1500-1600Late Latinpuritas ‘purity’, from Latinpurus; ➔ PURE
He remained a Scandinavian puritan, less humourous than Bergman, certainly more covert about sexuality generally.
He was neither a hypocrite nor a puritan.
It might be heresy to say this in a modern world, but the Profitboss is a puritan.
Of course I was not - at least I told myself I was not - a puritan.
She's hardly the type for an old puritan like you, Karelius.
The playboy and the puritan made an odd couple, but they could use each other.
1someone with strict moral views who thinks that pleasure is unnecessary and wrong2Puritan a member of a Protestant religious group in the 16th and 17th centuries, who wanted to make religion simpler—puritan adjective: the Puritan work ethic