energy► energy the physical and mental strength that allows you to do things: · Certain vitamins can give you more energy, if you're always feeling tired.· She's got tremendous energy and a huge capacity for hard work.· I don't have the time or the energy to go out in the evenings.
► vigour British /vigor American physical and mental energy, determination, and strength: with vigour: · His new job was certainly a challenge, but Edward tackled it with vigour and imagination.renewed/new vigour: · Holidays make it possible for you to return to your normal routine with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.
► get-up-and-go an energetic determination to get things done without delay: · Fred got the job because he seemed to have more get-up-and-go than the other applicants.get-up-and-go feeling/approach etc: · Golden Crunchies will help you start the day with that get-up-and-go feeling.
► vitality healthy energy and cheerfulness: · He was a small man with enormous vitality.· Gail was someone who needed the stimulus of a big city to maintain her mental vitality.