As long as globalisation is synonymous with economic imperialism it is worthy of the most vociferous opposition.
Evelyn was just about the most self-deluded person she had ever met, a vociferous pseudo-feminist.
His approach has won keen admirers and vociferous detractors in the United States.
However, there is vociferous disagreement over how that investment might be made.
The most vociferous critic among this latter group was W.. Edwards Deming.
William Bennett, a former drug tsar, was a vociferous foe, as is Louis Sullivan, the health secretary.
(=one who publicly expresses very strong disagreement)· Many residents were vociferous opponents of the plan.
· Younger party members have been more vociferous in registering their dissatisfaction at the foot-dragging over the reforms begun in 1986.· Board meetings grew ever more vociferous and anguished.
· As long as globalisation is synonymous with economic imperialism it is worthy of the most vociferous opposition.· The most vociferous critic among this latter group was W.. Edwards Deming.· Mr Heseltine has been Mr Clarke's most vociferous supporter.· One of the most vociferous opponents to the Sainsbury's scheme is Eileen Halliday.· But he had skilfully pacified even the most vociferous of dissenters.
expressing your opinions loudly and strongly: a vociferous opponent of the planvociferous in The minority population became more vociferous in its demands.—vociferously adverb