Indeed we sometimes spend a lot of our waking hours making sure that everything is as secure as we can make it.
Initially it seems that every waking moment is filled with memories of the relationship that is lost.
(=all the time you are awake)· He spent every waking moment in the lab.
►a living/waking nightmare
(=something extremely bad that happens in your life)· Being told I had cancer was a waking nightmare.
· The child was insecure and frightened, unable to let go of Joan for one waking moment.· Initially it seems that every waking moment is filled with memories of the relationship that is lost.· Whenever you visit their place unexpectedly it looks as if they've spent every waking moment cleaning and polishing.
PHRASES FROM THE ENTRY►waking hours/life/day etc
Every second of his waking hours, he was watched.
He inhales desert lore and data all his waking hours.
Indeed we sometimes spend a lot of our waking hours making sure that everything is as secure as we can make it.
Real will is an attribute of consciousness, not of the sleep in which most people pass their waking lives.
She still wanted to look as she did in waking life, but there were improvements she could make.
Some people wrestle with their problems until the very last minutes of their waking hours.
The documentation that he signed said, observe this resident one on one during waking hours.
We were young and our waking hours were given to games.
waking hours/life/day etc all the time when you are awake: His face haunted her every waking moment!