making you feel sad► sad use this about a story, piece of music, period of time etc that makes you feel sad: sad time/day/moment/occasion etc: · The day her son left home was one of the saddest days of her life.sad news/story/song etc: · Fairuz sang a sad song that made us all feel homesick.· I don't like movies with sad is sad that: · It's very sad that she died before her children grew up.
► unhappy: unhappy childhood/marriage/year etc a time when you are unhappy because you are in a difficult or unpleasant situation: · Phil was married for three unhappy years.· Looking at that photo always bring back unhappy memories.· an unhappy love affair
► depressing a depressing experience, story, piece of news etc makes you feel that there is nothing to be happy about and not much hope for the future: · The Deerhunter was a very depressing movie about Vietnam.· It's such a depressing town - it's full of ugly, disused factories.· Listening to the news can be really depressing, when all you ever hear about is violence and crime.
► upsetting an upsetting experience or event makes you feel very sad and often shocked: · Seeing her lying there in a hospital bed was a very upsetting experience.· She can't talk about her son's death - she finds it too is upsetting to find/know/learn etc something: · It's very upsetting to arrive home and find that your house has been burgled.
► miserable a time that is miserable is one when you are extremely unhappy because you are in a very unpleasant situation: · Factory workers during the 18th century led miserable lives.· The journey home was miserable. Everyone was depressed about losing the game.
► heartbreaking/heart-rending a story, event, piece of news etc that is heartbreaking makes you feel extremely sad and sorry or extremely disappointed: · It's a heartbreaking moment when a great sportsman finally decides that it's time to quit.· The decision to kill the infected animals was a heart-rending one for is heartbreaking to see/learn etc something: · Having worked so hard to start the business, it would be heartbreaking to see it all collapse.
► dismal a dismal place, situation, or time makes you feel unhappy and not at all hopeful: · It was a grey, dismal November afternoon.· Melinda joined her husband in Moscow, but soon found life there bleak and dismal.· The profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29%.
► dreary a place, activity, or time that is dreary is not at all interesting or enjoyable and makes you feel unhappy: · This room is so dreary. How can we brighten it up?· a dreary winter's day· Cooking for one person can be a dreary business, as many elderly people find.
► bleak a place or situation that is bleak is one in which there is nothing to make you feel cheerful or hopeful about the future: · The wild landscape was bleak and bare.· He gazed around the empty, bleak little room in despair.· Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas.· The chief executive said that the company was looking at a bleak future.the outlook/prospect/future etc is bleak : · Prospects of success looked bleak as the opposition scored the first two goals.