, nounoats, nounoffal, nounokra, nounon, prepositiononion, nounorder, nounoregano, nounorganic, adjectiveoverindulge, verboxtail, nounpackaging, nounpacker, nounpap, nounparcel, nounpaste, nounpastille, nounpastry, nounpatisserie, nounpearl barley, nounpectin, nounpeel, verbpeel, nounpepper, nounpepper, verbpeppercorn, nounpeppermint, nounperishable, adjectivepetit four, nounpiccalilli, nounpicnic, nounpicnic, verbpie, nounpilaff, nounpilau, nounpimento, nounpinto bean, nounpit, nounpizza parlor, nounpizzeria, nounplain chocolate, nounplain flour, nounploughman's lunch, nounpoor boy, nounpork, nounpork pie, nounpork rinds, nounporridge, nounporterhouse steak, nounportion, nounpostprandial, adjectivepotato, nounpotato crisp, nounpotted, adjectivepoultry, nounpraline, nounprawn, nounprepacked, adjectivepreservative, nounpreserve, verbpreserve, nounpretzel, nounprovision, verbprune, nounpuff pastry, nounpumpernickel, nounpumpkin, nounpuree, verbquince, nounQuorn, nounrabbit, nounrancid, adjectiverare, adjectiveravenous, adjectiveraw, adjectivered meat, nounreheat, verbrennet, nounrepast, nounreplete, adjectiverestaurant, nounrestaurant car, nounrestaurateur, nounrib, nounrice, nounrigatoni, nounrind, nounripe, adjectiveroadhouse, nounrock, nounroe, nounroll, nounroot vegetable, nounrose hip, nounrusk, nounrutabaga, nounsaccharin, nounsalad cream, nounsalad dressing, nounsalami, nounsalmon, nounsalsa, nounsalt, verbsalt, adjectivesalty, adjectivesandwich, nounsardine, nounsassafras, nounsatisfying, adjectivesatsuma, nounsauerkraut, nounsausage, nounscallion, nounscampi, nounscone, nounscoop, nounScotch broth, nounscratchings, nounseafood, nounseasoned, adjectiveseed, verbsemolina, nounservery, nounservice charge, nounserving, nounset, adjectiveshallot, nounshellfish, nounsherbet, nounshish kebab, nounshortbread, nounshortcake, nounshortcrust pastry, nounshoulder, nounshrimp cocktail, nounside order, nounsillabub, nounsimnel cake, nounsingle cream, nounsirloin, nounsitting, nounskimmed milk, nounskin, nounskin, verbslaw, nounslice, nounsliced bread, nounsloe, nounsloppy joe, nounsmorgasbord, nounsnack bar, nounsnow pea, nounsoda fountain, nounsodium chloride, nounsoft fruit, nounsorghum, nounsoul food, nounsour, adjectivesour, verbsourdough, nounsoya, nounsoya bean, nounspearmint, nounspinach, nounsponge, nounsponge cake, nounsponge pudding, nounspoon, verbspoonful, nounspotted dick, nounspread, nounspring onion, nounspring roll, nounsprout, nounspud, nounsquash, nounsquid, nounstaple, nounstarfruit, nounstarter, nounsteak, nounsteakhouse, nounsteak tartare, nounstew, nounstick, nounStilton, nounstir-fry, verbstodge, nounstone-ground, adjectivestrawberry, nounstring bean, nounstringy, adjectivestrudel, nounsub, nounsucrose, nounsuet, nounsugar, nounsugar, verbsugar-coated, adjectivesugar cube, nounsugar lump, nounsugary, adjectivesultana, nounsun-dried, adjectivesup, verbsupper, nounsustenance, nounswallow, verbswallow, nounswede, nounsweetcorn, nounsweetened condensed milk, nounsweetener, nounsweetmeat, nounsweet pepper, nounsweet potato, nounsyrup, nounsyrupy, adjectivetable d'hôte, nountaco, nountaffy, nountainted, adjectivetakeaway, nountakeout, nountangerine, nountapas, nountapioca, nountaramasalata, nountariff, nountart, nountartare sauce, nountaste, verbtasteless, adjectivetaster, nountasting, nountater, nountattie, nounT-bone steak, nountea, nounteacake, nountender, adjectivetin, nountinned, adjectivetitbit, nountoffee apple, nountofu, nountomato, nountongue, nountop, nountopping, nountop round, nountopside, nountop table, nountortilla, nountough, adjectivetransport cafe, nountreacle, nountrifle, nountripe, nountrotter, nountruck stop, nountruffle, nountub, nountuna, nounturkey, nounTurkish delight, nounturnip, nounturnover, nountutti frutti, nounTV dinner, nounTVP, noununadulterated, adjectiveunleavened, adjectiveunpalatable, adjectivevacuum-packed, adjectivevanilla, nounveal, nounvegan, nounvegetable, nounvegetarian, nounvegetarianism, nounveggie, nounvenison, nounvictual, verbvictuals, nounvoracious, adjectivevoucher, nounwaiter, nounwaitress, nounwalnut, noun-ware, suffixwarmed-over, adjectivewedge, nounwell, nounwell-done, adjectivewell-fed, adjectivewet fish, nounwheat, nounwhite, nounwhite flour, nounwhite pepper, nounwhite sauce, nounwholefood, nounwholemeal, adjectivewhole wheat, adjectivewiener, nounwild rice, nounwishbone, nounwrap, nounyeast extract, nounyoghurt, nounyogurt, nounyolk, nounyule log, nounyummy, adjectivezucchini, nounzwieback, noun
 Farmers have been slow to make adequate provision for their retirement.
(=a rule or condition in it)· The provision in the European constitution that limited women's roles in the military was found to be discriminatory.
(=when you pay money regularly so that you will have a pension later)· They can't afford to make adequate pension provision for themselves.
· Under the terms of the treaty, the two sides agreed to a ceasefire.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounproviderprovisionprovisionsverbprovideprovisionadjectiveprovisionaladverbprovisionally
to provide someone or something with a lot of food and supplies, especially for a journey




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