Armed raiders have struck at least six times in the past year.
Detectives are hunting three masked raiders who they believe will stop at nothing.
Harry's great merit was that, once he had been given the ball, he was a speedy and direct raider.
It is a dark and brooding pine forest thick with raiders, bandits, and Chaos warbands.
Schoolboy James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.
This brings us to the raiders of 1009-12.
Throughout the centuries, the monks of Clonmacnoise had suffered from raiders sailing up the Shannon to plunder the monastic city.
· Long considered a small-time corporate raider, Bennett LeBow has become a big-time renegade in the tobacco industry.
· Time allowed 00:16 Read in studio Masked raiders have bound and gagged a shop manager before escaping with two thousand pounds cash.· Detectives are hunting three masked raiders who they believe will stop at nothing.· Building society cashier robbed by masked raiders.
someone who goes into a place and steals things: an armed raider Masked raiders carried out a bank robbery today.