an exact description/translation/copy► accurate completely correct because all the details are true: · The witness tried to give an accurate description of what she had seen.· accurate financial forecasts
► exact an exact copy, model etc of something is like it in every possible way: · an exact replica of a 900-year-old Buddhist shrine· I can't remember her exact words, but this is the gist of what she said.exact likeness (=use this about a painting or drawing of someone that looks very much like that person): · It's not an exact likeness, but it's recognisable as my father.exact same spoken: · She's wearing the exact same dress I bought last week!
► literal a literal translation gives the exact meaning of a word, or each word in a sentence, instead of translating the word or whole sentence in a natural way: · The literal meaning of the Yiddish word 'mensch' is 'person'. · It's rare to use a literal translation of a film title when it is sold abroad.
► word for word if you repeat, copy, or translate something word for word , you use the exact words that are in it: · He asked me to repeat word for word the instructions he'd just given me.· The footnote gave a word for word translation of the quotation.
► faithful a faithful copy of something is as close as possible to the original: · His model cars are faithful copies of the originals.· This is a faithful interpretation of Shakespeare's original text.· a faithful reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon village
► strict exact and correct according to accepted rules or an accepted system: · Dates must be listed in strict chronological order.· Under a strict interpretation of the rules, she would be suspended.· In the strictest sense of the word, all popular fiction is 'romantic'.
► verbatim formal repeating the exact words that were spoken or written: · The government released a verbatim transcript of the pilot's last words.· He lifted passages almost verbatim from an earlier essay he had written.